If you like aromatics you will LOVE this. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. First is the flavor that didn't agree with my palate. Bag 8 oz. Whether everyday or change of pace, you won't be disappointed. Legend has it that if you have some non-aromatic mixture you hate, you can mix it with 1-Q and viola, it is fantastic (unconfirmed). It burned well all the way to the bottom without gurgle. Simple, satisfying, consistant. Maybe my tastes have changed but it was hard to find anything good about this tobacco. Tobacco is a bit wet to start with but what can you expect from a Cavendish blend like this? This so far after smoking several other blends I have found for my Virgin palette, this is to me the easiest smoking pipe tobacco yet. Brand: Lane Limited Model: BCA Tobacco Type: Cavendish Cut: Loose Cut Blend Type: Aromatic Strength: 2 of 5 Taste: Mild Room Note: Very Pleasant I bought a one ounce sample packet of this & I'm sure most of you are aware that this is now available in fifty gram tins. Love it. This one will always get compliments. Mild Sweet taste. I tried this and couldn't believe the wonderful and distinctive vanilla flavor and how well this smokes. I recomand for everyo ne who likes strong taste very aromatic you must try this!!! This is NOT fire cured, but flue cured. Beyond that, different tastes will spring up from time to time. I've tried different bulk blends.. Burns slow with NO tongue bite, even if you smoke a hot pipe. Ive had a tin sitting around for some time. It consists of a fire-cured Green River Burley, which is then gently steamed to achieve its pure black color and gentle burn. I also like the way they color with BCA. But it's so subtle. I usually char this one 2 (sometimes 3 for a large bowl) times before lighting for realtake care to pull that flame all the way through the bowl--it'll be worth it later. Dry it out for Pete's sake! Featuring a wide range of the best Aromatic, English and Virginia/ Perique blends on the planet, this popular smoke is a must in all specialty tobacco stores. I worked for TB for 15 yrs, it's a very light tobacco, that for me burns to a clean light gray ash, good as any English blend. Well, whatever it is, this one works as attested by time and popularity. Learn to pack well and it will not bite or burn fast. (he,he), Did alot of reviews on BCs, this is a fine smoke for blending, not bad, not horrible, yea, try it, its pleasent alone, brightens up some blends. I don't know what BCA is. Room Note = 8; So, for anybody that wants to try a really cool aromatic, new smokers, or those that are looking for a change of pace or a great after dinner desert tobacco, I highly recommend this blend. Ordered 4 ounces of this and 1Q not too long ago from pipesandcigars.com. Very smooth with a soft and pleasant room note. I've found dedicating a pipe to this blend (or a pipe to heavier aromatics) works best. I can only imagine the recipe, 1 part tobacco, to 15 parts sludgy stuff. The room note is excellent. This Cavendish tobacco has vanilla flavor added, which brings out that sweetness we all love. BCA doesn't bite in the least & is not harsh but did have a slight bitterness only during the charring light. Does produce a lot of smoke but not very exciting on the aroma or flavor end of it. I mix this and 1Q 50/50 and jar it. For an all-day smoke, I prefer an aromatic, and I smoke 1Q on a daily basis, but I mix in a hefty portion of Lane's BCA and Burley Lite. Start out with premium aged leaf and flavoring, Aim for a 4 plus rating. I tend to prefer aromatics that are made with Burley, Virginia and brown Cavendish or a combination thereof. Benefits from a little dry time. Got an ounce at my local B&M, and fired it up in the parking lot. But, when I am in the mood for a sweet one, this is my go-to. Wonderful aroma for those around the smoker, but more importantly a truly rich and flavorful experience for the smoker. The Black Cavendish blend is well over the top though. So this got my attention. BCA or Bobs Blend is a good smoke. Smoked straight, It has always burned very clean. If you like capt. Definitely some moisture even from that. I'm always on the lookout for a better vanilla and this one fell someplace in the middle. BCA is like comfort food. It's smooth on the tongue and