A NE human warlock of the of power. The cavern spans far into the dark, far beyond what even the sharpest eye can see, or the brightest torch can reveal.13B. It's confident that it can hold out until moretheir gear has been moved to Area 19C, hidden behind the men are captured by the bullywugs.statues in the corners. "I've I've my means. 11LEVEL V: WYLLOWWOOD WYLLOW: A HIDDEN EVIL"Walk lightly, my contestantsfor Wyllowwood is not Wyllow is a fantastic villain for but one reason: no onepart of my game but hers," the Mad Mage ever suspects druids being capable of evil. Wyllow describes Wyllow's wrathor confront her over her many crimesthem as parasites that have fed too gluttonously and as and must face a guerrilla fighter armed with the entirety"criminals" that disobey her laws. The next guide for Dungeon of the Mad Mage will take us down to and through DL6, and I'll tell you right here that DL4 and DL5 can be amazing settings for adventures that start, play out, and end all in the course of a single part of the dungeon. murders Otto with a magic missile straight through the drake's eyeball. See Area 4 for details on quicksand. No stoop rage; rage that seeps into every interaction it has, everyor ledge is there for a visitor to step foot upon. A Toast! While all those that enter Valdemar, she sets out to destroy them.Wyllow's demesne can find peace and can peacefullyleave, this supplement has twisted that. See Wyllow's Hunt for the play-by-play ofof Note for dialogue and details on this quest. The stench of bloodwatches with great interest. hole in the ground and goes to plant the orbit slips from her hand! A NE halfling assassin, Perlos is a wanted man "Find out next week on Dungeon of the Mad Mage asin Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, and Neverwinter. In case the adventurers do manage to escape, starting over. Always is there a feeling of longing. When they approach this area, the duergar shout,your eyes but up your spine and into your brain: the "Hurry! Use little strange. 2716. The adventurers have come to Illuun's waiting arms atWhats the point of throwing in awakened trees if they long last, and together, with the aboleth's three chuuls,cant speak? Only by completing her questMedicine check can discern the cause of death, only an (see Act II) will she give it.absence of symptoms: no broken bones, save whatscavengers may have broken off; no burn marks, et cetera. Roleplaying Qurrok. At While the seven hook horrors know better than to attackthe center of this morgue is a robed kuo-toa working on a large groups of individuals, if the party is wounded up themacabre effigy made of corpses. Perhaps it's their chieftain.handwave and narrate the passing hours and days, giving Kuketh, with Hyin in tow, have come to inspect thethem the opportunity to speak with each other. Halaster Blackcloak's voice booms: With a +5 to Strength (Athletics), a reach of 10 ft., and "Well done! "Dinner" quickly becomes "stay the night" as the serial killer tries Maddgoth's Backup. TRUE TOMB the heart of Azrok's Hold (Area 21P). Once the mission is accomplished, the adventurers are1. 38SALVAGED SPELLBOOKS "IF FOUND PLEASE TELEPORT TO"Some spells found in these tomes cannot be found in the Level SpellsPlayer's Handbook but instead Xanathar's Guide to 1st burning hands, mage armor, snareXGE, Tenser'sEverything and are therefore marked with "XGE". ARCH GATE TO LEVEL 3visual, imagine the barlgura leaping across the room tosmash a statue. Thebeast opens its maws and acid boils up from its legion Wind ripples through these woods, and on it rides an oddthroatsbut true hydras don't spit acid, and a discerning sound. Napping at its center or in the boughs of a tree is Pepper them in as you see fit. When the small folk arrive, Xorta Rhodos, stick out your tonguedoesn't my brother havetreats them as a welcome distraction from her music. Read the following: opportunity for these creatures to communicate with theAs you comb through the woods you hear a seraphic voice party if any characters are fluent in those languages. Having seen the visitors enter thisThe adventurers find themselves face-to-face with domain, the werebat pariah seeks them out. Using the tree stride spell, Wyllowstatblocks of which have been provided in Appendix B. rains hell on the adventurers from afar while a pack of five Before ever fighting, Wyllow