While gas is the most common side effect of Nutrisystem's fiber-rich foods and probiotic shakes, other side effects include abdominal pain, stomach problems, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Cheese. I was up reading it at 3:00 am as I had the most severe heartburn ever. After one week on the food, I too have suffered from severe gas, headaches, dizziness and a strange eye throbbing. I HAD TO HANG UP!!!! [A final authors note: The good news is that Ive been able to continue dieting on my own, now down six pounds. - that's why we want EVERYONE to understand how important gut health is! Gee, Stephanie, thank you for your sympathy regarding the physical discomfort I endured unnecesarily. My problem deals much more with customer service and the website. Food allergy or intolerance. What do you do to keep your gut in check? Both . . My original order had been placed by phone, and for the first couple of days I followed plan direction to . As mentioned, one of the most reported side effects that people experience when they are switching diets is a lack of energy. Mary Gregg, R.D. For the best results, make sure to log how you feel before, during, immediately after and a couple hours after a meal or snack. While most people shouldnt experience nausea while on the Nutrisystem diet, it is a possible reported side effect for some folks. Get editors' top picks of the day, the most interesting reviews, news stories and videos. I have lost 6 lbs in 4 weeks but I do not think living in the bathroom is the ideal way. The only answer I received was an automated answer because I flagged the message to notify me when it was delivered. Instead, increase fiber gradually in your diet over a few weeks. While they wont necessarily directly harm you, your digestive system may not handle the spikes of preservative intake as well as others. Your new diet is too low in fat. This month, I switched to the a la cart program. Here's why NSAIDs can cause stomach upset and more. Ok I searched for Nutrisystem and digestive problems and found this blog. However, before starting any diet or changing your eating habits, its important to consider the potential problems, symptoms, and side effects that might occur. I mentioned the problem to my older daughter, and she said shed had the same problem with Malitol in NS foods and other grocery store foods. Its crazy. I tried a number of times to login but your system would not accept my login name or password. Abdominal bloating. Ive experienced the exact thing with additional problems. all I can say is OMG!!! Antibiotics. Issues is putting it mildly. No sorry for my experience, no sympathy, just go away attitude. The diet program has a lot of success stories that prove its effectiveness. Both sensors have been clinically studied and are recognized by the National Institutes of Health, so I'd trust them if I had a gluten or peanut allergy. Im canceling my program tomorrow, and just eating healthy and in smaller portions. I ordered it from QVC after hearing the glowing reviews. God forbid this contributed to the stomach cancer folks have reported in this thread but it does sound very suspect that the two events coincided. Diarrhea The CT scan show NO DIVERTICULITIS, which left my Dr. puzzled. Today, while home from work sick and having been up since 2am because of stomach issues, thank God l Googled Maltitol at 3am and found this and other information that helped me understand the root cause of my illness. There are many different spots along the way where your system can become inflamed, injured, or blocked. Abdominal pain. I will research Maltitol and sugar alcohols; never used sugar alcohols before. Hope, I will be refunded because its not worth the trouble or health risks. The thing is, it's not always easy to tell what's going on. Ive been on Nutrisystem for 5 weeks and have lost 6 pounds (a good thing) but now realize my sleep problems are due the gas and heartburn. THey also said that they would put those foods on a 72 hour recall? I canceled the program immediately. I do have panic disorder, and my anxiety levels have been very high since starting the program. Fruits and Vegetables. Nutrisystem Basic Plan Reviews, Menu (Bad?) I called and they said give it a couple of weeks. Diabetes is the most common known cause of gastroparesis. Food allergies, on the other hand, involve the immune system. Ive done a lot of research now and Im going to try Beano to help counteract my symptoms and hope to God that it helps. This meal plan is both customizable and proportioned. I should have known to look at the ingredients before ordering any of their food! "Some people may not tolerate any dairy well when dealing with stomach troubles, but cheese is a more concentrated source of saturated fat, which can digest and absorb more slowly than mono and polyunsaturated fats," says Jones. Wise words brought to you by the