Its not. Greetings from Prague & a computer question, Swimming with Tigers, a 2nd chance on the Chautauqua, a financial article gets it wrong and I'm off to Prague, Homeless, and a bit on the strategy of dollar cost averaging, Wild Turkeys, Motorcycles, Dining Room Sets & Greed, Roots v. Wings: considering home ownership, Meet Mr. Money Mustache, JD Roth, Cheryl Reed & me for a Chautauqua in Ecuador, High School Poetry, Carnival, cool ads and random pictures that caught my eye. I did?? Tanzania We choose to invest in stocks because, over time, stocks outperform everything else. Just do it. I thoroughly enjoy them. 10-year = 8.61% In it they share this cool calculator Historic Stock Market Returns and, figuring [Continue Reading], Yikes. They give you the best returns with, using an index fund like VTSAX, the lowest effort and cost. My neighbor have been doing this and currently have about 30 properties with about 20 ongoing mortgages in his and his wifes name since they are limited to 10 loans each. You are truly making a difference in peoples lives. My concerns are about the tax man when I retire or pass away so reading about it and listening to Ed Slott also. When you were jobless for 3 years did you sell shares or did you live off of cash? Chautauqua 2014 preview, closing up for travel and other random cool things that caught my eye of late. You are right. Not that I deserve it. Hit the link for VTSAX. Malachi linked me this. I've learned so much more from the book, but can't fit everything into one article. How to choose? Thanks for all of the information youve provided, especially in the comments section. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. My target is that my kids learn that financial independence is a more important target than what they do for their education. So, what does a month in Ecuador cost anyway? Diversification. If I put it in an IRA Im waiting till a specific age but that doesnt work for early retirement. I am a bit behind you since my oldest is 11, 2nd 9 and 3rd 7years, but with cub scouts they all have savings accounts and we (I try to expaln) these things, and they appear to be picking it up. Bank charges 0,015% per month for keeping the account and 0,35% for each operation. not so much. But you still had to give up that extra $500 paid to taxes each year no matter where it came from. Still, the moment I could, Id make the switch to Vanguard. Sometimes this will be higher, sometimes lower. I am glad you found your way over here and I am honored you find enough value in this post to print it out. yep, our conversations over lunch and dinner certainly helped forcus my thinking. I think I have almost read every one of your posts in the past fortnight. Nice blog just signed up on the mailing list. When I retire I will also have roughly 297,000 from an employer pension plan. I have $6k in an online savings account (Ally) and want to start investing immediately with Vanguards VTSMX. Hope they dont give you too much grief on the way out. Youre inspiring more folks like me than you can imagine. Thanks! A free trip to Hawaii! Definitely keep maxing out your PERS for the match and your Roth. But the truth is the truth. COVID-19: The unvarnished truth from Doc G. Mr. Bear, Podcasts, a good book and why I should be in 100% stocks, A Guided Meditation for When the Stock Market Is Dropping, 7 Days in Heaven: or Why Slowing Down Will Get You There Sooner, Stocks -- Part XXXV: Investing for Seven Generations, Chautauqua 2019 - UK & Portugal - Tickets Now Available, Car Talk: An update on Steve and looking at Leafs. After reading some of your blog posts Im second guessing myself if this is a good choice. I am not sure if I should put 40,000 in the VTSAX or if I should put 30,000 in the VTSAX and 10,000 in VBTLX. Sorry Im just getting started with this and have a lot to learn. The more money she gave them and the longer she waits to receive her monthly checks, the larger they will be. That for you to decide. Im not sure about the US but in the UK you can get 0% offers lasting as long as 41 months. We feel pretty good about that level but the 50% target is certainly food for thought. Buy/sell cost through my bank 0.11% Serbia It does get to the internal/external motivation issue. My parents taught me about saving money and my dad was/is a minimalist before it became trendy. Or even Vanguard? VTSAX typically pays a dividend of ~2%. Dame Joan Collins had a treat in store for fans this week. Many thanks for helpful advice. I have another question if you dont mind. Stocks -- Part VII: Can everyone really retire a millionaire? I have $17k in a taxable account with Vanguard, fully invested in VTSAX. This likely describes most people. Now shes in college and, home from one recent break, I brought it up again. Remember, this advice is for my 19-year-old daughter. 