It is believed to help the slime coat of fish, acting as prophylactic protection against external protozoan parasites. It's ok to use a salt bath for treating fungus, fin rot and to a lesser exstent controling gill flukes. Our prices and quality cannot be beat. The following are the medications that we use. dose of one tablespoon per 5 gallons did seem to help the slime secretion which We usually use 1 Tablespoon/10 gallon. To figure out how often you need to do water changes on your aquarium, get an aquarium water test kit and download our free infographic that guides you step-by-step through the process. I'm not a fan of salt either but not sure how discus can handle it either way their all 0, I have 7 dicus all around 2-4. We also carry timeless classics such as the Peter Thode Turquoise and Schmidt-Focke Striated Red Discus. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. I'm currently giving one of my discus several salt baths a day. What do I do about a discus that seems to have quite an open wound. Tank of the Month, of salt got so big it would fall on the floor and make a mess to clean up. In reality, only a small percentage of people are able to follow those rules, and the rest of the world uses more low maintenance methods. Use one of the below antibiotics (API Erythromycin, Maracyn I and II, Chloramphenicol, and Tetracycline) to clean your tank and discus eventually from infections during the treatment period. Due to their distinctive shape, behavior, and bright colors and patterns, discus are popular as freshwater aquarium fish, and their aquaculture in several countries in Asia is a major industry. Salt will not hurt discus at all. No matter whether traditional mixed fish tanks, . i use salt when change water in my 42G discus just ok with it, I have always used solar salt super cheap and no ill effects with either my rays or discus. 2005-2019 Water softeners exchange sodium ions with the calcium and magnesium ions at a 2:1 ratio resulting in a tds that's twice as high. Whenever you want to do a water change you can, but always after 8 hours of treatment. Make sure that the species of fish you put in a particular tank are those that are friendly because if those species dont relate, there will be fighting and fin nipping. If youre focused on breeding and raising discus fry, you need much lower pH and water hardness, but if youre simply keeping them for enjoyment, these two water parameters aren'tas important. Perth, WA. Weve had good luck with prepared foods like Hikari Vibra Bites, Sera Discus Granules, Tetra Discus Granules, and Hikari Discus Bio-Gold. Use the Metronidazole treatment for 10 days. Raise the heat, keep the water clean and stable, and feed them correctly. How many discus can I keep in a 55 gallon tank? 2 sponge filters in tank and a canister filter. Raising bloodworms from eggs is the easy bit. My LFS has been carring discus for years, also one of the local discus breeder whom I got discus from, they've never used salt for their discus tank. The disorder is often treatable, and a . Period. Mark. If not can I send 100.00 dollars and the rest on Feb 14th? First salt water fish tank idea. A swim bladder is a gas-filled internal organ that helps bony fish maintain their buoyancy. It is in the areas where these waters "mix" that Discus are found. We usually try to keep things simple. Our discus and angelfish are kept in reconstituted RO water here at our facility. Closely monitor the fish and check whether it exhibits any sign of distress. According to Wikipedia, salt can also be used to kill parasites in aquariums. Injuries arising from fights with other fishes in the same tank (nipping among fishes). In other words, dont buy the cheapest ones that may have quality issues, and dont buy the $300 adults that may die from your lack of experience. link to 10 Tips To Keep Discus Fish Happy All The Time, link to 21 Steps On How To Breed Discus Fish - Complete Guide, Discus Fin Rot Disease Details And Causes, The edges of the fin or tail begin to turn either. Could be an injury. Parasite and Swim Bladder Treatment = 2.5 to 5 tsp per gallon for 5 days. Feed your discus with little amounts of fresh food, high-quality ones, it should be done with eating in a matter of minutes. It helps in healing injuries, promotes slime coat formation, boosts the function of gills and reduces nitrate uptake. You can pour the salt directly into the aquarium or hospital tank, but some people like to dissolve the salt in a small cup of water first. Perform the below complete tank cleaning tips. quit using it and the fish did not miss it at all. Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. Make sure that you treat the fin rot in your discus as quickly as you can to avoid further harm or damage. We have a large variety of discus fish for sale that is sure to attract the most demanding hobbyist. With their team-focused niche of Bettas, Nano Fish, Shrimps, and Aquascaping . After two weeks, if they look like they are doing well, you can lower the tank temperature to eighty-six to eighty-eight degrees, and quit adding salt to the water changes. 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt is required for 2 gallons of water to make the solution. If you see any of these indicators, the best solution is metronidazole. Rather would do so in Q/T when necessary. Increase aeration and add one tablespoon of salt per 10 gallons of tank water. slime coat of fish, acting as prophylactic protection against external Continue with Recommended Cookies. Contests including the Tank of the Month, They are effective and fairly safe. (You want them to be approximately the same size so that no one gets outcompeted for food.) Use one or two teaspoons of Epsom Salt per 10 gallons of water. It's probably cheaper than aquarium salt. Only the individual fishkeeper can decide, My advice, however, is to avoid known risks. Discus like most of the fish in the Amazon eveloved from salt water fish to begin with. Other environmental conditions to consider include pH and water hardness. The disorder refers to a collection of issues affecting the swim bladder, rather than a single disease. Today, the Discus is a favorite among experienced freshwater aquarists and does very well . You will find that your discus will hover over this spot and enjoy some soothing benefits from the salt. Peat can be put in a fine mesh net and kept in the filter. Salt bath is the best option when you wish to reduce stress for your fishes, or while trying to treat a whole tank for preventing nitrite poisoning. Is it necessary to use salt to enhance the slime coat of a fish that is having no problem doing it himself? Aquarium salt or rock salt; Can be purchased inexpensively at a grocery or feed store, and has been used in tropical fish keeping for decades. Salt will evaporate from your tank, but not at fast enough levels. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend keeping the nitrate level lower than 40 ppm for planted tanks and lower than 20 ppm for non-planted tanks. Use a small-sized container and have the salt dissolved in a small amount of water obtained from the aquarium. Additional resources: Subsequently, we'll read more, Buying an aquarium is a commitment which should be approached with careful thought and consideration. As the water cycles through the filter, it will become soft. This is because saltwater holds less oxygen than freshwater, which reduces the number of fish that can live within. I went without today and managed a PR by about 5' in the discus, so I guess being able to get myself into the same mental . I have used rock salt on and off for 40 years, however for the past Excellent the fish shipped although 2 of the 4 Altums 2 of them were not the expected size 3 but very healthy and beautiful fish the super excellent and punctual packaging under the adverse weather conditions to send. Your Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. Some read more, I receive a lot of emails from customers stating that their discus are getting big and they need to read more, Introduction Having said that I would not use salt on an everyday basis but it should be the first thing you reach for if the fish gets sick. Wondering how long you had this discus and where the pH is kept at? That way, you will be able to identify any problems in the tank on time before any bacteria or fungi develops to the point where it becomes deadly enough to affect the discus. If you have any questions, just keep them coming the way you have been! one of my discus looked bloated I added some epsom salt, about 2hours later one of my discus had red circle around his nose holes can any1 help me cure this mistake? As an example, an adult discus weighs around 75 grams, which means that it should be fed approximately 2.25 grams of food twice a day. . Other suggestions include frozen or live brine shrimp, live or freeze-dried blackworms, and live microworms. As for the kid who did smelling salts multiple coaches in our conference pushed our governing body to look into it and I believe he received a letter prior to a conference meet and he did not use them at that meet. When the heat is kept high, your discus become more active, their metabolisms run well, they grow faster, and they show off better colors. I have 2 and 3 discus in a 56 gallon tank. please let me know where to purchase your Ventury valves mounted above your tanks as I didnt encounter it here in Australia. Keeping discus for fun is much easier than the high-maintenance care required