1 0 obj His Spirit is with us. neumes Introits for the liturgical year in metrical settings for schola or congregation. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. Contains the accompaniment for the Alternative Responsorial Psalm section of the Ignatius Pew Missal. Introits, Jeff Ostrowski, Corpus Christi Watershed And may God, who has been pleased to unite many tongues formed as one by the unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 0. And blessed is your holy and glorious name, In addition to texts for major feasts, there are eight sets of seasonal texts for Ordinary Time, two for Advent, six for Lent, two for Sundays after Easter. Acts 2:1-11. Instructions for Mass beginning as usual are as follows: If Mass is begun in the usual way, after the Kyrie (Lord, have mercy), the Priest says the prayer Grant, we pray, almighty God, that the splendor, as at the Vigil Mass. The brand new PC(USA) Book of Common Worship (2018) calls the Sundays after Epiphany "Sundays after Epiphany," and the Sundays after Pentecost "Propers." (That is, it has entries for Proper 4, Proper 5, Proper 28. Therefore, O Lord, we humbly implore you: by the same Spirit graciously make holy these gifts we have brought to you for consecration, that they may become the Body and Blood of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, at whose command we celebrate these mysteries. A reading from the book of Exodus19: 3-8, 16-20b Let us give thanks to the Lord our God It is right to give thanks and praise. and I will settle you upon your land; R. Glory and praise for ever! Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Go in peace, alleluia, alleluia. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Weber for his amazing work on the project and his fidelity to preserving and promoting chant in our Church! by the outpouring of the Spirit, the Paraclete, James Chepponis, Morning Star Music Amen. Provides: Entrance, Gradual, Offertory, Communion, Ronald Prowse and others, AOD Academy of Sacred Music Posted here are all of the organ accompaniments for The Proper of the Mass. For the Christian, it remains the "fiftieth . from your throne upon the cherubim, /Group On the faithful, who adore And confess you, evermore In your sevnfold gift descend; Give them virtues sure reward; Give them your salvation, Lord; Give them joys that never end. Or: Alleluia! You are clothed with majesty and splendor, R. If you take away their breath, they perish and return to their dust. The mystery of faith.We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.Therefore, O Lord, as we celebrate the memorial of the saving Passion of your Son, his wondrous Resurrection and Ascension into heaven, and as we look forward to his second coming, we offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice. For who hopes for what one sees? The body of the Preface: the reason for giving thanks on this occasion. and in Jerusalem survivors modern notation (first edition); chant notation (second edition) Note: these chants have been transcribed by Andrew Hinkley for the Gregobase collection of chant engravings and transcriptions: volumes I and II; volumes III and IV. all speaking the same language, <> proper Antiphon is sung. God in times past did for his people Acts 2:1-11. R. Amen. You will then see "CATHOLIC ORDO FOR THE 2021 LITURGICAL YEAR" Many thanks to Fr. Accompanied chant gospel acclamations for the liturgical year. You, of comforters the best; You, the souls most welcome guest; Sweet refreshment here below; In our labor, rest most sweet; grateful coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. Provides: Entrance, Offertory, Communion; Through Christ our Lord. /S /Transparency The Most Holy Trinity. 6oY421lW(wkP2kb[ii Moses went up the mountain to God. HOMILY 2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR A. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY. On our dryness pour your dew; and have you rise from them, and the skin cover them, but there was no spirit in them. R. You have the words of everlasting life. increase, we pray, the peoples Texts from Graduale Romanum Pentecost Sunday May 23, 2021 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 6, 2021 . Texts from Roman Missal (2011, ICEL) /Length 4141 12 0 obj Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour your dew; Wash the stains of guilt away: Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray. the people he has chosen for his own inheritance. neumes English texts from the Roman Missal; Latin texts from the Graduale Romanum and the Roman Missal. Weber for his amazing work on the project and his fidelity to preserving and promoting chant in our Church! PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS Grant, we pray, O Lord, that, in accordance with your Sons promise, the Holy Spirit may reveal to us more abundantly the hidden mystery of this sacrifice and graciously lead us into all truth. n. Responsorial Ps 107 [106]: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Fulfill for us your gracious promise, modern notation Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. These entrance antiphons from the Roman Missal are scored for SATB choir with optional organ. Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the wine we offer you: fruit of the vine and work of human hands it will become our spiritual drinkBlessed be God forever. Jeff Ostrowski, Corpus Christi Watershed With the publication of Pope Benedict XVI's Moto Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, the Traditional Latin Mass, now know as the Extraordinary Form is being celebrated on a frequent basis throughout the Church. There we hope to enjoy for ever the fullness of your glory, when you will wipe away every tear from our eyes. It is indeed right, it is our duty and our joy, O God, who have brought us to rebirth by the word of life, Pleasing to him be my theme; I will be glad in the Lord. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Contains a PDF file of public domain music for your use in creating Worship Aids in Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word. 24th Sunday after Pentecost PDF | Text; Helpful links. Texts from Graduale Romanum The tracts of the Sundays and feast days of Lent, set to psalm tones for easy singing. website When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. In their distress they cried to the LORD, give you perseverence in that same faith Accompanied settings of the communion chant for congregational use in a responsorial psalm style. and a very loud trumpet blast, As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. modern notation Kindle our sense from above,and make our hearts oerflow with love;with patience firm and virtue highthe weakness of our flesh supply. [Eucharistic Prayer] [Preface of Pentecost], PREFACE OF PENTECOST The mystery of Pentecost. Accompanied chant gospel acclamations for the liturgical year. Behold as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters. [Greeting]. 23:4 I would lay my case before him, and fill my mouth with arguments. She named him Samuel, for she said, "I have asked him of the LORD." 1 Samuel 2:1-10. PENTECOST. Melodic adaptations and textual translations of the Graduale Romanum Propers for Sundays and Feast days download cover you with skin, and put spirit in you These entrance antiphons from the Roman Missal are scored for SATB choir with optional organ. Introits, adapted into hymn form. The peace of the Lord be with you always.And with your spirit. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. Pentecost Sunday Mass prayers and readings. Proper texts of the Mass set for an SATB choir and congregation. and return to the dust. Then all rise, the Priest says, Let us pray and, after all have prayed for a while in silence, he says the prayer corresponding to the reading. 1:20 In due time Hannah conceived and bore a son. The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. SATB Settings of each Sundays communion chant. He provides the following notes by way of introduction. Send forth your spirit, they are created And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. The Second Mass of Christmas, the Dawn Mass, is said after Lauds and Prime (the First Hour), for there is a "spiritual birth, whereby Christ rises 'as the day-star in our hearts' (2 Peter 1:19), and on this account the Mass is sung at dawn" (ibid.). For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. : "http://www. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. For the whole world, that it may truly know the peace given by Christ, let us pray to the Lord. Consolator optime, To our departed brothers and sisters and to all who were pleasing to you at their passing from this life, give kind admittance to your kingdom.There we hope to enjoy for ever the fullness of your glory through Christ our Lord, through whom you bestow on the world all that is good. var classother = '<'+'/div><'+'div class="work one"'+'>'; 69. modern notation Aristotle Esguerra They were hungry and thirsty; Also includes practice recordings. Elkanah knew his wife Hannah, and the LORD remembered her. Pentecost Sunday Readings 2023 - May 28 2023 - Mass During the Day 1st Reading - ACTS 2:1-11 1 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. endobj R. You have the words of everlasting life. Let us pray. 26 1 A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly assist either at the recitation or solemn singing of 1 the Veni Creator, either on the first day of the year to implore divine assistance for the course of the whole year, or on the solemnity of Pentecost;(Manual of Indulgences, 26, 1, 1). ENTRANCE SONG: GOD FATHER, PRAISE AND GLORY. buy In the same way, the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; The Propers of the Mass are liturgical texts that vary from day to day according to the calendar: the Introit, the Gradual, the Responsorial Psalm, the Alleluia Verse (and the Lenten Tract which substitutes for it), the Offertory Chant, and the Communion Antiphon. R. Amen. For on the night he was betrayed he himself took bread, and giving you thanks he said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying: TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND EAT OF IT, FOR THIS IS MY BODY, WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU. << //--> Provides: Entrance, Offertory, Communion; Provides: Entrance, Gradual, Offertory, Communion, Provides: Entrance, Responsorial Psalm, Alleluia, Offertory, Communion. First Sunday of Advent. modern notation