/BLM: Black Mage is second only to Summoner in the Magic Points added from the subjob. A "blue jewel found at the bank of a certain river" refers to the Siren's Tear, which may be found just outside of Port Bastok in North Gustaberg. You can also get the useful spell Raise at Lv.50 and at the same time a free Auto-Regen, also saving Set Points and spell slots. The "golden sand found on a certain beach" is a pinch of Valkurm Sunsand which may be found at the crashed boat south of Selbina in Valkurm Dunes (it may also be purchased at the Auction House). I hope that the Artifact Armor quests expand on this, as the storyline pulled me abit farther into the world of Vana'diel. Experiment and enjoy the job for whatever it's worth to you! * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. If you have Beastmaster at a high enough level, its actually a potent support job even in party scenarios. Always be on the lookout for items that grant "Refresh". With a molasses-slow 90-second recast timer, you might as well wait the other half-minute and just combine it with Burst Affinity. Congratulations! Level 24 lets you set Soporific from Flytraps. Aside from that, this quest offers little danger. Go down to the third option labeled "Magic". It may be tempting just to grab the bare minimum and carry on, but you'd be surprised how even the most obscure spells may come into play eventually. A useful support job for a Blue Mage trying to learn spells. My malee as /nin can not be ignored with all hits, no misses and spells that never miss. /NIN for that, Birds will kill you so good otherwise, + there isn't usually a tank anyways, so hate isn't stable. and if you trick somebody, you might aswell have doomed them to death(the may always survive, but if they are a DD too, a 500-700 Disservement will surely nail hate on them for the whole fight, if they fight normally. Since your Chain Affinity is generally still cooling down when you are finally at 100% TP, you can convert some of that TP into enfeebles and cures. Cast: Instant The player controls a customized adventurer avatar as they explore the land and are caught up in an invasion by the hostile Garlean Empire and . By the time you get your three Lv.1 spells you'll likely be Lv.8 and be behind another ~6 spells. If you happen to be using a club, level 51 is about the time your skill should be high enough to use Skullbreaker. After this you've got some pretty significant levels ahead. Combining the Red Mage exclusive trait Fast Cast with spells like Head Butt and Bludgeon can actually completely eliminate the need for any survivability. The Blue Mage Hunting Grounds . Your Black Mages spells will be at half level and half skill, so for the most part, they aren't very useful. However, any change at any time will lock you out of using your spells for 60 seconds, so it's best to prepare them in advance. I believe that when SquareEnix said you needed to be able to earn Experience Points from a mob to learn an ability, they meant that the mob would have to give Experience Points if you were of the appropriate level. Accuracy Bonus is a nice bonus, giving yourself +10 accuracy from 20-59 and +22 accuracy from 60-75, but generally not good enough to be all that useful. It's got a high STR modifier contributing to heavy spike damage that can close a good skillchain and/or be combined with SATA. A little extra defense and whatever other bonuses they provide could be useful! Sprout smack for slow, battle dance for half to the attack onus helps by causing dex down, and you can use sandspin for accuracy down as well. Additionally, 70 is a big level for a few of your support jobs. Pro-Tip: Any amount of damage will be enough to feed a monster TP. You do not need over 1000 TP in order for it to take part in a skillchain either, meaning you can use it to follow your own weapon skill to skillchain all by yourself! One of the best support jobs in the game for any Blue Mage Lv.60 or higher. Both appear to be ranged attacks. At Lv.40, you get Clear Mind, alleviating the need to waste useful Set Points and spell slots for the same effect. Note that all of your "physical" blue magic spells are basically treated like weapon attacks, so Attack, Accuracy, Strength, and Dexterity are hugely important, in addition to specific modifiers unique to each spell. On top of this, Summoner also adds Clear Mind at Lv.30+. Since Blue Mage does not need a mage sub to cure itself, Corsair is a nice soloing sub. The B- in clubs is no laughing matter, either. Sadly the bonus is usually smaller than if you simply wore headgear that add directly to your offensive stats, and it's difficult to form macros around unless you tailor them to each individual opponent you fight. For Physical Blue Magic, macro in Strength and Dexterity. Assuming you have 0% QA, TA, and DA, that's a 50% increase in TP speed, but that's ignoring the higher delay that's hampering your attack speed. Curing spells such as Pollen will increase when a player's Mind stat is increased, while damage spells such as Sandspin will increase when a player gains more Intelligence. Say it with me now: Every race is equally capable at this job, and everything stated below is exaggerated! Name: Burst Affinity You're already fighting these enemies for the experience anyway, you might as well get this out of the way. But don't stress out if you don't have the money or inventory space for squeezing every bit from your equipment early on. If this isn't your first job to Lv.75, you might even have some merits stacked up already. In Mamool Ja, talk to Daswil. I felt that Ninja would be a nice subjob for Blue Mage because it feels like it goes well with the story (in my opinion). An important thing to note is that the traits you equip and the traits from your subjob don't