18,990 ratings1,665 reviews "In the dark, bewildering, trap-infested jungle of misinformation and opaque riddles that is the world of investment, JL Collins is the fatherly wizard on the side of the path, offering a simple map, warm words of encouragement and the tools to forge your way through with confidence. To fully answer would require an entire post, but in short I am not a fan of annuities, and it sounds like your mother doesnt really understand what she has in hers. Chautauqua 2015 Reviews, 2016 registration open, Case Study #15: The Scavenger Life -- Freedom first, then Financial Independence, 3rd Annual (2015) Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2016, Personal Capital; and how to unload your unwanted stocks and funds, Stockchoker: A look back at what your investment might have been, Case Study #14: To Dream the Impossible Dream (and then realize it), Gone for Summer, an important note on comments and random cool stuff that caught my eye, Stocks Part VIII: The 401(k), 403(b), TSP, IRA & Roth Buckets, Stocks -- Part XXVIII: Debt - The Unacceptable Burden, Case Study #12: Escaping a soul-crushing job before you're 70, Case Study #11: John, a small business owner in transition, Trish and Stan take an Intrepid Sailing Voyage, 2014 Annual Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2015, Chautauqua February 7-14, 2015: Escape from Winter, Stocks -- Part XXVII: Why I Dont Like Dollar Cost Averaging, Jack Bogle and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I have what I hope is a simple question: Im 25, in a low tax bracket, aiming for early retirement hopefully by 40. Also, if you havent signed up for the newsletter, youre missing out [Continue Reading], Writer. COVID-19: The unvarnished truth from Doc G. Mr. Bear, Podcasts, a good book and why I should be in 100% stocks, A Guided Meditation for When the Stock Market Is Dropping, 7 Days in Heaven: or Why Slowing Down Will Get You There Sooner, Stocks -- Part XXXV: Investing for Seven Generations, Chautauqua 2019 - UK & Portugal - Tickets Now Available, Financial Independence Case Study: How to Reach FI in Your 30s, Car Talk: An update on Steve and looking at Leafs. I am excited to read your stocks series to learn more. Im wondering what you would suggest for a guy at age 67. 50% is good. I hope that she learned from you even as she was expressing frustration. And that leads me to be concerned she was probably sold on it by someone who made a very handsome commission at her expense. The only other thing I did differently is changing all the accounts in which I am actively contributing to each month in Vanguard to 100% VTSAX; even with fiddling all the transactions over the last year, still made a 15% return on the investments. "In the dark, bewildering, trap-infested jungle of misinformation and opaque riddles that is the world of investment, JL Collins is the fatherly wizard on the side of the path, offering a simple map, warm words of encouragement and the tools to forge your way through with confidence. It gives me hope that I can influence my quality of life with the decision to invest. 3)Max out wifes VTSAX roth IRA, 4a )Max out the 401k for tax benefits Addendum 2:What if you cant buy VTSAX? Should I max out my 401k each year, and then contribute the remaining funds to VTSAX? In "The Simple Path to Wealth," Collins highlights the importance of what he calls "F-you money," which he describes as enough money to be completely free of the demands of others. Still it surprises me. United Kingdom He is an inspiration to those in the FIRE community and has made a meaningful impact on thousands of people with his investing philosophy. glad you liked it and thanks to Malachi for linking you in. Love the blog, agree with everything. They, too, are wrong. Only you can answer the question as to whether you can handle that. Thanks for the comments. Go Roth. I doubt they will directly go after Roths, simply because too many voters have them now and politicians are loath to take things away from those who vote. He's also the author of the famed Stock series, and the even more well-known book called The Simple Path To Wealth. He cant handle much. And so, I got Jessica. Both, actually. glad you like it! He wasn't working at the time and told her that they were doing just fine as they had money that was working for them instead. Ive continued to save my money but had I just held it in there instead of wasting my time reading so much conflicting, pointless information and trying to find the best I would have nearly triple what I have now. I was wondering what your opinion would be on me opening a Vanguard account vs staying with Fidelity (I only have a small brokerage account and an HSA account with under $500 currently). The other firms use these funds as loss-leaders hoping to lure you into their more expensive and (for them) more profitable offerings. For that last one I sometimes get credit. Is there an interior designer in the house? If we use this calculator:, and we assume an 8% annual return over the 40 years until you are 65, that comes to Stocks -- Part XXIV: RMDs, the ugly surprise at the end of the tax-deferred rainbow, Summer travels, writing, reading and other amusements, Stocks -- Part XXIII: Selecting your asset allocation, Stocks -- Part XXII: Stepping away from REITs. Its best to take action based on what we know now. Worry about that 40 years from now. Financial regulation is something automatically appealing to many people. Along these lines you might be interested in my conversation with Lisa P above. I picked up a job my freshman year and have kept it since. I have enjoyed reading your blog for some time now and your posts are always the bright spot in my RSS. "JL Collins is a masterful writer, storyteller, and financial educator. That would be the Vanguard FTSE All-World ETF at 0.22% TER (exchange ticker VWRL). Each time people will panic. I have not been newly invested in the stock market in the past, predominantly in real estate, and the stock market investments which I made with a broker (a member in the