. ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS RPG, 4TH EDITION: ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE WRITTEN BY: Shawn Carman, Robert Hobart, PRODUCTION MANAGER: David Lepore Brian Yoon; Kevin Blake, EDITED BY: SENIOR BRAND MANAGER: Todd Rowland PROOFREADERS: Mikael Brodu, Patrick Duke, . When he is active, Bloodspeakers can work extremely well as opponents for bothmost cultists follow him with almost slavish devotion, driven weak, inexperienced PCs and for highly capable and expe-by both their reverence for his accomplishments and the over- rienced groups. . . . . . . . . . . . Master Lotus lives whether those threats be the Taint of Jigoku or the corruption within each of these temples at different times, this constant of the Lying Darkness. . If it is learned by a samurai at Rank 1, it replaces the samurais Rank One Technique and reduces the samurais starting Honor to 1.0, but does not affect the samurais Outt or starting Skills.TECHNIQUE: IUCHIBANS METHOD PURGE THE WEAK 27The high-ranking Bloodspeakers realize they are meddling c Ring/Mastery: Earth 1 (Maho) ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREwith the Taint, but have learned ways to mitigate this, in part c Range: 50by shunting the corruption off onto their misguided follow- c Area of Effect: Food and water for up to 5 peopleers. . . 267 Nosloc no Oni, Bandits. . . They do not go out of their way NEW ADVANTAGE INHERITANCE: TRAINED to attack humans, but a cornered or trapped badger will ght FALCON [MATERIAL] (2 POINTS, 1 POINT FOR with a ferocity matching that of a samurai. Title: Scapegoats of the Empire: The True Story of Breaker Morant'S Bushveldt Carbineers Author: Lieut. The level.Bloodspeakers make no distinction between social caste, andhave taught their secrets to samurai of all types, to peasants,and even to eta. 108 Mastery Level 6 . . . . Conversely, all the cunning and resources of a thou-sand years of conspiracy means nothing if the Kolat does The Steel Sects responsibilities are simple: prevent anynot know how or when to use its power. . The Akutenshi . . . .248 Harbinger of Pestilence . . The Kolat are the perfect vehicle for intro-ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE In addition, on at least one occasion a misguided meg- ducing such stories to an L5R campaign. Conspiring with the Enemy - Yvonne Chiu 2019-10-08 . . 57 The Restoration of the One Tribe . times called simply the Breaker. After the conditioning is over, the sleeper agents memory is erased and he or she is The Cloud Sect is unique in that almost any member may returned home with a suitable story justifying the absence.directly contact its leader, Master Cloud. These cells are scattered Finally, it should never be forgotten that the three greatover wide geographical areas and dispersed among the nor- battles against Iuchiban are some of the greatest clashes be-mal population of Rokugan, preferably hiding within towns tween good and evil in Rokugans long history. I would be greatly uncomfortable at irritation in his voice for the rst time. . . . An octopus will attempt to ee from a the shark on the nose, which often upsets or drives off thecombat in which it takes at least 20 Wounds. . They are the open ears give the entire area a reputation as naturally dangerous.that none are aware of. To the Kolat, however, he repre- greater than anything the Empire could hope to match. He had caused some minor embarrassment hereand there with his outbursts in social settings, but it was well As you wish, Hikaru observed. . . . . Otherwise, these penalties continue Tigers are massive predatory felines, even larger than lions. . Cranes are no threat to humans, and samurai will not harm them, but the occasional ronin will hunt them. Tora and the other conspirators pored over The Kolat is a vast and terrible conspiracy, dating back to Shinseis Tao, seeking its wisdom for themselves.the very founding of the Emerald Empire, conceived in absolutesecrecy and maintained through ruthless practicality, amoral Out of these early debates, which lasted for almost a quar-cruelty, and absolute fanaticism. ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE, BOAR (INOSHISHI) CAT (NEKO) Boars are medium-sized mammals related to pigs, differing Cats in Rokugan are the subject of considerable supersti- from their smaller cousins by their thick hides, bristly fur, tion, and some peasants believe them to be shape-changers and the two large tusks located at the ends of their jaws. . . . . If your question is a legitimate one, Kitaro-sama, Shinjo Hikaru replied, then there are any number of accurate an- It is amazing, my lord! Ito answered. . hold onto them with a Contested Strength roll, in- icting an additional 2k2 damage each Turn. The spells victim begins hearing constant whispers inside his head, voices urging him to sinful and corrupt behavior. . . 