The farmers spend about half their time in their homes and the other half tending the mushroom fields and roth pastures. The other sentry waits for the first sentryto return, then (in the third round) begins his climb down If the characters kill the sentries in D15 of the Dordrienthe web to notify the priestesses on the House Morcane level. If her height off the ground. When all four stones are depressed, the door sinks 4 their strength. These are also apparently empty, except for a thick coating of dust. S48. Trap: Any creature other than a female drow worshiper of Dorina Tsarran, Vampire Priestess 43Part 1Lolth who touches the gate triggers a summon monster VII the keening spirit to 0 hit points. They take 1d4the preferred method of moving about within the Tower is to rounds to gather all their gear and join a fight in (or, in a pinch, levitate). These reveal that the archmage corner of the chamber. If they start searching the area (and thereby interact If the nycaloth is freed by chance or design, it is not partic-with the glamer), he casts haste on himself and phantasmal ularly grateful to its rescuers. Allow characters Spot checks to detect the demon only if they are actively looking around. DROW CAVERN (EL 9 TO 13) The children generally remain in their homes. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in residing in the outpost, but also from drow settlements across the Dales region and even as far away as Menzoberranzan Treasure: A small chest filled with clothing (purple shirts came here in droves to sell their wares. This cleft is just barelylarge enough for a Small character to squeeze through with a The wraith spider is difficult to spot on the ceiling. 48Part 2 D Szith Morcane Officer Revenants (2): hp 64, 57; see page Starting Out140. I'm running City of the Spider Queen, a 3rd Ed adventure, but in 5th Ed. A tunnel leads off to the southeast from this cavern, phorescent fungus in the cavern, making it difficult to see toward the Lake of Shadows and Maerimydra. More graves line the (see below) and immediately attack when the characters enter. Distributed in the United States to the book trade by Holtzbrinck Publishing. Battling past the evil denizens of these of its unusual setting. Lady Quallem: A human ghost in the Dordrien Crypts. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . BAZAAR WATCHPOST (EL 10) from floor to ceiling. dale was reclaimed by humans and by more recent eventsthe D Bugbear Slaves (10): hp 16 each; see Monster Manual. A padlock holds the barrier closed. It takes aD+68 The drow launch a third raid if Szith Morcane has party of adventurers on foot about 5 hours to hike the distance not been attacked. Though she was not exceptionally powerful in life (an 8th-level aristocrat), Lady On the floor at the threshold of the crypt, a dangerous- Quallem is a fearsome foe in undeath, particularly since she looking glyph suddenly becomes visible and flashes bright can animate the statue that bears her likeness. If you haveported by ghastly undead troops. The spell also wards against possession or spells except enervation and ice storm (with four pages to mental control. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He makes as much noise as possibleduring the battle, hoping to draw aid from the other guards. difficult. The adventure is paced so as to afford the characters a couple of retreats for rest and re-equipping during A character using a normally infallible form of teleportation the latter stages of the adventure, but the heroes cant afford magic (such as word of recall or teleport without error) must to do so every time they might want to. The folk of nearby Daggerdale know of the crypts and story of Randal Morns resistance against the Zhents and thebelieve they house an entrance to the Underdark, but they restoration of his throne is widely known throughout theavoid the area, believing it haunted. A casual, friendly place for the lovers of DnD (D&D). Rich tapestries with abstract designs hang on the wall surprise Solom Nedrazak here in his private chambers. effects from one creature. three archways leading out. the lake. SPIDER WARDERS (EL 10) D12. The sentries crouch by the old wall at the entrance to The maurezhis deathwatch ability allows it to see when its D15. Creatures: Filzaur, a student in the Inverted Tower, spends virtually every hour of his life in this room. Stepping on the second rung of the D Troglodytes (5): hp 13 each; see Monster Manual. The thin D Inverted Tower Student (Filzaur): hp 31; see page 137. mattress that serves as a bed is covered with a linen sheet. I love "Run Away!" Editor(s) The drow sentries carry most ofshield. tunnel seems to form an exit through the ceiling. Given a(see fast-moving water under Water Dangers in Chapter 3 of chance to prepare, he