What evidence in the text supports this statement? What happened after the Senate voted 73-27 in favor of the Civil Rights Act? Ans: CQ3. Based on the description above, what kind of stick was the man really holding? ReadWorks is an edtech nonprofit organization that is committed to helping to solve America's reading comprehension crisis. Why do jewelers use alloys in jewelry? Ans: An alloy is a blend of two or more different metals. What evidence from the text best supports this statement? Black students were forced to attend separate schools from white students __ the Supreme Courts 1954 decision. After the person knows which way is north, the person can figure out the other directions, like the direction of south. What can you conclude from these sentences? She had been sitting in the back of the car for hours as it rumbled up the highway's six spotless lanes. What is this passage mostly about? Ans The article is mainly about space junk and how it is flying around Earth.Q5. He also built a confederacy of Indian tribes to resist U.S. expansion. Ans: AQ4. [paragraphs 1, 2]Q2. Education in America reflects the values and aspirations of the country. Based on the text, what should a volleyball player probably eat the night before an all-day tournament? Ans: DQ5. Public schools, drinking fountains, and public restrooms were segregated.Q9. For example: The Voting Rights Act may be considered among the most farreaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history because it vastly improved voter turnout and gave African American voters the legal means to challenge voting restrictions. Based on these sentences, what does a magnetic compass show someone? And Abraham was able to find food in places none of the other elephants had ever thought to look. Hence there is an improvement in classroom level of learning. How do you think Abraham feels about his new life with the wild elephants at the end of the story? Q1. Readworks is largely committed to solving the student achievement gap and also Americas reading comprehension crisis. Many animals live in and around the Great Barrier Reef. How did the experts likely figure out that the treasure originally belonged to the Anglo-Saxons? Ans: The experts probably figured out that the treasure originally belonged to the Anglo-Saxons by looking at the different artifacts and comparing them to other artifacts known to belong to Anglo-Saxons. According to the text, what is the success or failure of education closely tied to? Ans:Q9. Why might the author have italicized the word knew in the first sentence? The text says, The host tree now must compete with the strangler fig for sunlight and nutrients in the soil. A sheet of ice on a mountain can cause weathering and erosion _ it moves down the mountain. Ans: AQ8. Read the paragraph that begins the Veterans Stats section of the article. What word could replace the word even without changing the meaning of the sentence? Q1. Why would the Pilgrims never have thought of their own harvest feast as a thanksgiving? Ans: The Pilgrims wouldnt have thought of their own harvest feast as a thanksgiving because it was a non-religious celebration. Although Liberian quilts are similar in some ways to American traditional quilts, there are differences between the two. Because residents could not drive in the closed areas, the streets were free from traffic and people realized that maybe they didnt need cars to survive. People celebrate both the American flag and the United States on Flag Day. Who is Louis Armstrong? Ans: BQ2. The author has a positive opinion of Matt. How can the two haikus provided in the text best be compared? Ans: BQ5. What is one theme in this story? Ans: CQ6. . Kings high profile helped to draw international attention to Selma as did the televised violence against the protesters and President Lyndon Johnsons support. Use information from the text to support your answer Ans: There are many reasons why musicians might choose to play percussion instruments. As an example, students may argue that oil spills near the reef can cause the ecosystems there to be thrown off balance. Support your answer with details from the text Ans: Student answers may vary and should include evidence from the text. Ans: BQ3. What evidence from the passage best supports this conclusion? Ans: DQ4. Support your answer with evidence from the text. What is Santiago? Ans: BQ2. Ding! Based on the text, how does the author likely feel about the future of transistors and nanotechnology? Ans: AQ5. What is the text mostly about? Ans: BQ6. I got this working by imporing fontawesome into my .storybook/preview.js. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Answers should feature evidence from the text, and could include the fact that students are being negatively impacted by discrimination based on hairstyles, or the fact that individual school policies are harming students so laws must be passed to protect them. What does mammoth mean in this context? Ans: AQ7. With whom does Sam go to baseball games? Ans: DQ2. Ans: CQ3. This is what my .storybook/preview.js file looks like. By seeing real scientists making real discoveries, he learns that science could be more than his favorite subject in school. What did you learn from Percussion Instruments? Ans: Percussion instruments can also be a great way for musicians to express themselves. Q1. 1. Ans: They connect by teaching each other about the music that they both like, and taking time to listen and learn about new music forms and how they build on each other. Read these sentences from the text. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: BQ6. Those arguing that Frank should Explain why Chinese mothers allowed their daughters feet to be bound despite the pain and the dangers to their daughters health Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Which of the following sequences shows the construction of the ISS in the correct order? Q1. What does Unguru mean when he says that children participating in the trials take a huge leap of faith? __, Matt spent several years as a full-time photographer.. Ans: BQ8. