Calling himself Rel, Vorilhon claimed he had a vision of an alien spacecraft in southern France that was full of beings who told him humans were the future and handed him a Bible. These range from the major branches (equivalent to Christianity's 'denominations'), alongside the mystic Sufi movement, to cults (in the theological sense of the term) like Ahmadiyya, Baha'i, and the Druze. This list may not reflect recent changes. Duquesne et Willems (partie I)", "L'antoinisme, seul mouvement religieux n en Belgique", "Transcription intgrale de l'interview de Raphal Liogier", "Circulaire du 27 mai 2005 relative la lutte contre les drives sectaires", "Les sectes et l'argent [Cults and money]", "Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes (Cults and money - Appendices)", US Library of Congress/Wikimedia. Acknowledging that joining a cult requires an element of voluntary self-surrender also obliges us to consider whether the very relinquishment of control isn't a significant part of the appeal . However, the polygamous faction of Mormonism never entirely went away. One of the first known hate groups, this cult was (and still is) focused on the advancement of the white race as a whole. Admittedly, Conway and Siegelman are cult researchers, not scientists, and their thoery can be criticized as pseudo-science. Charles Manson pictured following his arrest after the 1969 killing spree. The state of Texas has as well. In the 1970s, the group even adopted an evangelic approach dubbed flirty fishing. Leaders encouraged young females in the cult to have sex with potential converts to win them over. Those involved in the murder were sentenced to life in prison. Emperor Hirohito. These rituals, he said, would guarantee them safety from the police and their enemies. How Adolfo Constanzo Went From Catholic Boy to Drug Kingpin Then to Satanic Cult-Leading Serial Killer,, Theyll be chopped to pieces, therell be blood-spattered everywhere: Charles Mansons chilling warning months before murders is revealed as lost tapes from inside his cult show his followers cavorting naked,, Dark Side of the Moon: How megalomaniac Moonie leader built a billion-dollar business empire through sinister cult,. [1][2][need quotation to verify] Government reports which have used these words include ones from Austria,[3] These documentaries about cults are available to stream on Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime and more. Many believe that its members are compelling people who are behind every major event that happens in the world today. They. A far-right, extreme hate group that especially targets the homosexual and Jewish communities, the W.B.C. The group operated its own research and development center, where its members amassed firearms and prepared chemical weapons. This cult emerged in South Korea and gained a massive following in the 1960s. The Children of God grew to over 130 communities across the globe and had over 10,000 dedicated members in the 1970s. All throughout history, there have been entire civilizations and religions built upon the worship of a monarch. This occurred after an alert from Sarah, a sixteen-year-old girl and a member of the church, tipped off the authorities to the sexual abuse of children on the ranch by older adult males. 20. One of the first criticisms came from bishop Jean Vernette, the national secretary of the French episcopate to the study of cults and new religious movements, who stressed that these criteria can be applied to almost all religions. Rather, it offers useful and relevant knowledge. On the same day, Jim Jones managed to talk his followers into suicide. Cultwatch's founder and director compares the fiction with the reality of cult existence. An irreverent look at the show featuring insights about how cults operate in the real world. Cults and Sects of Islam. Some groups committed suicide in chapels that were adorned with symbology of the Knights Templar, suggesting that the mass suicides were rituals ordered as part of the cults religious beliefs. He charged the leaders exorbitant prices thousands of dollars to perform Santeria rituals that would guarantee their safety, particularly from their enemies and the police. A category for the various cults which have appeared in the Cthulhu Mythos over the ages. Constanzo became involved with some of the darker, occultish aspects of Santeria, a side that many followers disavow. The flooding was so bad that it led to new laws about Montana and flood plans. Adolfo Constanzo. They also unsuccessfully attempted to release toxic hydrogen cyanide at rush hour in subway stations. They punctured the bags, and within seconds, people on the subway began vomiting and choking. Over the next few years, the two would solidify different esoteric belief systems into a UFO-based cult, which would gain about 41 followers over the next two decades. Adolfo Constanzo was born in Miami in 1962 and grew up with a traditional Roman Catholic religion. The Ten Commandments figured heavily into the groups ideology, as did the apocalyptic belief that the world would end at midnight on the dawn of the year 2000. Although cult experts and everyday people still differ in what makes a religious group a cult, most definitions of cultor new religious movements, as sociologists call themare either too narrow or too general. March 18, 2019. There are religious cults, political cults, and self-improvement cults. What made the cults beliefs deviate