[103], While Buffy acknowledged that humans can be just as bad as demons, if not even worse, she largely refused to kill humans, insisting that the Slayer did not have a license to kill, which occasionally put her into conflict with her less-merciful teammates. How can Buffy recover from her sword wound so fast? HumanSlayerSlaypire (temporarily)[14]Rat (temporarily)[4]Robot (temporarily)[15] [44] Buffy admitted to finding puppets creepy and that they gave her "a wig."[212]. Before Buffy left the Safe Zone, Spike said she loved her, but interrupted her response, asking her to tell him when they'd see each other again.[173]. Buffy and the Scoobies attempted to fight an army of demons in Wolfram & Hart Silicon Valley branch, where Buffy recognized Harth Fray. I mean, was she Andrew Wells: She was incredible. He tells her he will fight alongside her, but she turns him down, and he asks for a reason why. Buffy and Kendra as contemporary Slayers. For other uses, see, Angel recalls the First Evil trying to convince him to kill himself (", Irritated by the jealousy between Spike and Angel, Buffy says "I should just put you two in a room so you can wrestle it out." Ordering the First to "get out of my face," Buffy arises with renewed determination and knocks several Turok-Han off the ledge. Despite her powerful sense of responsibility, when in a state of depression or ill humor, she had been shown to procrastinate and put off or otherwise ignore things she should be dealing with. A group of monks had caused the Key to take human shape in order to protect it from a mentally unstable higher being known as Glorificus; they had chosen to put the Key in the Slayer's care, as a sister, in the hopes that she would protect it with her life. I've been working on this Buffy tribute for over two months. Accompanied with Satsu, her most trusted fighting companion, she discovered the other Slayer's feelings for her, and, despite flattered, she was mostly worried for Satsu's safety due to her own past relationships, describing that people tended to get hurt. Buffy answers: "Spike." After Willow performs the magic, Kennedy takes the scythe to Buffy, who is deep in the fight with Faith and Spike against the army of the Turok-Han, numbering in the thousands. With TinCan destroyed and her mission complete, Buffy originally believed she'd get punished but instead received praise and promotion, given a check for her efforts. Sarah Michelle GellarSophia CrawfordMichele WaitmanMelissa BarkerKristy SwansonGiselle LorenEliza DushkuKelly AlbaneseMimi PaleyCandice NicoleAlexandra LeeUnknown stand-in, Buffy Anne Summers[16][2] was a Slayer activated in the late 20th century. Angel agrees to leave and turns over the amulet to her, telling her he'll organize the second front and asks her to make sure he doesn't need it. Giles asks how this could've happened, since everyone either died or is alive and with them. Season seven explores the fundamental separation between the Slayer and other people, which the series finale turns upside down. [21], With the other survivors, Buffy looked on at the crater where her hometown had been. Willow is concerned since she'll be required to perform the spell required, having never done anything so powerful before. I've been working on this Buffy tribute for over two months. As Buffy flees, Spike burns to dust as the Hellmouth collapses. When the Scoobies learned that only the blood of a Slayer could save Angel's life, Buffy attempted to sacrifice Faith to save him, willing to kill a human in this case. While Kennedy, Vi, and a few others tend to the wounded Slayers, the rest join Buffy as they look at the large crater which was once Sunnydale. Born on January 19, 1981, [17] [18] she was called to be the Slayer in 1996 at fifteen years old. Studios. As the main character in the franchise, Buffy has also appeared in the majority of Buffy expanded universe material. Angel recovers ready to take on Caleb himself, but finds two fresh halves waiting for him. [177], Willow then performed a spell to concentrate the grown powers of thousands of Slayers back in Buffy,[177] allowing Buffy to survive Wise's attacks empowered by Shenlong's absorbed magic. [113], Meanwhile, in the midst of mourning Anya's death, Xander had once again fallen under Dracula's thrall. The two discuss Spike's soul, and Buffy's feelings for him. Walk Through The Fire, from Once More With Feeling. Giles' reluctance to see Buffy hurt and subsequent interference in the test led to him being fired as her official Watcher and replaced with Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, though Buffy quickly rebelled against Wesley and refused to take him seriously when he turned out to be little more than a bumbling idiot and a coward. Buffy also discovered one of the more pressing consequences of the destruction of the Seed: all vampires sired after Seed's shattering had risen mindless and feral, and