. The discovery was made with a remotely- towed camera scanning sediment some 12,000 feet (3700 meters) below the surface. What happened here? e. Heat is produced by solar energy; temperature is produced by radioactivity, Heat is thermal energy; temperature is vibrational (kinetic) energy of atoms, What is polymorphism among minerals? E) Iceland. If not, why not? Love Mt. B) San Andreas Fault Small pieces thrown through the air, and frozen "waterfalls" of lava that flowed quietly before freezing. D) The mid-ocean ridge rises more than 2.5 kilometers above the surrounding deep-ocean floor. Planets formed after A) Mesosauras B) an oceanic transform For one thing, sunlight is completely absent. d. Atlantic Ocean, Red Sea, African Rift Valley Rocks composing Earth's crust are classified as __________. e. Age, When mineral "X" originally formed in a granite, there is 100% of the unstable radiometric parent material and 0% of the stable daughter material. Most of these volcanoes are thousands of feet deep, and difficult to find. The type of rock produced by volcanism at spreading centers on the seafloor is __________. No one has ever found caffeine in a hot-spot plume, although it is possible that other things stir up trouble in Congress. b. Intrusive igneous rock b. solar energy d. submarine volcanic activity e. subduction zones, The volcanic island of Iceland formed at a hot spot located on a(n) _________. d. Localized geographically, chronologically widespread Evaluate Cydx+zdy+xdz\int_{C} y d x+z d y+x d zCydx+zdy+xdz on the given curve C between (0, 0, 0) and (6, 8, 5). A little farther on, Rona peers through one of Alvins portholes and spies the mysterious pattern. e. plate boundaries, The coast of _________ is tectonically active. c. at a hot spot The energy that drives tectonic plate movement comes from __________. Observations show that the ice covering the planet shifts, perhaps indicating the presence of water beneath the ice and, possibly, of chemosynthetic-based life forms. Chuck Wilson L.A. Weekly, Youll be amazed Putting events in order from last to first Sediments are buried in deep depositional basins where diagenesis extends to changes in minerals. These deepest earthquakes probably: Are the shaking of the ground caused by "implosion" as minerals rearrange to denser forms as the pressure on them rises in downgoing slabs. e. covalent bonding. Bringing Home the Deep. The sites are like no other place on Earth. Localized geographically and chronologically A) an oceanic-oceanic divergent Where do igneous rocks with a fine-grained (aphanitic) texture form? c. The spot on the earth's surface directly above where the rock rupture occurs While they do have mouths, they dont eat. Vent Shrimp: While most animals in the vent environment live at varying distances from the superheated water spewing from vents, shrimp thrive right near some of the hottest spots. Movement along the San Andreas Fault causes earthquakes at a _________ plate boundary, b. Meteor impacts bury surface rocks at great depth along with the meteor fragments. SELECT THREE THAT APPLY a. Why? E) transform faults, Which of the following is characteristic of oceanic-continental convergent plate boundaries? e. Arctic. A) Japan B) the magnetic pattern of rocks on the seafloor. D) Hydrothermal vents What happened here? Native elements D) Island arc Hydrothermal vents and circulation are usually associated with ___________. continental crust. This finding was pivotal to the theory of plate tectonics. Alvin, a deep-sea mechanized probe, makes a voyage some 12,000 feet . Tom Paulson Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Beautiful candy for the eyes. a. Determine the ground-state electron configuration of the following atoms: Director of Photographer William Reeve took the first dive, and over the next 17 he and Low would alternate. Volcanoes of the Deep Sea: IMAX Ed Harris (Actor), Dr. Richard Lutz (Actor), Stephen Low (Director, Writer) Rated: Unrated Format: Blu-ray 45 ratings IMDb 6.9/10.0 $4198 Blu-ray from $34.28 DVD $16.35 Multi-Format $41.98 Multi-Format January 12, 2010 1 $41.98 $41.98 $4.11 Customers who viewed this item also viewed Product Description c. The rock cooled quickly on the surface Among the discoveries: Dense communities of creatures fueled not by sunlight, but by Earths own heat and chemistry, Microbes that thrive in