Indeed, it violates the first rule they teach you at Bible-teaching school: Dont comment on the physical appearance of particular women. Forhe has sold us, and he has indeed devoured our money. Leah, whose name signifies languor, weariness, had dull bleared eyes. Women in the Bible: Leah the unlovely. This great honor Leah received in death illustrates Matthew 19:30: "But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." God had a special place in his heart for Leah. Author: Luke, a physician, . ), SUPPLEMENTAL: MODERN ENGLISH VERSIONS AND DIFFICULT GENESIS 29:17. There are hilarious moments and sorrowful events. Its when there is disjunction that my true allegiance shows. Afterwards she gave birth to Zebulun and to a daughter, Dinah. Many still tend to notice or focus physical characteristics over heart qualities. [9] It is argued as to whether the adjective "tender" () should be taken to mean "delicate and soft" or "weary".[10]. Her second son she named Simeon (the Lord has heard that I am hated). The Best Bible Translations: All You Need to Know & How to Choose, 7 of the Best Exegetical Bible Commentaries, How to Study the Bible: 9 Tips to Get More Out of Your Study. Get a roundup of new Word by Word articles in your inbox each Friday. Zavada, Jack. Later Laban claims that it is uncustomary to give the younger daughter away in marriage before the older one (Genesis 29:1630). We see this when she named her fourth child Judah. How could wise King Solomon let foreign women deceive him? There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife. NIV Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful. The story of Leah's family is recorded in Genesis 2535. Jacob had eyes only for Rachel and he did not care about Leah. For Leah, God's seeing her and granting her sons does not bring her the love she wants. [19] She is thought to be buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron alongside Jacob. The Rabbis found this weeping to be praiseworthy and declared that by merit of her prayers this fate was set aside, and she was married to Jacob. Leah chose to praise and be thankful for Gods role in her life. Even though her husband Jacob favored Rachel, Leah remained committed, enduring this unfairness through faith in God. She Was the Elder Daughter of Laban According to Genesis 28:2,[5] the family resided in Paddan Aram, an area believed to correspond with the historical Upper Mesopotamia.[6]. [13] Jacob accepts the offer and marries Rachel after the week-long celebration of his marriage to Leah. We do know that she was the lesser loved of the two wives, he loved Rachel more than Leah (Genesis 29:30 CSB). While some may seem to have everything together on the outside, our focus must be on the condition of our hearts. God had a specific calling for Leah and her life, whether Jacob favored her. The battle between the two sisters comes to a head when Reuben finds mandrakes. Leah is the subject of this first half . God does not love us because we are beautiful or handsome, brilliant or successful. "Meet Leah: First Wife of Jacob." Her story illustrates that God often chooses to fulfill his plans and purposes by using those who are overlooked by others. Then Leah said, God has endowed me with a good endowment; now my husband will honor me, because I have borne him six sons. So she called his nameZebulun.Afterward, she bore a daughter and called her name Dinah. I can do no other. Its here-I-grandstand if you dont first listen to a representative sampling of careful Bible teachers and scholars (this is what I use Logos to do all the time). [1] 3 He had a strong desire for Dinah, [2] the daughter of Jacob, and he was in love with the young woman and spoke . Read Genesis (YLT) Read Genesis 29:17 (YLT) in Parallel. But today, his eyes are a flame of fire as he awaits the appointed time for his return to Planet Earth.. Genesis 29:23But when evening came, he (Laban) took his daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob, and Jacob lay with her. (2021, December 6). Security in His love, His pursuit of us, and the desire to use our lives for His glory can manifest a love story far more memorable than anything you could see on social media. In Genesis 29, we meet Leah. But people were saying, "Laban has two daughters and his sister, Rebekah, has two sons. Jacob's first wife was second in his heart. Rachel envied Leah's tearful prayers, by which she merited to marry the tzaddik and bear six of his twelve sons. Where in the Bible did Peter say he could not be crucified like his Lord? In the Bible, we first meet Leah in the Bible as a character in the Book of Genesis who has experienced great heartbreak. We are enough because he lets us off the hook of striving and comparing. Leah was tender-eyed - raccoth, soft, delicate, lovely.I believe the word means just the reverse of the signification generally given to it. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Leah is portrayed to be the unloved wife of the biblical patriarch Jacob. Should I Read the Bible Like Any Other Book? Leahs tender heart made her the perfect candidate to fulfill Jacobs First Wife duties by bearing him many sons! She said to Jacob, Give me children, or I shall die!. They go together, but Leah is still second best despite her many children. Why did Peter and John need to lay hands on the Samaritans for them to receive the Holy Ghost? Even after Rachels death, Jacob continues to favor Joseph. Leah was a loving and faithful wife. Oh, Leah in the Bible! I find this quite interesting, dont you? I love this verse as it reminds me that God sees the heart, the spirit inside us, as more valuable than any outward beauty. Enter your email address to receive email notifications when new Bible Q&A articles are posted. You may also enjoy this sermon about the lessons we can learn from Leah in the Bible: Or one of these recommendations about Leah in the Bible and the lessons we can learn from her. Sometimes people have an eye that is slightly crossed, or sometimes eyes that are big and bulging, etc. Why does the Bible say Jesus was hanged on a tree?. "Meet Leah: First Wife of Jacob." God designed women to be pursued. So lonely was she that even the Lord took notice of it and blessed her with many children as consolation. With the birth of her next two sons, Issachar and Zebulun, Leah acknowledges the gifts the Lord has given her. He will marry Rachel quickly after his current wedding week is completed, then work for another seven years. Mark Ward (PhD, Bob Jones University) is Senior Editor for Digital Content at Word by Word, the official Logos blog. She becomes a mother of seven, tenderly caring for and raising her children to be leaders of the tribes of Israel. One day a stranger visits their home. So, what lessons can we learn from this? The Lord saw Leahs rejection and knew what having sons would mean to her and her quest for being loved by her husband. And Leah conceived again, and she bore Jacob a sixth son. She is also mentioned in Ruth 4:11. Leah loved Jacob though, and since she was unable to conceive, she prayed about her situation. Feeding the 4,000 and feeding the 5,000same or different? While others may appear to have everything together on the outside, focus on the condition of your heart. He is also a host for Logos Live and is an active YouTuber. Our circumstances cannot determine the level of our joy, consistency of our prayers, and abundance of our thanks. The book of Genesis does what preachers and Sunday school teachers would do well to avoid. Jacob worked for Rachel's father Laban seven years for the right to marry Rachel. Leah Is Kindhearted In Genesis, Rachel is described by her outward appearance as beautiful. (NIV). God loves us unconditionally, with a pure, passionate tenderness. Leah bore more children, a highly honored achievement in ancient Israel. The interpreters of the Old Testament added those words to the text much later. Jacob traveled to Paddan-Aram to find a wife from among his relatives. Then she ceased bearing.. 3 And his soul cleaved unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved . Leah is the elder daughter of Laban and the wife of Jacob, father of twelve sons who will become the twelve tribes of Israel. Learn Religions. Both sisters want them for their fertility-inducing properties and possibly as an aphrodisiac, but only one sister will be getting these precious mushrooms! (NIV), Genesis 29:31When the LORD saw that Leah was not loved, he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. [12] Laban offers to give Rachel to Jacob in marriage in return for another seven years of work (Genesis 29:27). In the Bible, we read early in the story that Leahs eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance.(Genesis 29:17). 19 Leah conceived again and bore Jacob a sixth son. Whoever asks my name, know that I'm Leah, When we look at the beginning of Genesis, it is clear that Leah was not only less attractive than Rachel, but also her father used this, and the fact that the older sister in their culture should marry first as a reason to trick Jacob into marrying his daughter. The women throughout these pages are just as diversified some strong ones who have changed history; others powerless victims whose lives have been forever changed. Several, including the well-regarded CSB, stick with the KJVs tender. But others try a different tack, with weak being probably the most popular choice (NIV, ESV, NASB). He is the author "Hope for Hurting Singles: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges.". Create an account or log in to get started. Leah responded by offering her handmaid Zilpah to Jacob, and named and raised the two sons (Gad and Asher) that Zilpah gave birth to. Biblical passages are dismissive of Leah and favorable of Rachel, with Rachel said to be beautiful and of Leah, only that she had "weary", "tired" or "tender" eyes. Leah Unveiled: Your Best Life Later, Discovering Identity Stronger than the StrugglebyMichelle Kelso Kafe, Rachel & Leah Bible Study Book: What Two Sisters Teach Us about Combating ComparisonbyNicki Koziarz, ESVScripture quotations are from The ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Can you imagine how adored and treasured that made Rachel feel? The conjunction but in the middle of this verse actually provides us with context clues to grasp the meaning of tender eyed. Rachel is said to be beautiful and well favoured. Butopposite of Rachels appearanceLeah is tender eyed. That is, Leah had eyes that were not special looking. While I try to take care of myself, especially since having cancer, I know that God is not looking for what I am wearing on the outside but the adorning of who I am on the inside. Was Leah visually impaired? CSB Leah had tender eyes, but Rachel was shapely and beautiful. Her security eventually turns from her husband to her heavenly Father. This is how far I got on my own. Can you relate to that? But all of this is just part of his "seven year" plan. Leah was the mother of six of Jacob's sons, including his first four (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah), and later two more (Issachar and Zebulun), and a daughter (Dinah). But its our job as readers to whom Christ may say one day, Have you not read ? And its our job as heraldsthose of us who are heraldsto do our best to repeat the message the King wrote down for distribution in his