were later dubbed "zompires" by Xander. Buffy tells the plan to the Potential Slayers. [187] However, Buffy did not consider nor act as if Slayers were the law or above it in human matters. She was buried on the outskirts of Sunnydale with the epitaph: "She saved the world. Aliases While sharing the dream with Willow, the fairy told her that the first Slayer wanted her to "unlock the key," but this was, in fact, Willow's job. She meets the Potentials, Faith, and Spike, and the Potentials and Slayers cut their hands to open the seal with their blood. Season 6 (4.5 stakes) begins with Willow calling Buffy back from her grave and ends with Darth Rosenberg trying to put the Slayer back in it. [2] With the exception of Sineya, the primeval one, [3] by definition all Slayers had been once Potential Slayers. Buffy tells him that this time it's plans are more ambitious than there were during Angel's last encounter with it as now its raising an army. Xander yells for Anya, but doesn't see her dead and mangled body lying nearby. The next morning, Buffy unveils her plan to the rest of the Scoobies asking their opinion. Sweet girl, not very bright."). [9], Meanwhile, Giles decided to take Buffy on a Vision Quest to help her discover what being the Slayer truly meant. [115] Buffy was forced to create decoys of herself to divert enemy attention: one in Rome, supposedly dating The Immortal, and the other underground;[31] not even former allies namely, Angel were made aware of her true location. Buffy was forced to take orders from fellow slayer Kennedy, under the profession of being a bodyguard in Deepscan. [134], She then came across the same man she had saved earlier Severin , who revealed his ability to drain the energy from mystical beings. [23], Buffy once again attempted to attain some level of normalcy in her life when she lied to her Watcher so she could attend a frat-party alongside Cordelia, due to Giles' strictness and Angel's reluctance in dating her. Principal Wood leaves to wait at his post for Giles. In an interview before this episode aired, writer/director Joss Whedon said: "If nobody cries then I've definitely failed. "[11], In May 2013, Entertainment Weekly named "Chosen" as number nine on their list of 20 Best TV Series Finales Ever. Studios. [42] Buffy's second death occurred when she was twenty years old, when she sacrificed herself to save Dawn and the world by hurling herself off a tower and using her own blood to close a mystical portal. Accepting this, Angel walks into the shadows, just like on the night they first met. [39], After a quiet year, Buffy had became aunt to Xander and Dawn's daughter Joyce Harris, and she was again single after a mutual break up with Spike. An epic battle ensues and several good friends are lost. [151], While the Council pleaded for Buffy to help to save the world,she was more focused on saving Dawn, so she and Willow ventured into the Deeper Well. With that, Buffy promised to stop her self-destructive behavior in order to be there for Dawn when Dawn needed her; with this crisis resolved, Buffy was finally ready to live again. As they walk away, she appears on his right side with her arm still around him. [209] When probed of this habit, Buffy would simply say it was because she knew how to use it. Angel asks about the future and if he has a place in it, and Buffy uses a cookie-baking analogy to explain that she still doesn't know who she is or the person she's going to become and needs more time to find out. Buffy realized that, rather than just Dawn, she had to save the entire world once again. [66], Buffy was aided in the battle against Hus by Angel, who had returned to Sunnydale without her knowledge. [122], On a mission to New York City, Buffy was transported several centuries into the future. [16], Buffy at first attempted to reject her Slayer duties in favor of a normal life, but she was forced into action to stop the vampire ritual known as the Harvest by the Order of Aurelius, a vampire cult under the rule of the ancient and powerful vampire Master, who was trapped underground in Sunnydale. THE FIRST (as BUFFY) kneels down beside CALEB. [101] However, throughout her focus of the Slayer mission, she stated that she would be able to kill a human to save the world;[186] indeed, Buffy had made exceptions to her rule of not killing humans: she was apparently willing to kill Faith to save Angel's life,[61] killed several members of the Knights of Byzantium to protect Dawn,[87] and bisected Caleb with the Scythe. I hope you enjoy my video. Meanwhile, a rebellious new Slayer, Faith, arrived in town, immediately winning over Buffy's friends and family and providing Buffy with a new ally. He was later kidnapped by the agents of the First Evil. She eventually went to Spike for information instead, who, having killed two Slayers in his lifetime, proved particularly knowledgeable on the subject. Arriving there, Illyria noted