casts foresight on herself blink dogs strafe the party. The riverthe mythic River of the Depthssings in the darkness, sparsely lit by iridescent fungi. Once the party leaves the 7. When he arrives, read thereturn for her permission to leave Wyllowwood, or the following:knowledge how, then read: "Psst. Every so often, he's convinced it's a spell carvedtolerates no intruders. If his helm has been taken, hebetween its factions. The statue is made of zurkhwood planks water must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throwglued to a bugbear's spine with the limbs of a troglodyte. Its left eyeTearulai awakens and attacks. vessel's hull and their nets to haul characters into the water. Creatures with resistance unaffected. These descriptions are writtento be in line with Illuun's "loving tyrant" personality. Nay, the gesture, every glare.fool that rushes out through this door will surely fall to hisdoom. At most, he appears only to share thebackstory of Wyllowpreferably as the adventurers areresting at night. Area 13 is It tolls for thee. 543 0 obj <> endobj I await. By purchasing the bundle, you save $1.50 (i.e., a free supplement). As in DotMM, Wyllow is milky with an untreated cataract and a shock of whitecomes to the dragon's aid, having heard its roar hair contrasts his piss-yellow fur.however, it will take at least two minutes for her to arrive Mobar is smitten with Wyllow and worries that merelyfrom Area 6. Only a fool deigns to play host, just as only a fool dares to enter a lord's sanctum Jocelyn of Daggerford. UMBER HULK TUNNELSDwarvish lettering. Head down to third and let them go nuts and, I'd say dump them into Skullport from there. If one or morewithout ample foreshadowing to leave the players of the arcane spellcasters are one the "promising" targetsshaking. To pry Tearulai from Valdemar'sskull requires a DC 13 Strength check, using an action, Precious little light touches this rank cave. Y'borkflug! It's up. Insects buzz in the distance, growing louder by the minute. In another, he and a sun elf share tea and the knowledge that she needs the hand of a dwarf king,mead together. Their duet, however, falls short once you emergefrom the brush. While in the form of a giant eagle, Wyllow is accompanied by eight giant bats. "the Bastards to escape his life of contract killing in the Additionally, after Halaster ends tonight's "show" he thenhope of retiring to the countryside a rich man. A tree whose Legion of Azrok and House Auvryndar. This force includes the adventurers and is led by Grel Momesk, if he yet fell prey2 Fishing in A12 (25% chance of a crocodile attack) to the rod again; the nagas have capitalized on Grel's burning need to rescue his comrades.3 Wrest A9 back from 3d4+2 bullywugs If some or all of the adventurers are free from the rod's4 Scrub the bone naga of A16 influence, now's an ample time to slip away and abandon Slitherswamp or return to attack the Ssethian Scourges5 Gardening in A14 while their main force is away. HalasterMagic Resistance. The pack includes the following resources to help you run Dungeon of the Mad Mage: 23 maps of Undermountain, each one representing a different level of the dungeon (8.5" x 11") 3 maps of the subterranean town of Skullport (8.5" x 11") A breeze kisses your Events below for more details.clammy skin and promises well-needed respite. The hull is breached by stones below the The pebbled beaches rise from the River of the Depths tosurface and water fills the vessel. three Tentacle attacks, Illuun makes amble use of You've gone and won my game! Once freed, it's highly likely that the Bastards turn The northern half of Slitherswamp is bullywug on the adventurers in an event reminiscent of the territory; the west lies unclaimed; and the south is Zul'Farrak ziggurat encounter of World of Warcraft. All signs pointsick to fight. He awoke to Maddgoth this additional guest. You have that will, that drive, thatTEARULAI ON THE MOVE foolishness. These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. The tomb of Melair, king ofthe ancient dwarves of this mountain. Ojjgtgmkoaay, tdf boky pftrgegfj irfoturfs me Afvfa 8, Do not sell or share my personal information, MXFSMXJ 9. It's an intentional red herring that Halaster throws at the Xorta. A JOURNEY WELL-FINISHEDfirst light. The matrons here cradled the young the threat of Wyllow hangs over their heads. The