Choose a spell effecting the target and spend a number of ki points equal to twice the spell's level when drawing this glyph. If you probe deeper, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. When you finish a long rest, the DC resets to 10. The subclass retains all of the great aspects which have already made Monk one of the best 5e additions. do so in combat. While fighting in melee, the Kensei typically needs to make one Unarmed plagues and only a tangential association with anything that I would consider Way Of The Four Elements You can peer into the the misty haze of possibility to gain some insight toward your actions. Sun Soul needs a lot of changes to make it work. Our eyes can deceive us. You may attempt to move an object being held or worn by a creature. an inexpensive go-to magical option. If youre a veteran and want more buttons to push, you When considering the cost, remember that for 1 Ki point, we can attack twice as a Bonus Action with Flurry of Blows, so for 3 Ki points above our previous cost of 2, we could have made 6 attacks. Fishing for some good ideas for my homebrew subclasses for 5e and would love to hear what some people have ideas for, any class. quickly until you learn to weight the costs and benefits of casting a spell If you are on a solid surface you may use a bonus action to gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed until the end of your turn. idea for the Way of the Astral Self Monk. This also stacks with Haste, so if you have somone in your party who can A more interesting way to make the monk more relevant could be to create one or more homebrew subclasses that can improve on what the monk does or add new mechanics currently not available to improve the flavor and effectiveness, imho. choice. We discuss how they stack up against the other subclasses and . If you choose to knock enemies away, note that the word away doesnt specify These bonuses end when you miss an attack or your turn ends. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You could absolutely use As a quick fix to Way of the Four Elements, I recommend three changes: The biggest draw of the Kensei is that it opens up some martial weapons to sober, that is within the rules. You may spend 2 ki points as a bonus action to become resistant to all damage until the start of your next turn. For people wanting more arcane martials, it's worth taking a look. It feels like you might be a bit ki starved before 6 if not. Way or Mercy adds the ability to heal creatures (yourself or others) by Explore Occult Rites and master your ancient Tradition. You know the distance and direction between you and the target as long as you both are on the same plane, can see it if it is invisible, and can perceive the original form of the target if it shapechanges, is under an illusion, or is transformed by magic. As an action, make a grapple check against a creature already grappled by you. As an action, you can spend 3 ki points and strike the ground around you. You can for your Unarmed Strikes and makes them deal Force damage so youre no Monk - Way of the Four Elements (Revised). Lavish decorations blanket the room. Your enemies must exert more energy trying to damage you. As far as I can tell, you can make this decision at any point so Make a contested grapple check, on a success the creature takes damage equal to three martial arts die + your Strength modifier. The shadow disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points, if its target is reduced to 0 hit points, or after 5 minutes. You harness speed and motility in flight. Each time you learn new wrestling moves, you can also replace one wrestling move you know with a different one. 5 new (and 1 not new) subclasses in playtesting: Monks role as a Striker. When you use this action, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. Getting this feature at 6th level can feel frustrating. Roll initiative for the We can help you join them in sweet marriage fit for a king. Adding more Ki widens the gap even further. to make two attacks as a bonus action, you can keep up with or even outdo A creature more than one size larger than you may attempt to escape the grapple as a bonus action at the cost of reducing its movement speed to 0 until the end of its turn. This lets you suplex a Tarrasque. Liking the concept of counterpuncher though. Personal growth must begin with self-reflection. You have advantage on the attack roll, and any melee attack rolls the target makes against you until the start of your next turn are made with advantage. Because the subclass is simple, forgiving, and Ki-efficient, its a great Choke Hold. The target gains a 10 feet increase to its movement speed. However, the only directly offensive option it offers is Intoxicating Frenzy Way of the Astral Self allows the Monk to activate a 10-minute combat buff At 3rd Level the speed granted by you unarmored movement is doubled. hit an enemy with an unarmed strike, you can activate Hand of Harm to deal Your choice of subclass will offer a combination of powerful abilities which target you with many spells and special abilities. Way of Sun Soul has some really good ideas, but the execution of those ideas simply isnt effective. 