This is not the time to take your attitudes toward work or lifetime goals for granted; really search for the rationale behind them so that you will be able to get your life on a course that is satisfying at all levels. He left my family when I was two. You may yearn to live with a what will be, will be attitude, but its very difficult to do so just yet. Try not to react automatically when something youve cherished seems to be threatened. Pluto Conjunct Neptune Transit. More positive manifestations of Pluto conjunct Descendant include forming profound connections with people that are too deep for words to explain. You will go to any lengths to achieve your goals, and you have the energy to do it now. They mark major turning points and you can gain understanding of the past by looking back, and learn to deal with what is happening now. Pluto Transits Opposition Midheaven I thank jupiter in Pisces for the compassion to self and others. There is a chance you could marry a powerful, wealthy, or famous person. Pluto destroys to renew, and you have remarkable recuperative powers. This thus becomes a time when your past faith and hard work are rewarded, bolstering your confidence and helping you to make even bigger plans for your future plans that are based on a realistic and solid foundation. What does Mars rule in your chart? I dont have a lot of faith in doctors these days. Pluto Transits Sextile Ascendant But your perspective is narrowed now, so you arent able to look at changes as opportunities. It means that one-to-one relationships will become more intense and have a far greater impact on your life. A healthy relationship should survive, although it will have transformed significantly by the time this transit is over. Pluto Transits Square Jupiter Relationships begun at this time may be very complicated and ultimately challenging, so be careful to think before making drastic changes in your relationships at this time. I expect a hell of a ride but with what kind of flavour? It is common with this transit to embark on a spiritual journey of self discovery to find deeper meaning in life. A most difficult turning point for the soul. I only add links to products that I have personally used and recommended. However, you do attract alluring, Plutonic mates. For instance, political intrigues, abuses of power, and the darker side of some person or system you are involved with may come to light. Exactly why do I act in this way? Its also pulling in my 26-degree cancer mercury and my 26-degree capricorn north node. I am also partners with other relatives of mine in other businesses, and those dynamics have changed too. *This is a positive time when you express your deepest feelings openly and intensely. Well, I had no problem losing weight. A power struggle could result, and a careful compromise may have to be found. Pluto opposite Ascendant natal is also called Pluto conjunct Descendant or Pluto setting. Is there something in ourselves that is provoking this kind of behavior or circumstance? What about pluto in Aquarius transiting dc (11degrees) and then south node (20degrees). With the Moon involved, these fears have to do with significant women in your life, personal habits, emotional patterns, and the home and domestic life. You are learning to focus your energy and rid yourself of wasteful or unnecessary activities. Its extreme! Here are some examples: A new spirit of self-respect, personal empowerment, and deeper honesty arises. It aspects the seventh house too which is legal issues and enemies.A boon would be welcome indeed. By the end of the transit, you should have a renewed sense of worth, although getting to that point may not be entirely pleasant. My Saturn is 29 Cancer 6th house, my Asc is early Aqua opposite Mars on DC. Prior to this transit, I'd always lived in the light. From one side: we are heading towards major soul work, reset not meant for everyone, after which nothing will be the same. I do have Pluto conjunct my descendant transit for a while, If we do this, Plutos energy has to go somewhere, so we end up meeting Pluto in our lives in the guise of events and people. Give yourself time to assimilate what you are learning, and balance your intense mental focus with pleasant, nourishing, simple activities. Whether this religious growth is along institutional or personal lines depends on what you feel is missing from your life. As a result of this persons influence, you should enjoy more personal power and influence. Sample from the Heaven Knows What report. Pluto transits insist that we get in touch with our core purpose and our deep sense of power. Home / Aspects / Pluto Aspects / Pluto Opposite Ascendant. Yesterday, I was talking to a long-time client with a 28 degree Cancer descendent. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Aries (and Scorpio) on the cusp for areas of your life where Pluto is stimulating. Loved your writing. My Partner opened his own business, while I was unemployed Saturn 29.26 Capricorn. On the other hand, in this period I invested in two business partnerships of two friends, separately. That fact that your natal nodes are conjunct the AC/DC axis in your SR chart could mean that a significant relationship could factor prominently in the upcoming solar year. *There is an activation of your subconscious energies now that can result in a number of possible consequences. Happy Thanksgiving! I had a boundary of my own. What does Mercury rule in your chart? Your erotic life might get a real boost now as you delve deeper into the spirit behind sexual acts. I had always blamed myself (or my mom) for him leaving, and was able to now let that go and heal. You want closeness but you do not want to be dominated or restricted by the other person. Sign up here! +Your career can end up at right angles to your own inner sensitivities and need for growth and change. On the positive, I had no problem losing weight. You will have a sense of being almost driven to pursue your course and succeed. Does it have to be a negative aspect? Mars acts to energize and activate the conditions surrounding the planets and points it touches. Also in transit Jupiter and Mars are conj Saturn, trine MC. Maybe she has GOT bored with him and is looking for political partnership s. 1 million $ for pooping on the rellies ia a real bitter pill. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. This major transit challenges you to find meaning in your life through romantic connections and partnerships. You are likely to travel more now and have more exposure to other cultures, lifestyles, and ethnic groups than usual. Sometimes, the relationship with the father or other important male figures come into focus. I never leave my own power and this makes it more difficult. In the end such a soul will need to connect and make friends with his shadow, nature and the mother. These changes cannot be resisted entirely, although your tendency might be to desperately cling to the status quo. This transit calls you to redefine your value system and life attitudes and generates intense energy in your life. Pluto-Angles Aspects. Sent 3-5 times a week. Reply. You may become quite obsessed with your commitments and partner during this time, or you may experience Pluto through your partner. There will definitely be changes: you may change jobs, receive additional training or education that will help you reach your goals, or develop a fresh, new approach to your work. *This time period is excellent for any kind of research or in-depth study. As a graduate, I went through transiting Pluto on ASC, and I got a very serious job at that time. Things that are not working for us, whether they are thought processes or lifestyles, undergo a transformation. During this time, you can put together the pieces of the puzzle of your life. You feel more personal and direct and find that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before. Sometimes, the relationship with the mother or other important female figures come into focus. Conditions you have tolerated in the past, even though they may have caused you pain or unhappiness, are now swept aside. The hell inside you needs airing out, and that is essentially what this transit is about. Pluto Transits Conjunct Saturn You are able to cut through a lot that is unessential and get on with the real work. by ASTROFIX 38 people love it! Angelina Jolie's Juno is conjunct Brad Pitt's Descendant, and his Juno trines her Venus and Saturn. The process of purging social conditioning, in favor of natural instincts. You feel as though you have been drifting along with the tide and following the crowd for too long, and your inner needs and motivations must assert themselves more strongly. You said it did for that person you wrote about. You will likely suffer through this transit if you have a history of mistreating your partner or denying them their human rights. Make sense of that! Heres the kicker Jupiter in my 7th is the apex of a Yod that quincunxes my Sun and PLUTO. Pluto Transits Trine Saturn *Your vitality and energy level are at a high point. Pluto transits square Mars. There the ego being weak adds double troubles for the native fate at the hands of others. Ive done alot of work on it for 4 years. These questions and more must now be answered. So instead of us being together all the time, I moved for work to the States and he comes from France for 2 weeks a month. +Intense focus on your career can find you mercilessly cutting back and getting down to the bare essentials regarding the path or direction you are taking with your life. en route. I am more aware of whats happening in those businesses and am more involved so they know they cant manipulate me anymore. Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the back burner. Pluto transits to your natal ascendant produce an immense impact on the way you relate to yourself and how you express it to the outside world. Transformation, YES. Congrats! Keep your standards high now, so you can come upon a love that fulfills your needs. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Mars Transits. Hello Jaime, how long is this transit? Sample from the Heaven Knows What report. This transit marks a major growth period in your life in which you struggle with the buried elements of your personality and ego as you learn to accept, transform, or face them. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. While it wont be this intense throughout, you are not clear until end of 2027. Transit Pluto conjunct Ascendant New relationships formed now seem fateful and, at the very least, timely. Poor spending decisions made to date may come to a head and you may need to face up to their reality. Then you can understand your natal Pluto. Work youve done might pay off, and you are able to manage your finances better, with more attention to planning and strategy, as well as the elimination of frivolous expenditures. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. Stress 500%. A tendency to want to control your life through some form of manipulation is strong during this influence. In the summer were in Europe. Your relationships will be transformed but so will how you relate to close friends and family members. *There are major changes and developments in your career now. There may be some problems with money during this transit. Pluto, as you probably know, is the lord of the underworldor to put it more succinctly, the God of Hell. Manage 4 sun salutations on work day mornings and up to 8 weekends. I attract all this kind of people, powerful, succesful, intense, obsesive. Pluto Transits Opposition Saturn You are likely to travel more now and have more exposure to other cultures, lifestyles, and ethnic groups than usual. +A time of change that finds you examining your foundations, responsibilities, and basic security. I know exactly what you are experiencing. Intimacy, passion, and intensity are what you seek (or these find you!). ~Power is the central issue of this transit. I could write volumes! You have good diplomatic skills and always want peace. Venus conjunct Pluto This is an "all or nothing" energy. You feel hemmed in by surroundings and people that are too simplistic, narrowly focused, and petty. I read a few articles, I had enough. What isnt going on? pluto is opposite my natal mars (@ 28-degrees cancer), its in my 7th, having crossed my 21-degree capricorn dsc. Its squaring it. You may be acting in a controlling, jealous, or overbearing manner which can alienate others or even push them away. Treat people in authority (bosses, policemen, IRS people) with velvet gloves; belligerence only brings you more problems. Pluto hasnt hit my DSC yet, but it will in 2023. Pluto entered his 12th house (Sag.) A time of real inner growth through other people, the social life. Irrational fears about your lovability and love, in general, come up for inspection now. ~Your perspective on what you want from life, what you are willing to do to get it and the values that you want to express undergoes a change. I have this natally within 2deg orb, and pluto also opposes my taurus sun exactly. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp for areas of your life where Pluto is stimulating. I am a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Programan affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and products on that site. You may also attract obsessive-compulsive types of people or even stalkers. Hes got a Sagittarius moon so you can imagine how much hes enjoying this, not. Your main effort now should be in trying to live up to the best in you, rather than lowering your standards to achieve a more transient worldly success. In some cases, it will only make the experience more difficult by attempting to resist . Pluto transits are about letting go of things that are holding us back from deep and meaningful experiences. Hello Jamie! Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. !no buoy ,no net Just me going Yeaaaaahhh!eyes closed I know there is no wall but yes A vasty sky! The same if Pluto is in the 4th house conjunct the IC, in the 7th house conjunct the Descendant, or in the 1st house conjunct the Ascendant. Baby Scorp (no longer a baby at 18) will be going through this very soon. Is Pluto transiting your descendant? Strive for balance, tolerance, and gentleness in your way of communicating your insights to others. This is truly the dark night of the soul most epic battle. Thanks , All very interesting, thank you; realised that my father became ill with a motor neuron disease about when tr. However, the process can be lengthy and challenging. Perhaps most importantly, Pluto transiting our Sun puts us face to face with exactly what it is that has been holding us back from living life more fully and meaningfully. My step mom died last year as Pluto hit my DC. The Book of Pluto by Steven Forrest. Resentments and old anger come up now, sometimes with surprising force, and they may seem uncontrollable. Sample from our Time Line Forecast Report. And Jump! Pluto Transits Sextile Jupiter No, Pluto on descendent does not mean giving ones power away. But take heart! An aggressive approach now is not the best; try for an assertive one instead. As this fear surfaces, your behavior may be compulsive or obsessive; or you may experience these traits through someone close to you, especially a male. Push could come to shove, and you may end up driving against your own inadequacies and vulnerability. You totally hit the nail on the head when speaking of a shifting balance of power within the couple with Pluto opposite the ascendant. *During this time period, relationships deepen and grow, and penetrate to a very personal level. Emotionally and sexually rewarding relationships, intimacy. There is a chance of a one-to-one relationship with someone who wants to damage your marriage, reputation, or career prospects. They urge you to find new meaning in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. Whatever the case, intense power struggles or painful separations will bring positive change and transformation in how you relate at the intimate level. On the family front, his mother died; hes waiting (Capricorn) on an inheritance (Pluto). But when youre in it; its holds you in this painful grip; forcing you to dig deep inside yourself for the fortitude to carry on. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year aheadover 100 pages longfor a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more. Ask yourself why you identify with a particular object, position or person and how you feel you would become less yourself if you lost it. *This is a positive time for your career. Your fears now have to do with the feeling of helplessness in the face of changes in the people and circumstances around you. The transits of Pluto: three general comments. Yes, I just referred to our marriage as a job. Look to planets in Taurus and Libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Pluto is now infusing with intensity. Is it a lyric? A new interest in psychology and parapsychology. Look to planets in Gemini and Virgo in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Pluto is now infusing with intensity. You have a questioning, almost cynical attitude now, that probes beneath the surface of any issue. Your relationships will be transformed but so will how you relate to close friends and family members. New obligations are likely to arise both in your personal life and your work. Pluto opposite Ascendant transit is sometimes called Pluto conjunct Descendant transit. The challenge here is to understand why you do something in a particular way, not to repress those traits you dont like. It's intense! Dramatic events and intense relationships may leave you questioning your belief system, testing your faith. I had to live underground for close to ten years. Transiting Pluto offers us the chance to evolve and to rebirth. Also, a special relationship with an authority figure or teacher. These transits bring intensity and passion to the feelings, a tendency to act on impulse, some irrational or compulsive behavior, and likely a stronger awareness of your deeper emotional needs. Venus opposite Ascendant in the natal chart is also called Venus conjunct Descendant and Venus setting. the two planets have done quiet a damage during their transit through my sixth house so I am scarred of what the conjunction to descendant and square to natal pluto will bring. *This is a difficult time period when unexpected demands and responsibilities arise. I was four years old all that I can think was that Pluto transited my Asc and opposed my Desc when I first started school, which I suppose was a change to my identity (1st House) that brought me many new relationships (7th House). There can be events that completely alter your perspective or belief systems, and these lead you to redefine your goals. Last Updated on January 16, 2023 by Jamie. **Please note: Some of my recommended products contain affiliate links. You are attracted to power and wealth, and may engage in a power struggle or go out on a limb to achieve your goals. Particularly with the conjunction, you might enter into a new relationship that is pleasingly intense, eye-opening, and fulfilling; or you might uncover new depths of passion and understanding in an existing relationship. You are learning to let go, perhaps not completely, but enough to allow the people around you (and yourself) room and space to grow and transform, even if this scares you or threatens your feelings of security, comfort, and safety. +Inner searching and a sense of being vulnerable and exposed could tempt you to drop your responsibilities and spend more time on personal growth. Pluto will have two retrograde cycles over my Jupiter between April 2026 and December 2027. Researching Pluto transit DC because my AC is on the first degrees of Leo and Im expecting this soon; I have to say what Ive read has scared me. This is likely an excellent period for finances as well. You want greater intensity and intimacy in your relationships, and you are also inclined to have power struggles with others. +You express great intensity and passion in the way you appear and express yourself to others. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology by James Braha. You may feel threatened in some way, and you might feel somewhat paranoid. With Pluto involved, it could be the entry of someone with Scoripionic qualities or someone who powerfully transforms you in some way. Happy Birthday!! You must be especially wary of resisting change and holding onto negative attachments. You must have high regard for yourself. You tend to become impassioned about your ideas, and you are inclined to feel very strongly about your ideas. It can also coincide with a great deal of optimism about the other person. Pluto transits conjunct, square, or opposition the Moon. My DC is 28.15 in Capricorn, Saturn 28.02 Capricorn, and Jupiter 5.26 in Aquarius. It is also possible that you may choose to target someone you feel threatened by or because of revenge. During the course of this transit, you might find yourself perhaps obsessively attracted to sexual taboos or activities that you havent yet explored, the darker side of sexuality, or a specific sexual relationship (some people meet a new lover at this time that transforms their lives in some significant way). Libra seeks balance. I will pay more attention to this when i look at more transits to the relationship axis. Pluto Transits Trine Jupiter *New obstacles arise and increasing responsibilities make it difficult for you to expand and grow. Sent 5 times a week. And it is disquieting, to say the least, to imagine that this deity is currently dining at your table. This can be a positive experience if you have always been submissive or abused. You mentally or intellectually explore territory that has been hidden. As well, you can be very single-minded under the influence of this transit, and possibly very persistent about getting your way. *This time period is a positive one of broadening horizons and expansion. That is essentially what this transit is about groups than usual to see other parts of natal! Too deep for words to explain now infusing with intensity than before between 2026. Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the head when speaking of a but... On an inheritance ( Pluto ) mean giving ones power away back from and... D always lived in the face of changes in the people and circumstances around you Future Secrets. Examining your foundations, responsibilities, and that is unessential and get on with the real work about... Is now infusing with intensity status quo choose to target someone you feel in. Western Astrology by James Braha put together the pieces of the puzzle of your subconscious energies now that result. 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