water hot enough to boil a lobster, Keys to the origin and evolution of life on Earth, Organisms that have survived essentially unchanged through tens of millions of years of turbulent planetary history. e. Florida, Which of the following is not characteristic of submarine canyons? -Lava flows A) your fingernails grow a. convergent plate boundary c. A tectonic event has occurred in the area since deposition of the stratum Alvin normally operates with one pilot and two scientific observers. Alvin, a deep-sea mechanized probe, makes a voyage some 12,000 feet underwater to explore the Azores, a constantly-erupting volcanic rift between Europe and North America. The former late Paleozoic supercontinent is known as ____. I wasnt using all my normal senses What didnt work was my idea to stand behind the camera and cameraman, lean over them both and look past the IMAX lens out the pilots viewport I quickly went back to looking out the side window and watching the video. Not only is the pilot flying blind, the cinematographer has to work with no assistant. They live in strangely beautiful stands, where they grow to over 6 feet (1.8 meters) long. It took nearly ten years to bring Volcanoes of the Deep Sea to the screen, but it was worth the wait to do it right. Filming during four dives to the bottom proved that not only was a giant-screen film going to be possible, it was going to be breathtaking. D) Aleutian Islands The test took place during an expedition to a deep-sea vent site known as 9North, located in the Pacific in 9,000 feet of water. Add to that water pressure that can easily reach 3500 pounds per square inch (240 atmospheres) and you have what youd expect to be a completely toxic, lifeless environment. C) Convergent D=0.66[ks1.25(ghfLQ2)4.75+vQ9.4(ghfL)5.2]0.04. A) San Andreas Fault Body e. Rock type There is evidence that life on Earth may have originated in the vents, rather than in the upper reaches of the ocean. c. heat from Earth's interior Correct! At TAG, Volcanoes of the Deep Sea delves into the mystery of lifes survival in toxic, volcanic environments and engages audiences in the search for one of the planets most ancient and elusive species. A) Shallow earthquakes c. bedrock and mountains A) The volcanic mid-ocean ridges were formed due to sea floor spreading. Photograph courtesy NOAA and NSF Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph PDF D) Granite St. Helens is a low-silica, quietly erupting shield volcano, and Hawaii has medium-to-high-silica, explosively erupting stratovolcanoes. a. D) an oceanic-oceanic convergent c. Rayleigh K2 Studios 2.66K subscribers Narrated by Ed Harris. b. divergent Alfred Wegener's continental drift hypothesis received much hostile criticism and ridicule from the scientific community because of which of the following? Which one of the following is not one of the five principal ocean basins? There are also organisms that we suspect exist, but that nobody has ever seen like the creatures that create eerily symmetrical patterns of holes in fossils on the ocean floor. C) San Andreas Fault All continents fit together with the least number of overlaps and gaps when the continents are matched along ________. b. Weathering fragments igneous rock exposed to the elements at Earth's surface. changes in the moon's orbit due to shifting plates, convergent boundary on a volcanic arc above a northward-subducting Pacific plate. C) an oceanic-continental convergent D) mantle plumes Williams recalls a particularly memorable dive: As we flew forward Bill kept saying, Dont stop. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Correct! The images shot during the production of Volcanoes of the Deep Sea have helped confirm the connection, yet the builder of these strange, hexagonal forms remains a mystery. 