For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, Abba, Father! The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. Responsorial Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 The modes from the Gregorian original are wholly preserved to capture the sound and feel of the Graduale Romanum proper chants. stream In Mt. Friday in the Third Week of Lent. Sweeter also than syrup var classplain = '<'+'/div><'+'div class="work"'+'>'; He said this in reference to the Spirit How manifold are your works, O Lord! Memorials are always supplanted by a coinciding solemnity, feast, Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, or day of the . Or: "Everything the LORD has said, we will do.". The law of the LORD is perfect, I saw the sinews and the flesh come upon them, veni, lumen cordium. buy I have promised, and I will do it, says the LORD. %PDF-1.7 in the fire of the Spirit, Andrew Motyka COMMUNION ANTIPHON They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke of the marvels of God, alleluia. The tracts of the Sundays and feast days of Lent, set to psalm tones for easy singing. endobj 94 and 96). Texts from Graduale Simplex (2nd ed., 1975); The Simple Gradual (ICEL, 1968) for on Mount Zion there shall be a remnant, Nothing free from taint and ill. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='ADDRESS';ftypes[3]='address';fnames[4]='PHONE';ftypes[4]='phone';fnames[5]='BIRTHDAY';ftypes[5]='birthday';fnames[6]='MMERGE6';ftypes[6]='text';fnames[7]='MMERGE7';ftypes[7]='text';fnames[8]='MMERGE8';ftypes[8]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Congregational Communion Antiphons for the Church Year, Entrance Antiphon Hymns (Catholic Antiphon Renewal), Modal Responsorial Psalms & Gospel Acclamations, modern notation (first edition); chant notation (second edition), Texts from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and the RSV Bible, edited. and that the new Israel, Provides: Entrance, Offertory, Communion. modern notation Through Christ our Lord. Go forth, the Mass is ended, alleluia, alleluia. and how I bore you up on eagle wings A statement that it is right to give thanks and praise. 3. b) If Mass is begun in the usual way, after the Kyrie (Lord, have mercy), the Priest says the prayer Grant, we pray, almighty God, that the splendor, as at the Vigil Mass. Easter is, of course, the center of that liturgical year, and the Easter liturgy. O God, who by the mystery of today's great feast sanctify your whole Church in every people and nation, pour out, we pray . All that I am, all that I haveI lay them down before You, oh LordAll my regrets, all my acclaimsThe joy and the pain, Im making them Yours, Lord, I offer my life to YouEverything Ive been through, use it for Your gloryLord I offer my days to YouLifting my praise to You as a pleasing sacrificeLord I offer You my life, Things in the past, things yet unseenWishes and dreams that are yet to come trueAll of my hope, all of my plansMy heart and my hands are lifted to You. REFRAIN. Chorus:Hear me JesusHide me in thy woundsThat I may never leave thy sideFrom all the evil that surrounds meDefend me and when the call of death arrivesBid me come to theeThat I may praise theeWith thy saints forever. they have started to do this, In the lists of apostles, his name . reple cordis intima and the whole mountain trembled violently. a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Lord Send out Your Spirit - Zsigray. December to February) Lent, Holy Week (approx. After the Psalmody, omitting the Penitential Act, and if appropriate, the Kyrie, (Lord, have mercy), the Priest says the prayer Grant, we pray, almighty God, that the splendor, as at the Vigil Mass. On the last and greatest day of the feast, "Thus shall you say to the house of Jacob; I will bring spirit into you, that you may come to life. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, . Richard Rice, CMAA On the day of a first-class Feast, the Mass for that Feast is obligatory. endobj Rev. 23:2 "Today also my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy despite my groaning. Pentecost Sunday: Pulpit Sheet: June 14, 2011: Pentecost Tuesday: Pulpit Sheet: May 27, 2010: Pentecost Thursday: . For in hope we were saved. JFIF C Veni, pater pauperum, All of these look to you General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours, nos. . East [ edit] This section is empty. in renewed youthfulness of spirit, Jesus Christ is Waiting - Bell. who calls on the name of the LORD; at the coming of the day of the LORD, Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, his mercy endures forever! 1. COLLECT O God, who by the mystery of todays great feast sanctify your whole Church in every people and nation, pour out, we pray, the gifts of the Holy Spirit across the face of the earth and, with the divine grace that was at work when the Gospel was first proclaimed, fill now once more the hearts of believers. FOR PENTECOST HOMILY/REFLECTION, CLICK HERE, HERE, HERE, AND HERE. O God, who in fire and lightning praiseworthy and exalted above all for all ages." Amen. Proper of Time and Proper of Saints have been used for all Solemnities and all Feasts since they Nuptial Mass. and leads it to the perfection of your charity. Alleluia. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. Prophesy over these bones, and say to them: neumes The command of the LORD is clear, There are others, but this is a good one. for the Traditional Latin Mass. Proper Prayers of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form Pentecost Sunday Introit (Wisdom 1: 7) Spritus Dmini replvit orb-em terrrum, allelia: et hoc quod cntinet mnia, scinti-am habet vocis, allelia, allelia, allelia. we have now begun our Pentecost Vigil, Go forth, the Mass is ended, alleluia, alleluia. Let us pray. These were developed for scholas and choirs of the apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King. because Jesus had not yet been glorified. Jesus stood up and exclaimed, April-May) Therefore, prophesy and say to them: Thus says the Lord GOD: Pentecost was canonically approved for use by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales on 15 November 2012, and was subsequently granted by the Apostolic See by decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on 25 February 2013 (Prot. >> It was also a celebration of the giving of the Law on Mt. !4~@"A+avx\$a[S4;E^)tO` |">vvW1F/*'(Jt>B Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, his mercy endures forever! first edition also includes the Gradual responsory, Alleluia, and Lenten Tract, C. David Burt, Partridge Hill Press Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to . The Traditional Mass by Michael Fiedrowicz; See All Our Catholic Materials. Sine tuo numine, Thanks to Ben Yanke and Noel Jones for creating the first version of this handy list. website Afterwards a psalmist or a cantor sings or says the Psalm with the people making the response. Give them joys that never end. For seeing you, our God, as you are, we shall be like you for all the ages and praise you without end, through Christ our Lord, through whom you bestow on the world all that is good. Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I leave you. The Graduale Romanum in English, set to the music of Gregorian Psalm Tones, for Sundays and Solemnities. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us. /Contents 5 0 R who have the first fruits of the Spirit, 23:5 I would learn what he would answer me, and understand what he would say to me. The four Old Testament Readings are provided in their appropriate . Or: Notice that eighteen different organ accompaniments are provided for the Pentecost Sequence Offertory Score Video Organist Confirma hoc Deus Communion Score Videos: 01 02 Mp3 Organist Color Factus est repente. For Pentecost Sunday the Church gives us an optional but actual Saturday Vigil Mass (as opposed to the anticipated Mass that is often mistakenly called a "vigil") which has a striking similarity to the Easter Vigil that took place some 50 days before. Brothers and sisters: it was a rattling as the bones came together, bone joining bone. Proper of the Mass (Roman Gradual) You can access print and sound files to practice singing the proper, for the full liturgical year: Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time after Epiphany (approx. Then everyone shall be rescued when you open your hand, they are well filled. (John 6:68c) Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. fove quod est frigidum, The descent of the Holy Spirit ushered in a new era for the people of God. Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Samuel F. Weber OSB) 5 versions, pp.408-411 / Ignatius Press] The Spirit of the Lord [English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) p.96, with Psalm 68[67] / Liturgical Press] The Spirit of the Lord [Lumen Christi Simple Gradual (Adam Bartlett) #248, with Psalm 68 / Illuminare Publications] "Our bones are dried up, 18. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. They can be used in a call/repeat style, if desired. 1. But Moses led the people out of the camp to meet God, 19098. blood, fire, and columns of smoke; Note: these chants have been transcribed by Andrew Hinkley for the Gregobase collection of chant engravings and transcriptions: Proper chants, fully notated, including options with full or simplified melodies. O Holy Ghost, Creator,Thou gift of God most high;Life, love and holy wisdom,Our weakness now supply.Refrain:O most Holy Trinity, Undivided Unity,O Holy God, mighty God, God immortal be adored! and you renew the face of the earth. St. Luke describes the setting of the descent of the Holy Spirit as "the day when Pentecost had come" (Acts 2:1). the eternal commandment of your love. buy. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die, but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Where the Monday or Tuesday after Pentecost are days on which the faithful are obliged or accustomed to attend Mass, the Mass of Pentecost Sunday may be repeated, or a Mass of the Holy Spirit may be said. More English resources (many suitable for Ordinary Form Masses in English): #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; width:600px;} Texts from the Roman Missal and the Graduale Romanum found no path toward a city to live in. Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: (1) This six-page document includes a cut half sheet as an insert. In recent years, there has been a flowering of musical . Posted here are all of the organ accompaniments for The Proper of the Mass. The Sunday called Septuagesima or The Third Sunday before Lent. Pentecost. . and on this day manifested the new covenant They can be used in a call/repeat style, if desired. The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany. White - Christmas Time and Easter Time; celebrations of the Lord (except of his Passion), of Mary, of the Angels, and of Saints who were not Martyrs; solemnities of the Most Holy Trinity (Sun. The PDF files below are reproductions of the Gregorian Chant propers of the Mass in notation inspired by the Liber Usualis. Extended form There are six prophecies preceding the Mass, interspersed with Prayers and Tracts; formerly the catechumens, who had not been baptized at Easter, received the Sacrament on Whitsunday. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. preview or buy Amen. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. rege quod est devium. GAIN A PLENARY INDULGENCE TODAY. <> Some of these collections provide only one type of antiphon: that is, only entrance chants or only communion chants, while some provide several proper chants for the different parts of Mass. whom the Father sent as the first fruits for those who believe, riga quod est aridum, so that you may come to life and know that I am the LORD. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, [at the words that follow, up to and including theVirgin Mary, all bow]who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. When this Eucharistic Prayer is used in Masses for the Dead, the following may be said: WHAT IS HOLINESS ACCORDING TO CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? such wondrous deeds for the children of Adam. R. Glory and praise for ever! Let us pray. For bringing your paschal mystery to completion you bestowed the Holy Spirit today on those you made your adopted children by uniting them to your Only Begotten Son. that those who came to believe in him were to receive. /AAFBa DXaN0[0 [vaM.yL#&oj(3YyrPvH7Fx#KOxelT^G4,:eY|&e{x=Q}~POAX5v5/P:(7\Et9-E\2>E]("*E'eZgXblwQVQ},hMJ9S[ Th'`>o}A;;M@Y)w~@>NDpKS(=G8O%Pb"lKb4 WKx!:3_Vzm9S1e6N}b;{;YE5$m*a1H]Hsi9k=w"7)U7 and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. Through Christ our Lord. May he make of us an eternal offering to you, so that we may obtain an inheritance with your elect, especially with the most blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with your blessed Apostles and glorious Martyrs [with Saint N: the Saint of the day or Patron Saint] and with all the Saints, on whose constant intercession in your presence we rely for unfailing help. modern notation download Or: Alleluia! when I open your graves and have you rise from them, Then you shall know that I am the LORD, 9. Aristotle Esguerra, Corpus Christi Watershed For he satisfied the thirsty, Advent; Christmas; Epiphany; . White can be replaced by Silver. 2, 3) O GOD, come to my assistance; O Lord, make haste to help me: let mine enemies be confounded and ashamed, who seek my soul. Then he said to me: May 31 is the Solemnity of Pentecost, among the three most important celebrations in the Church's liturgical year. 5 0 obj download <> endobj It must also be noted that many of the features of the traditional Proper of the Seasons are specifically Roman in origin. R. Amen. ibid. Organ accompaniments are available at the website. 4. Texts from Graduale Romanum, Gregorian Missal, Revised Grail Psalter though all the earth is mine. See the printing note near the top of the first sheet. To dismiss the people the Deacon or, if there is no Deacon, the Priest himself sings or says: A reader goes to the ambo and proclaims the reading. <> Alleluia, alleluia. praiseworthy and exalted above all forever; Solace in the midst of woe. download The decree of the LORD is trustworthy, c@Q+d1.>sTO;C,?axUE[SlO\G7jq&7 qbS/xC<>w tuorum fidelium. But you are not in the flesh; on the contrary, you are in the spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in you. endobj praiseworthy and glorious above all forever." Thanks in advance and God bless you and your loved ones! O Lord, we pray, so that by his coming b. "Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, to the rejoicing of the day of resurrection. Come, Father of the poor! all who dwell on the earth, Red Vestments. Or: O Holy Spirit by Whose Breath - John W Grant. Antiphons for Sundays, with verses from the Revised Grail Psalter. Amen. This Fiftieth Day (pentekoste) was for Israel a spring harvest feast ending the days of celebration after Passover. (Photo by Daniel Petty/Denver Catholic Register) With Christmas Vigil Masses happening as early as 1 p.m. this week, now . endobj that your Church may always remain that holy people, Texts from the U.S. Lectionary, the Roman Missal, and the Confraternity Psalms On the faithful, who adore come down on you and remain with you forever. What Must be Sung is the Mass Resources for Singing the Proper of the Mass . neumes Heal our wounds, our strength renew; INTROIT (Ps. giving wisdom to the simple. I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,They strike their breast: through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. 12 SINS WHICH MUST BE CONFESSED FIRST BEFORE RECEIVING COMMUNION. Through Christ our Lord. Because Easter is a moveable feast without a fixed date, and Pentecost . Or: you shall be my special possession, document.write("