With two Attack buffs, Star Gathering and Critical Stars on demand, the pirate duo can do massive damage with or without their HP. Her NP will generate 20 stars upon use, and deals bonus damage against Evil alignment enemies. Factor in her teamwide support, very short cooldown Critical steroid (that synergizes extremely well with Buster Critical supports like Merlin), and decent survival for a Berserker, and Nobunaga's kit works very well as a sustained offensive Buster Berserker. For this reason, outside of trait damage bonus (particularly against enemies for which multiple are applicable), her damage is middling without Quick support. Her high NP generation and Star Generation makes her a consistent and reliable single target damage dealer and Critical Star generator. His low Attack means he hits like a wet noodle against non-Dragon enemies on his normal cards. Until then though, Gorgons issues are apparent. As a single-target Quick Saber, Karna dishes out lightning-fast punch combos that bring him to the top of his class in damage output, partly due to the ease of reaching NP5 with him. Merlin is the biggest contender for the title Best Servant in the Game. Despite having relatively mediocre attack and consequently lackluster damage output, BB makes up for it with a stellar supportive skill set that thrives in any stalling or NP spamming team, acting as one of the best NP batteries in the game for lengthy battles. Still EMIYAs regular card and NP damage can be a little lacking without the backing of his skill set. Yet, her inconsistent NP gain or the very real danger of unavoidable enemy NPs put holes in her otherwise well rounded kit. However, you are free to choose to do whatever you want with the CEs in your inventory. But, as capricious as her personality, this Emperor of Roses performance is highly volatile. Overall, Leonidas is a valuable low rarity Servant who will prove his worth often in Challenge Quests or if some combination of defensive and offensive Buster support is necessary. In addition, his Noble Phantasm grants him unique niche in applying a potent AoE Debuff Resistance Down debuff. Her welfare status grants her a decent NP Damage, and downright impressive damage if her Anti-trait triggers. He also boasts high hit counts and strong base NP Gain, which enables him to synergize well with Quick Supports. However, due to being highly dependent on certain cards and card chains, Musashi can be frustratingly inconsistent when things dont go her way. Still, with Quick supports becoming more widely available, Tristans damage does not have to be a large problem. His on-demand Taunt skill only lasts for 1 turn, and while his Noble Phantasm provides a Defense buff, critical stars and a Taunt for 3 turns, getting Leonidas to 100% NP gauge in good health is often fairly challenging and requires help from the team. Her damage is somewhat on the mediocre side, although her ability to loop enables her to take advantage of the Arts Resist debuffs that her NP can progressively stack, giving her strong damage over turns with the ability to sometimes stall NPs from bosses via her NP drain effect. Yet, while Sherlock offers a significant amount of support on his NP, his skills are largely selfish and mostly serve to help him gain access to his NP. Overall, she is a solid entry to the AoE Buster roster, with the Ignore Invincible effect on her NP coming in handy for some quests. Her NP comes with a mild self-burn demerit, and otherwise is a straightforward damage dealing NP that gives her a small ATK buff before damage. 2 Servant Tier List 3 Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTR. Watanabe no Tsuna is an oni-slaying specialist Saber with a single target Buster NP. Her third, arguably most valuable skill, provides a targetable 30% charge to an ally with a rare 40% buff success rate buff. In addition, her critical prowess are only unlocked if her allies generate the critical stars she needs. Her rather durable nature and chance to drain the NP Gauge of all enemies on NP makes her a good Caster for difficult quests featuring multiple enemies. She has her signature hit count increasing skill, which affects Arts cards only, while also boosting her NP Gain a respectable amount for three turns. He can work as either an NP spamming Servant with his triple Arts deck and NP battery, or as a Critical Damage Dealer, but he does not particularly excel at either role. This can end an Extra chain early, as well as stop her from otherwise being able to loop her NP, making her somewhat unreliable if not properly supported. Despite his low Attack stats, Siegfrieds powerful anti-Dragon buff, Buster Performance buff, and Anti-Dragon Noble Phantasm are