However, there will be one vital piece of information obtained: The attack on Hilltop was part of a deal Tymofarrar made with someone named J'Nah, and that he was betrayed. Standing atop the structure is the hooded figure. Detailed walk-throughs for every dungeon, cave, and tomb in the game. No matter what answer you give, the followers will begin to believe you are the incarnation of Ao. So, basically, it's going to be a tough fight, and the powder and gnolls will be helpful. So long as you aren't evil, that is. Once the dragon is dead, grab his head and the mask, and loot his treasure. There is only one shield guardian in the east fragment, residing in the library in the southern section. The shadowdancer is a great prestige class for rogues, though the high skill requirements make it somewhat prohibitive for other classes. Hide in Plain Sight: The shadowdancer is able to use the hide skill even when being observed. Buy what you need before returning to your home plane. Note that you can only send them to Silverymoon if Xanos is in your party and if you successfully lie to them about the condition of Hilltop. The bloodied altars hold the secret to dealing with the tentacle beast. The northeastern altar also contains a scarab of protection +5. After defeating the minogons, loot the sarcophagi for some high-level loot, including a composite bow +2. Master Drogan will be revived, and you can proceed to the interlude. The stone butler will tell you of a ring that makes disposing of the guardians much easier. (However, he will not speak with you if you've only saved Nafeeli from the gnoll caves). If you don't have, and aren't planning to acquire, thieving skills, you absolutely want the rogue/cleric Dorna Trapspringer. He is a tough opponent but nothing you can't handle. When you can safely continue, head up the stairs. The side rooms all contain random treasure, but be warned that opening a coffin or sarcophagus will often cause a monster to appear. To Nether Mountains B. General strategies for successful adventuring. In the western passage at the far end, you will find three tombs. Petition for judicial review will put new first minister Humza Yousaf on collision course with Westminster. After he admits to having defiled the corpse, his followers will become disgusted and leave. Once you have the hand, leave the Elven Crypt. Note that you can avoid it all together, if you want, by following the side passages. Secret doors near the entrance will help you avoid this ambush spot. There is a quick way to kill at least one of them--grab the potion of elemental resistance in the chest near the blue-lit door. The fireballs shooting down the hallway, which are possibly the most annoying aspect of the game, can't be disabled. You must take the rod of blight to the altar for Lathander located in the House of the Morninglord. The beastmaster isn't too tough--he's only level three. HoTU: How in the heck do you defeat the third guardian of the path in Chapter 3. The library is located in the east fragment. The Spell Orb C. Secret Door D. Minogons/Formian Hive Entrance E. Strange Machine F. Sphinx Statue G. To Formian Hive H. Portal Room I. DC stands for "difficulty class." Once the slaads are dead and the hooded figure has escaped through the portal, Drogan will appear. If you chose the "Where treasure lay" option for the location, search a nearby chest for a large cache of jewels. The truth is that, though Sturgeonism is over, the question of independence is not going away. When facing multiple strong enemies, try to lure them one by one into a hallway and then shut the door behind them. Follow the conversation thread that begins "There is need for you in the village, but you go about it all wrong," and he will ask you to retrieve his sword. Fight alongside your fellow travelers, and then speak with Katriana to learn that Zidan, the bedine guide, has been abducted. When you do visit the herbalist, he'll have two of the required herbs. A. The answer is "I will be hanged." When you're finished in the temple, head into the Valley of Winds. At the bottom of the rope, you will find yourself in a strange room--there are four pedestals, a magic pool, a level, and some goblin bones. There are also several unholy priestesses (sixth-level clerics) and two unholy crusaders (each a 15th-level fighter). You can attempt to persuade Urko to give you the hand, but if you fail the kobolds will attack you (if you successfully persuade him and let him live, he will help you later). The sarcophagi in this room are guarded by two eighth-level minogons armed with powerful netherese axes. Quest: Kobolds in the Kitchen Again, there are several ways to solve this. Allow your henchman and other associates to distract her. The kobold prisoners will assist you, should you decide to attack the gnolls. There is a great deal of opposition--almost every area is crawling with monsters. Basically, kill all the gnolls in the area for experience, then leave. With every other level gained, the arcane archer receives a +1 bonus, beginning at first level, with a maximum of +5. Finally, you can get Piper to stop his doom saying by retrieving his sword from Fiona. Kill them, and then pick up the large rune stones around the border of the room. Go through the door and flip the lever to activate the poison trap, then grab one of the elven trap protective helmets from the nearby chest (the weapons racks contain a +1 longbow and a scroll of ghostly visage). For that reason, your journal will show many more entries than this walk-through will list as actual quests (though all the actions and outcomes will be covered). Make your way through the maze of portals until you reach the stairs, then head up to the high arcanist's chambers. On the skeleton you will find a ring of magic defenses (cast dispel magic once a day, +2 to spellcraft and spell resistance), a necklace of fireballs, and an ointment of stone to flesh. Enter the caravan and return the cards to Daschnaya. You can convince her to go to the bedine people as a priest of Lathander, and clerics and paladins can attempt to convert her to their religion. And the blackguard's skills are perfectly suited for evil fighters, such as the ability to cast bull's strength and the ability to cast wound-inflicting spells while already up close and personal with your adversary. If Adam survived, he will offer the kobold a gem for the baby and then ask you to supply the gem. Your character must also be evil, for obvious reasons. He also has a box that can recharge magic items. There's an abandoned farm through a small gate to the north. Elves and characters with decent search skills have a chance of finding a secret door that bypasses the whole area, instead giving you a handful of weak skeletons to fight. If you agree, she will give you the formian crystal, which will summon formians to fight by your side when used. This guide will lead you from Master Drogan's humble farm all the way to a magical floating city in the sky, and show you everything to do in between. A. Rope to Gnoll Cave B. Then choose "I want to adjust your equipment." . Smite Good: At the second level, the blackguard's charisma modifier is added to his or her attack roll when fighting opponents of good alignment. Additionally, Kel-Garas himself will appear at the far side of the room and attempt to cast hold person on you as you cross. You can also attempt to persuade Yazka to help you attack the kobolds so she will be leader. It is a very good idea to make the deal, even if you plan on killing the dragon. Consult the maps below for the transportation locations from the tower to the plane of shadow. Place the dark wind, the dead wind, and the wise wind inside to gain access to the temple stairs. There are a few ways to save Becka, though. The prerequisites for becoming an assassin are fairly simply: You must be somewhat adept at the move silently skill, as well as the hide skill. Quest: Thayvian Enclave If you agree to help Szaren set up an enclave in Hilltop (try to persuade him for some extra gold up front), return to Hilltop West and enter the community hall. Quest: Fled Into the Crypt The southernmost doorway in the eastern hallway leads to the kobolds' hideout. Ignore the missing resources; they are missing from the erf but not from the modules. You'll be fighting undead along the way. If you show Fiona Glendir's promissory note, she will give you some boots of reflexes +3. Posts: 6,123. Drink your potions, prepare your spells. You can buy items from him, as well as sell him some exotic items. I would, however, not bother with Palemaster for the Expansions. They are everywhere, and they need to be dealt with. For Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by Orest. You can also get him to leave by asking him if he had anything to do with Hol's death. Your biggest problem will be getting your henchman to cross safely, without stopping to attack the indestructible statues--if your henchman keeps dying in the room, change the attack settings so that he or she doesn't attack.. Once all four elementals are dead, you will receive a magical token and the door to the ancient hall will open. When given the option, choose "Return to the grave, ye bones" and attack the skeleton (a seventh-level fighter). Kill them and then rest up. Heurodis is a sixth-level humanoid/18th-level wizard. You're about to enter the homestretch, and this is your last chance to buy items. At the fourth level, shadow evade gives the shadowdancer a 5-percent concealment bonus, +1 to AC, and 5/+1 damage reduction. The dead wind is nowhere near as tough as the wise wind. There are several zombies you'll need to fight before getting to the puzzle. 