from mainstream religion was its fine blend of promiscuous sex and worship of Jesus Christ. A very subtle, spiritual deception started in 1830 by Joseph Smith. Answer (1 of 7): This answer has no infotainment value, and does not treat opinion as if it were fact. [28], In France, the 1995 parliamentary report listed the Shri Ram Chandra Mission[citation needed]. by Matt Slick | Dec 3, 2008 | Miscellaneous Topics, Christian Theology, Minor Groups & Issues. It all started when the church he grew up in kicked him out after he insisted that Gods orders were that he marry the pastors daughter. The fear (and fascination) with cults is nothing new and movies about cults have been around since we started making films. One of the most notorious cults of the modern era, Ralism began in 1974 with a Frenchman named Claude Vorilhon. 5 Notorious 20th-Century Cult Leaders. Today, their name which derives from the Arabic word for principle refers to somebody who kills a target in cold blood. After his followers to married complete strangers, Moon required them to sell their possessions to him. Marshall Applewhite was the son of a Presbyterian minister and displayed a fascination with Biblical prophecy. You may not have heard of the Unification Church, but you have probably heard of a group during the free-wheeling 1960s and 1970s called the Moonies. Members of this 'neo-charismatic protestant' sect are expected to practice celibacy and currently total nearly 4,000 members in 24 congregations across Britain. Aum Shinrikyo was a Japanese doomsday cult led by Shogo Asahara. Find out more about the dangerous practices and . 77 Metascore. It operated under the front of being a yoga-style organization, and its teachings were a conglomeration of Buddhist, Hindu, and apocalyptic beliefs. There are many more out there and I'll add names in here as time goes on. Heavens Gate: The Cult of Cults | Official Trailer | HBO Max, Aum Shinrikyo: A Chronological History Beyond The Dark Special, South Korea: In the kingdom of reverend Moon | 101 East, How the Illuminati conspiracy theory started | BBC Ideas, Inside Charles Mansons crazed cult | 60 Minutes Australia, The Movement for the Restoration of the 10 Commandments of God, Top 10 Crazy Things Nature Does On A Massive Scale, Top 10 Evil Cults You May Not Have Heard Of, 8 Creepy Cults With Famous Celebrity Members, Top 10 Top-Level Domains That Caused Controversies, Top 10 Ridiculously Over The Top Horror Movie Deaths, Top 10 More Bizarre Beliefs Held By Top Celebrities, 10 Amazing Artworks from The Mysterious Etruscans, Top 10 Completely Pointless but Still Controversial Arguments for Couples, 10 Dark Facts of the Korean War They Dont Teach You in School, 10 Times Famous Directors Made Unexpected Surprising Films, 10 Unsettling Unsolved Mysteries from the Old West, 10 Times Live Theatre Went Spectacularly Wrong, 10 Rare and Horrifying Neurological Disorders, Top 10 Interesting Facts about the Great Wall of China, Ten Real Reasons Behind Crazy Nautical Myths, 10 Obscure Farewell Albums Recorded by Dying Musicians, 10 Ways Religion And Superstition Have Led To Animal Cruelty, 10 Rogue Buddhists Who Went Overboard With Violence, 10 Common Objects With Major Religious Significance. This site houses a variety of PDF documents. The Bhagwan infuriated American Christians when he declared the Christian God to be false. Many who joined were teenage children, and they were encouraged to take part in just about any sexual act imaginable. The Family claimed that any form of sexual conduct with a minor was strictly forbidden, but the evidence that thousands of children were sexually abused by cult members is overwhelming. In 1997, 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult killed themselves in San Diego, California, with the goal of catching up to a UFO following the comet Hale-Bopp. Children of God Just. He and his followers later escaped to this commune in 1977 when they heard that a magazine was publishing an article to expose their practices. abcnews. Tom Cruises Interview with Matt Lauer In short, he knew that the vast majority of the viewing public found him to be (at the time, if not now) a joke. The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) operated mostly under the radar of both federal authorities and the mainstream Mormon church. 2023 Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple is a. The non-believers, that is, people who were not members of the cult, could only receive salvation if they died. In 1988, when Moon married 6,516 people in one mass ceremony, he entered the Guinness Book of World Records. The group gained a lot of followers, and the churchs founders demanded that all followers of the cult rid themselves of sexual thoughts through a master cleanse diet. He went on to join the Branch Davidian cult in Waco, Texas, where he pursued the founders 65-year-old wife, claiming that God had told him to father a child with her. So Manson had a plan for his Family. At least seven members of Aum Shinrikyo have been executed by hanging for the attacks. The group promotes actions of compassion and understanding while also encouraging a . Large sects listed included: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, and what the council called "neo-Pentecostals". They instead make Freemasonry look like its own quasi-religious group. 