the Vanilla that Lane uses always has that nutmeg or cinnamon nuance to it that I appreciate. give it a try it just might be your all day smoke.let me know.p.smoker, update:january 2011just when i thought this tobacco could not get any better! You won't be disappointed. This is one of my "go to" aromatics when I just can't take another VaPer or English. But I do like it by itself. I smoked this with friends who are cigar smokers and usually stay far away when I am smoking my Latakia English blends, this one they loved. A unique smoke. There are notes of vanilla, caramel, and perhaps baked goods. Mild, Mild, Mild. I am in my mid 80's and I want to take a package or 2 with me in case they do not have any good tobacco at my final resting place. This is not a complex or dynamic tobacco, rather the contrary, it is a soloist that is normally heard with a full orchestra (1Q, HGL, RLP-6) and you finally get to to hear them play on their own-simply stunning. He never minds being interrupted. I also use BCA in some of my own blends. For the moments where the smoke needs to stay in the background. Right off the bat I detect grass notes and the vanilla. A good start for this rainy afternoon in Switzerland. of this tuff in a jar for a little over a year and it seems to mellow in taste, while the tobacco itself is a bit stiffer. But I also taste the chemicals in 1Q, BCA, RLP-6, and can't abide any of them, either. I suppose if BCA were to suddenly disappear from the market, I would have to find a suitable substitute but I'm not really sure there is one out there as good. Pouch Note = 8; Lane Limited BCA (Black Cavendish) has been the best-selling Black Cavendish in the United States for decades. If you are tired of the overpriced pouch tobaccos, this can be had at most tobacconists in bulk. . As far as sweet black cavendish tobacco goes, this is the best. It's a light, tasty smoke that doesn't overwhelm me with flavor and isn't too hard to keep lit. If you receive this confirmation repeatedly, you will need to enable cookies so that your response can be saved. This is my "go to" aromatic blend. Finally tried BCA by its self. This is a lasting favorite. Pipe Collecting | Policy | Terms For us neophytes on the forum, can you define these blends for us? Everyone at some point needs to try this out. Questions, or to order by phone: 888-689-6876 Shopping Options No filters applied Brand Lane Limited (1) I give this a solid 4 stars. It is the #! Burns fine. Burns cool, clean and a little slow with a deeply sweet, smooth, mildly creamy consistent flavor that never weakens. It's a good smoke, and if it dries out I'm not out much. candle wax, plastic taste when you smoke it like many other of its peers. Has kinda got a smoky undercurrent to it. Rated Percentage = 77%; . Received 3 more samples from P&C today, but wanted to try the BCA first, merely based on the many very favorable reviews. I am very excited over BCA and plan on buying much more of it. Moisture content is not too wet, about right. There was no bite just cool and flavorful smoke . I have found other black Cavendish blends that are so sticky from the casings that the tobacco sticks to my fingers when I fill my pipe!! Both tobaccos are produced by Scandinavian Tobacco Group. If you enjoy a bland, almost flavorless smoke that smells wonderfully good, this is for you. It's cooler than PA, which I love a lot with my morning coffee. Fabulous room notes, sweet flavors, easy to smoke, and best enjoyed smoked very slowly, as all pipe tobaccos should be. Ive really been wanting to find an aromatic I could enjoy on occasion but its just not in the cards. The gold standard that all black cav competitors try to emulate. Is cheap. I would never smoke anything like this by itself. The flavour is somewhat reminiscent of Samuel Gawith's "Firedance Flake" in that I note slightly soapy, fruity, and perhaps some vanilla elements. The tobacco itself isn't overly strong, nor are the added top flavorings. BCA is what all other vanilla Cavendish's ought to be. Not my favorite ever as McClellands VBC has tons and tons more flavor with less PG. Great black Cav. My favorite vanilla. I think they're made by the same company. I'm a Scotch & Whiskey drinker and this works well with both. The room note is pleasing to all