80 Character Option Differences . . tition. The ritual was never actually used, which was prob- not to be taken lightly. The perilous voyage would claim the lives of all butcapital were Jamas friends, playing with him and hanging on himself, Suru, and Yajinden. . . 36. . . To most he was a wise man and long distances. 81 Chapter 7: The Nothing . . .250 Scourge of the Forest . . They begin to blame the Celestial Order for thetribulations in their lives, for dead lovers and lost for-tunes. . . Iuchiban haslast time. . The masks have no visible method of attaching to someone, and normally have no immediate effect on c Dark Paragon (Knowledge) a living person who puts one on. . . Its membership and structure are con- change significantly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Over two hundred years after his imprisonment, Iuchiban nally escaped from the Tomb, leaping his soul into the body of a peasant (and condemning that poor unfortunate to re- side in Iuchibans immortal body within the Tomb). . . . . . . . . .211 Ronin Encounter Table. Whether it be foreign goods from the Burning Sands delivered by Roc Sect messengers, or high grade Kaiu steel from Yasuki contacts, Kolat merchants know where to get what the samurai of Rokugan want. . . It was in the wake of this terrible act that he took theand rebellion. When the nal Tomb was complete, the Kaiu walked organization over the next two centuries, visiting his mostinside, activating each of the traps, and stayed within to die. 99 The Bloodspeaker The Code of Shourido . . Salvage was drawn by Carlos . . . . . . Even at the peak of its power, during the period between the return of The Kolat are the masters of Rokugani conspiracy, but the Unicorn Clan and the Second Day of Thunder, the con- this does not mean they are the only conspirators in spiracys real numbers were small and the Masters knew they the Empire. . . . . . . Regardless, after Jama returned to Rokugan heseeking a means to redress his unhappy and powerless condi- did not hesitate to use the abominable ritual. . . . . . By the mid-ninth century B.C., the Assyrian menace posed a direct threat to . Giant squid may grow even larger, up to thirty (also sometimes called the mako) is a eet, aggressive ani-or forty feet long, although such huge specimens are only mal about four feet long. Now at last the Empire hadwould bring its ambitions crashing down. The continual distraction causes him to suffer a 1k0 penalty to all Courtier, Etiquette, and Sincerity rolls. . . (This cannot decrease the Taint gain below 1 point. as PDF for free. Thus, when the Masters met in the Hidden Temple traitor can ruin decades of work, so the conspiracy picks its they always wore full-body black robes and golden masks to recruits carefully, often luring and indoctrinating them for conceal their forms and faces. . Forged documents, seduc- tury the conspiracy was cast down into near-ruin just a few tions, bribery, blackmail all of these things are weapons decades later. . . . .253 Furu no Oni, Serpent of Flames . . .132 The Darkness and the Scorpion . . . . including the porcelain masks they used to animate corpsesThe Bloodspeakers and, of course, the dreaded Bloodswords (discussed later It was Yajindens relentless quest to create more powerful in this chapter). . . . 242Creating a New Oni. . to prey on the rich land. 268 Pekkle no Oni, the Pretender . . . buckle beneath the relentless onslaught of undead legions and Bloodspeaker maho. . . . 59 in Modern Times. . . . . . . Kolat of the Empire On some occasions the Kolat nds it more useful to carry out a bloody murder and plant evidence framing another par- The Kolat employ a large number of different methods and ty. .255 Gagoze no Oni, Plague of the Forest . . She unleashed a the direct mandate of the Heavens, ending the inuence ofgreat purge against the Kolat inltration of her clan, wiping mortal man over Rokugans leaders. . From demonic hordes from the Shadowlands, to internal threats and conspiracies, the life of the samurai is anything but peaceful. . To Itos credit, he stied the noise at once anding whistled under his breath. . . 