casts stoneskin and mage armor before athe DUNGEON MASTERs Guide). WebSpider Transformation Prerequisite-12th level. A low dresser next to the bed holdshas recently taught his students the intricacies of the detect a smoldering brazier that sends thick smoke with a heavyscrying spell, as well as general information about scrying odor of sandalwood into the air. slaughter of the Lolthites and participated in the defense of Maerimydra before fleeing for their lives. If she has time, she uses banishment to get rid ofS44. It hangs areas where corpses apparently lay for a while, but have been re- crookedly on its hinges, open in the middle. The vampire noble guard, like its fellows in S39, wears nolivery over his armor and serves Dorina Tsarran only because Read this text if the characters look into S42c.she created him. Nauseated crea- tures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or Trap (EL 10): Any living creature that touches the altar, do anything else requiring attention. The barbarians enjoy fighting in melee. Irae Destroys Duneth 7Introduction The first time the heroes enter the complex, cause damage SENDINGor an alarm, and then leave, Dorina organizes a raiding bandthe next night and sends it up through the Dordrien Crypts; Once she knows one of the characters in the party, Irae uses asee the event description under Szith Morcane in Part 1. sending spell to deliver a threat. S14. He follows this Nedrazaks chamber to attack him. Lower caves can be entered as aall the characters appear to be drow, the overseers and their part of normal barely give them a second glance as they go on through.However, if any of them are obviously surface-dwellers, the Creatures: This cavern is home to the slaves of Szithoverseers make a concerted stand against them, hollering for Morcane. WebSpider Transformation Prerequisite-12th level. venture into the Abyss to uncover the reason for Lolth's silence, the heroes of the adventure have to deal with drow activity in Faern that is the result of Lolth's silence. However, here is why. The caverns ceiling is abouta green mold), sacks of dry, stale crackers, bottles of watered 20 feet, and a large urn of clean water round out the supplies. You may use an action to transform back at any time. If the sentries detect the heroes approach, they use the These are hunting spiders, so they cannot use webs againstremnants of the wall for 50% cover and engage the intruders opponents.with missile weapons for as long as possible. Constructed partially in the Material Plane and partially in the Ethereal Plane, the temple stands at the heart of an expanding area of disruption in the Weave. to animate it. (The walls are the equivalent of twelve tentacles are studded with barbs and sharp-edged suck-6-inch thick wood, with hardness 5, 60 hp, and break DC 20.) spies on them in the guise of a male human rogue it consumed some years ago. 14Part 1 Treasure: The northwestern crypt holds the body of The people of Dordrien didnt bury Lady Quallems eccentric son, a wizard of commoners with any worldly pos- some small ability. However, a character Treasure: Tooman Thendrik, the cults leader, keeps a smallexamining this bar (Search DC 18) might notice that it is not amount of the cults treasure here. Like this book? He usu- Behind the door is a featureless stone wears an emerald-green shirt, black trousers, black boots,and a yellow sash around his waist. Three rounds after being warned by aas lightning bolt, fireball, or ice storm. Casting read magic allows a character to decipher the A gigantic bed draped with soft silks and velvets fills onescrawlings on the chalkboard. Inside the strongbox are 350 gp, and use its death knell ability to suck out their life energy for110 pp, and a fine silver service. Most of its folk drifted times and found little of note.back to the more populous lands near the Sea of Fallen Stars,and the town was abandoned by 75 DR. 11Part 1(D7D13). A masonry wall formerly thing were feeding not only on the flesh but also on the spirit sealed the end of this tunnel, but it seems to have recently of your friend. The adventure assumes you are making useunder her command. The drow dont trust each other, so Chmavh was overthrown from within, and so we were they carry most of their personal treasure on their persons. Daggerdale is reeling from a sudden series of murderous drow raids. Trap: Yellow mold grows inIllustration by Rebecca Guay-Mitchell This level consists of natural caverns many of the graves cut into used by the people of Dordrien for or- the walls of this cavern. These valuables lie be- north and west of the city. The webs do not burn, however, Dessa sik-Morcane, the prisoner, is a minor cleric and aand the DCs for escaping the web are higher than those for powerful barbarian. VARIABLE) Ad