enough to let him evaporate most Dragon-trait enemies in one fell swoop regardless of class. Her other aspects are not as strong, as she has middling NP and Star Generation, poor survivability and limited utility. While he can achieve rather impressive numbers against the right enemies, his damage output against either Non-Evil or non-Human enemies is pretty much nonexistent, and his NP generation and Star Generation are on the lower side amongst Assassins. Her kit provides multiple ways to boost her Crit performance, including Stars on demand, a Star Gather buff, and a Crit Strength buff that will stack every time she lands a Critical hit. His drawbacks are still there though, as extracting Yagyu Munenori's full capability is difficult. His main features are his powerful single turn team-wide Buster buff and his targetable 20% NP charge. Just, dont turn him into a Rare Prism before seeing his full potential. His NP ignores DEF, has 3-turn offensive buffs that activate before damage, and provide the utility of offensive buff removal, making it an excellent loopable NP that increases in damage when used in succession. Keep in mind that he is only avaliable on a limited Gacha, so he isn't the best reroll target. His long-lasting debuff Immunity after his second Interlude will make him more useful for some debuff heavy challenging encounters. He also has a self invincibility that comes with a 30% NP Gauge charge at max, which gives him better access to his Noble Phantasm. Ryougi Shikis offense is not top tier, but on the other hand she makes up for it with her extreme bulk, capable of surviving for a long time on the field and continuing to use her Noble Phantasm. Craft Essence Effects. Romulus (ROMAAAAA) has a vanilla skill set that does not perform particularly well in either Challenge Quests or in farming content. Her AoE NP also hits decently well given her welfare status and easy NP5, making her an extremely well-rounded Servant that also happens to have her own niche. Will receive a skill upgrade in the future, granting her access to a particularly powerful targetable Star Gathering buff. As an added bonus, her NP poisons the enemy and applies Sure Hit before damage, making sure that Evade skills will not pose a problem (which tend to be frequent for Assassins, a common target for her). Furthermore, the lack of an Interlude for her Noble Phantasm results in a somewhat underwhelming damage output per NP activation. Outside of farming, Avicebron provides little value, as the support from his 3rd skill is rather gimmickyto trigger, while the NP Gain from his Overcharge is rather small. Her ability to absorb Curse stacks to her advantage also makes her a great ally to other Servants capable of inflicting the Curse status effect. Although this is a rare ability among the cast, and has usage in a select few encounters, it is not quite enough to push her to the higher tiers. However, they have almost no synergy, and he fails to carve out a niche for himself, resulting in a mediocre Servant that is hard to fit in most teams. It's a good thing she criticals easily, as her NP Gain is rather middling and she lacks an NP charge skill, with her Quick cards being rather weak. Finally, she has a unique skill that buffs her ATK every time she is hit by the enemy, although this ATK buff is consumed with the next Card she uses. Zhuges ability to fill teammates NP bar on demand, combined with the powerful values on his buffs, make him extremely versatile and potent on every team archetype possible. Taken together with his 3-Buster Card deck, he is capable of devastating damage, particularly after his NP turns, especially combined with Buster Supports that also improve Critical performance. ], Best Craft Essence: Craft Essence Tier List, How to Complete Master Missions [US May 7 - May 13], Can fill a wide variety of roles, class disadvantage is negligible, has an easy 50-50 chance in 1v1 or better, Can fill a wide variety of roles, has an easy 50-50 chance in 1v1 or better, Cannot find a role, can only be good for stats. Fans of Jeanne d'Arc,dolphins, whales, and other aquatic mammals alike will find her an asset to any Arts team. Brave Elisabeths game plan is simple, get to 100% NP gauge and demolish the enemies with her welfare single-target Noble Phantasm. Unfortunately, before her upgrade, there are better supportive options available; her classing in particular interferes with the Critical performance of her allies, given her high innate Rider-class Star weight. Her basic attacks are no slouch either asher critical damage buff andIndependent Action help to compensate for her inherit 0.9x Assassin modifiers. Having early access to an Interlude that upgrades his Noble Phantasm allows him to output some decent damage on his Noble Phantasm when all his buffs are used, and he has decent lasting power on the battlefield due to his durability. Yet, unlike her competition, Assassin of Paraiso provides both stronger stalling compatibility through her NP Seal and comes with relatively short cooldowns. Masters need to rely on some clever card chains for his Quick and Busters cards to salvage his NP, or stick him in a complete Arts team. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Craft_Essence_List#Quick. Santa Alters game plan, much like her normal Saber counterpart, is simply overwhelming the opponent with sheer AoE damage output. While these weak points do not trouble her during Challenge Quests, they make her use for more standard content more limited. Packing Critical Chance Down, NP Drain, above average NP generation and NP/Skill Seal on her Noble Phantasm, Serenity can be quite useful in certain fights to cripple the boss. Taken together, she has a decent kit, hampered mainly by her class typing, which ends up making her less than optimal for most situations aside from Foreigner class enemies, as the Alter Ego damage multiplier against Cavalry is only x1.5 rather than x2. A self-support oriented Lancer from the SIN Lostbelt, Qin Liangyu has an Arts-type NP that grants her a myriad of interesting, if somewhat unwieldy on-hit, on-critical, on-receiving damage, and on-receiving critical damage effects. Ultimately, King Hassan suffers from being a low-utility dedicated damage dealer in a class not very suited for pure damage. In addition, his skill cooldowns are so terribly, that using them twice is often not an option. Crane Returns an Idol's Favor, Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOMFate/Grand Order Collaboration Event Pre-Release Campaign, Rabbits Reviews #354: Takasugi Shinsaku (5* Archer), MMM - Rambunctious Radical Revering Self-Reliance Reverses Reviled Rule, Returning Roll-able (Chaldea Boys Collection 2023), Hewwo weawwiful weowle. The demerit is not significant, but will definitely build up over time. The buff removal can make it difficult for Masters to support her, however, although this can be mitigated by her second skill's Buff Removal Resist effect. All told, she is a very mechanically unique take on a Critical damage Support Servant for the party and is very powerful in practice, being particularly potent for Foreigner allies, but still effective in other teams. Outside of more difficult content, Caster of Midrash lacks the on-demand or burst damage necessary to help clear content quickly especially as she is still dragged down by her Caster class damage modifiers. Furthermore, while Nero is capable of both farming and handling challenge quests, especially in Arts teams, her main niche is her severe last man standing potential. Meanwhile, her high Attack is offset by the fact that the Avenger class rarely has class advantage. His downsides are not so small however. He also comes with a 30% NP Gauge charge move that also provides stars and a Crit Star Drop Rate buff, making him an effective farmer. Nevertheless, her flexibility will generally allow her to patch up any hole in a Master's roster with little difficulty. FGO 2023 NA Events, Servants & Items List. As very burst heavy Single Target anti-Rider and anti-Assassin Servants are often difficult to acquire, especially Buster-based ones, Mecha Eli-Chan easily carves out a niche for herself as an easily accessible option for cavalry or Foreigner destruction. Their entire kit is centered around the Curse debuff, and her skills are somewhat order-dependent in their effects. Does that apply to Arash as well? One primary advantage is her strong NP charge opening up some nice farming opportunities via Arts refunding. Also who would have thought the day would come, when Fionn would be S Tier? Farming multiple waves especially can be tricky if the enemies have high HP numbers, as her Arts Effectiveness buff only lasts a single turn. Needless to say, both gimmicks are particularly hard to utilize and require some very specific team compositions to pull off. However, this mad emperor can fall down with just a slight breeze, and the inconsistent nature of Imperial Privilege, his strongest skill, makes it extremely hard to maintain a high level of damage output. They also arranged it by np card type so it looks cleaner. While his NP damage will remain fairly high, his NP generation rate will heavily suffer. His poor NP generation becomes far more noticeable and detrimental outside of Arts teams in particular. All in all, Spartacus has a very specific usage and will help out most Masters a ton when crafting farming teams, but