microbiome. customerservice@nutrisystem.com. I enjoyed your post. Nima makes devices that look similar to the Aire, but they test food itself instead of your reaction to food. Weight Watchers Ozempic: Did They Purchase Sequence? If they do what Ms. Johnson did, you get an irate customer. About 15 years ago I went on Nutrisystem and in 3 months lost 15 pounds without any side effects . Antibiotics can upset the natural balance of bacteria in your stomach. I searched the web on NS and food-borne illness and found your blog. I am cancelling next order now. All three of us started reading labels of all our food purchases and are doing everything we can to avoid all sugar alcohols. Also, Nutrisystem asks you to supplement their foods with groceries including fresh vegetables and fruits which have been shown to reduce your risk of certain types of cancer. They did offer to let me send back the new box of food, and any food unopened for full refund. Eating foods high in fiber makes you feel less hungry, which is great for weight loss. After all, a study conducted in 2013 by the American Journal of Hypertension came to the conclusion that Nutrisystems diet program was not only effective at reducing weight and fat, but it was also good for reducing unhealthy blood pressure levels [2]. Extreme gas, bloating. Boy am I glad I didnt just join! The American Heart Association states that having a diet high in fiber (25+ grams per day) can also improve your cholesterol levels while lowering your risk of heart disease, obesity, and stroke. This has been a very expensive lesson to learn. You can also try mixing in more fresh veggies to pair with your Nutrisystem meals. If you have too much or not enough of any hormone that affects your digestion, such as gastrin or peptide YY, symptoms may appear. What you eat affects your digestion big time, but so do a lot of other factors. The only good thing about it is my clothes are already a lot looser. Su Llewellyn. Despite the diet being very effective at helping reduce fat and overall weight loss and unhealthy blood pressure levels, you do need to be aware of some potential side effects. Fortunately, I am somewhat tolerant of these ingredients- and will sub my own caloric equivalent snacks for the worst offenders which seem to be the sweets, which I dont really like anyway. Whether it's constipation, diarrhea, gas or the dreaded bloat, everyone deals with digestive discomfort at one point or another. I am on day 5 Turbo takeoff and today is day #3 that I have a headache, dizziness and trouble concentrating. I guess Im one of the fortunate for whom NS did exactly what they said it would. I was planning to go to the doctor, because I have always had a cast iron stomach and never experienced anything like this before. We noticed that when we stopped eating nutrisystem foods all symptoms stopped, we called the company and asked what was going on with the food and we were told that probably it was due to the sugar alcohol that they now used and to give it a chance to kick in. We tried for another few months but I almost ended up in a hospital with dehydration from all the diarrhea and my husband missed many days of work because of the stomach cramps and excessive flatulence. Im switching to Weight Watchers. When you're stressed, you also produce excess cortisol, which can trigger a handful of digestive reactions. Im usually the type of person who goes all day without eating which is where my problem lies. She finally put me on hold and said I will put you on hold for a moment. This stuff isnt food. Because of this and combined with the water weight, you will shed, you can expect to experience fairly substantial results within the first few weeks. Joseph S. Enoch. This is the cost of convenience. I did some online research and discovered, to my dismay, that this condition is so common for Nutrisystem customers that its even been given a name Nutritoots. Now second day that I am not eating Nutrisystem but my stomach is very painful and still I have migraine. SHE KEPT ASKING ME WHY! I missed 2 weeks of work, 4 dr. visits and finally CT scan in the hospital all to figure out where this sudden dramatic abdominal pain was coming from. The gut affects mood, digestion, immunity, weight, etc. Changes in blood sugar levels. You can opt for a pen-and-paper food journal, or you can download an app. If you wish to avoid maltitol or other sugar alcohols, you can edit your order to remove them from your menu. More also needs to be done with labels rules regarding foods containing sugar alcohols. As I am a widely published author, I wa already planning to write about my Nutrisystem experience it makes it a tax deduction amongst other benefits. Dont be alarmed when you begin experiencing a slow-down in results as it is completely normal. I ordered a months worth of Diabetes Uniquely Yours Plan Im not diabetic I was just hoping to avoid the blood sugar spikes and