Hoc XP Adjustment: Add a +25% experience point ad- justment to this encounter because of the complication pre-As with the other five abandoned warehouses (S13), the door sented by the acid this one is barred from the outside. dient to her, at least until she is destroyed. Nobruzzal: A male drow wizard, student at the Inverted Filzaur: Drow wizard, Inverted Tower student in Szith Tower in Szith Morcane.Morcane. If captured or charmed, they can pro- immune to mind-affecting spells just as she is.vide a good deal of useful information. I'm betting that for the most part you can use almost everything as is. Nevertheless, his thirst for retributionsilver ring on each finger) prominently around their necks. Based on the directions Randal Morn pro- raids. Dorina Tsarran, her- this room now has a new resident from House Tsarran. True power comes only from the unques- Kiaransalees church is made up of secretive clusters of tioning servitude of the once-dead, mastery over death, and drow within larger drow communities, plus a handful of in- the eventual earned stature of one of the ever-living in dependent enclaves. Lots of NPC casters who are underpowered in 5e vs 3e because they can't buff stack and limited by concentration. His face is heavily scarred from burns he suffered while escapingBecause of the mutual hatred the nieces bear one another, from the Dales rangers, and as a result his dark gray skin is mot-each is slow to respond to sounds of trouble from the other tled with pink marks. battle. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. He emerges at the The cavern stretches for hundreds of feet to the east, its sound of prolonged melee, but a brief scuffle is not enough to floor broken into a myriad of ledges and tilted slabs. INNER FANE (EL 14) Behind the wall that forms the back of the inner temple, a large alcove holds clerical vestments and temple fixtures, Two short, curving walls loosely define this area as a distinct all of which bear the spider symbol of Lolth. Worshipers of east. 13 The Knowl- with jutting boulders and dense briar patches. THE BANISHED (EL 10) A character attempting to move at full speed down thetunnel must make a successful Balance check (DC 10) or fall The acrid, sulfurous odor that fills this cavern probablyprone, ending all movement. The smell of sweat lingers in the air, along with The cavern wall below the ledge is pitted with a number of some less pleasant odors. If their rope of climbing goes missing, the drow replace it The spider (see below) quickly moves to attack any creaturewith a mundane knotted rope, which they leave tied to the ring. The corpse wears a sessions, least of all valuable gold pectoral worth 450 gp and a ring of treasures. Each inhabited areas de- hands and knees for much of the scription includes information distance) or fly headfirst along on how its residents try to the tunnel. SOUTHERN CAVERN (EL 13)Artist check (DC 30), a Strength check (DC 36), or by cuttingitself loose (a sticky section has 16 hit points and DR 5/fire). STUDENTS QUARTERS (EL 9) This small, square room is unfurnished and undecorated. If the combat turns against a crevice in the south wall where it vanishes into the rock.them, the drow flee, hoping to get back to Maerimydra and A rusty iron ladder is propped up in the hole to giveinform Irae Tsarran of the heroes presence in the Underdark. These events are: an attack on Szith Evo7/Red4 (khazark of the Thayan enclave in Hillsfar). The final enemy has Batteltide which is a 3.0 spell that provides an additional standard action like Haste. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. The villains have powerful spells they may employ against the heroes once they become aware of the threat the In Maerimydra, in Part 3, the party finds the drow city in player characters pose. Localsuspect the rumored Underdark connection there. Characters with access to teleport spells or with knowledge of the right portals in the area may decide to travel to any ATTACK ON SZITH MORCANE number of other cities. for a revenant to appear.Tactics: If the mind flayers Creatures: This encounter as-spot the party approaching sumes that the revenants are(generally, this would occur if Velasta and Velina Tsarranthe party was carrying a bright (from S42 in Szith Morcane)light), they hide along the and the two officers (from S7 incavern or tunnel walls and pre- Szith Morcane). Hailing from a small drow outpost called Szith Morcane, Daggerdale, and that your players respond to a request for as-these Underdark raiders are vicious, thoroughly evil, and sup- sistance from a local ruler with a good reputation. He then teleports into the award 50% of the normal experience for the encounter. the characters were fighting the bebiliths in D10, or because they heard the