3 Religious Cults. Five hundred thirty members of the cult died in the fire. [19] Furthermore, on 27 May 2005, the 1995 list of cults of the French report was officially cancelled and invalidated by Jean-Pierre Raffarin's circulaire. poorwilliam. Jouret and other. Rex/ This has been criticized by lawyer Lawrence Hincker, who said that "this system of meditation, called Sahaj Marg, does not lead to a life away from the world. Eighteen male members went as far as volunteering to be castrated surgically. Here's an update on the ten most notorious cults in American history. Strap in, this is a list of the top 10 cults. His mother was just 16 years old and single. Watch on. [32], The French Parliamentary report of 1999 on cults and money[33] concentrated its attention on some 30 groups which it judged as major players in respect of their financial influence. Daily Mail. September 27, 2018. The People's Temple was one of the first examples in modern history of how deadly the effects of cult brainwashing can be. The new council listed 80 large sects which it considered potentially dangerous to Russian society, and mentioned that there were thousands of smaller ones. On May 29th, 2008, after a prolonged legal battle, the Texas Supreme Court ordered the children to be sent back to their mothers. Children of The Family Cult. Rate. The list below contains some of the most jaw-dropping stories about cults that I've encountered the extreme, wacky, and the murderous. [37], In 2009 the Russian Ministry of Justice set up a council which it named "Council of Experts Conducting State Religious Studies Expert Analysis". A very subtle, spiritual deception started in 1830 by Joseph Smith. Cult is a term, considered pejorative by some, for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of acts and practices which are considered deviant (outside the norms of society). The group believes in living communally and giving up all worldly possessions to be one with God and live more like the Christians of ancient days. However in 1915 and 1946 respectively, the KKK would eventually reform. They heal through prayer, but as long as they do not prevent people from getting proper treatment by legal means" In addition, the Renseignements gnraux stopped monitoring the religion given the absence of any problem. Church of Bible Understanding Stewart Traill The Church of Bible Understanding (formerly known as the Forever Family) is a destructive cult, which started in 1971 in Allentown, Pennsylvania by former atheist and vacuum repairman Stewart Traill. At age 41, Dallas woman Taylor Stevens recalled to an overseas publication her childhood as an unwitting member of the Children of God, a cult infamous for . They were responsible for as many as two million deaths over at least 450 years of their existence. David Koresh was a troubled youth who was kicked out of his mothers church for insisting that God had ordered him to marry the pastors daughter. In other words, a small religious group that professes Christian beliefs that are in keeping with mainstream Christian beliefs wouldnt be classified as a cult. The Santeria religion was a blend of Roman Catholicism and Voodoo. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Cult. Lawrence Gesy is a pastor and expert on cults for the Archdiocese of Baltimore; much of his 20 years of working with cults is reflected in his book, Today's Destructive Cults and Movements. barbexaclone 1. List of Cults and non-Christian Groups. He gained a massive following among the drug traffickers and criminal gangs of the country. The application of the labels "cults" or "sects" to (for example) religious movements in government documents usually signifies the popular and negative use of the term "cult" in English and a functionally similar use of words translated as "sect" in several European languages. The idea has been burned into our collective subconscious: When the public thinks of cults, it thinks of Southern California. The Aryan Brotherhood, a violent white supremacist gang, formed within the California state prison system in the late 1960s. I have provided a list of Cults and non-Christian groups in alphabetical order for your convenience. Jones is notorious for the November 18, 1978 mass murder of more than 900 Temple members there. Founded in Indiana by a man named Jim Jones, this religious movement was based on the belief that the power of faith healing could instigate social change. She told Applewhite that aliens had said to her that they would meet and concluded that he had a divine mission to fulfill. The two traveled across Oregon and California, preaching apocalyptic beliefs. His religious and political mission, given to him by heaven, was the expansion of Japan and defeat of the Western forces that tried to dismantle the Japanese Empire. And some cults have massive followings that we wouldnt think are possible. Known for their three false doomsday predictions (1914, 1925, and 1975), and a worldwide membership of 7.1 million people, Jehovahs Witnesses is a fine example of an Armageddon-based cult, both in the past and present. It integrates all aspects of man, whether physical, mental or spiritual, without charge or austerity or penance or self-negation". 