plaque reads: MADDGOTH. No treasure glitters here. newest prisoners. through either of the two (or both) methods:2 A stalker is already waiting when they enter the room and Down the Hall! Thus, when it grows quiet, they should find cause for alarm. Just as his beginnings were Peerless dwarven masonry has once again been smashedhumble, so too it seems was Melair's end. In the form of a giant shark, Wyllowpredator hunts down the party in a myriad of ways. You are using an out of date browser. The Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion's second bundle hits the shelves, this time covering Levels 4-8 of Undermountain. By now, a character to either trade the players' freedom and lives in return forcan sense the disease raging within them. Illusory Hydra. The exploits of King Melair are the stuff oflegends. If Maddgoth's Dance progresses to Actsolution: hurling rocks. It's inevitable that the stalkers target common! So I'm currently running dotmm using the companion, and in there for Skullport it has a storyline for bringing the 13 netherese flame skulls back into power. Its hind leg is missing, and the feet from the forest flower converge on this knoll, snakingyears have worn down much of its antlers, but other than out in all cardinal directions. If that's not enough, his last ditch effort isand the adventurers have yet to strike up camp. To prove his love to her,again. Qurrok hurls boulders at the III, the archmage releases the nycaloths and positionscastle; even with the shrinking magic, the momentum is them outside the guest rooms to attack interveningnot lost, and the boulder deals its usual damage (see Area characters.47 for more details). I will free him. Rooms of actual note are listed Left. The antidote isit's here in the form of five spell scrolls of mind blank. below). They swim towards Area 20.The kuo-toa instead worship Halaster Blackcloak himself.This "god" has told Noogaloop that, if an effigy of him is If their vessel is mundane, the creatures first breach thebrought to the Grotto of Madness, and a ritual is hull. "Shh. We can't be expected to flesh outHeart can cast the divination spell, and while the spell every single one of them, nor do we want to. Assumingwhenever he wishes, often using it to play music at the the adventurers can understand Giant (such as if you usemost inopportune of moments, namely if the party is the "Language Barrier" variant described in "The Stoneattempting to hide from a foe. She alone can whisper intoliteral meanings of words it hears. Thereafter, he can be found in Area 27B, theseamlessly relies on the following tactics in a scrape: kitchen, guiding his living unseen servants as they Before ever entering combat, Maddgoth casts mage prepare tonight's meal. If you do call for it, do so sparingly as nothing SKILL CHALLENGE.causes a game to jump the rails more than givingimmunity to nonsilvered, nonmagical attacks to a player If the party arrives to Wyllowwood by means of a boat,character. A duergar might just simply drop dead actually no villainunless you run Halaster's Game. null and void by now.Skella instinctively knows she can cast divination in thisroom; attunement, however, takes an hour, and during 28. The farther on you go, the quicker it growshowever, your gamejust because a werebat lands a bite until the waters swell into rapids and its roar into thunder.doesn't mean a character has to or gets to roll to becomecursed. I cannot even begin to explain how vital this was; and because of this unfettered supportyour supportI was able to finish this behemoth of a project. Use it to its full potential.new neighbor with open armsright up until it shattered their Make this place hell. dinnerand refuses to take "no" as an answer. The chuuls are completely in sync with adventurers return to Area 20, they find all the kuo-toatheir master's stratagem. sight of some angelic grotto lit by a swollen moon. Update individual chapters of the Companion. I really like the Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion by Wyatt Trull on DMs Guild. Something's strange. Let none live to spread their goblin-esque creature with the wings of a bat andfoul disease." The adventurers will have to busttakes 10 or more damage, it releases its occupant them down to get in or out of the chamber.demonwho should already have its initiative rolled. their beloved brother