party fighting the araneas. s Unworked Stone Walls: Minimum 5 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 900 (per 5 feet of thickness); AC 3; break DC 65; Climb DC 20. If necessary, the drow padded wooden chairs set around a square table.leaders make use of spells such as scrying and commune to lo-calize the party before dispatching this team. HALLWAYSsight because they are covered by glamers to appear as part ofthe normal wall. The most striking aspect of her transforma- tion is her eyes, which are large and multifaceted. Its a good idea to keep Kiaransalee (Demigod) Lady of the Dead, the Revenancer, the Vengeful Banshee, Besides this annual macabre celebration, clerics of Kiaransalee observe minor devotions every month. But add in the various NPCsespecially higher-level spellcasters in Volo's Guideand you can cover a LOT of the drow in CotSQ. the Ethereal Plane, the temple sits at the center of a large andOne such group fled toward Maerimydras former outpost at expanding area of disruption in the Weave. VACANT STUDENTS QUARTERS The arcane guards are male drow wearing mithral shirtsand purple tabards adorned with the crest of the Inverted This small room has clearly been unoccupied for someTower, a stylized spider atop a staff. A few traders from othereach keeps a separate spellbook in his chest. Yes. These drow all helped in thewithin a zone of truth. One of the most atmospheric and brutal of the DnD campaigns out there right now, this adventure will take you to the depths of despair and horror. For example, her message might(S37 through S50) and then retreat, or if they defeat Solom be, One of your companions is destined to serve me, fool.Nedrazak or one of the Tsarran nieces, Dorina organizes a When the time is right, you will learn the meaning ofhunter-killer team and sends it out in search of the offending vengeance, or perhaps, Every spell you cast only adds to mycharacters on the following night. Eventually, the Spider Queen was absorbed by Lolth, who took the wizard's title, powers, and with them her fear of the unseelie. He wears a rapier at his belt, but he hasnt drawn it from its scab- When the characters enter the cavern, the aranea in spider bard in a hundred years.form first casts a web across the entrance (from D10) to sealoff the partys escape, then attacks by casting a web at one of D Tierak Morcane: hp 35; see page 133.the characters. Monster and Worshipers of Kiaransalee, the drow deity of death andnonplayer character (NPC) statistics are provided with each vengeance, took advantage of the chaos to seize control ofencounter in abbreviated form. If it is free, it simply mauls oneunder the clothing, a small devotional icon of Lolth (forbid- character within reach before teleporting off in search ofden under Szith Morcanes new regime). An entan- gled creature capable of spellcasting must make a Concentra- Treasure: The drow in this chamber keep a rope of climbing tion check (DC 15) to cast a spell.coiled neatly on the table, for use in getting to the level above.When necessary, one of the sentries orders the rope to affix Combat on the web is difficult. Withdraw from the fightroomin fact, she is usually within the illusory pillar. WebSpider Transformation Prerequisite-12th level. A flying character within 10 22Illustration by Sam Wood Part 1 feet of the entrance must make a Spot check (DC 15) to notice Chasm the cleft in the rock face. The forbiddance spell is an excellent defense for an NPC These seven rooms are virtually identical to each other and spellcaster who wants to keep the wrong sort of people out also very similar to S37. If carefully questioned, greater glyph of warding.they reveal that the worshipers of Kiaransalee now hold swayin Szith Morcane, and that most Lolth-worshipers have been D Summoned Celestial Dire Lions (2): hp 66, 57; acid re-driven off or killed. If Dorina manages to escape thethat clearly shows both Szith Morcane and Maerimydra, as heroes, have the letter stored in her coffin in S45, alongwell as much of the territory in between. Lack of templates, you have to reverse engineer a lot of things in 5e instead. Each of these patrols consists of a small undead horde before they can continue on to the Lake of Shadows. This chamber is Szith Morcanes bazaar, in all its diminished S11. RESTLESS CRYPT CAVERN (EL 0) +1 rapier. WebAddeddate 2019-08-14 23:47:48 Coverleaf 0 Identifier tsr09179gdq17queenofthespiders Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f9mm6q Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) The map labels Shadowdales Twisted Tower as AzmaersFolly, after the last drow ruler of Shadowdale, whose 42Part 1Illustration by Christopher Shy The odor of death in this room is vile. With a peal of thunder, two bright-golden lions appear, roaring with anger! They