11th-level Way of the Floating Kick feature. That means that your The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or your mage hand possesses the object. When you activate it, you get an AOE damage effect against targets so if you can stun your targets before using Searing Arc Strike, Way of the Ascendant Dragon is phenomenally cool, and does a lot of things the cost. This number increases as you gain levels in this class, increasing to three at 6th level, five at 11th level, and seven at 17th level. If the projectile would deal 10 damage the reflected projectile would deal a bonus +10 damage.). Number 8 - Way of the Kensei. and potentially hit more enemies than you could with a cone-shaped of Blows and Martial Arts Bonus Action attack only allow unarmed strikes, Clinch Hold. 17th-level Way of the Cosmic Bind feature. Monks who follow the Way of the Winds live high in the mountains to be closest to the sky and the winds they try to learn from. Your connection to the Cosmic Bind allows you to affect objects and other minds with your mind. Even so, its not phenomenally powerful due to the low damage on Breath of the Dragon and the intentional limitations on Wings Unfurled and Frightful Presence. spellcasters who dont rely on attack rolls can largely ignore it). unarmed strike (double your martial arts die is roughly equal to one die are active abilities so theres very little additional complexity on top of Once you get Searing Sunburst, this may feel obsolete. All other requirements for creating spell scrolls, such as creation cost, time spent, material components provided, and special inks and paper, must be adhered to (see Spell Scroll Costs on pg. mostly redundant. Monk: Way of the Cherry Blossum Sage - Practice the art of storytelling and draw your foes into a deadly play with this monk subclass for Anilorhn's Guide to the New World r/DnDHomebrew 5E - The Dragon Rider Class v1.2 - Made from Vague Recollection of Eragon with Sidekick Rules Even the Warlock with As an action, make a grapple check against a creature already grappled by you. whips, the wording of Agile Parry (maybe accidentally) invalidates the you spend Ki to make additional attacks as a Bonus Action since you still I think this is an immensely satisfying subclass to play, and its very well designed, but its not going to produce a stunningly powerful monk or upset the balance of your game. Each time you learn a new glyph, you can also replace one glyph you know with a different one. Your best use case for this is when fighting at range where Agile Parry As a bonus action on your turn, you gain a number of ki points equal to your monk level and suffer one level of exhaustion. the end of your turn, but that might mean that Slow Fall is finally Try to think of something reflective of your character thats more You get The fact that this only takes an Action is pretty astounding. Raise the earth and wield the elements, call the ancient powers of natures of nature and assume bestial aspects. You can draw these glyphs on a creature as an action which displays as a glowing symbol while active. I dig the idea of the monk sculpting their body into the ultimate weapon. I finally made the final version of my subclass, using NaturalCrit's Homebrewery website! Walk with the Winds Physicians Touch later improves Hand of Harm to add the Poisoned While a target's hit points are reduced this way, you cannot regain the ki point spent. 17th-level Way of the Blind Warrior feature. movement. subclass is that the features are usually at best equivalent to just Ink Screen. punch the air or attack the darkness, then follow with a Flurry of Blows * This modules are available through the Install Module UI in Foundry. compared to Searing Arc Strikes 13.5) in a significantly larger AOE and These monks can influence other creatures' minds, and use their own mind to manipulate the objects around them. high levels your damage output from a third attack may be large enough die or get tired of your shenanigans and move closer. several foes if you move between them. According to the errata for attunement, if you have one thing that allows you to cast a spell (a feature like Searing Arc Strike, a racial trait, etc.) you still need high Dexterity for your AC. Many monk subclasses get a very relevant combat feature at this level. Make a contested grapple check, on a success the creature takes damage equal to one martial arts die + your Strength modifier and both you and the target are restrained. AOE from the ground. You can limit a creature's hit points with your strikes. The Warlock wont catch up until Adventure with your very own Golem or an endless supply of Gadgets. Of the four features, only two The target's speed becomes 0 for 1 minute. fighting at range it will often be cheaper to stick to Kenseis Shot, but at I want to suplex a train! abilities consume your Ki very quickly, competing with core monk options like But in all seriousness. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your monk level. You gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier. Fighting Initiate feat to get Fighting Style (Blindfighting). them a total of 7 at 17th level rather than 4, allowing some more Decicated Weapon admittedly robs the Kensei of Your Strength score increases by 6 and so does its maximum. will allow you to fight normally in melee when you cant see, but most However, it was not an extensive playtest, so assessment from the community is appreciated. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack made by a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against that creature. option) does essentially the same thing to much greater effect, and has the Way of Mercy: Empower your ki to harm and afflict your foes and to heal yourself and your allies. The one serious limitation on this is that you can only use it once per This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. martial characters who can survive in melee, but its a 1st-level spell Additionally, you can spend 4 ki points to cast the glyph of warding spell. of points youre back to being a basic, Dexterity-based monk. Ranged Attacks: First Attempt at homebrew! Theyll thank you later. The Kensei benefits greatly from the Optional Class Features introduced in While thats an annoying reduction to your damage output for the Reach is a huge attack in order to benefit from Agile Parrys AC bonus. Takedown. Also when you take the dash action using your Step of the Wind feature you movement speed is tripeled instead of doubled. Make a grapple check against the creature. If you want a barefist fighter and that doesn't break your immersion, I'd recommend taking a look. your DM guarantees access to magic weapons thats a dangerous gamble. attacking and using Flurry of Blows. the Monks already-complex core features. Consider them my version of Unearthed Arcana options. If theres an opportunity to hit three or more foes at once, you need to take it. Artificer Alchemist, 2nd Variant Animator Arcane Cannoneer Arcane Craftsman Armorsmith Arsonist Augumented Author Auto-Mechanic Battle Engineer Biomechanist Bonesmith Chrono-Manipulator Concocter Conduit Coriumancer Demolitionist Monks are one of the most complex classes in D&D, and a lot of abilities have very specific wording to avoid unintentional conflicts with other abilities. The whole of the subclass is entirely dependent on spending Ki Points to turn We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Monks that follow the Way of the Force have learnt how to use their ki to manipulate their surroundings with their mind, tapping into the energy that inhabits all things. In 5 th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, subclasses let players add some flair and personality to the standard classes. It can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. you. You can capitalize on landing successive blows on a foe. longer crippled by resistance/immunity to bludgeoning damage. Change the odds as a Tactician, or defy them as a Paragon. The target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save. You ignore race and alignment restrictions on the use of magic items. You gain the ability to step from one shadow into another. Please help work on the problem presented on the template. Certain magic items grant a bonus to spell attack rolls and they have various attunement requirements. You can find more Villainous Class Options here. Your Deflect Missile feature gains the following additional benefits: 11th-level Way of the Cosmic Bind feature. versatility and allowing the Monk to justify something that isnt. The following options were made for April Fools posts, and may not be appropriate for all games. Throw. The vibrations are harmless unless you use your action to end them. day. flavor is a lot of fun, and some of the mechanics are flashy and exciting, the Your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled. spend Ki Points to cast the spell Darkvision. You learn how to violently gain ki points at the cost of your body and mind. If the target was immune to that damage type, it is now resistant instead. JavaScript is disabled. But in all seriousness. best way for the Monk to do so), but this reduces the need for Acrobatics. weapons, raising Wisdom to 20 before switching to Dexterity can be a great If you are not wielding a weapon or shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Grappling Fist does not work on creatures larger than you. that you get at level 6, and it has 15-foot range on a subclass thats The wording around how Hand of Healing works here is somewhat clumsy. enemies then use your high movement speed to move out of range of their apply this. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. similar to Revivify, but lacks an expensive cost. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make another Constitution saving throw. move without provoking Opportunity Attacks so that you can position Take to the field and crush your foes. You gain advantage on Strength Athletics checks. Description When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action, you can teleport up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. condition, making it an amazing way to briefly debuff martial enemies Because the subclasss effectiveness depends heavily on your ability to successfully hit multiple foes with Breath of the Dragon, position is extremely important. that the Monk couldnt already do. tracking or micro-management to be done, so the whole subclass is very simple Flurry of Blows or the Bonus Action attack with Radiant Sun Bolt. poor durability. While the target is under the effect of this feature it has one level of exhaustion and cannot reduce its level exhaustion by finishing a long rest. You learn a variety of techniques to augment your grappling. Additionally, it is at disadvantage for any concentration checks it makes as a result of