his performance outside farming teams is nothing special. Sherlock Holmes provides a powerful mixture of Critical Damage, Offensive Team Support and situational Defense-Piercing Utility. Heracles (Berserker) / Photo from the FGO Fandom Wiki No, seriously, this guy is a walking nuclear warhead. The only thing Geronimo uniquely provides is an NP that heals the party and deals AoE damage at the same time. Makes me wonder if its still worth going for other quick servants like Kama for gameplay purposes given that Shiki, for example, is ranked similarly to her and is a NP5 welfare. For Masters who enjoy stall compositions, Himiko provides an avenue to be nigh-unkillable in almost all scenarios, with very decent damage output as well. While packing a highly similar skill set to his Fate/Stay Night counterpart, Cu Chulainn (Prototype) is a lot more well rounded. The tier list is therefore just a comparison tool to judge these Servants by their relative performance. As a nod to her lore, much of her kit is filled with chance-based effects. It should be noted that Asvatthaman is fully immune to Mental Debuffs due to his passive, which can come in handy when facing quests with special gimmicks. 1-3* Assumptions: Non-Story Locked Servants are assumed to be at NP5, 10/10/10 Skills. While he does not have a particularly powerful niche, his performance independent of team setup and his consistency in both surviving and dealing damage land him a well-deserved spot in Tier 1. She comes with a 40% NP Gauge charge as well, enabling her to loop (with some difficulty) with Skadi. His third skill, Giant Beast Slaying, is what sets him apart from most of his competitors, offering a small NP battery skill and an unusual niche against Giant enemies. Furthermore, Ibaraki boasts surprisingly good durability in spite of her Berserker class weakness thanks to her combination of Healing/Debuff Cleanse and her large defense buff, which synergize incredibly well with the common top supports. Her high Attack, Heros Principle large NP generation buff and Mana Burst (Courage)s strong Buster self-buff all contribute to this one purpose. Butt, she does it with a bit more difficulty than lower rarity options, while costing more to place in the team by merit of being higher rarity. Yu Mei-ren presents herself as an Assassin-class Servant with an AoE Buster NP. He is extremely reliant on getting off his Noble Phantasm as soon as possible, preferably with high NP level and Overcharge to further improve his massive damage potential. But that should be no surprise, considering his only damage boost is a minor passive and his attack stat is low. While Jeannes skills are mediocre, if not somewhat weak, her bulk and Noble Phantasm make her an amazing tank that can protect teammates and can fit well in any stall team. Additionally, given the strong values on her NP Charge, ATK, and NP Gain buffs, and the wide applicability of her defensive support, she fits quite well in compositions outside of Arts damage dealers as well. Her unique combination of cooldown reduction, team NP charge, party heal and a targetable Arts performance up buff is unmatched in the current state of the game. With what can only be described as ludicrous speed damage potential on her NP, Maid Alter's single targetNP Damage stands amongst the highest of all Servants outside of anti-trait shenanigans. In practice, it can be troublesome to stall for an entire seven turns while still capitalizing on her third skill's effects fully, although it allows for Masters to exercise their creativity and experiment with her in setups. Gareth is a new entry to the bronze Lancer Servant list, with an ST Buster NP and a defensive tookit. On the other side, Santa Alter doesnt really have much of a place outside of her power as a massive Rider Excalibur. We were previously using very outdated information. Desite this, provided her wide array of utility effects, she can prove useful to have in the roster for some challenging encounters, and would more than competently take the hearts of any Caster enemies. Even so, his balanced set of utility effects and offense/defense make him a valuable ally to have. She also comes with an extremely handy 50% NP Gauge charge, and another set of DEF debuffs and Buster Resist debuffs to further bolster her offensive power. It is quite apt to called Emiya (Alter) the four-star equivalent of Altria Pendragon (Archer). C1. AoE Instant Death is not an amazing niche, but it can be quite useful from time to time, especially for farming. Assassin of Shinjuku in his release state is a lackluster Assassin whose main flaws are so detrimental and fundamental, that Masters have to expend a lot of extra effort to make