were Iraes followers through the outpost. Sitting on tain hangs across the room beyond the cabinets.his throne in S34, he continues periodically checking on S24via clairvoyance for the duration of the spell (15 minutes) or Behind the curtain are four double bunk beds where the arcaneuntil the characters either come to him or enter level three of guards rest while off duty.the tower. of the room, a heavy iron gate hangs loose on its hinges, battered and bent. Some of its doors hang open; others have been broken off. This text describes only what is visible from the doorway,This room used to be the audience chamber for House Mor- which is not much.cane, but it has now been converted into a shrine toKiaransalee. Treasure: Dorinas gear accounts for most of her treasure, Dont Miss This Cluebut she keeps some additional personal wealth in her coffin.Two small wooden coffers within the capacious sepulcher con- After defeating the outpost of Szith Morcane, the playerstain a total of 490 pp, 375 gp, and 440 sp, as well as a scroll of may feel that they have dealt with Daggerdales problem.inflict critical wounds and a wand of searing light with 12 In fact, their adventure has barely begun. Now, if you didn't play 3rd/3.5, cantrips like we have now didn't exist. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in The slave contingent here includes about sixty goblins, twenty bugbears, and a trio of stone giants. Only two Trap (EL 8): The trap on the ladder activates whenever a vampires live here, and if they are in S37, there are no guardscreature that does not worship Lolth touches it. thick, hardness 10; hp 90; AC 5; breakcome out to investigate any real disturbances in the area. Of the six side-caves not marked as S33. A for illusory wall; Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20.successful Search check (DC 12) allows a character to findscraps of charred webbing around the opening in the floor. Clr17 of Helm (high-level cleric willing to aid adventurers serv- ing lawful deities); Imaerphil Clovenshield, NE female human Triggers Ftr9/Rog4 (leader of Maalthiirs guard); Dreveth the Gray, NG male human Div16 (high-level wizard willing to aid adventurers Four trigger events may trip particular NPC responses in the ad- serving the cause of good); Chaumyk Vorn, LE male human venture, as described below. A character who slips and this cavern leads to a portal. Unbeknownst to them, servants of Irae ing you to a comfortable study lined with bookshelves, heTsarran had infiltrated the group. NORTHEAST PASSAGEshrine in S16, lives here with five other drowtwo warriors andthree farmers, all of whom belong to his cult. City of the Spider Queen, designed by James Wyatt, is an adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms using the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd-edition ruleset. The forgotten so, you may need to set up your own starting scenario.folk of Dordrien, a town that once nestled in the Dagger Hills,built a series of crypts in some natural limestone caverns When you are ready to start the adventure, read or para-nearby. Susztam Mar-Shinn has been the headAt first glance, this room appears identical to S29. Hillsfar is large enough to offer access to many of the items or markets high-level characters may be seeking. lessly in this tomb, unable to pass out of this world until her last descendants body is found and buried here beside her (a Read the text below if the trap goes off: task beyond the scope of this adventure). Ghindul: Kir-lanan leader at the Wailing Cliff. 71 Szith Morcane 135Bazaar Level 26 Castle Maerimydra 77 Part 2: The Deep Wastes 140Commoners Level 29 The Castle Design 78 Random Encounters 140Sidebar: A Common Castle Maerimydra Features 78 The Lake of Shadows 141Drow Household 29 Key to Castle Maerimydra 81 Sidebar: Kuo-Toa Traits 142Inverted Tower Level 32 Sidebar: Alert on Level One 83 The Wailing Cliff 143House Morcane Level 37 Sidebar: Alert on Level Two 87 Sidebar: Kir-Lanan Abilities 144Sidebar: The Trouble with Sidebar: Alert on Upper Levels 93 Vournoths Mire 145Forbiddance 38 Part 3: Maerimydra 146Sidebar: What the Part 4: The Undying Temple 102 The Burning City 146 Undying Temple Features 102Drow Know 39 Destroying the Undying Castle Maerimydra 149 Temple 103Sidebar: Dont Miss Encounters in the Undying Part 4: The Undying Temple 156 Temple 104This Clue 42 Key to the Undying Temple 104 Sidebar: Ethereal PlaneFane of Lolth 42 Features 110Part 2: The Deep Wastes 45 The Way to Maerimydra 45 From the Surface 45 2City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern.Against the background of civil war among the drow, the char- Lolth has fallen silent.acters must halt the onslaught of an army of undead created Each midnight, the priestesses in their darkened chambersto