43 ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE, Ultimately, the Kolats greatest weakness was that it had Other Conspiracies to remain absolutely secret if it was to survive. . Of course, this small army of high- ly trained ronin, called the Hidden Guard in mockery of the ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRESILK SECT Seppun family, existed for many centuries before it took on the name of Steel Sect, and its responsibilities were no dif-The Kolat know that knowledge is power. In such cases, of course, aLotus assassin ends the betrayal efcientlyand swiftly, but such risks are constant andthe conspiracy is ever-vigilant. . The one exception to this litany of catastrophe was the Scor- The Early Followers: The Bloodspeakerspion Champion. . . The typical Lotus assas- the same ruthlessness as an external one, and when someone sination will be carried out by an agent who pretends to be betrays the Kolat the punishment extends not only to that in- someone close to the target, murders him, and then fakes his dividual but also to his family and friends. A handful of loyal of near-victory the Kolat had plunged to a position nearly asKolat agents escaped, eventually founding the Minor Clan of weak as at its founding, 1100 years before.the Ox, but that was hardly suitable compensation for the lossof the Unicorn. . . . . . His mother was kidnapped by Bloodspeakers in 1111 while she was with child, and the cultists chose to spare her in order to enact an experiment in which the unborn childs soul was bound to an unnamed oni, the child. . For example, the Kolats Although the Kolat may appear to be an all-powerful and inuence can be used to ruin the career or reputation of a unstoppable organization, history clearly shows this not to be troublesome magistrate, or to bankrupt a merchant who is the case. . If the victim rolls Stamina at TN 20, the Dazed effectOctopi are aquatic eight-tentacled creatures with soft and lasts only two rounds instead.swollen bodies, inhabiting the waters off of Rokugans coasts.Squid are similar to octopi but have a tougher body, longer SHARK (AOIZAME) Bestiaryand more dangerous tentacles, and a larger beak-like mouth.There are dozens of octopus and squid species local to Roku- There are several varieties of shark native to Rokugans wa- 15gan, and many are very small and harmless. . The fall of the Hidden Temple thus had relatively little im- STEEL SECT The Kolatpact on the Roc Sect, and the Qolat maintain the conspiracysdream in foreign lands, waiting for the time when they can The Steel Sect is the name given to the military force which 41return to Rokugan once more. . . Hirotadas men are for the most part loyal to his goals and adept at lying to magistrates. Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenges after challenges. . . Fortunately, those who perished never exposed the Dynasty, it will likely be the work of Master Coin.conspiracys existence. . . Tigers are not If Stamina is reduced to 0 by the poison, Earth and pack animals, preferring solitude and viciously defending Wounds become 0 as well, and the victim dies. The most common varieties are the blacka form of Gaki. . . 86 Kolat Player Characters . . . The Scorpion took it upon themselves to eradi- The Kolat had long been aware of the Lying Darkness, and cate this foul conspiracy and assaulted the Temple and its Oxhad made contingency plans to try to deal with it if its power Clan defenders with all their might. . The enemy of empire poses a special problem for Israel's identity . . . Sharks have a tendency to attack in a berserker-like fury when they smell blood in the water, which they are capable of Octopi are usually not aggressive animals. . . . . . For the duration of the spell the caster can y, and is considered to have Swift 3 (as. . Their current leader, Yasuki Hirotada, is (true or false) to credulous PCs, using them as Iuchibans still young, willing to be patient and wait for future oppor- pawns in the mortal world. Book excerpt: This is her chance at revenge. . The power of the mask causes the zombie to obey c Voice whoever attached the mask, making it a reliable undead servant. . . . . While there are so as to avoid risking accidentally exposing a Cult cell inoften schisms, most Bloodspeaker cells are not exposed by another territory.betrayal. . The following is a list of Roman external wars and battles fought by the ancient Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic and Roman Empire against external enemies, organized by date. The TenThe Second Day of Thunder heralded the end of the Hantei Masters continued to meet regularly at the Hidden Temple andDynasty and the beginning of it successor, the Toturi Dynasty. . Check Enemies of the Empire from sevoac here. . But at the end, the effort internal respect and mutual loyalty. .262 Muduro no Oni, Rank 4 Ronin Paths. . He gains +3k3 on all rolls to resist mental or social inuence from anyone other than Iuchiban, but suf- fers a 3k0 penalty to all Social Skill rolls made to inuence others. . Although much of the conspiracysdreds of agents with crystal weapons to purge the Shadow- infrastructure survived elsewhere in the Empire, it was weakspawn from the castles and courts of Rokugan. . . . 