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: DQ4. As used in the passage, what does the word inhale mean? Ans: CQ7. Percussion instruments can add a lot of energy and excitement to music, and they can also be very versatile, providing a wide range of sounds and textures that other instruments might not be able to produce.Q8. What does the text describe? How does the author describe the treasure that Terry Herbert found? Ans: CQ3. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: C. Q1. According to Hadar Ahuvia, what makes someone an artist? Ans: According to Hadar Ahuvia, the decision to be an artist is what makes someone an artist.Q9. Segregated means that people are separated by race. What is tempo? Ans: CQ2. Lawmakers have begun responding recently to discrimination based on hairstyles. The danger that the Great Barrier Reef now faces is an effect. Q1. Class Discussion Question: Where does Vernica get the idea to put Bombns favorite treat by the hole in the wall? Ans: She gets this idea from her own memory of moving into this apartment. What does the author describe in the passage? Ans: BQ3. The historic march helped raise awareness of the difficulty faced by black voters in the South and the need for a Voting Rights Act, which was passed later that year. What have the Germans done to help clean up space junk? Ans: The Germans have been planning a space mission with robots that would collect pieces of space trash and bring them back to Earth so that they can be safely destroyed.Q10. Q1. Based on this evidence, what conclusion can be made? Ans: AQ4. What evidence from the passage supports this conclusion? Ans: DQ4. [stanza 2]Q8. Q1. As used in this sentence, what does inadvertently mean? Ans: CQ7. Strangler figs destroyed some buildings in ancient Mayan cities __ their roots grew between the bricks in stone walls, eventually destroying the walls. Ans: BQ8. Read these sentences about percussion instruments:Boom! Support your answer using information from the passage. All this has a direct relation to the presence of 1 million teachers and 17 million students commonly using this platform. I'm not familiar with UE I just started learning Thank you for your time !!! __ foot binding was promoted as a way to achieve ideal beauty, in reality, it horribly disfigured womens feet. Ans: DQ8. Ans: Refer to Google images here, Q1. Why is it so important for lawmakers to act against discrimination based on hairstyles? Ans: CQ3. What evidence supports the conclusion that Gramps knows about the tree house and magical underground world of the gnomes? What information from the article would you share? What is a probable reason for why womens feet are always concealed? Ans: CQ5. Ans: AQ7. So, please do share as well if it helps you. What is the main idea of this passage? Ans: BQ6. What might change about that beach in five hundred years? For example, without understanding the different properties of gold or silver, a jeweler would not know the metals melting point and would have problems melting or shaping the metal. Gruff places the crown on Billys head. How can the United States attitude toward immigrants during the late 1800s best be described? Ans: BQ5. Describe at least two advantages of being in a group by using information from the passage Ans: Humans in groups from long ago were able to find more food. Humans in groups from long ago were able to more effectively battle animals that threatened them. Based on this evidence, what conclusion can be made? Ans: CQ4. Tips include finding real friends who accept the real you and being confident.Q10. The amount of water in rivers and lakes is always changing due to inflows and outflows. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Meteors can be very destructive; it is important that we know how to prepare for one so that we might be able to save lives and limit the damage. In China, having bound feet was a marker of wealth and status. Ans: CQ4. Eventually, the host tree often dies because of a lack of nutrients and sunlight.Q10. In the passage, the author describes the many hours that it takes for drivers to get across Los Angeles. A high impact instructional materials and various tools are designed for the immediate use of the teachers as well as the students. You must leave the city immediately and never return. In the sentence, what does the word function mean? Ans: DQ7. Ans: Kyle is enjoying his new life in northern California.Q4. Based on the passage, what do scientists from around the world agree on? Ans: Scientists from around the world agree that they need to reduce the amount of new space junk. Joseph thinks his familys town is holding him back from achieving his dreams and goals. He ordered U.S. Army troops and Alabama National Guard forces to protect the marchers. What is this passage mainly about? Ans: DQ6. What is Sams conflict at the end of the story? What do paleontologists study? Ans: AQ2. Sometimes there were cultural differences between the people already living in America and immigrants who had moved to America. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Why is doing Quality Assurance the perfect job for the main character of this story? Ans: CQ5. He quickly hands Billy some flowers and stems, and with the other gnomes, they make a crown. Elizabeth Blackwell showed determination when trying to become a doctor. Students should indicate that jewelers need to understand the properties of the different materials they use in order to make jewelry because without this understanding they would not be able to create jewelry that is suited to the circumstances in which it will be worn. Based on the above evidence, what conclusion can be made? Subjects: Informational Text, Vocabulary, Writing. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Read this paragraph from the article. Would you rather have it rely on a basic algorithm with a human supervisor, or on a program that uses machine learning? Start Now. Explain why jewelers need to understand the properties of different materials in order to make jewelry. According to the text, what is more, long-lasting than words that are spoken in person? Ans: BQ2. These breaks are supported by the rhyme scheme, the placement of periods, and the introduction of different ideas. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Q1. That way, she would want to watch baseball games just as intently as Sam, so if they do indeed attend more games together, he would not have to divide his attention between her and the events of the game. Students may also note that this is a negative thing because groups may be more inclined to attack other groups that do not have the same norms or values, which may or may not be right.Conversely, students may argue that a group fighting a common enemy is a positive thing because the members of a group are united behind one goal or cause and show their dedication to the groups norms or values. Read the following sentences from the text:Ans: BQ4. The company is known to provide various tools for better learning and understanding. What is the passage trying to persuade readers to do? Ans: BQ3. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. It shows us that we can achieve amazing things when we work together. What evidence from the passage supports this statement? Ans: DQ4. By sharing all three interviews, the author illustrates how the war affected people on both sides and in more than one place. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: CQ6. Billy followed a chipmunk into a meadow _ meeting a bearded gnome. Ans: DQ8. There was furor leading up to Carmaggedon; _, there was a lack of tension when the closure actually occurred. Ans: DQ8. How can the twins confuse people? Ans: A Q3. Why did Congress award the Little Rock Nine the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999? Ans: Congress awarded the Little Rock Nine the Congressional Gold Medal for their bravery in attempting to attend classes at an all-white high school, despite the many people who tried to prevent them from entering.Q10. Examples include the pressure to smoke and being told never to pass the ball to a certain player.Q9. In Mississippi alone, voter turnout among blacks increased from 6 percent in 1964 to 59 percent in 1969. Give at least one example from the text to support your answer Ans: Joseph helps Philip by comforting him and reassuring him. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: BQ6. The continents werent always spread apart. Why might people be worried that there have been fewer honeybees? Ans: AQ5. Usually, this process kills the host, and only the fig tree is left. What conclusion can be drawn about strangler figs based on this evidence? Ans: AQ4. Students may explain that a group fighting a common enemy is a negative thing because the members of the group may need to engage in dangerous behavior to protect the group against an enemy that has different norms or values. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. Q1. Her dad cooked her favorite food and it made the new apartment feel more comfortable.Q8. What can be concluded about the Souths reaction to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 based on this information from the text? Ans: BQ4. What is George Washington mostly about? Ans: CQ5. The text describes the causes of certain developments in American education. The fact that Elizabeth graduated first in her class proved them wrong. What did you learn from Twin Tricks? Ans: This passage is all about two alike twin sisters who have the same brown eyes, the same dark hair & the same size as well, and who loves to trick others even their parents.Q7. To verify yourself as a teacher, click on the "Show/Hide All Answers" button to send the verification email. To find the article's answer key, click on the title. Why might a person sending an email like this say they cant transfer money out of the country? Based on this evidence, what conclusion can be made about what Hadar Ahuvia thinks about Martha Grahams quote? Ans: BQ5. When Elsie was born, Matt became a stay-at-home-dad. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Which is one of the seven continents? Ans: AQ4. This seems like a more promising method than that of the Chinese as it does not seem to cause the creation of more space junk. Why was exploration a major goal for governments? Ans: Exploration was a major goal for governments because it offered the prospect of new commercial operations and trade routes.Q9. How do Ricky and Grandma Johnson connect through music? According to the text, what is one of the best ways to prepare your body for the next workout? Ans: DQ2. What did the United States flag look like right before the last two states joined the country? Ans: CQ5. How did navigational tools change from the 15th century to the 17th century? Ans: DQ5. Why or why not? Should Frank drop out of college to become a full-time surfer or stay in college to study marine biology? Where did Seminoles live long ago? Ans: BQ2. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a8b07b6c2b1596246704662028ac98b9" );document.getElementById("a64740df50").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So, pet kinkajous might like to eat honey. Based on this evidence, what might you infer about the importance of Armistice Day to Americans? Ans: AQ4. The passage explains the sequence of events that led to the Civil War. Below you Can Find Answers For Grade 7 Topics: Q1. Magnets attract or pull, objects made of materials that are very attracted to magnets. 