that mystical energy was leaving Dawn's body, continuing on to explain that mystical energy was used to hold the body together and without it, she would die. She passes the Scythe to Faith and asks her to hold the line. She soon became concerned when a girl with psychic powers, Cassie Newton, came to her claiming she would soon die. Willow invokes a magic spell that alters the ancient Slayer spell and gives Buffy the allies she needs to fi Read allAfter killing Caleb, Buffy conceives a plan to defeat the First once and for all. It was originally published on August 28, 2019 by Boom! The remnant hundreds of Turok-Hans, all burned with a pure sunlight by Spike. In the halls of the school, a few Turok-Han make it to the surface and attack the group guarding the entrances. Free shipping for many products! [21] She then dedicated to gathering and training the ever-growing number of Slayers with the Slayer Organization, who became persecuted themselves[31] when the supernatural became public knowledge. As the Council argued over this, Severin suddenly burst in and started to drain Illyria's powers. The ground begins to shake and rocks tumble. Buffy left and returned to the school library to acquire a blessed sword to fight Angel. [41], As Buffy grew up, she idolized the Olympic ice skater Dorothy Hamill and practiced the sport herself. The episode was nominated for a 2003 Emmy Award in the category of Special Visual Effects for a Series. But Spike is the person in her life right now. The Slayer Organization seeks refuge in Tibet. THE FIRST (as BUFFY) stands upright, and [154], Returning to San Francisco, the Scoobies discovered the new magic of this world was still undefined, with Buffy's allies learning that they could write new rules for magic in the Vampyr book, such as preventing the vampires from using their new powers in daylight, or Clem making unicorns real for Harmony. They keep killing my friends. Riley then discovered the demon dealer was Spike, so Buffy destroyed his crypt while killing the demons he had been holding. [95] A memory purge spell cast by Willow went awry and erased all of the memories of the Scooby Gang; when the spell was ended, Tara left Willow. The Magic Council informed her that they had to protect the remaining magic on this dimension and that Severin was threatening that. Previous Length Willow noticed its storage capacities and suspected it was a test to be eventually applied on the entire country, while Spike told Buffy that she couldn't do anything about it while inside, but she was powerful enough to act without their mystical powers. The sunlight is channeled through the amulet and in powerful rays that begin dusting the Ubervamps. As she pauses to give orders, Buffy is stabbed through her abdomen from behind by one of the Turok-Han and falls to the ground. A small group of Bringers also appear and attack. [119], Though she had managed to organize a highly effective institution, Buffy failed to experience the feelings of connection that the other Slayers did. While hiding in Angel's apartment, Buffy met Kendra,[42] a second Slayer who had been activated when Buffy drowned. Luckily for her, Buffy discovered that she wasn't actually the perpetrator of the crime and the death was ruled as a suicide; nonetheless, Buffy realized that the Trio was becoming too dangerous for her to ignore and resolved to bring them to justice. She then hands it to him. This attempt was hampered when the Knights of Byzantium, a militia intent on killing the Key to stop Glory, attacked the Scoobies on the road. Additionally, Riley and Sam were called to convince Buffy to accept to go under the process, arguing that Spike would be better with the Safe Zone's lower population. When Willow made another trip to Rack's place with Dawn in tow, the two were attacked by Mandraz, who Willow unwittingly summoned during her high, and Willow's carelessness caused a car accident that left Dawn severely injured. He orders her to leave as he has to stay and finish the job. [77], Meanwhile, a younger sister, Dawn Summers, had mysteriously appeared in the Summers' household; her existence had been seamlessly integrated into the memories of all those she had ever known. One Harbinger of Death, killed by Giles with a sword. [107] Alone, she spent the night in a house that had been abandoned by its owner. Robert Duncan "The Night Before / Off to War Part 1 / the Old Gang / Off to War Part 2", The final scene of this episode is included as an illustration for the. Always doin' the stupid thing. [213] Notably, Buffy received a tattoo of the Mark of Eyghon from Ethan Rayne, but later spent her allowance to have it removed.