186 Shapeshifter Penalties: Minor . . . . . . . . They follow a god whose tenants say that humanity needs to be in a state of flux and struggle. . Although he maintained the outward appearance of heart was intact, as well as greatly enhancing his sorcerousa loyal and scholarly Otomo nobleman, Jama plotted treason power. Are they strong enough to defeat Rokugans greatestconceal membership and identity. He nally died when the Scorpion Clan stormed the Hidden Indeed, the danger posed by the Heavens is not unique to Temple. . . . . Hieroglyphics found in the ruins of the long-lost troll civi-lization suggest that the trolls once kept crocodiles as pets andperhaps as war beasts, although any such connection betweenthe races has long since vanished. Foremost among them, in my opinion, are the Naga.anything like it! The serpent men? Kitaru scoffed. . . . . . . . .185 The Shapeshifter. . . . its bushi. . . . . 226 ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE After Oblivions Gate . . Kitaro rolled his eyes, drawing a slight snicker from the boy Riding next to him on a young pony, Kitaros valet-in-train- at his side. . most of the problems outlined above can instead opt to add aThe player and GM should choose an appropriate Sect (or, in sleeper agent to the group. In truth, he does not know yet what that plan might be, and so for the present the Black Wind simply maintains its dark faith and builds its wealth, avoid- ing attention. .162 Disavowed Assassins . . . . (Social Advantages orThe Bloodspeakers of the damage rolled (rounded down). . . his failed plan to enter the Tomb and consume Iuchibans soul and power. who detect or betray the conspiracy, as well as noting targets for the Lotus Sect to dispatch. 242Chapter 8: Oni . . . . . A powerful or well-Iuchibans defeat disrupted the Cult not only for practical rea- entrenched cell, on the other hand, may have several samu-sons but also because it suggested even the rst and mightiest rai in its ranks, and be led by sorcerers with terrible mahoBloodspeaker could not overcome Rokugan. They know everything and thus could protection.betray any of the other sects, even the ruling Tiger.Further, their agents are the most likely to be-tray the Kolat. All of his followers openly wear counterfeit jade amu- 26 Although the Oracle usually prefers to appear to lets to make them look like devout vassals of the Crab Clan.The Bloodspeakers Bloodspeakers, it can actually enter anyones dreams, The Black Wind are not as ambitious or powerful as many and the GM can potentially use it to feed information Bloodspeaker cells. . . dition to wooded hills and barren plains, the Scorpion over-The Crane holdings are predominantly coastal and as such see numerous dense forests, strong rivers, and dangeroushave plenty of open elds and farmlands, although they also swamps. It was released in August 2010. He devoted every possible 5 regarded the vast expanse of forest before him. and Regeneration, which make it even more difcult to produce the amount of damage needed to end theGauging the Threat encounter conclusively.One consideration for all GMs to keep in mind is attempting c SUPERNATURAL ABILITIES This is the broadest and mostto challenge players without brutally massacring them in an complicated factor to take into account when try-incidental encounter that was meant to be little more than a ing to gauge the relative threat level of an enemy.distraction on the road to the greater plotline. . The caster Reduction: 10 (due to Wounds: 133: Dead must make an Opposed Earth Roll against an unwilling vic- Khadi) tim. . . With ity to cast spells in a manner equal to shugenja thatthat in mind, there are means of approximating the danger brings it in line with the partys shugenja as well aslevel posed by a potential enemy. Bloodspeakers or the Cult of the Blood Red Moon be- Jama studied them for years and soon began to build on the gins with the sorcerer called Iuchiban, and revolves basic knowledge they contained. . . . . . . . . For them the Empire is a sin it has been strong for far too long. . .154 Soultwister Spells . Knowledge of a ferent in those earlier eras. Re- their territory against all intruders. . . From demonic hordes from the Shadowlands, to internal threats and conspiracies, the life of the samurai is anything but peaceful. . . . . . 41 Naga Specific Disadvantages. . In practice, communication and IKOMA SOKO, KOLAT MASTER, TWELFTH CENTURY coordination between the sects was so close that there was little or no improvement in the conspiracys security. . . . 37 Greensnake . . . . To evade spiracys most closely guarded secrets, even from its own the eye of the Empires defenders for a thousand years requires members. . Ancient Rome defined the very genesis of our Western civilization, but it also attracted hordes of enemies. Star Wars: Edge of the Empire - Reference Sheets v12 (14/11/2012) . . . Islam And The Ottoman Empire In Wes Pdf and numerous books collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. Lotus assassins live in secluded monasteries supernatural or otherworldly inuence determine the fate of in remote regions, training perpetually, waiting for orders the universe. . With its greater An opponent who has attack rolls, damage rolls, andemphasis on narrative storytelling than on absolute mechani- wounds that are in keeping with the characters abili-cal equilibrium, this can be a difcult proposition with Leg- ties can completely outmatch them by simple dint ofend of the Five Rings. . The kansen bound into the mask taught him terrible create, Yajinden would be his chief lieutenant, elevated new secrets, and Fushiki known within the cult as the Face of above all others by the power of his superb talents. . . . . . 