carb loaded crap. Read more: Why IBS and poop are suddenly trendy. I had to read the entire list of ingredients to see that I was indeed eating sugar alcohols. My husband did Nutrisytem for a year. About 10 months later I began having unusual bleeding with my cycle, then excessive bleeding, then one day I was admitted for emergency surgery to remove an elongated dense tumor from my uterus that my doctor thought could have been growing for about a year. After going carefully thru all that I was eating the light went on! If you are thinking about following the Nutrisystem diet, keep in mind you may or may not experience some of the side effects listed above. I know that I have issues with sugar alcohols and avoid them when I can. Hopefully this will keep the symptoms down. I started program 8days ago and have had nause, diarrhea, extreme bloating since day one. SHE ALSO TRIED TO TELL ME THAT NUTRISYSTEM WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR WEBSITE!!!! I had never had any abdominal issues and the only difference in my diet was Nutrisystem! We value you as part of our Nutrisystem family and appreciate your patience and understanding. There are 13 essential vitamins, and vitamin B12 and D3 deficiencies primarily cause hair loss, says Dr Babbar. I will attempt to get some money back for the unused foods. If you are going from a diet full of nearly 2,000 calories and you are cutting it down to a caloric deficit, you will experience side effects. Her mission is to share the most accurate and up-to-date information with her readers. My husband was on Nutrisystem for one year. I decided to order some test foods from Walmart to see how the food tasted before signing up with Nutrisystem. Again thank you so much!!! Jenny Craig vs BistroMD: Which is Better for Weight Loss? This is nothing to be alarmed about as it is completely normal. She didnt even need to lose much weight. A couple of weeks and the problem was to the point of regular food would not stay in me. Run! EverlyWell, Test My Allergy, Persona Labs andWhat's My Food Intolerance are some examples of at-home test manufacturers. They tell your organs what to do and when to do it. It happened to both of us and many of our acquaintences. I have bloodwork done every 6 months due to osteoporosis. Normal Side Effects From Switching Diets, Within a few days, I started feeling completely different. These side effects can include fatigue, headaches, cramping, and more. to compare. One thing to note is that you can always expect to experience a range of side effects when you are making such a dramatic shift in your diet. I googled Nutrisystem sickness and found this blog. Thanks for your article and sharing your experience. What's left unabsorbed travels to the large intestine, where it begins to ferment. In her apologetic reply, assuring me I could return the product at no cost to me, she made a statement which reflects the companys apparent belief that a customers well-being with regard to consuming Nutrisystem meals is, apparently, entirely up to the customer!]. I could eat a truck tire covered in tabasco with a side of beans and not have even a hint of stomach trouble. Home Wellness Nutrisystem Nutrisystem Side Effects? They should have warnings on their food! The message I sent, when I felt a little more calm, has not been answered at all. On PatriciaandCarolyn.com you may find links to products and services. A cast iron stomach. Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? Yes, I have gassiness but no bloating or cramps. This food will make you sick. SHE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ME EXCEPT TO IGNORE A PAYING CUSTOMER AND MAKE ME EVEN MORE ANGRY, FRUSTRATED AND WANTING TO CANCEL!! Now Im afrsid to continue in fear Ill just get worse. Nutrisystem Foods Fatigue. #biohm #gut #lasvegas #gutstuff #guthealth #microbiome #biohmgut #biohmhealth #probiotics #health #wellness, A post shared by BIOHM Health (@biohmhealth) on Aug 14, 2019 at 7:00am PDT. The email response came across as uncaring, but please know that Nutrisystem does care about its customers and strives to make their weight loss experience a pleasant one. They are welcomed!!]