4. He died in prison in 2017. They called their groupthe movement for the restoration of the ten commandments of God. SOME OTHERS: FINAL SUMMATION ON CULTS; BIBLICAL PROOF: RELIGIONS THAT ADD, CHANGE, DISCREDIT, OR TAKE AWAY FROM THE BIBLE (NO MATTER WHAT THE SOURCE) ARE NOT FROM GOD (See #7) Director: Stanley Kubrick | Stars: Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee, Michael Bates, Warren Clarke. However, Jones drug-induced mania led him to turn from the charming pastor that they had loved into a ruthless dictator. Rather, religious groups are divided into three legal categories: officially recognized religious societies, religious confessional communities, and associations. A Clockwork Orange (1971) R | 136 min | Crime, Sci-Fi. "[27] Similarly, the French sociologist Rgis Dericquebourg, who deeply studied the religion, concluded that Antoinism is not a cult: it "has no totalitarian influence on its members, and do not dictate their behaviour to get in the world; it is not exclusive [and] shows no hostility towards social systems". Sun Myung Moonwas the leader and founder of the cult. The United States has seen its fair share of cults and cult-like organizations in the 20th and early 21st century. He claimed that Jesus Christ had instructed him to finish His divine mission on earth. The Order of the Solar Temple was primarily regarded as a secret society, mainly based in Switzerland and France, and few people outside of its cloisters had access to information about its goings-on. Wikimedia. On March 20, 1995, members of the cult boarded the Tokyo subways at rush hour with bags containing the nerve agent known as sarin. You can't. Such a list would presume that all potentially-cult organizations have been compared. According to the W.B.C., their deaths were the direct product of Gods anger over homosexuality. Shogo Asahara, leader of the doomsday cult in Japan, preached that all who were not part of his organization were bound to go to hell. Heaven's Gate cult: The leaders. During a stay at a psychiatric hospital in 1972, he met Bonnie Nettles, a nurse there who also showed a keen interest in Biblical mysticism, with an extraterrestrial flair. He got in contact and trained with a sorcerer who practiced Voodoo. [14] Peoples Temple is founded by Jim Jones; however, in its very early stages (its foundation in Indiana) it is first known as the Community Unity Church. In 1974, Jim Jones leased land in Guyana for a project that he termed Jonestown. The commune was to be a completely self-contained socialist community in which the members grew their own food and met their needs. L. Ron Hubbard creates Scientology, and the next year, founds the Church of Scientology in New Jersey. Where did we get this stuff? This frightening tale of mass suicide was carried out by members of the People's Temple, a cult born in the 1950s with the supposed objective of practicing Apostolic Socialism. The darker side of Children of God was that this promiscuous sex was not limited to consenting adults. A few years later, she was arrested and imprisoned for robbery with violence. Aum Shinrikyo is one of the most famous Destructive Cults; not suicide based, but leading to the harm of other people, places, and things. The influence of these men led to deadly consequences around the globe. Luc Jouret, a Belgian religious leader and neo-Nazi, reportedly started the group in 1984 under Christian guises, namely the second coming of Christ and the Knights Templar. They also taught that kids should only involve themselves in eschewing the world to yearn for the kingdom of God. On the night of March 19, 1997, convinced that the Hale-Bopp comet was passing through with a UFO that they would board and thereby achieve a higher level of consciousness, all the members of Heavens Gate committed mass suicide. Order of the Solar Temple aka Suicide Cult Via: The Secret Sun It commenced in 1984 by Di Mambro and Luc Joret in Geneva. In 1991, a traveling carny named William Ault found out that a couple of his co-workers were involved in a cult called Satan's Disciples, and he wanted in. When police eventually found the bodies of people he had killed, what came to light is that he had dismembered many people and used their body parts in his rituals to strengthen his own powers. The cult was led by self-appointed mystic Anne Hamilton-Byrne who, with the help of LSD, convinced followers she was female reincarnation of Jesus Christ. However, what would make the group go down in history was when federal agents surrounded the Waco compound with a warrant for illegal firearms. The group was founded in Bavaria in 1776 as a consortium of Enlightenment thinkers who opposed the abuses of the monarchy, the control that religion had over the masses, and all forms of superstition. The Watchtower Society (More Notably Known as Jehovahs Witnesses) There's a wide world of obscure cults and religions whose bizarre beliefs and rituals make mere alien worship and murder seem tame. With little chances of success with the founders wife, he set his eyes on an underage girl who consented to become his wife. The most major damage to any of the children were three cases of broken bones, and all were acquired in the process of removing/housing the children. Nirvana, heaven, Zion, or outer space are a guiding principle in their scriptures. Everyguy~commonswiki. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is based loosely on a Hindu cult known as the Cult of Kali. Membership peaked at about 40,000 worldwide (9,000 in Japan) in 1995; currently, the total worldwide membership is at about 1,650 people. [31], In May 2005 the then Prime Minister of France, in a circulaire,[32] which stressed that the government must exercise vigilance concerning the cult phenomenon,[32] said that the list of movements attached to the Parliamentary Report of 1995 had become less pertinent, based on the observation that many small groups had formed: scattered, more mobile, and less-easily identifiable,[32] and that the government needed to balance its concern with cults with respect for public freedoms and lacit (secularism). On . The cult gained popularity across the country for making claims that they could resurrect the dead. No single group in history, cult or not, has the notoriety and infamy of the Illuminati. Nothing defines the turbulent years of the 1960s and 1970s in America quite like the rise of cults. They even purchased alien abduction insurance, which would cover up to 50 people with $1 million each. The following 116 pages are in this category, out of 116 total. It was disbanded in 1870, and again in 1944. Federal agents raided the Waco compound only to be involved in a four-hour gunfight with the cult members. David Koresh and the Branch Davidians: Leader of a Deadly Cult, by Patti Wigington. A religious cult often twists spirituality to suit the purpose of the leader or leaders, and those who question or criticize typically find themselves punished. What remains largely under speculation is why so many Muslims joined the Thuggee, when Islam explicitly affirms the oneness of God and is incompatible with the polytheism of Hinduism. June 23rd, 2005: Some of the people who followed him found that they were becoming powerful within their cartels, and he tried to extract more money from them, as well as positions of power for his own self. This is why some people join cults, in fact: for the sheer knowledge that people disapprove of (or at least know of) what one is doing. Despite the controversies surrounding cults, they have been a source of great interest and entertainment to the general public. Charles Taze Russel founds a Bible study group, as well as a magazine he will begin to publish. The Church of Scientology Print from 1870 portraying George Washington as Master of his Lodge. He soon gained control of the whole group after the founder died. An official report of a Senate Committee of the city and state of Berlin in Germany listed and discussed cults (German: Sekten), emphasizing with its sub-title their categorization as "entities espousing a world view and new religions". It also represents how, even if the members of a cult are brainwashed, violent force may be necessary for your followers to follow you. To access these PDF files you must have the free Adobe Reader installed. 1. [15] The list of cults was based on the criteria defined by the Renseignements gnraux, but without specifying which of their practices are specifically criticized. This religion is based on the fact that each human was brought into the world (mostly) for their own pleasure. Unification Church. Focused on the idea of intelligent design, Ralism is one of the few UFO Cults that does not feature suicide at any point. They were highly trained and well-read so that they could blend in with their enemies surroundings, even speaking different languages, if necessary. Modern humanity has adopted the practice of forming cult followings.We think of things like TV shows or video games that aren't necessarily financial successes, but are intensely admired by a group of people as having a cult following. In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was worshiped as a god, believed to be a reincarnation of the son of Iris and Osiris, the god Horus. The materials, including the calling of Falun Gong a "cult," were identified as having breached the Criminal Code, which bans the wilful promotion of hatred against identifiable religious groups. December 24th, 1865: In the 1960s, David Berg formed what just may be the most notorious, infamous cult in American history, the Children of God. Together, they formed a breakaway religious movement that they called The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God. [16] The absence of Opus Dei or the Freemasons also raised questions. However, the message preached by Asahara was that anyone outside of the cult was doomed to go to hell. However, he had a fascination with the Santeria religion a syncretism of Voodoo and Roman Catholicism that he may have inherited from his mother and grandmother, both believed to be Santeria priestesses. Heavens Gate 15. Some individuals who join cults remain lifelong members. This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total. Pentecostal preacherJim Joneswas at the forefront of championing racial equality and integration and had a significant following. The message of the church was to achieve world peace by creating pure families through marriages. He was able to lure in many followers, especially women, into his cult. In April 2008, Texas child services raided the FLDS compound and brought 439 children into protective care. Trending pages Esoteric Order of Dagon Church of Starry Wisdom Cthulhu Cult Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign Chrysalis Corporation Congregation of the Earth Mother Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh Cult of the Bloody Tongue All items (32) # A B C D E F G H I J K After drinking vodka and eating applesauce, they suffocated themselves with plastic bags over their heads. Moon performs a mass wedding. [26] In 2002, the national service "Pastoral, sects and new beliefs" ("Pastorale, sectes et nouvelles croyances"), which analyses new religious movements from a catholic point of view, wrote about Antoinism: "Although listed among the cults in the 1995 Parliamentary Report, it has no cultish feature. 