36 Chameleon. . . The three biggest temptations for GMs running Kolatcharacters are under-use, over-use, and safety netting.Under-use is simply never bringing the characters Kolatloyalties into the game the Masters never give the characteranything to do, and his Kolat background loses its value andhas no impact on the game. . The Kolat quickly became a veritable cult of true Kyuden Hida for investigation, but the Kolat struck rst. . . Instead of targeting those with the Taint, it targetsMISTS OF FEAR those who are pure of soul the spell cannot affect anyone who has at least one full Rank of Taint. 36: Dead, ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE THEWhat do you know of the Bloodspeakers? . Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenges after challenges. Special Abilities: c Swift 4. c Vulnerability: A successful Called Shot to the sharks nose (2 Raises) will inict a Fear 3 effect on it.Bestiary 16 c Squeeze: When using its Grappling attack, the con- strictor snake will always choose to inict damage while it controls the Grapple. . . . . First he freed his spirit enough to entergineering projects in Rokugani history. . . . . . . . . . .265 the Corrupted Mountain . . . He or she is usually (though not always) the oldestintensely promoted and maintained without it the Blood- member. . . . At some time in the distant future, perhaps, he can use the gold he garners for some great- er plan, some mighty ambition of the Bloodspeaker Cult. . . .105, Mastery Level 1 . . . . . . . This is an extremely vicious defensive spell which high-rank- The occupied body retains its physical Traits and physical ing Bloodspeaker leaders frequently use to defend themselves. Having trav- The Empire once again faced the problem of how to con- eled distant lands for centuries, the children of the Ki-Rin tain Iuchibans power. . . . . Death at the hands own death. . . . . This book was released on 2019-07-15 with total page 236 pages. . re-purpose themselves as bodyguards and enforcers, hoping the vacant Because of their special function, the Silk Sect is both Master positions will be lled andthe most trusted and the most carefully watched of all the new Kolat Masters will requirethe Kolat sects. Now, however, life Skills: Animal Handling (Falcons, Horses) 4, Calligraphy is always interesting. The horrors of the Shadowlands, including oni, goblins, the undead, and many unnatural beings that defy classification. . With a fresh army of new recruits at his back, Iuchiban con-tinued to spread his power heedlessly, making little effort to con-ceal his actions. . c Special Notes: This technique can be taught to anyone, samurai or commoner, and can replace Techniques at any Insight Rank. . *. . . . being smaller than brown bears and far less aggressive; how- ever, all mother bears are ercely protective of their young AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 and will tear any threatening creature to pieces.REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 3 PERCEPTION 3 Hungry bears are dogged hunters, pursuing their victimsInitiative: 3k3 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) relentlessly, although they cannot run downhill. . 166 Priests of the Kami . If the GM is going to make the Kolat into the central own sense of superiority to believe a monstrous conspiracy focus of the campaign, the players will probably need to have was lurking undetected within the Empire. . An angry bear can threaten even a group of armed samurai.Skills: Hunting 3 AIR 1 EARTH 6 FIRE 1 WATER 2 REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 4 STRENGTH 7Special Abilities: Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Claws 6k4 (Simple) c Echolocation: Bats may operate in total darkness or Bite 5k4 (Complex) without penalty. oxen, snakes, stags, and wolves, as well as occasional tigers from the north. Some of them even dwell in the cold mountains of the north, warming themselves in natural hot springs. If the optional Honor Roll rule is in effect, the victim of this spell also suffers a penalty of -1k0 to Honor Rolls. . Not always pleasant, of course, but nev- (Cipher) 5, Commerce (Appraisal, Mathematics) 8, Courtier er, ever boring. . He used the Anvil to create four swords of terrible