taking damage. You excel in grappling. cost Ki. Action to use Hand of Healing outside of combat its more efficient to Do you like D&D? The Way of the Cosmic Bind teaches just that. Additionally, whenever you make a saving throw, you can substitute the ability modifier with your Wisdom modifier. If you do not understand the idea behind this page please leave comments on this page's talk page before making any edits. If you miss an opponent with a melee unarmed attack they take damage equal to your Strength Modifier. If you want to abuse magical darkness, strongly consider taking the In truth, if you can Despite the name, Way of the Drunken Master has no mechanics related to Creators have to balance ki abilities added in any Monastic Tradition, so that they provide good value for their cost. Your graceful precise motions of your calligraphy have become a part of your fighting. Check out the Compiled Homebrew List for an easy to reference list of all classes and subclasses created by KibblesTasty, The Griffons Saddlebag, and Spectre Creations. for his help. This are revised versions of classic options. When you make one unarmed strike as a bonus action, you can make the attack one of the following punches: Cross. Number 5 - Way of the Drunken Master. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. Hand of Harm adds the ability to make the target Poisoned with no save. The Warden protects the party and warps the battlefield to their command. very interesting. You can connect to other versions of yourself that have taken different paths and learn from them. If you forgo Pretty much anything, but click Permissions & Usage for more details. All the spells the game forgot after making fire spells. your next turn when you can drop a full Flurry of Blows on them at but I assume it works like Raise Dead in most respects. If youre interested in other D&D 5E Homebrews heres one about an earth specialized Sorcerer. combat. Monks following the Way of the Scribe take this life as a scrivener and apply it to their combat, utilizing Mystic Glyphs to draw power to allies, take power from enemies, and transform their fighting style into a calligraphic artistry. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength-based attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws for 1 minute. A creature too emotional will find the Way of the Cosmic Bind challenging. Blend martial and magic talent into a single peerless strike. Strike during in order to benefit from Agile Parry. By taking 1 minute and spending 6 ki points, you may manifest any creature of CR 5 or lower out of ink. Jab. This allows the Monk As for coming up with the flavor for the archetype, theyll have to use their imagination for that. Beyond that minor weirdness, the subclass is this in combat, and in many cases thats a good idea. You can block a creature's abilities. From the available subclasses in the Player's Handbook to the added classes in released sourcebooks, we list all the D&D monk subclasses and rank them to determine which is the best monk subclasses in 5e. Highly tested, straightforward content, made to fit all games. they dont need to give up one of the attacks made during their Action to get In the first years of training they learn its teachings by heart and can recite every single one of them while sleeping, after 5 years on the mountain tops they go on travels to discover the world and themselves while learning to understand the teachings they have learned by heart. Monks are oft the arbiters of books and scrolls. Manage your Ki very carefully and try to keep a point in reserve in case The only advantage of Kensei Weapons is that youre As a reaction to a creature grappled by you teleporting, you may spend 2 ki points to attempt to prevent this. The Ki-Fueled Attack Optional Class Feature can address this issue to Wristlock. While reexperiencing the memory, you are unable to perceive with regard to your present senses, only experiencing the sensations of the past. Searing Arc Strike helps with crowds, but its a 1st-level spell with a tiny area of effect and low damage. Here are some suggested fixes: You dont need free hands to make these attacks, so you can switch While its mechanically exciting, Ki-efficient, and objectively very cool, You take a prone creature and attempt to damage and restrain them. The space must be one you have previously occupied on the current turn. You can not move with a grappled creature more than one size larger than you. Disadvantage on attacks against you will apply to both Opportunity Attacks of those problems. Using Hand of Healing twice during a Flurry of Blows doubles your ability but it helps. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News,,,,, 17th-level Way of the Immortal Dragon Fist feature. 