50% Matching up continental coasts based on matching shapes A fault is a fracture with movement; a joint is a fracture with no movement. and more. A) John Tuzo Wilson S b. divergent Which fault type would be most prominent at a transform plate boundary? Energy was gained through the sun (photosynthesis), the lost sea contains enormous sculptures of, helps us date things and understand complex structures, how did the specialized bacteria grow on rocks, Used chemical energy from hot water to sustain nutrients (chemosynthesis) and the shrimps on racks used bacteria for food, microscopic hypothermia shares the same DNA as, lives in holes in the volcano that were in a hexagon shape This is the only place on the planet where the creature that makes it is known to live. a. d. Sediments are buried in deep depositional basins where diagenesis extends to changes in minerals. A) The volcanic mid-ocean ridges were formed due to sea floor spreading. c. Triangulation D) Divergent plate boundary A) paleomagnetism e. composition, roundness, Which property of water is most useful to mechanical weathering? Planets and moons we once thought barren, now hold the possibility of life. c. igneous a. a. the distribution of earthquakes over a few years, Along __________ plate boundaries, adjacent plates move apart. d. along a mid-oceanic ridge d. mafic The volcanoes on the island of Hawaii (and the Loihi seamount, a submerged volcano to the southwest of Hawaii): Are not located at a subduction zone or other plate boundary, but instead poke through a plate drifting over the Hawaiian hotspot. In this example, the mineral is tested in a lab and there is only 25% of the parent radiometric isotope left over. C) Archaeopteris e. Quartz grains in sandstone Though we call them smokers, the black clouds pouring from them are not actually made of smoke. b. d. hot spot d. Ash flow a. Volcanic tuffs and other pyroclastic material Southern California Shake Maps e. Both come from older bedrock, Which is the correct order of grain sizes from smallest to largest for clastic (detrital) sedimentary rocks? D) Azores Here we are with all these lights and we can see twice as far as normal. Alexander Low, a producer on the project enthused that the footage exceeded the teams expectations. The dives also revealed new findings chronicled in National Geographic Magazine (February 2003 and October 2000) and American Scientist. Which of the following are characteristic of passive continental coasts? d. Both made by erosion . 100-200 mm a. were explained by Charles Darwin The stiff basaltic rocks of the sea floor are bent as they enter subduction zones. A) The oceanic pattern of alternating reversals of Earth's magnetic field. a. earthquakes Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Charles C. Plummer, Diane Carlson, Lisa Hammersley, Physiology Lab Test 1 (Lab 4 Electromyography). d. A bolide (meteorite) struck that region and the stratum is bowed up near the margin of the crater They crawl around the rock near vent openings, where the concentrations of bacteria are highest. Scientists didn't realize the true extent of oceanic volcanism until the 1950s, when they discovered the global mid-ocean ridge system. A great volcanic explosion occurred, spreading material across the landscape and leaving a hole. b. Pacific. B) Tethys Sea c. 3 For one thing, they reek of hydrogen sulfide when brought to the surface. They form the basis of a unique food chain, one driven by Earths internal heat and chemistry rather than sunlight. As the shoot wore on, it seemed that each new day brought the best footage from the trip so far with the best shots often coming at the end of a dive. It was a unique partnership with Rutgers University and leading deep-sea scientists working at the institution that ultimately made the venture possible. Especially warm compared to most melted rocks. d. transport sediment to the ocean bottom Hot spots: The shock came not only from the depth, but from finding life in an environment that we once would have thought to be completely hostile to its development. a. Pyroclastic flow Magnetic anomalies on the sea floor are __________. e. is mostly granite, At __________ plate boundaries, tectonic plates collide. Rise from as deep in the mantle as the core-mantle boundary to the surface of the Earth, bringing up heat and feeding volcanoes. d. measured in the ocean basin crust but not in the overlying sediments Like the tubeworms, the clams live in a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. (b) Electrical energy to sound energy. C) Mountains e. 1, Porphyritic rocks with coarse grained crystals in a finer grained groundmass indicate what? Slide-past (or transform, with horizontal but no vertical movement) earthquakes and faults such as the San Andreas. c. Matching up rocks of similar properties in different regions Hawaiian volcanoes are caused by a hot spot that brings up mantle material from deep inside the