realm. I was surprised to find that several excellent commentators reading the phrase positively, as a reference to the beauty of Leah. We first learn that she was unloved and unfavored with a tender heart versus an attractive body. So Jacob went in to Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than Leah, and served Labanfor another seven years. Many Bible experts say the verse refers to Leah's lack of attractiveness rather than her eyesight. But in the end, after prayer and effort, I think you need to hope for and achieve some kind of interpretive resolution if at all possible. Despite her years of worry, disappointment, and feelings that shes not enough, Leah goes on to be the mother of six sons, including one (Judah) named in Christs lineage. He had seen Rachel and had been impressed that she was the one. Although Jacob overlooked Leahs position in the family, God gave her the position of being the first daughter, the first wife, and the first mother to Jacobs first son. He also favored Rachel's sons, Joseph and Benjamin, over Leah's, and made no attempts to hide that from her or his other children. Leah was Jacob's first wife, and the older sister of his second (and favored) wife Rachel. Outward beauty with no faith in the Lord or strength of character does not last. The two sisters competed throughout their lives for Jacob's affection. And when you see them differ on an apparent figure of speech, youre probably dealing with a Hebrew idiom: A fairly fixed speech form or expression that cannot be understood grammatically from its constituents parts but whose elements function as a set with a meaning peculiar to itself (Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek). lists them as being daughters of Laban, but not his wife Adinah, and another lists them as being the daughters of Rotheus, a man who was close to Laban but not related to him. Rachel (Heb., the ewe) was, on the contrary, "beautiful and well favoured" (Heb., beautiful in form and beautiful in look). The stakes are low. What happened to those saints raised from the dead in Matthew 27:52-53? The sisters strike a deal. Whatever is said about you, it's not flattering. Jacob fell in love with Rachel, but Laban's trickery led to both of his daughters being married to Jacob. There was a physical difference between Leah and Rachel. If we never accomplish another impressive thing, his love for us anyway will suffice as a blessed assurance. God chose and elevated those whose hearts are pure before him. Kidner (TOTC) and Wenham (WBC), both of whom I greatly respect, also came up with a view I admit I did not expect. And Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Reuben,for she said, Because theLordhas looked upon my affliction; for now my husband will love me.. Leah Lively is a wife and mother of four living in central Virginia. Judah means acknowledgment (hodaah, as in modeh ani). Pursuing the Lord keeps your heart tender as you face trials and endure grief. Then theLordsaid to Jacob,Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you.So Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah into the field where his flock wasand said to them,I see that your father does not regard me with favor as he did before. - Youngs Literal Bible And Leah's eyes were weak; but Rachel was of beautiful form and fair to look upon. He promised to honor the love between Jacob and Rachel, but he instead led them into disaster with a treacherous plan. Jacob, of course, is furious and makes another agreement with Laban. Answer Leah was the daughter of Laban, the sister of Rachel, a wife of Jacob, and the mother of seven of Jacob's children. Meet Leah: First Wife of Jacob. Furious, Jacob makes another agreement with Laban. Sons and daughters could make her worthy. It is based on the word root Hodaah, connoting Give Thanks, Praise.. That seems logical since a contrast is made with her beautiful sister Rachel. According to this story, Leah was destined to marry Jacob's older twin brother, Esau. In biblical times, women had little control over their lives. But listen for the one odd figure of speech Moses uses in this litany of feminine pulchritude (or the lack thereof): Now Laban had two daughters. Leahs eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. Through writing and speaking opportunities, she is passionate about encouraging others in learning more about the Bible and maturing in their faith. Judahs representation also includes the four letters of the Divine name Havaya. As a general rule of thumb, friend, whenever we struggle with a particular Bible word or phrase, we should scan the surrounding words and/or verses. She lies with all of those ancestors and founders of faith in their final resting place. Genesis 29:17 Most of us have read the passage above about Jacob's wives as describing Leah's bad eyesight. Leah was content to praise the Lord for the blessings in her life, even if her husband was not her own. In a selfish world, contentment is not a quality that is popular in the Bible or on social media today. Leah writes on her blog at and just released her second Bible study, 30 Days in Acts A Journey: Igniting the Flame of the Early Church. " The words more than are not in the original Hebrew text. Focus your attention solely on Him as He gives you all that matters mostcontentment! Bridge-Logos Publishers. She was talking about the complex issue of headcoverings in 1 Corinthians 11: I appreciate scholarship, but it is rarely conclusive. Wouldnt you? When Jacob found out he had been tricked, he labored another seven years for Rachel. What is the significance of The Parable of the Good Samaritan? 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