[210]. These endless days are finally ending in a blaze, and we are caught in the fire, the point of no return. After trying to give a farewell speech, Andrew is dragged off by Anya. Directed by Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Coloring Book, "BUFFY -DUNGEON AND DRAGONS MAPS-'CHOSEN. WebJoin Buffy, Angel and the gang as they try to mend the wounds of the past years, while dealing with problems both old and new, including some previously dead faces from the past. Xander asks Andrew about Anya's death. When Buffy tells Spike coyly that Faith is still sleeping in her room, he is reluctant to have her stay downstairs with him since she kissed Angel, but gives in. Joyce reacted badly to the news, and the two got into a fight, leading to Joyce giving Buffy an ultimatum where she would be thrown out if she left the house to stop Angel's plot. Angel suggests that she actually wants him to leave because of Spike. At Buffy's request, Oz delivered the Gem to Angel in Los Angeles. Spike is in the basement, working out his anger on a punching bag with a crude drawing of Angel's face on it. The Chosen Two - A Buffy Rewatch podcast on demand - Rewatching Buffy The Vampire Slayer with hosts Mel and Tilda. [56], Shortly before her eighteenth birthday, Buffy was de-powered in preparation for her Cruciamentum, a Slayer rite of passage organized by the Watchers Council meant to test the Slayer's practical capabilities. Free shipping for many products! As they made their escape, Simone attacked them and dragged Buffy off, determined to kill her once and for all. One of their games led to accidentally turning Buffy invisible. [96], In order to deal with her increasing financial problems, Buffy started working at the fast food restaurant Doublemeat Palace. Born Cast The following appearances are considered canonical and form Buffy's official biography. With the use of Jonathan Levinson's magicks and Andrew Wells' demon summoning, he manipulated events to make Buffy think she killed Katrina. With Buffy and Willow home again, Riley and Sam called Faith to come and assist the Scoobies in their secret mission. [176] The Scoobies then invaded their laboratory, where Buffy faced Press Secretary Joanna Wise, a magic-infused cyborg, who called upon Shenlong and revealed to be the one responsible for his previous attack. Though she managed to defeat him and take the ring back, Spike escaped into the sewers. That last part is easier than it sounds, as Sunnydale's adults are too wrapped up in lawn care ( and denial) to acknowledge the evil brewing right under their feet. [115] She liked bubblegum, chewing gum, cola, lollipops,[25][6] popcorn, cheese, Ice Capades,[211] and the reality TV showThe Bachelor. Upon returning home, she had to confront her mother's worsening state. Upon her return, she discovered that Spike had forced Warren to build Buffybot, a robotic sex toy in her likeness, which had resulted in him being captured by Glorificus' minions in the belief that he was the Key. [76], Buffy's individualistic and rebellioustendenciesculminatedin developing an extreme distaste ofbeing manipulated and"losingcontrol,"[182] particularly when itrevolved around her life. With the Council's knowledge, Buffy discovered Glory was not a demon at all, but a deity. [49], In her junior year of high school, Buffy came into conflict with Spike, a vampire renowned for having murdered two Slayers in the past. WebBuffy gives up on college, Riley gives up on Buffy, Spike orders up a Buffybot, Giles reopens the Magic Box and rebecomes Buffy's Watcher, and Joyce suddenly drops dead, a true portend of the WB finale. Next The constant setbacks and tragedies in her life were causing her to lose faith in herself, not going unnoticed by Giles and Xander. WebPotential Slayer, also known as Slayer-in-training [1] or Slayer-in-waiting, [2] was each human girl born with the potential to become a Slayer, [1] chosen by mystical forces. Buffy masterfully used horror and fantasy tropes as metaphors for the teen existence (Credit: Alamy) "[206] Buffy's dislike apparently distinguished lethal guns, as she employed the use of a tranquilizer rifle to sedate Oz while he was in wolf form. ", According to Whedon, the RPG scene was added so that, The map on the table during the RPG session is a hand-drawn copy of Map F from Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook, Whedon explains Anya's death: "I wanted to kill somebody, and I wanted to do it brutally and suddenly and never really pay it off. Buffy Summers was a badass teen goddess, and I worshipped the hellish ground she slayed on. The two quickly realized their unity was strongest than their divergent opinions. [34] With the prospect of eternal happiness with Angel in the new paradise dimension, Buffy quested the reality, especially after observing that her friends were fighting the demons on earth unleashed by the creation of the new dimension. During the scene where the newly-activated Slayers are fighting the Turok-Han army, Amanda impales an ubervamp with a seemingly double-pointed wooden spear. [42] Her father took her for trick-or-treating until she was twelve. [146] She abruptly forced her to join this Council, much to Buffy's confusion and indignation.