family) only lost me money. Am I missing something? I see in the comments that you will be encouraging your daughter to start contributing into a Roth IRA, so Im guessing thats what I will want to do as well. Travels in South America: It was the best of times. Yellow Fever, closing up shop for the summer and heading to Peru y Bolivia. Your word of advice would really get me going and boost my efforts. Speaker. Or is this getting ahead of myself? Personally, I wouldnt want my money tied to any one company, even a strong one. I ALSO have a few stocks (~$2200) from a regular taxable account, but after reading your thoughtsit sounds like maybe I should sell those stocks and either pump up my savings, eff you money, or something else. The JLCollinsNH Stock Series | Part 1 ChooseFI 35.1K subscribers Subscribe 1.5K 110K views 4 years ago ChooseFI Monday Episodes (Video Podcast) JL collins from jlcollinsnh joins Jonathan &. Always good to hear people are finding this place useful! I want to be able to do your Step 8living off of dividends (eventually). Id recommend Ramit Sethis book, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, and combine the knowledge in there with the simple rules youve stated above. I did abit more research and see that the Vanguard Life Strategy comes a close second to the Vanguard VTSAX and is available in the UK. My question is, I want to semi-retire in about 20 years. If we keep our eyes open, our children will amaze us. Now you need to continue on and read the Stock Series here. I would disagree, strenuously, with all those points. So why not suggest diversification into various vehicles. The data are clear that most people, even when exposed to lifestyles and conversations about money management, fail to be wise with money until after they have experienced significant pain and come to the lesson the hard/long way. We included his comment at the end of this post in our most recent newsletter and figured it would be helpful for the community to resurface this post. Rent v. owning: A couple of case studies in Ecuador. As promised, Im here to update you on my progress to the FU money over the last year. 7) Realize the market and the value of your shares will sometimes drop dramatically. I have a suggestion for a title such as the story of the prodigal daughter or something to that extent. That said, by default the money we are now using has been invested in the same funds as the rest of our money: Once it is in the IRA you might consider the strategies discussed in this great article: I have since learned differently. When they are about five years out from college, Id start shifting the money youll need to cash. For me, "The Simple Path to Wealth" has demystified the purpose and process of building wealth in America. I sent it on to my three boys.they also have heard much of the same advice all their lives, and thank you for putting it in a nice, numbered, detailed format! Did I authorize this? If I am going to eventually live off of withdrawals from the VTSAX account, would this eventually deplete it, and then Id need to transition to living off of 401k? Appreciate your blog and just ordered your book. We have our health care thru her work. You dont want to run with this crowd. More people should have this kind of mess to work with. Hi! Vanguard Index International Shares Fund: And I think its coming. You can eat my Vindaloo, mega lottery, Blondie, Noa, Israel Kamakawiwo 'Ole, art, film and a ride on the Space Shuttle. Thank you for all the time and effort youve put in translating these concepts into an easily understandable fashion! Fiscally irresponsible people have squandered their money and will happily squander yours. A quick question if you have time is I am a Canadian and wondering if Vanguard would still be recommended for me and if they have VTSAX for us (sorry if this is a stupid question). Stocks -- Part XXIV: RMDs, the ugly surprise at the end of the tax-deferred rainbow, Summer travels, writing, reading and other amusements, Stocks -- Part XXIII: Selecting your asset allocation, Stocks -- Part XXII: Stepping away from REITs. For my long-term investing (30 years) I plan to invest $6000 in VTI now, and add $500-$1000 each month. What are your thoughts on hedged vs. unhedged for overseas readers? well written and an important perspective. Im curious, why The Prodigal Daughter? People forget that stocks are not just pieces of paper traded. Ive been taught that I need to save my whole life. If so, you have to consider the impact of capital gains if any. What do you think? Not the money it earns, but whatever you put in. Notice what you are not doing: 1)Avoid fiscally irresponsible people. Inflation will erode the purchasing power of her monthly checks unless her payments are indexed to inflation. When the time comes to live off your investments, the time also comes to accept that the 5 and 10 year average returns can a do easily underperform. [Continue Reading], Filed Under: Education, Guest Posts, Stuff I recommend, Last time I shared with you a story from my new book Pathfinders from a reader in Ukraine, Roman Koshovskyi, titled Staying the Course in War-Time. "In the dark, bewildering, trap-infested jungle of misinformation and opaque riddles that is the world of investment, JL Collins is the fatherly wizard on the side of the path, offering a simple map, warm words of encouragement and the tools to forge your way through with confidence. Seek advice cautiously and never give up control. I appreciate money. That is five years before their freshman year pull the money needed for that year and keep it in cash. You might decide to continue. 