2 - CHAIN This room has a pull chain that you should definitely use, as it rewards you with a belt. Along the way, she will send you telepathic messages. You need to destroy the mythallar. There are a handful of fairly tough bandits in here, as well as plenty of traps. But what about the poor fighter? It's also really difficult at times. Once the room is safe, speak with Ayala. The first floor of the tomb is one huge room, filled with dread sarcophagi. It functions exactly like the cleric ability of the same name. Don't forget to use the Tab key often. To the High Forest B. Kobold Cells C. Slave Pen D. Glendir E. Beastmaster F. Chief's Cavern G. Chief's Treasure Room H. To Underground Ruins. To Hilltop West B. Halfling Caravan C. The Fortune-Teller's Caravan D. Old Farm E. Szaren F. Blake House G. To Hilltop Foothills. Bards can also play a song to distract the kobold. You can start the A Cure for Drogan quest by asking if there's anything you can do to help Drogan. Whichever way you deal with the situation, the oasis will be restored, and the caravan can continue on to the encampment. When you return to him later, he will offer you the calian belt for 40,000 gold, but you can talk him down to 35,000. But the 200 gold she'll pay you may not be worth the trip. After the conversation is finished, choose your henchman. If you don't persuade them to swap hostages, you can either let them go or ambush them. Note that the staff, in addition to the attack bonuses, also allows you to cast flame arrow three times a day. Behind the guardian is his master's skeleton, but if you attempt to loot it he will attack. As you approach it, your journal will update and you will receive some experience for your discovery. If you google "nwn tynan" the first page listed is this: You awake in Undrentide, having been enslaved by the asabi. Neverwinter Nights (PC) Item FAQ August 30, 2006 Version 1.7 Written by: Dylan Erickson E-mail: If you're having any problems, please consult the FAQ (Ctrl + F, type in FAQ) first before e-mailing me. With Karsus and William, defeating the wise wind is not very difficult. Just walk over to the ox pen, open the gate, and stand back. The slaves will also mention another who was captured and taken somewhere else--Glendir. Enjoy the end cinematic. He must not have looked very hard--there are two entrances to the tomb, both in the dead center of the forest. Note that if you allow Hurc to leave the tavern, he will help you later. Note that if you enter the hive through the minogon room, you will avoid a great deal of fighting and be taken straight to the queen. At the beginning of the interlude, the caravan is attacked by stingers. There are five prestige classes: Arcane Archer, Assassin, Blackguard, Harper Scout, and Shadowdancer. Once you are in the emporium, speak with the stone butler. 8 - EXIT TO LEVEL 2 OF HELM'S HOLD. Put away your weapon before entering or they will attack you. You might be able to find Deekin at his store, but if J'Nah lives you will not be able to retrieve the statue yet. If you get her to agree, return to Szaren and receive some experience and some gold. If J'Nah is dead, and Tymofarrar is either dead or has agreed to release Deekin from his servitude, Deekin will find you. To East Fragment C. Golem Emporium D. The Crypt Tower E. Shield Guardian F. To West Fragment (O4). Again, you must flip the switches to proceed. (If you don't have a stone to flesh spell, you can use the ointment of stone to flesh found on the master's skeleton in the adjacent room.) When the lich is dead, search his body for the dark wind. At the first level, it does 1d6 extra damage, and with every other level another d6 of damage is added. Prerequisites: Skills: Move Silently (8 ranks), Hide (10 ranks), Tumble (5 ranks) Feats: Dodge, Mobility. on January 18, 2006 at 12:35PM PST. A successful persuasion skill check will cause Bethsheva to reveal the location, which is a woodpile behind the smith. Tired of running the mouse over every single barrel and crate to see if you can even open it? Lliira's Heart: At the fourth level, the harper scout gains this permanent +2 saving throw against mind-affecting spells. At the seventh level, he or she can summon a doom knight. Inside you will find the desert's fury--a weapon that does 1d8 fire damage and offers a +1 attack bonus and a +2 bonus against the undead. Quest: Ao Wine for Sale There is one thing Musharak does not have for sale: Ao wine. Even if you have animal empathy, there's no way to bring these trained killers back. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Note that the sarcophagus in the northeast corner, directly next to the eastern exit, contains boots of the sun soul +4, monk-only boots that grant +2 to dexterity and +4 to AC. Once all the foes are dead, make your way around the thin platform, disarming the numerous traps and opening the chests (all trapped with DCs of 26). Equip the ring and disable the four shield guardians in the north fragment (there are two located by the door to the asabi camp and two in the rooms in the northwest section). Ferran will tell you about the Elven Crypt to the south (if you're elven, or have a good persuade skill, he'll tell you some of the history surrounding the crypt) and about the gnolls that ambushed the kobolds as they fled from Hilltop. So head into the workshop proper and examine Drogan's crystal table, located in the center of the room. To the Valley of Winds B. Gold she 'll pay you may not be worth the trip every area is crawling with.! 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