earth. a. coast, sea cliff, nearshore, and offshore a. c. Period Rift. C) tablemounts Although scientists videotape vents on a regular basis as part of their research, no one had been able to light and record these habitats at any significant resolution and scale. b. Mt. C) Transform plate boundary Because the vent sites are so rich in hydrogen sulfide, they are absolutely loaded with bacteria and thats why life is so rich here. b. Rutgers biologist Dr. Richard Lutz recognized the tremendous value to science and public education that capturing these habitats using the IMAX camera would mean. a. Metallic/non-metallic The first-ever vent expedition knew they were on to something completely new when they saw swarms of white crabs all around as they approached their first vent. e. Seismic Absorption, Which building type is least resistant to earthquake damage? Not only are they big, but they grow fast, too up to 2.8 feet (85 centimetres) per year! export of heat from deep in the mantle to the top of the asthenosphere, ____ was never proposed as evidence supporting the existence of Pangaea, Islands of precambrian rocks along the Mid-atlantic ridge. A) The Indian Ocean B) is a continental transform fault a. eroded by turbidity currents Especially low in water and carbon dioxide compared to most melted rocks. The existence of an ecosystem based on chemosynthesis has overturned many assumptions about the nature of life in particular, the idea that sunlight is essential for life to thrive. c. ionic bonding Less dense when solid c. High boiling pint How much life there is down there is anybodys guess. e. Because they have many strong atomic bonds similar to bread. a. These underwater chimneys spew out huge black plumes. d. Ultramafic, Partially melting an ultramafic rock would immediately produce a magma of what composition? This super hot water then shoots back up into the ocean and discharges through an opening in the crust: a vent. If you find a rock with distinct foliation, how was this rock metamorphosed? Both rounded by grains Whatever light we can shine on the vents, literally and educationally thats the whole purpose of the expedition and the movie. While outer space has long captured the public imagination, the deep ocean is a wild and unknown frontier right here on our own planet and less than one percent of it has been explored. E) Mendocino Fault, Which of the following is an example of an oceanic transform plate boundary? Kristen Kusek is the teams coordinator, and youd be hard-pressed to imagine someone better qualified for the job: she holds Masters degrees in both marine science and journalism. b. has nothing to do with the supply of, The continental margin is composed of the following zones: Mt. Where the direct seismic waves combine with the waves reflecting from the earth's core b. 88% e. The place with the most damage and/or highest toll of human injury, Where the actual rupture of rock occurs in the subsurface producing the earthquake, Which seismic wave type travels the fastest? Vent Crabs: Several species of spindly-legged vent crabs live in both the Atlantic and Pacific. c. Sulfides E) lithosphere; asthenosphere, Moving from an oceanic ridge to an oceanic trench, the thickness of the lithosphere ________. While Reeve and Low were trying to outdo each other on the ocean floor, the education outreach team was watching the daily rushes with growing excitement. Click on image to open full-size gallery. Over 12,000 feet below the surface, the Alvin pilot carefully works the sub through eerie towers rising up from the ocean floor and black smoker vents spewing mineral-laden fluid superheated to hundreds of degrees. ab. Mineral deposits that had previously been believed to take eons to develop were being formed in just a few short years. b. b. a. convergent plate boundaries d. confining pressure d. P SELECT TWO D) Fracture zones D) an oceanic-oceanic convergent E) seamounts, Volcanoes on the seafloor that are flat-topped because of wave erosion are called ________. A Rydberg hydrogen atom makes a downward transition to the n=225n=225n=225 state, emitting a 9.32eV9.32~\mu \mathrm{eV}9.32eV photon. Researchers (including Richard Lutz) came across cracks in the ocean floor that shot out 160-foot (49-metre) white blizzards of microbial material. 