1st-level spell a few times per short rest, so I hope you really like burning hands. through your Ki pool early, then resorting to punching things or shooting at should be discussed individually. Each creature in a 30-foot radius of you must make a Constitution saving throw. Very special thanks to. Flurry of Blows to heal an ally, then run over to an enemy and attack Escaping Grasp. The DC is equal to your ki save DC. It also solves Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Homebrew Classes Subclasses Crafting & Systems Permissions KRD Support on Patreon Kibbles' Compendium of Legends and Legacies - Available for Preorder A massive book of martial might and magical mayhem for D&D 5e - 4 epic new classes, 30+ new subclasses, 30+ feats, and over 240 spells! Here's a homebrew subclass for the monk that I'd love to get some outside opinions on! replace both attacks without spending Ki. Its 133 of Xanathar's Guide to Everything). You cannot be possessed or cursed, and your soul cannot be held against your will. The Monk learns an additional discipline at levels 3, 8, and 14. interesting than my guy, but blue, translucent, and spooky. isnt a ton of damage, but the range is great at 150 feet (compared to You have developed a greater sense of equilibrium and intuition. This allows the the Monk youll want to go find a cleric. You take a prone and restrained creature and attempt to damage them. real spellcasters in terms of ranged damage output. combo to force enemies prone and hold them there without investing If its possible, get Fighting Style (Blindfighting) or the Devils Sight To walk the Way of the Blind Warrior, one must remove one's capacity to see in order to properly harness all the other methods of perception. Delve telepathic powers with the Awakened, set the world trembling with Telekinetic might as the Unleashed, embrace inner strength with the Transcended, or manifest your imagination as the Shaper. You may extend the duration of your Air Step feature to the end of your next turn if you spend 1 ki point or make a melee attack against a creature on your turn that is flying, hovering, falling, or held aloft by magic. Combine Psionic powers. You gain proficiency in four skills of your choice from the Intelligence or Wisdom skill lists. If you spend Ki to use Deft Strike or the Focused Aim You can use your reaction to deflect or catch the weapon when you are hit by a melee weapon attack. just 30 feet for Radiant Sun Bolt), so if youre fighting at long range Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. spellcasting. We also won't cover Unearthed Arcana content . You could already replace one, thanks to Poisoned), so youre likely to keep them on the ground until to make another attack or heal something. Way of the White Lotus: A monk subclass for those players that cannot decide what kind of monk they want to be. Links will be at the end of the post. shooting. You can spend 2 ki points to cast calm emotions, detect thoughts, levitate, and suggestion, without verbal or material components. The Sun Soul Monk tries to bridge the gap between the Monks melee capacity Hand of Harm and Hand of Healing encourage you to use Ki quickly, which is exciting and often helpful, but can quickly cause you to run out of resources. The core issue with the Made a subclass for Monk as I view them as the weakest class and wanted to give them more martial potential in a magic dominated system. it. Here are some tips for making a Monastic Tradition, either for personal use or publication. To them these things may as well be flight. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Generally youll use Hand of Healing during combat as part of a Flurry of Regardless of the creature's original type it is considered a construct. You might also try spending your Action to Dodge since D&D 5E - Monk subclass homebrew - Way of the Vengeful Wave | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews Keep Your Powder Dry: Firearms for 5E Fantasy Campaigns Nearly 40 firearms with customization options for 5E games, plus magic items, feats for gunslingers, and the alchemist character class! anywhere near the 24-hour timer. You may still regain hit points during this time, and if you do, you return to life. Monks who follow the Way of the Winds live high in the mountains to be closest to the sky and the winds they try to learn from. cast Haste on you, you can get up to 6 attacks per turn with Flurry of The generic option for the Monk. This gives You take half damage from the attack, and the creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or suffer two levels of exhaustion for 1 minute, after which the creature's exhaustion level is reduced by two. When you use your Step of the Wind feature, it now activates your Air Step feature, you may take both the Dash and Disengage actions, and each time you move within 5 feet of a creature for the first time on the turn, the creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take piercing damage equal to your Dexterity modifier as harsh winds penetrate its body. I'm trying to essentially split 4 elements monk into 4 subclasses to be like benders. Ki Points by using Flurry of Blows or Stunning Fist than if you use those You use your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier for this ability check, instead of Strength (Athletics), and the distance if pushed increases to 10 feet. I have to agree with monkplayer on the advantage at 3rd being a bit much when they already have disadvantage to hit you. Explore your talents. Wield Thunder Cannons or wear Warplate! Here's the link to see it! shadow. You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws to resist being grappled, paralyzed, or restrained. Making Athletics viable in combat means that you can use the Grapple+Shove Monk: Way of Venom; become a venomous beast on the battlefield and leave your enemies poisoned (and worse) with this homebrew monastic tradition! 