power, the so-called Bloodswords: Ambi- tion, Judgment, Passion, and Vengeance. . . . Andrew Snow, Christopher Myers, Michael Neer, Paul Siebuhr. . . . . Book Synopsis Enemies in the Empire by : Stefan Manz. . . . . They become obsessed with greater and greater acqui- sitions of magical skill as they look for any means to escape death or to limit the Taints hold on their souls. . . In truth, few othermen can claim to have made such an impact on the Em-pire as Hantei Jama. . The Nezumi as Allies . AIR 2 EARTH 2 FIRE 2 WATER 2 Initiative: 4k4 Attack: Bite 4k3 (Complex)REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4 Damage: 4k2 Armor TN: 30 Reduction: 3Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Tentacles 5k4 (Simple), Wounds: 12: +10; 24: Dead Beak 4k4 (Complex)Damage: 4k4 (arms), Armor TN: 20 Skills: Hunting 32k2 (beak)Reduction: 5 (squid Wounds: 16: +6; 32: +12; Special Abilities:only) 48: Dead c Blood Frenzy: Sharks become enraged by the presenceSkills: Jiujutsu 5, Stealth (Hiding, Ambush) 5 of blood in the water, which they can smell up to a half mile away. . . The beautiful and extensive lands of the Crane Clan are The Scorpion Clan dwells in a dangerous area, for in ad-lush and green, with many rolling hills and only a few forests. 245 Skills/ School Ranks . . . . . His loyalty, however, was unquestionable, and eventually Iuchiban came up with a This conict would be known later as the Battle of Stolen solution he bound a kansen into Surus body and soul.Graves, and it brought about a major social change in Roku- The corrupt spirit enabled Suru to easily master the pow-gan. . . Likewise, the Roc can deliver the powers and secrets a mindless pawn of the Darkness. 136 Yuhmi no Oni, The Nothing As Feral Killer . . . Both squid and octopi are but when they do attack they do so swiftly and mercilessly.eaten throughout Rokugan, fresh or in dried or smoked forms. . . 137 Flesh of the Dark Lord . . . It does not like to eat humans but it is an aggressive healthy by eating vermin species. . . . . . And then we shall see what true divinity is. Having settled on their beliefs and justications, Tora and his fellows began the laborious work of building the Kolat SHINJO YOKATSU, CHAMPION OF THE UNICORN, into an Empire-spanning conspiracy. . . (PDF) Empire by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri:Empire Empire by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri:Empire July 2002 American Journal of Sociology 108 (1):207-210 DOI: 10.1086/376266. . . . . . . l5r legend of the five rings 5 enemies of the empire, 100% found this document useful (23 votes), 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful. 108 Noteworthy Bloodspeakers . . . Iuchiban was arguably the most sistent with most Bloodspeaker cells devoted to the lineage of powerful single sorcerer in the history of the Empire (with Iuchiban, regardless of era. . How could they justify resistanceagainst beings who were literally divine? Within Rokugan, the Kolats development of economic power gave rise to the Empires rst great internal war, the Crab-Crane War of the third century. . . ever, local conspiracies can very effectively control small The Kolat as Adversaries provinces or individual cities without the need for a larger network. AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 2 REFLEXES 4 STAMINA 2 AGILITY 3 - The stats listed here are for a larger specimen of either spe-cies, since those are the only types likely to threaten samurai. . Anyone who c Raises: Duration (+1 day per 2 Raises), Range (change is within the spells area of effect, or who enters it while the spell is in effect, suffers a 1k0 penalty to all Skill and to 50 for 2 Raises) Trait rolls that use Awareness or Willpower. . . The Kolat suddenly had an intelligence source servant of the Kami. . The sects task is ing sleepers Rokugani who have been brainwashed andboth simple and demanding: preserve everything the conspir- reprogrammed to serve the needs of the conspiracy. . . . . CURSE OF THE KANSEN WARD OF DIVINE PEACE c Ring/Mastery: Air 2 (Maho) c Range: 50 c Ring/Mastery: Air 1 (Maho, Wards) c Area of Effect: One target creature c Range: Touch c Duration: 8 hours c Area of Effect: 50 radius c Raises: Range (+10 per Raise), Duration (+1 hour per c Duration: 8 hours c Raises: Area of Effect (+10 radius per Raise) Raise) This curse subtly attracts hostile kansen to harass the target. . 20 The Akutenshi . . . . Reduction: 4 Wounds: 24: +10; 48: Dead AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 2REFLEXES 5 STAMINA 3 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4Initiative: 5k5 Attack: Gore 3k3 (Complex) Skills: Hunting 4, Stealth 4Damage: 4k2 Special Abilities:Reduction: 3 Armor TN: 30 c Fear 2.Skills: Stealth 2 Wounds: 12: +10; 24: +20; c Swift 1. 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