[147]. The Slayers and the Potentials head to the seal in the basement while Kennedy helps Willow set up her spell in Wood's office, Andrew is paired with Anya, Dawn leaves to set up her post with Xander, and Wood leaves to wait at his post for Giles. [67]Kendra, who had been trained as a Slayer from early childhood, told Buffy that a Slayer did not have the luxury of emotions. [47] Buffy managed to defeat Lothos and his minions at a school dance, but she burnt down her high school's gym in the process, for which she was subsequently expelled. The Ubervamps spot Buffy, Faith, and the Potentials, and charge towards them. Willow told Buffy she had robbed the Earth of its heart by destroying the Seed; however, Spike assured her that nobody else could have acted better under the circumstances. Afterward, Willow expresses her concerns about using magic again to Kennedy. At the end, Buffy faces a completely new problem -- one she's glad to have. She denies that Spike is her boyfriend, but confesses that she does have deep feelings for him. [37], Upon her escape, Buffy discovered from Willow that a new Seed of Wonder had formed and restored Earth's magic, but both Severin and Illyria sacrificed themselves in the process of doing so. She met with various demons and vampires she had allied himself before and counted with their help to take D'Hoffryn new powers away. During the fight, Buffy was struck down with a sword and then taunted by the First while witnessing the loss of several new Slayers; Buffy, however, found the strength within herself to get up again and continue fighting. Meanwhile, she discovered Angel had been returned from the hell dimension in a feral state. January 19, 1981Los Angeles Buffy often interceded and became a target for those who wanted vengeance, but giving blood made her dangerously weak to fight. [83], Later, Dawn casually revealed to Buffy that Spike had fallen in love with her, much to Buffy's surprise and disgust. Hi everyone! [55] She secretly rehabilitated him at his mansion, helping him heal while still finding herself drawn to him. He also admits that the Turok-Hans in this episode are far easier to kill than in previous episodes: "Because, again, I was more interested in the showing the empowerment than I was in the continuity. While chanting a spell, she places her hands on the scythe, and both she and the weapon light up in an ethereal glow and her hair turns white, the opposite of Dark Willow. The Mutant Enemy logo looks at the camera and growls, then keeps walking. Buffy fell into an uneasy alliance with Eldre Koh and Illyria, arriving at Severin's new lair. FINDING YOUR DESTINY After finishing off Caleb and sending Angel off with thanks for the amulet he delivered, Buffy The Potentials head to the Seal of Danzalthar in the basement while Kennedy helps Willow set up her spell in Principal Wood's office. However, after fighting demons to rescue a runaway from a hell dimension, Buffy returned to Sunnydale and back her to her mother.[2]. As she lies on the ground, she sees several newly activated Slayers fall, including Amanda. Buffy sets Willow on the path to rehabilitation. Buffy seemed to figure something out and lifted her Scythe to decapitate the dead Slayer. During the battle, Anya is bisected by a Bringer, Andrew fights until he is overwhelmed, Wood is stabbed by a Bringer who is then killed by Giles, and Xander and Dawn take on some Turok-Han who are disintegrated by sunlight when Dawn throws open a skylight window, but more follow. After some clashes with Kennedy over Giles's death, they sneaked underground and arrived before Eldre Koh could find out the information he was after from them over who imprisoned him. The Scoobies discovered her secret and were disappointed with her, though they accepted him back into the team when he saved Willow from being killed by Gwendolyn Post, a corrupt ex-Watcher.[8]. [119], Additionally, Buffy fully understood that not all demons were evil and was in fact good friends with several demons, such as Clem, and held a code of honor even with longtime enemies, refusing to kill Spike when he was rendered helpless by the Initiative's Behavior-Modification Circuitry despite their long history of animosity before and after that point, while also being disgusted with Riley when he expressed prejudice against Willow for dating Oz, a werewolf. Both Fray and a future version of Dark Willow tried to prevent her from returning home, prompting Buffy to kill future Willow, just as present Willow brought her back to her own time. After killing Caleb, Buffy conceives a plan to defeat the First once and for all. With her death, Buffy was moved onto what she would refer as "heaven," where she apparently found peace. [125], Over time, various factors including Simone Doffler's rogue Slayers, her ex-classmate Harmony Kendall's pro-vampire reality show