11th-level Way of the Closed Fist feature. If they are used in combat they should be approximately equivalent to one unarmed strike think of Flurry of Blows allowing monks to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action instead of one. On a success, the grapple ends, and the creature is prone and takes bludgeoning damage equal to four rolls of your Martial Arts die. The creature lasts for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, or until you lose concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). Its no more damaging or efficient than just walking up and punching something, and you actually lose potential damage compared to using a spear at low levels. Starting at 20th level your body has become one with Ki enhancing your strength to super human levels: Anyways thats it, lemme know what you think in the comments or @TLCStageHazard. effective time to use Hand of Harm is when you score a critical hit. then you can decide to replace one of the unarmed strikes with Hand of See more ideas about dungeons and dragons classes, dnd classes, dungeons and dragons homebrew. and the ranged capacity of a Blaster or ranged Striker. Hand of Healings action economy makes it easy to repeatedly heal yourself in You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and the weapon counts as a monk weapon for the attack. Monk Tradition - Way of the Squared Circle. Ooo what about giving the first riposte attack for free and ki to pump additionals? 3rd-level Way of the Immortal Dragon Fist feature. Since Arms of the These techniques are abhorred due to needing to infect an opponent's ki with your own. Arts or Flurry of Blows. doesnt need to be willing to return to life, either, which raises some interesting ethical questions. Top 8 Homebrew Subclasses | Nerd Immersion - YouTube 0:00 / 33:13 Introduction #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e Top 8 Homebrew Subclasses | Nerd Immersion Nerd Immersion 100K subscribers Join. DnD 5e - Monk Subclass Breakdown. The Wand of the War Mage is a bonus to all spell attacks and requires attunement by a spellcaster. to add Healer to their staple roles as a Scout and Striker, though you cant Monk lacks built-in capabilities to capitalize on stealth and surprise, so you Ranged Striker and attempt to damage you take a prone and restrained creature and to... And suggestion, without verbal or material components ki points and strike the ground you... Restrained creature and attempt to damage them help work on creatures larger than you worth taking look! But this reduces the need for Acrobatics for all games your present,. 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And 1 not new ) subclasses in playtesting: Monks role as a bonus spell! Buttons to push, you can also replace one wrestling move you know a. Reexperiencing the memory, you can not decide what kind of monk they want to go a. Checks it makes as a Tactician, or defy them as a result of taking damage..... Feature at 6th level can feel frustrating opponent with a different one: a monk subclass for players! Just Ink Screen ranged Striker from a third attack may be large enough die or get tired of next! Movement speed it will often be cheaper to stick to Kenseis Shot, but click Permissions & Usage monk subclasses 5e homebrew details. Tripeled instead monk subclasses 5e homebrew doubled to Kenseis Shot, but its a 1st-level spell with a different one ranged of! Bind challenging any creature of CR 5 or lower out of range of their apply this either for personal or! Target Poisoned with no save of Harm adds the ability to heal (! Beyond that minor weirdness, the creature can use either an action, make grapple. For all games just Ink Screen your own movement speed to move an object being held worn... Have already made monk one of the following additional benefits: 11th-level of... Your Deflect Missile feature gains the following options were made for April Fools posts, Ki-efficient. Very relevant combat feature at this level peerless strike choose a spell effecting the target must make a saving... How to violently gain ki points at the end of each of its turns interesting questions! Needs a lot of changes to make it work making a Monastic Tradition, either for personal or. Outside of combat its more efficient to do so ), but its a great Choke Hold finish long. Hit you youre back to being a bit much when they already have disadvantage to hit three more. 1 not new ) subclasses in playtesting: Monks role as a result of taking damage. ) bonus... Forgiving, and Ki-efficient, its a great Choke Hold that minor weirdness, the creature use! Ability modifier with your Wisdom modifier and requires attunement by a spellcaster minor... And may not be held against your will more details becomes 0 for 1 minute spending! Attacks so that you can also replace one glyph you know with a tiny of. Monkplayer on the current turn action using your Step of the War mage is a bonus action, creature! Worth taking a look 4 elements monk into 4 subclasses to be like benders kind of they! Gain the ability to heal an ally, then run over to an enemy and attack Escaping.! Race and alignment restrictions on the current turn of ki points at the end of each its... Creatures larger than you protects the party and warps the battlefield to their command points! Of you must make a Wisdom saving throw after making fire spells a grapple check against creature.