13:47-17:46 Great things take timethree years to be exact. They then set the payouts accordingly and low enough that they are left with handsome profits and plenty of money to pay those who live for an exceptionally long time. JL Collins and the position of F-you (WARNING EXPLICIT) This video is all the more hilarious because in real life JL is kind of the total opposite of this character. with a Roth $500 goes to pay the tax and only $4500 goes in the Roth. Chautauqua 2014 preview, closing up for travel and other random cool things that caught my eye of late. Thanks for spending some time on my blog today and commenting on some of my older posts! Is it something I should ignore and go on and buy or am I missing a trick? and Dr. Ive sat hesitant with $120k in a high interest savings account unable to pull the trigger on anything due to constantly researching conflicting opinions from researches, investors and gurus. I also have some individual stocks my parents bought in my name years ago that are doing well. Finally, remember this is for my 19-year-old and other young folks with decades ahead of them. Glad you are enjoying it around here. Unimportant: Market Crashes. 4) Save a portion of every dollar you get. Lily moved with her mother to LA at the age of five, after her parents split up. Of course, you dont want to do this just to enter a contest. Tricky. Stocks Part XIV: Deflation, the ugly escort of Depressions. At 24 this has worked wonderfully for my net worth and allowed me the freedom to have just enough FU money to keep from feeling trapped. Unfortunately, her amazing spirit and well developed moral compass is not appreciated by her kindergarten teacher. Thank you for sharing the simple version of your philosophy; Ill be sharing this with young relatives. I cant wait to hear your theory on hunters and gatherers. Id eager to get started so Im tempted to just go ahead with the VTSMX, but I dont want Uncle Sam taxing the dividends if its not in an IRA. Im the same age as your daughter. 4:21-6:09 The philosophy of financial independence. I have a fairly new business that is making a fair profit and I plan on investing most of what the business brings in until I cant work or decide I dont want to. Help me get my FU Money! Since then other indexes have been created, like the S&P 500. Repost it here: Nightmare on Wall Street: Will the Blood Bath Continue? This means that Vanguard's interests are directly aligned with the interests of its investors. Thank you for taking the time to inform others. Turkey If it would be easy for you to return to work or pick up part time gigs, you might be more aggressive. The same portfolio can be had in an Investor Shares version VTSMX with a $3000 minimum. Earning $90k per year and saving 80% or $72k per year implies that this persons spending needs are only $18k per year. How I learned to stop worrying about the Fiscal Cliff and you can too. As I grow; as I watch my daughter and son grow; as I remember the few, calmly stated facts my father has expressed to me, and by my mother, in her way; as I listen to my wife; and as I read your most excellent blog: you have explained mastery of money sure is important if only to make sure we leave someone behind, someone made in our own image, to continue the good things we strive for thats what its finally all about, right? My personal allocation these days is 50% stock, 25% bonds and 25% REITS. That said I probably wont plummet it all into an index fund on the one day, purely just for that warm fuzzy feeling, but I suspect that we will drop a fair chunk in on say 4 days over the course of a month or so. Mali My dads been retired since 2005 and my mom has a few more years to go, since Im still in college and my older sister is in law school. Have a great day! And, those years correspond to when their peers have little money as well. Quick question in calculating savings rate do you use gross or net income as the denominator? 6:10-10:03 J.L.'s sudden rise to fame. Without understanding the thinking behind investing in VTSAX and/or VBTLX (or anything else) you very likely wont be able to stay the course and the markets first drop will have you fleeing for the exits. You should put up a PayPal donate button! Id like to roll it over, but what do I roll it over to? A regular IRA wouldnt help in this regard. Stocks -- Part XVI: Index Funds are really just for lazy people, right? But we can speculate on what might happen forever. Dont bother. J L Collins The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life Kindle Edition by JL Collins (Author), Mr. Money Mustache (Foreword) Format: Kindle Edition 11,991 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $8.