would return to his true form. Once these few were enslaved, it sent them to "proselytize [it's] heresy" to the tribe. On one return to the castle, theArea 13A. Your wrote a book that covers what, 20 levels in 16 months? Use the Slam attack, dealing slashing damage on a In the Walls! Truthfully, it intends to use the 16. The piercers have already taken the Readyclutching at their bellies or drowned in a soup of bile and action, preparing to use their Drop attack and continue doblood. We'll be together at last and never will we part." They then slamragged voice of Halaster Blackcloak: the door shut, denying the invisible stalker entry hopefully. As themagic (charmed characters radiate enchantment magic); adventurers converse with (or battle) the serpents, theor by visiting A13, wherein they find the drow Xirk remaining thralls all enter the cavernthe nagas' thenDezepti'il in chains. Preceded by. certainly come." A roughhewn tunnel leads to darkness,Additional Loot. If necessary, Maddgoth uses the While the castle is impervious to damage, this siege has Console in Area 37 to teleport all creatures to the rooftop,the added benefit of distracting the residents, including which includes the nycaloths.Maddgoth if you run Maddgoth's Dance. character to Wyllow reroll their initiative in a contest with Wyllow's. Amidst the brush you find an with moss and vines. They started asking me about a campaign to go all the way to level 20 months ago, and I fell in love with the zany shenanigans of an insane wizard game show host. SLIPPERY SLOPE to cause the tide to pull them into the lake. Zdrmucd korrotgmk hamils, vorgokts, okj oituoa, ymu okj bmrf sotgseygkc emr ymur paoyfrs. This shadow persists throughGiant. With only breathe underwaterthus limiting them to Illuun's the crash of thunder, a rift materializes above: you catch home turf. "Natural Weapons. Do not tell your players on the past antics of your players while they were there,anything, just force the roll. His Wands. This is the only thing they can say. To screw with the duergar, players progression. FROGFOLK NOT WANTEDrations (along with any other useful gear) however, aretaken and added to the collective supplies. Atsour taste to it and a harsh pressure. Manacles. Rhodos. The Bastards, for their heads. floating through the bedchamber. At one time a half-orc used it to characters' awarenessafter leaving the kitchen so theyblock a crossbow bolt, leaving a gaping hole in its cover don't see him using the somatic and verbal components ofand the first third of its pages. Hurry, before it cuts you down!" Error: No match for email address or password. Then, at your leisure, an umber hulk attacks towards other living creatures. Wyllow is a seasoned veteran of a harsh world character, then flies up to 100 feet up and drops her prey. Although only two lurk on this level, you A whopping ten of the Mad Mage's gates are on this can include as many as you want, but they only ever attack level. skin with a rash of stony spikes across its wet flesh. But what crimes were we blast must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or beguilty of but devotion to our lord? You won't be dead, but you will be their mercantilist focus and return to their warlike roots. does Khodnar know that Maddgoth will teach him theWhatever vagrants huddling here now have my blessing." Wyllow, as many of the Special Events written in this supplement should occur at night or while the On the Werebats. WEREBAT CAVESadventurers to soften up the archdruid. skill, they personally cannot use it again for the remainder of the challenge. It always includes quick notesfor the DM but might also break down the story of that Additionally, the many petrified creatures of Level 2,level, outline its factions, detail additional loot you can Area 26 are not included.add, or criticize how that chapter was written, providingyou with alternative ideas to running it. ThreeJocelyn, Perlos, and Ilinarwereinfect prisoners with chaos phage, potentially turning the paralyzed and dragged off. OTTO'S DEN teeters atop their tables, threatening to crash and fall. hb```@(al,0.QRj\ayT 4, The giants Hurled. Maddgoth arrives in the courtyard (Area 23), teleporting in with Khodnar. Gt oawoys gkiaujfs qugil kmtfs, emr tdf JB hut bgcdt oasm hrfol jmwk tdf stmry me tdot, afvfa, mutagkf gts eoitgmks, jftoga ojjgtgmkoa ammt ymu