stack, and will only provide you with the highest tier of the two. Each one of these NPCs will launch an attack at you. Target gains immunity to Death spells and effects. By level 75 you can also equip Temporal Shift (Phuabo) which is another spell that contributes 4 points, letting you replace the previously-required 18 set points with only 9. Unlike its binary choice in weapons, Blue Mage has an enormous selection when it comes to armor. I will do my best to keep up with the any new information that is found, but if I have not added it, feel free to inform me. Rate This Guide. However, if you really like the whole support role in the party, this may be a decent option. Subject gains Reraise, Float, and Haste status. You can even hit yourself with an Etude to enhance the potency of a particular spell, or lower the monsters resistance to a particular element with a Threnody, but with halved skill and no instrument, expect the enemy to resist it. The Blue Mage could use the ability all by himself at a small cost of magic. White Mage adds various Cure spells and ailment-removing spells, adding to Blue Mages versatility. It's a very noticeable bonus at these levels. Even though most of the subbed spells will be resisted, Stun will be able to land for a fraction of a second which can be used with Head Butt as a slightly longer, better stun. Cast: Instant They're good to have just as backup to swap in when things get troublesome. Burst Affinity is used to make your next Magical Blue Magic skill burstable. Just bear in mind that as you rest for HP and MP it will drain your TP, and switching weapons will immediately reduce your TP to zero! Your solo play is still plenty adequate, especially with trusts. You needn't wear the Magus Bazubands when the enemy uses the attack, but have a macro to swap them in just before the enemy is defeated. The concept is that you acquire blue magic spells via learning and then you can change battle strategies by picking and choosing spells within the blue magic spell points and set limitations. From the cousin of Merrows, the Lamiae, you may also learn Hysteric Barrage for this level. Don't worry, you'll be fine! While you miss out on an increased Magic Points pool, being able to give yourself or your party EXP Up is nice. The head piece sadly doesn't get as much use as one would hope. Dont forget that Cannonball is based almost entirely on the users defense, strength, and vitality; meaning if you use Defender before Cannonball, you can expect some a nice damage boost. This one affects your next "physical" spell, amplifying its ability modifiers and consuming all of your current TP to unleash it like a weapon skill. I recommend building a macro: (Chain Affinity) > Wait 2 > (Weapon Skill) > Wait 4 > (Spell). For only 3 set points it's the most potent targeted healing spell you can equip even at Lv.99. Next I did tests with Souleater, basing a work or not work on HP loss and damage. Unlike Blank Gaze, this one is dark elemental and affects all enemies in an area around you. With the one minute recast timer on Sneak Attack, Blue Mage will be able to take advantage of it whenever it is up. Some spells can only be learned via Totems, which you have to earn by hitting certain Blue Mage milestones. Choose Gaze Away and then wait three in-game days. Blue Mage has an A+ proficiency with one-handed swords and a B- with clubs. Recast: 0:02:00 Michael Higham, FEBRUARY 3, 2022 In Final Fantasy XIV, you have tanks to take the hits and healers to keep everyone alive. If you have good enough timing, Corsair can even be used to enhance the partys overall experience points gain at the end of a fight, then switch back to other buffs. Elemental Staves will also help Blue Magic. If you succeed, he will describe one of the following three items which you must bring to him. /PUP: The Automaton is nearly as strong as you are for the first couple of levels, and even up to level 10 will be a potent tank while you are soloing, thanks to certain Attachments - in particular, the Shock Absorber produces a 100HP Stoneskin for your Automaton at any level. OA2-4 Khadga has a 1.9~2.0 attacks/round average, we'll go with 2.0 because it's a prettier number. You'll even have to complete most of the Chains of Promathia storyline just to unlock some of the later spells such as Disseverment and Actinic Burst. /NIN: Many people are already seen Ninja as a viable subjob. How to unlock the Blue Mage in FFXIV To unlock the Blue Mage, you'll first need to complete two major milestones that shouldn't be a problem for veterans but will take a very long time for. Minimum level for Blue Mage to self-skillchain is 40 (The level they obtain Chain Affinity). With Addendum:White and Addendum:Black, Blue Mage gets a lot of other abilities otherwise exclusive to other magic users. At level 65 you can also equip the spell Zephyr Mantle for extra shadow protection. One game day must pass, and then trade Waoud the item. Paladin as a support job will enhance the Blue Mages defense and also add a little bit of curing to the mix. Even if you for some reason dont plan on using the Immortals Scimitar, you have to do this quest anyway to move onto your other AF in a few levels. Forbidden Art of the Immortal Lions: Contains a link to a chart made by Shuurai with various information on Blue Mage. You can also learn both Cocoon (Crawlers) and Metallic Body (Crabs) all in the same zone. By this point, your autoattack and weapon skill damage are likely starting to exceed anything you get from spamming spells. Blue Mage is 80% Malee, so use that. Pro-Tip: Monsters will always use their TP moves when they reach 1000 TP if their HP is less than 25%. Duration: 0:00:30 As of right now, little is know about Blue Mage and their skillchains. You won't be as accurate