. We all stayed on the maintenance program for another year and a half and then went on our own. I have also been on NutriSystem for three weeks. This pocket-size breath test identifies food intolerances in real time by analyzing the amount of hydrogen in your breath. Consult your doctor before starting any weight-loss diet. Causes an allergic reaction, such as hives and swelling, shortness of breath or wheezing. Dont you think? From the first day, I had headaches, stomach pain, bloating, and severe gas just from those two little muffins! What kind of poison they add to food??? Stomach pains, gas, nausea ect. Unlike competitors, NS does not list sugar alcohols in the top box nutritional summaries as a type of carbohydrate, so they dont make it easy for consumers to find out if there is a risk. According to the Mayo Clinic, adding too much fiber too fast can cause these. sleep Before we get into some of the different side effects that you can experience while following the Nutrisystem diet, we will be going over what Nutrisystem is, how it works, and what makes it different. I had read about the gas and digestive issues and could handle them but NOT the searing heartburn. Jonathan, They dont effect me adversely . Its when customer experience falls below expectations set by the company that problems start. colonoscopy came back ok, 1 polop present but no reason why iron level is so low. Today, I felt quite ill after consuming their meals and snacks. Thank you again, I think increasing exercise and watching what I eat are the way to go. Nausea Other then that I hate it and I am miserable. He now has Stage 4 stomach cancer. It takes time and effort to log everything you eat, but if you really want to get to the bottom of your symptoms, food journaling is worth it. That is exactly the case with fiber. God help me get this mess completely out of my system and with no permanent damage done! It isTHEE best way to lose weight and keep it off. However, when I called the representative was completely insensitive to my frustration (and anger by this point) she just basically laughed at me on the phone. SIBO generally presents as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain, although there are asymptomatic cases. Brings on symptoms within minutes of consuming even a small amount of an allergy-inducing food. This will primarily be dictated by what kind of diet your body is used to. Ordered from qvc. I agree, more needs to be done on NSs end to warn customers of potential effects of the food. For three weeks, I have been experiencing severe stomach pain, agonizing gas pain, and alternating constipation and diarrhea. This company must stop telling people that these symptoms are rare and only happen to few people because this is false! Cindy, sorry your daughters had similar experience. May cause a severe, life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. I have also started experiencing muscle aches and pains that I never had before starting the program. I feel so greatful for this article! [May 18 Receiving no further assistance from Ms. Nelson, I take a different tack, researching the name and contact information for Nutrisystems designated contact for media and bloggers, Meredith Bandy, and sending her the following email]. Common symptoms of a nervous stomach may include: "butterflies" in the stomach. ALSO, THE PERSON THAT HANDLED MY CALL SHOULD BE FIRED FOR LAUGHING AT FRUSTRATED CUSTOMERS AND BEING RUDE ONLY THROWING GAS ON A FIRE THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! Upper GI issues often cause heartburn and pain or discomfort in the stomach or chest. . Its funny in hindsightno, maybe thats not a good word to use right hereanyhow, read the following thread of email which ensued between me and personnel at Nutrisystem. While the Nutrisystem does pack in a lot of satiating nutrients including a lot of lean protein and fiber to help keep you feeling full, you are bound to experience some hunger pains during the early going. Managing your diabetes can help you . My husband and I rejoined and both immediately began to get bouts of diarrhea, bloat, flatulence, stomach cramps, among other discomforting symptoms. I agree, Nora. WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THIS MESS AND DO THEY KNOW HOW THEIR EMPLOYEES TREAT CUSTOMERS/CLIENTS?? I can do this portion control on my own now. Learn more about Megan on our Team Page. Hate the side effects! More specifically, we want to make sure that you get the foods that agree with you. I am prone to constipation so never really put 2 and 2 together. Skype: crisis.manager, [May 20, received this reply from Meredith Bandy]. One of the biggest flaws associated with the entire program itself is the abundance of preservatives that you will be taking in on a daily basis. thankfully I did not do the huge month box- just out about $90 for two weeks buying the 5day kits from Amazon. Author, Keeping the Wolves at Bay & Managers Guide to Crisis Management I needed to login to adjust my next months menu but had a great deal of difficulty and frustration. To read the entire list of ingredients to see how the food tasted before signing up with Nutrisystem my deals. Completely different I had to read the entire list of ingredients to see how the food left unabsorbed to! Program has a lot of other factors a couple of weeks butterflies quot. Bloodwork done every 6 months due to osteoporosis stomach pain, although there are many different spots along the to..., increase can nutrisystem cause stomach problems gradually in your breath get some money back for first. 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