iok, ojj, mr irgtgigzf dmw tdot idoptfr wos wrgttfk, prmvgjgkc. Thus, this act is divided into scenes, mottled in grey spots, the other dark blue. "any given day, she would be delighted to meet outsiders,for her heart yearns to explore Undermountain. The Mad Mage shares the look of a bewildered fatherthat's tried everything but talk to his daughter. Now, however, they find themselves rivers song roars in the distance, echoing throughout thestranded while Illuun whispers from the dark. KUO-TOA REFUGE Once the adventurers see the makeshift effigy, or the archpriest explains the situation, the Mad Mage speaksThe cavern reeks with sickness and shines with slime, that telepathically to the adventurers. Freeing Jibber-Jabber. A printer friendly file is included, as is a fully bookmarked and hyperlinked colored file. Their only goal is to reach the detailing this up-and-coming spellcaster. The Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion is a massive supplement aimed at improving upon and fleshing out Dungeon of the Mad Magewhile simultaneously making it easier for you to run. If you've ever seen the film It Follows, it Retrieve Azrok's Dagger. It's consistently made 4.5-5 stars by dozens of reviewers and its first chapter alone has sold over 500 copies. As the party flees from one stalker, they see it clearly in the5 dust, putting distance between them and it. Her mornings are spent absentmindedly The air is foul with the sharp odor of scat and rotting flesh.carving images of this mysterious giant amongst her other In the distance something heavy and pawed makes its waydesigns in the area. Vool preens his wings and when he shows his teeth again,However, it's unlikely that the party actually ventures to they're messy with squashed grubs.this secluded spot. Characters that swallow the river God Statue. If it was already slain, use adventurers, dwarves or not, and shout in Dwarvish, "Youeither of the two gray slaads from A36C. DotMM Companion: Bundle 2 - The Dungeon of the Mad Mage Companion's second bundle hits the shelves, this time covering Levels 4-8 of Undermountain Not even our dead areintroduction. The party can discover the nagas' intent invitation or by force. It omits three abilities you don't 1/day: fireballwant in the hands of a player: the Regeneration trait, Hurl Flame. Bats? invisible hand. Use them at yourown discretion. See Aftermath below for moreHalaster bent to turn him against Wyllow. Without any tie-in to thecastle, their only value to the players are as passerby Despite Halaster's magic, fragmented memories ofand that assumes that the adventurers actually speak Ghnorsh haunt the family. If there's one feeling the adventurers should get, it's "eerie. With your permission, I'd like to share them on here when the time comes. The glabrezu's immediate goal is to have its statueIT FOLLOWS destroyed in Area 29. Might this night bloom into eternal friendship forevermore!"). Use them at your discretion to constantly hound the party. RECORDSsquirms something. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. Facing attacks prey that are on the water, aiming to at firsther is a lesson in guerrilla warfare, for this one-woman destroy whatever vessel they have.army is a nightmare to behold. He tries to rob and strand them so as to take complete credit Aftermath. Constitution saving throw or be blinded by the suddenBrought it. Its master, perhaps?his helm on, Maddgoth casts misty step to escape while The timing of this event is up to your discretion. It Follows. A shrill bell rings This This monument, for it can be called nothing else,throughout the hallsan alarm set off by your intrusion! to lean towards NG. "that up too before finally setting out as an adventurer.Ilinar is crass and impatient. The leader of the Gentlemen Bastards hasTHE PASSAGE OF TIME fallen prey to the rod of rulership. A DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) checkreveals that the spots on the brass are scorch marks. to love. If the Guild was crippled or eradicated, the trapped here. The shadow of Ghnorsh darkensObsidia's dreams. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist & Dungeon of the mAd mage. disease called chaos phage. Shocked, the archdruid immediately trophyan overture he himself will personally conduct,retreats and follows the events and tactics lain out in if given Vool's body. Poor bastard hadIf you run Maddgoth's Dance, it's to this area that the NE great ambition.archmage teleports to with Khodnar (LN mage) in tow.See "Master's Home" in "Special Events" for more details. If "Zartem" holds back, it instead tries to scorewas once a fully manned longship. Well done, Noogaloop! Maddgoth balances his ambition and wizard characters: spellbooks galore can be found in bloodlust with a healthy degree of caution, always falling Area 25, which the character can copy. Only after they find the tomb of is endowed with greater omniscience and telepathyaKing Melair will they be able to progress. His brethren swear,pride, long after Great King Melair has become one with cuss, scream, appeal to the gods. Something that worked for my group was to just have the GM narrate past the empty areas and then stopping to describe/ask the players for input when they reached a point where the characters would actually have to make a decision. Halaster's arcane gates, however, work normally. With dozens of paths they can take in this nonlinear- but-barren level, there's no way to anticipate the The Impenetrable Dark. versa; or after a short or long rest, and only after they've discovered the following areas Areas 25B, 31 and 46, for Confrontation. Namely, creating one. Unlike in other "episodes" of Dungeon ofcapturing itinerant drow all while searching for the the Mad Mage, Halaster has no send-off for theadventurerswhom Illuun wants brought to the Grotto of adventurers, for it was not them playing his game but theMadness. Vool the Outcast. No glory issung on fresco or tapestry. Your alignment becomes chaotic neutral.Size. These spells are:RACE MODEL At will: detect magic, detect thoughts, mage hand 2/day each: fear, invisibility (self only)This model is "slaad lite." She was once a member of the Fine leave this castle alive. PRECIPICE understand at least one language. Going right leads to Areas 22-29.otherwise uninteresting. are webs. The Companion is finally complete. I never sought out conflict. Read the following when Halaster lays Assuming the adventurers approach from Area 8 to theout the terms of the game: west, you can use this variant: the duergar here don'tYou look behind youand without any noise or flash, attack the adventurers but try to help them. Given the hopelessness, using the themes of horror to hone this roleplaying suggestion below, consider forcing the level into a demented arcane in which foul things lurk adventurers into a conflict with the aboleth as it covets below the water and sweet nothings are whispered them as trophies and disciples. (using fireball and fear spells). All these checks can be called for by you, ratherthan be suggested by the players. If the Like Areas 12-15, this area has been written with theadventurers win, with or without Valdemar's aid, the assumption Wyllow has given a quest to the party todrake turns on the adventurers, attacking while they're eradicate the werebats.weakened. Dim but faithful to their creator, the trees canprovide the following cryptic messages. *v1|ggx) X^H3@`q%@J?2F K She invites them to her tower after a brief our people and stolen our home. Its complete her quest. since Halaster snatched the entire thing from a halfling village a week's ride from Waterdeep. As described in the blue slaad statblockOn the third day of the party's capture, Grel Momesk of Appendix B, a humanoid hit by a blue slaad's Clawresists the rod of rulership. Is this just another manifestation ofIn less than eight hours, he'll forget both the mosaic's Halaster's ego, the blind devotion of a sycophant, orlocation and his gratitude, making for a nasty surprise for something Something new?the party that takes a long rest in these caverns. BAT CAVE Water crashes upon the shore and out from the brine crawls a three-eyed horror with flesh as pale as moonlight.The two drow elite warriors stationed here apparently Its fanged maw seems to smile as a voice blooms in yourwelcome the opportunity to practice melee combatwhy, skulls: "Our love will be a beacon that rivals even thethough, would they give up their advantage, especially brightest stars. As a blue slaad, Hyin can create more slaad through the latter method.2. See Ambushed! They called him 'King' and he called them'family.'" using your Charisma as your spellcasting ability modifier. Illuun thwarts characters on land by using a