but the most virulent non-smoker. Glad I tried it. I've given this blend its own pipe, an old Leonessa Capri, a "beater," and, since I only smoke it every once in awhile, the pipe stays relatively clean. This is great for a beginner looking for strong flavor feedback with little effort. It looks and tastes different. It adds just a little "something" in smaller proportions, namely a sweetness, and can help mellow out a Latakia-rich blend like a charm. A little harder to light than usual, but not difficult by any means. In combo with the 1Q, it's a real treat! BCA has changed a bit, it's flavor is not primarily vanilla anymore. If you enjoy aromatics this is a must have for your rotation or as your all day smoke. It seems that adding morethen 20 25% of another tobacco takes away from the BCA portion to much atleast to me. This is the perfect blend for beggining smokers to start out with and a nice mild smoke for experienced pipers when in the mood for something cool and mild. In the world of aromatics, you will not find a better blend than Lane 1Q+BCA, IMHO. The plastic baggie is a little thicker and keeps the tobacco In closing: BCA is in my humble opinion one of the best aromatic blends ever created. When I purchased my first pipe a bit ago, I purchased a few bulk tobaccos (this being one of them) as well as a few blends from Cornell And Diehl. Good with SWMBO. has a great room note. This would be a wonderful blend for first timers to the pipe or those who like something mild & tasty. When I opened the box it was in, I thought they cheated me sense the 1Q was in a in a bigger bag. I used to love Captain Black. Lane BCA, or Black Cavendish Aromatic, is the first pipe tobacco I ever smoked nearly 30 years ago, and it's still my absolute favorite! Excellent Vanilla flavor. This along with Black Cordial and Butternut Burley are my aromatics standbys. And, in spite of my not giving it any air time, it smokes dry. It is cool, mild, not too sweet and is great during the summertime. I can puff away at this at night for hours and it just gets better. All I can say to them, is work on how you smoke it, because it sure is not the tobacco. It's smooth but not very interesting. I'm an aromatic smoker so frog mortens cellar wasn't a good choice. I highly recommend BCA, which is as good a tobacco as any for a pipe novice and one that any experienced pipe smoker will want to keep handy in his stock. Who doesn't enjoy this stuff? I'm not really that much into aromatics but was surprised by liking this as well as I did. I quickly noticed that their most popular blends, and the ones that I liked best, were full of this rich black stuff. BCA is a must have in your stock. I've found this to be rare with topped cavendish blends. Individual reviews are the opinion(s) of the contributor and do not reflect the opinion(s) The after smoke taste in my mouth isn't overwhelming soapy like many of the other blends I have tried. There is a nice vanilla taste to this but it does not entirely overpower the tobacco. If you have a favorit tobacconist, and he has a tobacco bar, chances are BCA is on it. (now you tell me).this is a great tobacco.i have smoked pounds and pounds and pounds of it and never been disapointed.it smokes cool,never bites,has a great taste and flavor,and the room note is pleasant .as others here have mentioned it is a good blending tobacco.i hav`nt tried it with lanes iq.but i have mixed it half and half with c&d`s autumn evening with great results. Every Tobbaconist will have 1Q on their Tobacco counter listed with their shop name. This blend does burn a tad hot, but well worth it I would say. I enjoyed this very much. Babylonia was billed as a balkan with some black cavendish. Upon lighting, I instantly noticed that it was not as vanilla flavored as others I tried. You either started off on this or came across it by chance. The flavor to me is not a whole lot. I have smoked BCA since 1986 and while I have strayed, I always return!! 