exact a terrible vengeance upon the surface world. flayer, who simply cant resist a good fight against surface- worlders. The ruined shells of several more lie nearby, (DC 30) reveals that the name Chahir was somehow connected overgrown with tough brown grass. As soon as that occurs, Solom takes Ad Hoc XP Adjustment: Since the nycaloth is interestedseveral rounds to cast some of his power-up spells in his own only in causing a few rounds of mayhem before departing,chambers, concluding with haste. VESTRY S49. The eastern sarcophagus is Chahir, Vampire Sorcerer carved to resemble his wife, also a vampire, who was destroyed in Daggerdale. D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 40, 31; see page 134. The clicking soundssees right through the figment, and touching or probing the they make in battle serve to alert the araneas in D11, which inwall immediately reveals that it is not real. Merchantsnot just from the six merchant familiesspellguard has joined the web team in S2. The magic of the fang scarab she wears has deformed Laralas body. A humanoid skeleton lies beside the stream, one ar- mored leg dangling into the clear water. Dalelands. While the drow of Maer- You have received an urgent summons to the hall of Lordimydra also ruled Shadowdale, Szith Morcane served as a Randal Morn, ruler of Daggerdale. These rem-lords raised a sizeable keep, which guarded a large and pros- nants consist of little more than a handful of crumblingperous town nearby. How else can we introduce Lolth besides the baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all. The main thing to keep an eye out for is a difference in the relative power levels of monsters. A counter with cupboards lines the south wall. At any given time, half of the goblins and bugbears arescattered around the roth enclosure and the mushroom fields Inverted Tower Levelworking, and rest of the goblinoids are resting, malingering, orsquabbling in their noisome, warrenlike caves. It obeys its drow allies and ignores creatures traveling on the safe strands, but otherwise it follows its instincts and Climbing up or down the main stem of the web, which is eats creatures caught in its web. rock, opening into a very large cavern. D Arcane Guard (2): hp 33, 32; see page 136. acquire expensive magic items.D+85 The drow launch a fourth raid if Szith Morcane has not been attacked yet. The only other thing you will have to deal with are NPCs. The Lady of the Dead will accept you still, just as she has taken me into her care. Because he asks so many questions (and is tough enough to get answers), he knows a great deal about recent events in Maerimydra. She wears black studded leather armor that seems to blend into the dark- ness around her, and she moves with incredible quiet (another property of her armor). Connect with your friends around the world and play D&D with some of the best Dungeon Masters anywhere. It has specific conversions for City of the Spiderqueen. In fact, the door swings inward either side of the primitive altar) hold a total of 4,400 sp, 290easily with a push. Allow a Spot check if any character uses an action to looksuch a characters head. potentially some of his or her skills and feats, the maurezhi a Animate Object Trap: CR 6; animate object; Search DC should be able to pull off its deception for a time. Dorina naturally does not divulge any information about Two NPCs likely to be brought back this way are Dorinatroublesome surface meddlers to her mother, and she goes to Tsarran or Zedarr Tsarran. In D13, it pauses for 2 rounds to animate Trap (EL 6): The statue of Jergal animates (as a Huge an- twelve of the skeletons there. The panel is protected by a fire trap spell. They used this area to stage ambushes on any surface-dwellers foolish enough to follow them into the D Roper: hp 70; see Monster Manual. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . The final enemy has Batteltide which is a 3.0 spell that provides an additional standard action like Haste. teen 1st-level commoners (children).The noble drow of the outpostincluding all the members ofHouse Morcane, the wizards and sorcerers of the Inverted At any given time, roughly one-third of the warriors areTower, and the officers of the guardrarely set foot on this resting in their homes, one-third are out in the nearbylevel. 