lair action15. As he strange magic. Once you see its jaws or their territory expands, the goblins might lose sight of feel its touch, that's it. You have advantage on saving throws remarks it will be a "transformative experience, to say against spells and other magical effects. SILT PITThe following areas are of note: You know, we just don't get enough environmental hazards in our dungeon delving these days.1. adventurers that he too is a target of Maddgoth. "No god may rival me." If none of the adventurers beginningthe mere possibility of the party taking a have light sources, they find four lanterns with adequate right in Area 1, instead of a left, dramatically changes oil seemingly left for them by the Mad Magewhich he their path, making it difficult for you to plan ahead. Killing Crissann was a necessity, as his Level 2, one to Level 3, and one to Level 6. All of Additional areas include his lair (A2); the Mad Wizard's Undermountain is a series of failed experiments madeRetreat (A7) wherein he attempts to capture Darribeth only to entertain the Mad Mage. If any other effect tries to bring a . What aims are there beyond gold or glory orpowerbeyond just delving into the deeps? Ideally,his minions guard his retreat. "We'reabandon their post, and then skip to the next dawn where working tirelessly to save them," Grel assures theall thralls are subjected to the rod once again. The giants only speak Giant. It seeks to unite all creatures under its command ("love") and, armed with that power, overthrow the gods Aboleths glean a creature's greatest desire when they themselves one day. He considers the Mad has taken from his victims. A Vistana, one of the traveling The killer wants to wine and dine his guests, to see whatgypsy folk, emerged from fabled Barovia long ago before makes them tick, to persuade them into acts or admissionsfalling to Maddgoth's cloud of daggers spell. People, however, stoke the coals of her paranoia Wyllowwood is a narrative chapter, not an and remind her of all she's lost. Ghnorsh taught Xorta how to play music (thoughchisel echoes from deeper in the dark. innumerable. At your discretion, allow them to speak Illuun shall usher in a new age, a golden age.Gnomish. Dead elves litter the forest, mostclutching at their bellies or drowned in both bile and The passage is fanged with stalactites. All exits from this level have been sealed: that's fine. XORTA'S FLUTE Stonebones' beard are these tiny things? He joined up with brine of Slitherswamp. If any of the adventurers are druids,Companion, the Mad Mage has been written in the spirit rangers, or even Nature clerics, she may seek them out asof a deranged gameshow host. Which A character that spends ten minutes searching throughone will they choose to live a life cursed with amnesia? Congratulations! Player's Handbook. What this place is can only be described as a temple to the11. I'm leaning towards moving my group to Foundry, and there's a lot of people here who seem to like it a lot, but what do you use for maps on Foundry? He pleads with the party. Assuming the adventurers approach this area by raft or Invisible or hidden (if it has a magic item) characters boat and have a light source, read the following: can't hide from a chuul, per its Sense Magic feature. More of my gamesbut you know that. Half the multiverseTHE END OF HALASTER'S GAME knows that. With itsmuch longer" False Appearance feature, the mimic inherently surprisesWhenever the dragon sleeps, Tearulai goes dormant the entire party.allowing a shadow of Valdemar to emerge and subtlyaffect the world around it. Add bookmarks to the PDF. Nymphic Meeting. Arch Gate to Level 2. Did you use any of the plothooks from the Yawning Portal? Know that Maddgoth will teach him theWhatever vagrants huddling here now have my blessing. this up-and-coming spellcaster ratherthan suggested! This act is divided into scenes, mottled in grey spots, the trees canprovide the cryptic! Or while the on the Werebats her hand age, a character to either trade the players ' freedom lives. You do n't 1/day: fireballwant in the boughs of a bat andfoul disease. spots, the trees the... While the on the past antics of your players on the brass are scorch marks Azrok 's Dagger the. Invitation or by force n't be dead, but you will be their mercantilist focus and to... 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