3. What else has helped people get more power from the wind? Ans CQ5. Provide details and share your research! All of this suggests that Abraham was able to become a successful member of the group, even if he never became a lead alpha male.Q9. Wind turbines have helped people get more power from the wind. What can you conclude about machine learning based on this information? Ans: AQ4. Ans: AQ7. Ans: CQ7. When Joseph tells Philip he plans to leave town someday, what does Philip ask? Ans: Philip asks if Joseph will say goodbye before he leaves.Q9. A. Ans: AQ8. What does the word swamp mean in the sentence above? Ans: AQ7. Countries around the world have agreed to limit the time their space tools stay in orbit to 25 years. For example: President Lyndon Johnson backed those marching from Selma to Montgomery and went on national television to pledge his support and lobby for passage of new voting rights legislation he was introducing in Congress. Describe the dangers to a womans health that were associated with foot binding Ans: Health dangers included: gangrene, ulcerations, infections from ingrown toenails or lack of circulation, loss of toes, and possibly death.Q9. It is formatted to review the STAAR question stems where students need the most practice, such as Figure 19, text organization, summary, context clues, and much more! What word or phrase best completes the sentence? Below you can find answers for Grade 1 topics: Q1. They started living there around the late 1700s and early 1800s when they first arrived. What does the word fatigued probably mean here? Ans: BQ7. Read the following paragraph, written from Abrahams point of view. What did they use to be? Ans: BQ5. Kinkajous are active and make loud noises at night; they are nocturnal. They may want to explain its importance too. What advice or information would you give your friend about kinkajous to help them handle their new pet? What did you learn from the text Lost and Found?? Ans: If you have lost an item, the first step is to contact the place where you think you lost it. She walked over to his bed and straightened the pillow behind his head. Thus, explorers became better equipped to explore unknown territories which may have also mitigated the financial risks associated with these explorations. Support your answer with evidence from the article. What evidence in the text supports this statement? Ans: AQ4. Read these sentences from the text. Name two tips given in the passage for dealing with peer pressure. Ans: Answers may vary, as long as they come from the passage. What was one effect of this anti-immigration sentiment? Ans: CQ3. What does Jeremy learn about the subject of science and how it could apply to his future? Ans: He learns how scientists work in real life. The ensuing tension between the Union and Confederacy led to a physical clash between the two sides, culminating in the start of the Civil War. Read these sentences from the text. What is this story mostly about? Ans: CQ6. Q1. What was the common theme of the three winning interviews in this text? Ans: BQ2. What is James Madison mostly about? Ans: CQ5. Early navigational techniques such as dead reckoning were imprecise; __, exploring uncharted seas was challenging and inconsistent. Ans: AQ8. What country was founded when the United States American Colonization Society purchased land in West Africa? Ans: CQ2. What does the text describe? Ans: BQ3. www.readworks.org Subjects: What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. Students may indicate that the ISS represents hope for people around the world because it is an example of different nations working together towards a common goal, despite cultural differences or disagreements. For instance: Peoples feelings about Elizabeth becoming a doctor might have changed because people recognized her intelligence and ability. Ans: until (Please note that there may be more than one acceptable response.)Q8. Ans: DQ4. Copyright 2023 AnswerKeyFinder.com All Rights Reserved, ReadWorks Answers Key All Grades Unlocked. What is one end of a magnetized compasss needle attracted to? Ans: One end of the needle is attracted to the earths magnetic north pole.Q9. Q1. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Comprehension questions answer key chapters 1 4, Avoiding run on sentences, Answer key erc, 5 7 readworks org the solution to, An unexpected trip 690, Louis braille passage questions, Run on sentences comma splices and fragments, Teachers . For example, one solution is to sleep on it and see if you feel differently in the morning.Q9. What are the three missions of the ISS? Ans: The three missions of the ISS are to support scientific research, to help astronauts continue to explore space, and to educate the public.Q9. What has left tons of space junk in orbit around the earth? Ans: BQ2. The author organizes the text by dividing it into sections with subheadings. Peer pressure can be a bad thing; _, it can also be a good thing. Ans: BQ8. Read these sentences from the text. What is an alloy? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. In your own words, what do these two lines mean? Ans: Student answers may vary slightly but should communicate the idea of the final two lines of the poem. Business vocabulary and commonly used phrases are also detailed in the texts, and all this information - including the texts themselves, the vocabulary, and the questions - can be downloaded for free in PDF form, to be studied at a later time. The Tunguska meteor had more energy than the Chelyabinsk meteor1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima versus 20-30 times more powerful.Q10. Make jewelry full-time surfer or stay in college to study marine biology it! An edtech nonprofit organization that is committed to solving the Student achievement gap and also Americas reading crisis... To magnets show someone fewer honeybees someone an artist is what makes someone artist.Q9... Country was founded when the United States American Colonization Society purchased land in West Africa to limit the their! From white students __ the Supreme Courts 1954 decision instance: Peoples feelings about Elizabeth becoming a might! This text help clean up space junk in orbit around the late 1700s and early 1800s they. This has a direct relation to the presence of 1 million teachers and 17 million students commonly using this.! 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