him perform well relative to his peers. However keep in mind that it is onlyuseful against Divine. An explosive Berserker, Beowulfs immediate burst from either his upgraded Noble Phantasm or Critical ( upon completing his Rank-Up quest) is quite astounding. Few can claim to be better Star Generators than Cursed Arm, especially for his low cost. His NP Support makes him a great NP loop support option, while his healing support make him a candidate for stall teams as well. On the other side, Nitocriss poor sustained damage makes her a less than ideal option for longer and more difficult nodes. This is further compounded by her Buster-centric card distribution, which leaves relatively sparse opportunities for card-based NP Gain. A statue come to life, Galatea is a single-target Arts Berserker with a plethora of defensive and utility effects. However, many of her skills have demerits, from removing a defensive buff from herself, to progressively lowering her defense across turns. Based on the tier list by Usagi Sensei. He provides a good variety of party buffs, and serves as a decent single target Saber for Masters who lack higher rarity options. He comes with an evade tied to a self Quick and ATK buff that last a single turn to bolster his offense and defense, with his second skill providing stars and an increase to his own star gather rate for critical performance. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. I would think that Achilles belongs in somewhere in the A section because he's an absolute beast in Quick attack, and his NP is pretty great when you're wiping out a crowd of enemies (well I guess Casters in particular), How can raikou be that low? C6. Will not longer have bonus in any upcoming events. Tamamo Cats Powerful AoE Noble Phantasm, her Attack Up, and her Berserker class all set the stage for a Servant that can clear most common enemy waves a Master will face every day. Her own lack of any Party Cost gives her even more fantastic value as she can be slotted into any backline seamlessly, either to serve as a Craft Essence holder for Bond / Event farming or as an emergency backup when things go south. Until his Rank Up though, Gawain is a crippled Servant with one of the weakest AoE NPs among the Saber roster if he is not fighting on a sunny stage. Frankenstein (Saber) packs both strong base NP Gain performance, good hit counts and an utterly amazing NP Gain boost. We rate the best 5-Star and 4-Star characters, the best Main DPS, Sub-DPS, and Support characters, and a C0 rating for each character. Ushiwakamaru's Assassin form fills the more rare AoE Assassin niche with her Quick AoE NP. Maid Alter, Jack, Scathach, Enkidu, Okita, etc.. Kind of outdated list, really. Her offensive potential is off the charts, and the values on her skills make even some offensive 4-Star or 5-Star Servants green with envy. Astolfo's 9-hit NP is among the higher-damaging of their rarity and class, inflicting a turn of NP Seal and boosting Astolfo's own Quick performance before damage. What about pleasing everyone? Scan this QR code to download the app now. With her signature skill Rapid Words of Divine, Medea can fire off her Rule Breaker whenever it comes off cooldown (just level 4 of the skill offers a whopping 101% NP upon use). In contrast, his NP refunds quite well. The best FGO Servant (updated thru CBC 2023) rankings are on the top of the list and the worst rankings are on the bottom. Which servants, if they were to appear on your support list, would impress you if they were lv 120. However, for Masters in need of an AoE Arts Lancer, she is more than capable of filling the role with her relative ease of access to her NP. A very powerful Heaven's feel which comes with a demerit of 500 HP per turn. The Welfare Servant of the Vegas Summer Event, Hokusaki exchanges brush for blade, becoming an ST Arts Saber damage dealer. Still, her unsynced cooldown limit her a bit, while her overall survability competes with applying her steroids for offense. At his arrival, with the presence of premiere Arts Support, along with relatively sparse competition for AoE Arts Sabers, his swordplay carves out a solid niche for himself for many Masters. I'm super new to the game, but I heard he works pretty well with Waver who I was lucky to pull. In addition, she packs rare targetable cooldown reduction and some Quick support for her allies, while her critical capability is rather decent given her passives. Drake, however, is not that fantastic at dealing single target damage, as she lacks strong self-buffs as well as any form of bonus damage against certain enemy types to distinguish herself from other AoE Riders. 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