with one of these weapons, but in the right circumstances it could be a valuable asset. Going to each of them is pretty much the gist of this quest. If you want to tank in the earlier levels, youll have to sub Warrior. One thing this two-hour does is eliminate the "family" of each spell. Also with brutal earring an and haste gear and rajas, I build TP fast enough to vorpal blade for 400-600 before Chain Affinity is even back up, count in the better acc of the gear, dual wield 15% melee haste, 10% from refueling 5% for wahlran, 3% for dusk, 4% from swift, and 5% double attack from brutal, thats 38% more attacks, for 24 less str than a thf sub with far more acc, so hit rate is even better. From there, prepare your spells with the limitations provided that optimize your contribution to your team, including what spell effects, job traits, and stat bonuses you'll need from your spells. With that said, you wont even get any useful Black Magic spells. Nobody forces you to use CA when you are /THF in my experience even only using SA Dimensional Death (better damage than Death Scissors when no CA is involved) every min will more or less make you on par with /NIN. Once you have all of the effects you need, try to fill the rest of your Set Points with spells that form the second part of an unfinished Job Trait. If you come across one that doesn't work, please, place your explaination of the situation on the talk page. These stack very well with Sneak Attack and the Chain Affinity ability. Until then, please visit the. Blue Mages are capable of dealing heavy physical or magical damage, healing and support, debuffing, or tanking. We don't get Magic Fruit until all the way up at level 56, and subbing White Mage allows us to get access to better curing spells much, much earlier than through our main job alone. After the second time of talking to Waoud, go to each of the five main Staging Points. With a versatile and plentiful spellbook, it's a job that's less suited to party-based gameplay, and you can only play Blue Mage . All times are UTC. After activating it, your next "magical" blue magic spell is amplified and may be used to magic burst. I focused on /nin at first and that is actaully a strong part for the Blue Mage. These abilties can provide useful status effects and cause damage to help with your tanking. This is a huge milestone! Yeah i admit i loose a few stats there but i would not call it such a major down grade as the last 2 posters in this thread has painted it to be. Chances are it will have a ton of TP and you will be able to get it to use at least one attack. By setting Enervation (Trolls, Lv.67) and Asuran Claws (Gnolls) for a total of 7 points you add an interesting layer to your ability to tank. The main reason for the instant usefulness of this support job at 30 is because of Clear Mind. There's a lot of spells. It will be in your best interest to reach level 99 before you maximize every category, but it only takes 21 merit points to cap out your Blue Magic Skill (which is super important), another 21 for Sword Skill (which is also super important), and only up to 74 more to fill out your job-specific merit points. After finishing the An Empty Vessel quest, a Blue Mage (BLU) can employ the legendary arts of Aht Urhgan. As for everything else, this is only my experienceand opinion, everyone is allowed one, so i hope i'm too. All FFXI content and images 2002-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. On top of this, the useful Third Eye job trait can save you an attack if you do get enmity. It's not critical until you've got the gear for it, but once you start accessorising for it, you can keep yourself from running dry fairly reliably. Though certainly not as useful as a normal Puppetmaster, your automaton can also open skillchains for you. Enervation is a weak physical and magical defense down and Asuran Claws is a weak physical spell, so consider your set points. Like swords, clubs have a delightful array of choices in both the weapons you can use and in the weapon skills you may unleash. An often overlooked support job simply because you cant use a wyvern. ), Saline Coat (Xzomit - enormous reduction of magic damage that can be combined with Diffusion for your teammates), Temporal Shift (Hpemde - reliable area stun that also contributes to Attack Bonus), Exuviation (Wamoura - self-target Erase with a small HP recovery attached), Vertical Cleave (Euvhi - inexpensive heavy damage and can close a Darkness skillchain). The level 58 body piece is also top-notch. Depending on the mob, defense food may or may not be needed. Instead of Blue Mage gaining traits as they level, traits are gained when certain "Set Combos" are equipped. Also Elemental Seal is useful since it provides almost 100% accuracy on the next spell you cast. On top of this, White Mage adds a fair bit of MP into the mix. A knowledgeable and prepared BLU is the best substitute for a tank if one is not present or dies. Thatsaid, i would never, ever show up for a merit party as /THF. Group 2: This one's a bit more cut and dry. Gaining traits as they level, its actually a potent support job for it. Lot of other abilities otherwise exclusive to other Magic users or higher half-minute... Of Magic soloing sub Set Combos '' are equipped the Instant usefulness of this as. Cousin of Merrows, the Lamiae, you wont even get any useful Black Magic spells Lv.60 higher. Trait Fast cast with spells like Head Butt and Bludgeon can actually completely eliminate the `` ''... Focused on /nin at first and that is actaully a strong part for the Blue Mage traits! To earn by hitting certain Blue Mage is 80 % malee, so i hope 'm... Have just as backup to swap in when things get troublesome Magic macro... 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