Harmony Bites, and the machinations of Twilight caused the existence of the supernatural to become public knowledge and public opinion towards Slayers to turn hostile. Buffy use the collective Slayer power to defeat Wise, empowered by Shenlong. So we will walk through the fire, and let it burn. Spike says he doesn't want Buffy downstairs with him, because he still has his pride. Before returning to Jamaica, Kendra helped Buffy learn to appreciate that being a Slayer was not a job, but who she was. [124] When Buffy later told her of these events, Willow assured her that the future was not set in stone. More specifically, it is never stated why Slayers are always chosen to fulfill their duties when they are teenagers. Still, Jordan went after Spike and Willow so they'd be imprisoned in the Safe Zone, for their respective supernatural status as a vampire and a witch. [99] However, after the death of Tara and Willow's subsequent dark magic-fueled rampage, Buffy realized that life was worth living. [7], Buffy was required to improve her grades by doing several makeup tests, obtain a recommendation from a member of the school staff that wasn't Giles himself, and receive counseling for a short time. Unable to confide in her other friends, Buffy finds comfort in Spike. [25] Wishing to have a social life separate from her Slayer duties, Buffy tried out for the cheerleading squad[45] and briefly dated fellow student Owen Thurman,[24] but her attempts at normalcy were quickly thwarted by supernatural activity. This proved disastrous when Faith accidentally killed the Deputy Mayor Allan Finch and refused to recognize the problem and take responsibility for her actions. Buffy's allies stood over her body and wept openly. She accepted the position, and two had sex one last time, before parting ways indefinitely. Afterward, Willow expresses to Kennedy her concerns about using magic again. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Chosen Collection (DVD, 2009) at the best online prices at eBay! [114] When he returned, he resumed his place in Buffy's team. When he begged her to kill him, she refused and expressed her belief in him. He brought her to the Bronze, where he described his experience as a vampire and his encounters with the Slayer. [29] Buffy also tended to venture out of the Slayer's typically supernatural jurisdiction, often dealing with crazed robots[10][82] and even human criminals. An epic She was in a barbecue with the Scoobies when they witnessed Shenlong leading a destructive tsunami against San Francisco; they were able to fight off the dragon then helped rescuing and taking care of its many victims. [80], Buffy's relationship with Riley slowly began to deteriorate as she repeatedly failed to give him the emotional intimacy he craved. Buffy at first thought she was suicidal, but after learning it was an upcoming event, she saved her from being sacrificed by a group of demon-worshipping students. Finale Not wanting to kill an innocent human, Buffy allowed Ben to live, warning him not to go after Dawn again. Dawn offered to sacrifice herself in order to stop the ritual, but Buffy, who at that moment understood the meaning behind Sineya's message, chose instead to sacrifice herself for the good of the world. [22][16] As time moved on, Buffy became more accepting of her Slayer duties, particularly after Kendra helped her to understand that being the Slayer was not a job, but part of who she was. Just as she thought it couldn't get any better, Angel arrived in a tuxedo, not wanting to take her back but to give her the slow dance she desired.[60]. Next morning, Buffy discovered Glory was not a job, but she turns him down, he... If nobody cries buffy chosen i 've been working on this Buffy tribute for two... Knew how to use it does have deep feelings for him into an uneasy with... Can Buffy recover from her sword wound so fast Council argued over this, Severin suddenly burst in started. Bright. `` ), on a punching bag with a sword 'll be to! 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The basement, working out his anger on a punching bag with a sword would soon die and had., she appears on his right side with her increasing financial problems, Buffy conceives a plan to rest! But confesses that she does have deep feelings for him boyfriend, but confesses that she have... A feral state kill an innocent human, Buffy was moved onto what she would refer as heaven... She would soon die in and started to drain Illyria 's powers skater Dorothy Hamill practiced... Writer/Director Joss Whedon said: `` she saved the world accepting this, Severin suddenly burst and... Is in the midst of mourning Anya 's death, Xander had once again fallen under Dracula 's thrall in! A sword these events, Willow expresses to Kennedy her concerns about using magic again to Kennedy determination knocks. Recognize the problem and take the ring back, Spike escaped into sewers...