1 oxygen and 4 silicons Mt. D=0.66[ks1.25(LQ2ghf)4.75+vQ9.4(Lghf)5.2]0.04D = 0.66 \left[ k_s^{1.25} \left(\frac{LQ^2}{gh_f}\right)^{4.75} + vQ^{9.4}\left(\frac{L}{gh_f}\right)^{5.2}\right]^{0.04} B) Seafloor spreading c. Fast, then slow Instead, they consist of dissolved minerals precipitating as they come into contact with the near-freezing ocean water. d. Seismic Reflection By putting out listening devices called seismometers around the Earth, and listening to the waves from many earthquakes in many places, scientists can map the hotter regions, and find that towers of hot rock come up from way deep in the Earth in some places. Materials that were raised along faults, as we saw last week near Bryce, and materials that were shoved under the faulted materials as melted intrusions. d. Types of volcanoes present d. softness d. Rock is metamorphosed due to decreasing temperature and declining pressure. St. Helens and Hawaiian volcanoes include: divergent boundaries by submarine eruptions and intrusions of basaltic magma. D) Hot spot Framed in geologic time, rocks and their component minerals are continually regenerated. c. Number of organisms present "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea" is a giant screen-science adventure that will plunge audiences into the deep ocean for an unprecedented experience of this vast and little-explored dimension of our planet. E) a continental-continental divergent, The Red Sea is an example of ________ plate boundary. c. increases in age towards ridges B) decreased; decreased ab. a. convergent a. Igneous rock a. e. None of the above is correct. Describing the view later, Rona says, There was sedimentation like snowfall, yet the imprint of this animal remains clean and sharp. a. isostacy Diet Pepsi would break up lumps, too, although isn't especially likely in melted rock. Now our new study on deep-sea eruptions, published in Nature Communications, gives important insights. e. That all minerals form beautiful, visible crystals in the right conditions. Mt. The temperature below which magnetic material can retain a permanent magnetization is called the _____. b. c. no deep sea trenches St. Helens and similar volcanoes make giant explosive eruptions that throw bus-sized blocks, but Kilauea in Hawaii usually doesn't (although rarely, water flashing to steam may move some big things!). C) Ocean trenches Here, without sunlight, there can be no photosynthesis. D) moving over a hot spot or mantle plume B) Limestone c. transform c. Sediments compact and are cemented together where they accumulate on the ocean bottom. The Deepest Volcano The West Mata volcano is ~1200 meters (~4000 feet) below the surface of the ocean, where cameras captured the deepest ocean eruption ever found. d. limestone A) Other faults in the sea floor Entertainment Today, More Light than Ever. Use the following data: Tc=126.3K,a=1.352dm6atmmol2,b=0.0387dm3mol1T _ { \mathrm { c } } = 126.3 \mathrm { K } , a = 1.352 \mathrm { dm } ^ { 6 } \mathrm { atm } \mathrm { mol } ^ { - 2 } , b = 0.0387 \mathrm { dm } ^ { 3 } \mathrm { mol } ^ { - 1 }Tc=126.3K,a=1.352dm6atmmol2,b=0.0387dm3mol1. B) The Arctic Ocean Small pieces thrown through the air, and frozen "waterfalls" of lava that flowed quietly before freezing. d. locations of submarine canyons c. sand dunes, turbidity currents, and lagoons D) Divergent, Which of the following is an example of an oceanic-oceanic divergent plate boundary? D) convergent plate boundary (continent-continent) The connection with Ronas find was a revelation: the tiny ocean builders of this hexagonal pattern had survived mass extinctions and the march of evolution essentially unchanged in their behavior for tens of millions of years. St. Helens is a stratovolcano, but stratovolcanoes are steep, not broad and flat. Normal Steel frame E) Volcanic island arcs, Which of the following is characteristic of oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundaries? Instead, bacteria take energy from hydrogen sulfide and manufacture complex carbohydrates from carbon, oxygen and hydrogen present in the seawater. Because layers of weak bonds cause the mineral to easily cleave into sheets. E. 1, Porphyritic rocks with a remotely- towed camera scanning sediment some feet... Volcanic explosion occurred, spreading material across the landscape and leaving a hole hostile criticism and ridicule from Earth... 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