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial Great on Kindle First that is some serious badassity, to steal a phrase from my pal MMM, living on 10k per year. Nothing like the FDIC for banks. Looking at The more-significant distinction between what JL Collins suggests in that book vs. the asset allocation many here use & recommend is the inclusion of international stocks, and gradually ramping up bond holdings prior to retirement. I started her early. So annuities are a way to provide an income stream. Thanks for the prompt response, Jim. Your plan administrator or HR department should be able to help with this. renting is damn near always the better fiscal choice, very worst characteristics of an investment, your shares will sometimes drop dramatically, (We do things a bit, but not much, differently, putting-the-simple-path-to-wealth-into-action. What am I missing? Can I do that if everything is in my Roth? I know youve discussed this stuff before, but Im getting a little confused about the levels of investing. Once he starts working, fund a Roth IRA for him in his name. At the end of the year if they have done this each month, another $1200 will be added. . I understand your point about buying more shares during the crash, but wondering what your approach is in the opposite situation. We are also in the process of educating our daughter on finances. Thank you so much for putting an important issue into simple terms for simple folks like me. 5. Or even Vanguard? Of course, youll also want to be sure to keep some emergency cash. Factor in inflation, and it probably actually comes to around 7% or so, but now thats sounding just as good, if not better, for a safe, simple way to build some wealth. Heres my take on international investing: Post a comment over on Joshuas post and let him know. Theyll be screaming Sell, Sell, Sell. I believe parents can do things to antagonize or disrupt a well-regulated child through all types of chaos. Before you answer, heres some more info. I have a 1-year old nephew and Id love to start an investment account for him. I hope this email finds you well. The Richest Man in Babylon. Checking account. I remember my first job when they offered me $$s to invest at 22 to be able to spend them at 59 1/2. I have tremendous respect for the courage it took walk that path. Hi there great article! Upon my release I had to hitch-hike back. But it takes a bit of extra effort. I understand IRAs but not so much Investments. Aussies have found their way there too. We could live on that alone if need be. with a regular IRA all $5000 goes in. For a nice comparison between this and the 529 go to understand the risks as well as the rewards of leverage, which is what makes it powerful. I guess I just dont fully understand how that works. Understand those events are normal and to be expected, ignore the panic from the media experts, and stay the course. Congo Kinshasa Clear, concise, and convincing. Major league, big-time kudos! Some years in that 40 year span your investments will take a 40%+ hit. They could rewrite the law and tax it after all. thank you some much Mr. Collins. It is great that you are seeking information so your decisions will be informed ones. . Many thanks. Well played! This information is exactly for which I have been searching for years! ( using the 4% rule ). So, this is not a gospel, but a guideline. After spending months sifting through so much information regarding investing and opinions Ive decided its now enough. I was going to open a Roth IRA through Vanguard and start from there, but my concern is the short-term parking of my money when I move out or have a spouse within the next 5 years. Should I invest on other index funds to break down my portfolio? The 1.68% is the dividend yield on VTSAX at the time I wrote this post. Heres the return on VTSAX in context: 3-year = 23.07% They told me I could get loans or get scholarships to make up the difference. Great blog! Ideally, we are passing on fiscal lessons that will make them mature enough at those ages to take control of those accounts, but that remains to be seen. Thanks for pointing me to this. Cuba (Legally Graduate School Studies) I also save a few hundreds a month ($700) for them but right now just sit in the saving account, around 20K cash., And before you get too hung up on dividends, read this: This is to hedge your volatility, so the amount depends on both your age and your tolerance for risk. Mortgage, condo fees and insurance. Yes, I always reinvested dividends in the wealth accumulation stage. SWTSX is Schwabs total stock market index fund. Time Machine and the future returns for stocks, Kibanda: Mr. Anti-house buys his dream house. Stocks are, over time, a fine inflation hedge. I dont have a 401(k) or HSA and dont foresee getting either at least in the next year, but I can continue to save some money now. We are looking to create a better strategy for low cost, tax advantaged, long-term growth for the money they do not even know they have. Niger Combine that with the fact that all of the plans are expensive mutual funds, everything Im learning to avoid, Im hesitant to contribute at all. A final thought: With your income, savings rate, single status and investment plan I doubt it will take you 15 years to reach your goal. Fund your Roth first and then your taxable account. I agree with your statement that you and all the people who pursue early financial independence are aberrations. People all around you will panic. Thanks! Tearing down those barriers of complexity are key for getting people to do the basics, from which most of the value is earned. . 3rd for any investable money left, back to the 401k. Nicarugua And buy or am I missing a trick IRA all $ 5000 goes in the past fortnight of! Shares or did jl collins daughter sell shares or did you live off of cash if they have done this each,... Then other indexes have been searching for years doing well daughter or something to that extent prodigal or! 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