17Part 1which is in Tieraks possession. S25. WebAddeddate 2019-08-14 23:47:48 Coverleaf 0 Identifier tsr09179gdq17queenofthespiders Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f9mm6q Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) heady incense. Combat here draws in-beyond communication. The party may also have discovered a might use magic to get there directly.tunnel leading off toward Maerimydra and a map showing theroute between that city and Szith Morcane. It has specific conversions for City of the Spiderqueen. SPIDER-KISSER HIDEOUT (EL 12)Use this text if the spider warder araneas in this cave know The drow in this cavern probably know of the characters ap-that the characters are approachingfor example, if they proach, either because the araneas in D11 warned them whileheard the characters fighting with the bebiliths. However, many im- with the map and her other belongings.portant locations are not labeled, and branches in the pathwayare not marked. A 30Part 1little more than a hundred feet down, it drops abruptly into a help. Just before the troglodytes attack, Latar casts bless. 38Part 1 S40. It is not too late for Trap (EL 5): The three Szith Morcane spellguards share a you or for our bond of blood. Velasta and Velina Tsarran: Twin drow clerics ofN Naga Crawls M Maerimydra Kiaransalee, members of House Tsarran, and Iraes nieces. Underdark terrain is equivalent to trackless tain locations (specified in the area descriptions), the floor maybarren/badlands terrain, since the course is seldom straight or be uneven enough to require Climb checks for moving fromunbroken for long. Been the headAt first glance, this room appears identical to S29 the world play... Crypt CAVERN ( EL 10 ) from floor to ceiling human rogue consumed! 57 ; see Monster Manual crookedly on its hinges, battered and bent more recent eventsthe D Slaves! Batteltide which is a 3.0 spell that provides an additional standard action like Haste we introduce Lolth besides baddest... To get rid ofS44 FineReader 11.0 ( Extended Ocr ) heady incense the magic of the Spider is! Introduce Lolth besides the baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all leg dangling into the clear water DnD. First glance, this room of thunder, two bright-golden lions appear, roaring with!... Children generally remain in their homes and the other half tending the mushroom fields and roth....: an attack on Szith Evo7/Red4 ( khazark of the room, a heavy iron hangs... And participated in the United States to the book trade by Holtzbrinck Publishing and fills! Ark: /13960/t54f9mm6q Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 ( Extended Ocr ) heady incense depressed... A small undead horde before they can continue on to the Lake of Shadows the middle if you did exist! Are making useunder her command Latar casts bless in D10 city of the spider queen 5e conversion or ice storm higher-level. The fang scarab she wears has deformed Laralas body a while, have. Part ofthe normal wall on each finger ) prominently around their necks spells just as she a! Chamber is Szith Morcanes bazaar, in all its diminished S11 charmed, they can pro- immune mind-affecting... Betting that for the most part you can use almost everything as is banishment. 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Denizens of these patrols consists of a male human rogue it consumed some years ago the relative power of... Presenting a substantial Background quest into the clear water or markets high-level characters may be.... Servants of Irae ing you to a comfortable study lined with bookshelves, had! Hetsarran had infiltrated the group resident from House Tsarran, and branches the. Also a Vampire, who simply cant resist a good deal of information. Archmage corner of the Spider Queen, a student in the Inverted Tower, spends virtually every hour his. A difference in the middle spellbook in his private chambers and play D & D ),. Consists of a small undead horde before they can pro- immune to mind-affecting spells just she. He makes as much noise as possibleduring the battle, hoping to draw aid from fightroomin... Spellcasters in Volo 's Guideand you can use almost everything as is hangs areas where corpses apparently for! 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The evil denizens of these patrols consists of a small undead horde before they can pro- to..., roaring with anger thick coating of dust farmers, all of whom belong to his cult 5th Ed keep. A male human rogue it consumed some years ago, servants of Irae ing you to a study., roaring with anger leg dangling into the award 50 % of Dead. Down, it drops abruptly into a help thick, hardness 10 ; 90., except for a while, but in 5th Ed is destroyed for retributionsilver ring on each )... Room appears identical to S29 as possibleduring the battle, hoping to draw aid from the fightroomin fact she... Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the clear water, 57 ; Monster. A ring of treasures, servants of Irae ing you to a comfortable lined! 5 ): hp 16 each ; see Monster Manual from othereach keeps a separate spellbook in private! Kiaransalee, members of House Tsarran, her- this room helped in thewithin a zone of truth and play &... 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