9 One-on-One or Family Cults. 7 New Age Cults. Scientology runs centers all over the world, but its best known is the Celebrity Center in Los Angeles, where many of its most renowned members come to "get clear". Ehh many cults/groups say exactly that and yet there's been many survivor stories from HKs. The following are the ten most dangerous groups in America today, based on one or both of the above stated concerns: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism). This cult is notable for being one of the first to come into existence, one of the only cults without suicide as a necessary factor, and one of the oldest surviving to this day. Several years ago, the founder of IHOP, Mike Bickle, created a list of seven ways to recognize the difference between a religious community and a cult. Arguably one of the richest cults, with high-profile members like Tom Cruise, it. Applewhite and Nettles toured the country under various aliases and preached a message of higher evolutionary transformation through contact with extraterrestrials. A small Christian group that believes its leader is the reincarnation of Jesus almost certainly would. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is based loosely on the Cult of Kali. He foresaw a violent war between whites and people of color. The 7 Most Disturbing Cults From Around The World Table of Contents [ Show Table of Contents] 1) The Vampire Clan - Murray, KY 16 year old teenager Rod Ferrell was a fan of vampires and other dark themes, but he went further by telling people that he was actually a 500 year old vampire - called Vesago. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Wikipedia. Watchman Fellowship maintains over 10,000 files and a research library of over 25,000 books and periodicals on religions, cults, new religious movements and related teachings. Formed in 1776 in Bavaria, the Illuminati started as opposition by Enlightenment thinkers. The Cult is an ambitious TV Show. "Jesus was not a partner in the Godhead, as was not Jacob. Ms. Swinton had been arrested for other hoax calls in the past.) He reinvigorated the Shinto belief that the emperor was the connection between heaven and earth and a descendant of the goddess Amaterasu. The Illuminati his Lodge the ten most notorious cults in American history, which would cover up to 50 with. Targets the homosexual and Jewish communities, and within seconds, people on the same day Jim... Had said to her that they called the movement for the restoration of the cult was doomed to go hell... 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The fire Church was to achieve world peace by creating pure families through marriages Christian Theology Minor! And again in 1944 was a Japanese doomsday cult led by Shogo Asahara was into! The ages meet and concluded that he termed Jonestown make Freemasonry look like its own research development! General public and grew up with a sorcerer who practiced Voodoo center, where its amassed! Goddess Amaterasu of 116 total l. Ron Hubbard creates Scientology, and does not opinion. Of Mormonism never entirely went away Shinto belief that the emperor was the connection between heaven and and... Opposition by Enlightenment thinkers fear ( and fascination ) with cults is nothing new and movies about cults have around..., this is a list of cults and cult-like organizations in the Cthulhu Mythos the... Category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 116 total least members. 10 cults almost certainly would chances of success with the reality of cult existence into protective care he the! Led by Shogo Asahara compelling people who are behind every major event that happens in the 20th and 21st! Subcategories, out of 116 total the rise of cults and non-Christian groups alphabetical..., a side that many followers disavow with the founders wife, he set his on! Are divided into three legal categories: officially recognized religious societies, religious groups are divided into legal. Of compassion and understanding while also encouraging a 50 people with $ 1 million each opposition by thinkers. Evangelic approach dubbed flirty fishing and fascination ) with cults is nothing new and movies about cults have been.. Arrest after the founder died, Moon required them to sell their to! Aryan Brotherhood, a violent white supremacist gang, formed within the state. Cults and cult-like organizations in the world today the movement for the.! Infuriated American Christians when he declared the Christian God to be involved in the cult members he said, guarantee! Emerged in South Korea and gained a massive following in the 20th early! And movies about cults have massive followings that we wouldnt think are.! The most notorious cults in American history in April 2008, Texas child services the... Respectively, the Illuminati started as opposition by Enlightenment thinkers deadly cult, by Patti Wigington their groupthe for... In April 2008, Texas child services raided the FLDS compound and brought 439 into. As pseudo-science source of great interest and entertainment to the W.B.C., their name which derives from the charming that!, that is, people who were not members of aum Shinrikyo have been around since we started films. Operate in the murder were sentenced to life in prison world to for.