201 Straight Black --- Mild aroma. Good or bad, I tasted my first pipe in the house. Lane Limited: BCA. Its a one trick pony. It doesn't have as much nicotine as I'd like but it is by far my favorite smoke right now. First bowl and I can tell this is immediately one of my favourites. | Its been a long time since Ive had it on its own, but I remember really liking it because it was the only aromatic that I had tried at the time that didnt bite me. It is smooth, delicious, and long-lasting. My pipe almost feels fridged in my hand when I smoke this tobacco. I have somewhat always liked it, but was never nothing to write home about. or as a desert treat, I can see it being in my regular rotation. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl. If you pack it loose you won't get that soap taste many complain about & I used to taste when I packed with a heavy hand. Truly an aromatic classic!#karl_erik#freehandpipes#. Lane's 1Q is also a good beginner, though many tend to burn it too hot and not get the flavors it has. Similar Blends: Lane Limited - 1-Q, Lane Limited - RLP-6. I had some H&H left over, so last night a mixed up a bowlful, and WOW!! After I purchased it I thought to my self, I can not believe I bought another Black Cavendish Tobacco. Well here he comes with Lane BCA and a MM Pony Express Cob. It became my favorite pipe tobacco, and it has been ever since. Lane 1Q Pipe Tobacco is amazingly popular.Void of any factory packaging and very unremarkably named, it's surprising that Lane 1Q pipe tobacco easily ranks among the best-selling pipe tobacco in the world. I was shocked to learn that BCA has been around for so long. Like my fingers feel like I have maple syrup on them after packing a bowl of this goopy. Star Rating = 4; Right now, Lane's BCA is my favorite tabak. A few notes: --Pouch Aroma: Sweet, but not too sweet. Indeed it's worth its weight in gold. The tobacco is drier too. I mix mine, 4 ounces of BCA to 4 ounces of 1-Q which tames the golden Cavendish and gives the BCA flavor. Black Cavendish is always a treat to smoke for me. Then, Lane adds the lightest top notes of Dark Fruit and Vanilla. That ?curing time? Easily an all day smoke. For an aromatic I really like this one for its simple smooth vanilla flavor. Named different all over the country, ( Tinder Box calls it Midnight )I know this because I ordered it. Not so fast! Some companies just call it Nougat and drop the blend #. I liked it so much after another bowl, I ordered several pounds to cellar to have on hand when I feel like a good aromatic. I've done all of these things with BCA and buy it in bulk quantities for such occasions. CB puts them in to preserve shelf life. Then, as today, the company specialized in the highest quality pipe tobaccos. Has a nice, smooth, sweet taste. Join over 18k members to reviewexclusive content. Considering the S/RN/T rating I was not expecting special effects, but I wanted something more. How can you not like this If you like sweet aromatics ? Light enough to smoke all day, first aromatic I tried and I continue to return to it. Not much more here than chocolate and vanilla, maybe some cream, but sometimes that's enough. Stopped into JR'S for coffee and a tobacco reload. Great tobacco for beginners. This tobacco burns cool and will not bite. Please try this if you haven't yet! WARNING: Smokingpipes.com does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. Shame, too, because it took me quite a while to find something that I liked and didn't cause 'friction' with the wife Another great Lane Limited aromatic. I also got some Lane RLP-6 and I cannot tell the difference between them. Lane was originally founded in Dresden, Germany in 1890. I was hoping for a little more taste. Using a filter pipe like a Grabow which I own, an Omega to be exact, or a Savinelli will work wonders for the smoke! 2nd 3rd of the bowl is much better. There's nothing complex about it, but it always hits the spot with its sweet aroma and taste. The flavor is one of Vanilla and Dark Chocolate with a hint of Honey. BCA does not do that. We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. A lot of fellow pipesters use it as a blender to pep up more drab blends. Wasnt too moist, and had minimal relights. Smooth and enjoyably aromatic - as well as painfully classic - LL-7 blends it's natural VA tobacco flavors, nuttiness from the Burleys, and Cavendish sweetness with . The 1Q was in, I tasted my first pipe in the world aromatics! Great for a 4 plus rating a desert treat, I thought to my self, I instantly that. 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