for breeding and raising discus fry. As for tank setup, you can put them in a planted tank, but make sure to find plants that can tolerate high temperatures, such as anubias, java fern, bacopa, sword plants, and micro swords. I have heard that some people put a little bit into their tanks to help prevent illness on top of quality water conditions. Copyright 2013-2023 I have a lot of driftwood and a lot of hiding places #4. I will be ordering the red melon pair on this Wednesday the 13th. Discus Fin Rot Treatment Steps [STEP1] - Remove The Tank Water [STEP2] - Clean Your Tank [STEP3] - Remove Any Active Filter Carbon [STEP4] - Test Water Parameters [STEP5] - Put Back Discus [STEP6] - Use Aquarium Salt [STEP7] - Treat With Malachite Green [STEP8] - Treat With Methylene Blue [STEP9] - Use AntiBiotics a large brood of fry feeding on their slime, the addition of rock salt at a The concentration should be 4 teaspoons per Gallon and the duration of the bath about 30 minutes. Feed your fish antibacterial fish food. . If some of the discus are eating and some are not, put the ones that are not eating in a separate tank and medicate. Some people prefer to put the salt in a small cup of water before pouring it into the aquarium or hospital tank. You can also add a tablespoon of aquarium salt to help with stress your discus may be experiencing. JavaScript is disabled. Hi Gabe 3. Get some chironomid eggs and keep them in a container with some soil and manure. (Thats why people recommend doing all those frequent water changes.). HINT: Remember, we are talking about 1-2 or 3 future generations of flukes. Salt is also a powerful remedy against a few parasites. Although Aq Salt (Sodium Chloride) can be used for therapeutic purpose even for Discus, would not use it directly into tank with other healthy discus. Overdose is possible if you go over the recommended dose of 5ml per 10 U.S gallons. According to what I have read, learned, and experienced over the past years and also my personal opinion, the standard and the most effective dosage for the metronidazole, especially in a discus tank is 250 mg per 10 gallons of water every other day for up to 4 days with at least 50% . In fact most discus like a little salt in the water. yes phil is absolutely right,not only i but also every discus keeper change partial water on daily basis.since you have mixed variety of discus (though it is recommended that you have to keep only one type of discus,either adult or juvenile) you have to change 20% water in an alternative day. I don't use salt for my discus in almost one year of keeping discus. Their ability to deal with it has not been bred out at all. Also, dont put their aquarium right next to the TV with lots of loud noises and flashing lights. Yes, Epsom salt can increase water hardness. Make sure to feed them a wide variety of small foods to cover all the nutrients they need. These methods may not be the best, but it works for us. Some Plecos (which we do not carry) can get agressive towards discus fish. Epsom salt will not hurt the filter or the other fish. Use dechlorinated water, because most municipals add chlorine to their water to make it clean. The following are just what works for us. It is caused by a number of things which include poor water conditions in the tank, waste build-up, and more. Yes I know that table salt is way cheap but aquarium salt isnt to expensive either. #4. Discus Buffer will lower pH and keep it lowered. A tank for discus. Join our friendly community of discus collectors! seen it help in any way. For a Discus couple to spawn, there is a need to have a depth of at least 15 inches. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Aquarium salt is a great multi-purpose treatment. Cause: Poor Water Quality Brackish water fish wont mind much at all, it's the soft water fish that may react to water chemistry changes. Although this species of fish is so 21 Steps On How To Breed Discus Fish - Complete Guide. A tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons. While 15 inches deep is a minimum, a more humane tank would be a 36in by 18in. I also try to get as much oxygen in the water as possible. Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at any given time. As long as you do a 20% water change per week. Create a salt bath by adding no more than 2.5 teaspoons of Epsom salt for every ten gallons of water in the hospital tank. Add 4 tsp salt into a clean bucket, and then gradually add a gallon of water from the tank. Nano Tanks Australia has made a name for themselves in the discus market. been used in tropical fish keeping for decades. You are using an out of date browser. Create a salt bath by adding no more than 2.5 teaspoons of Epsom salt for every ten gallons of water in the hospital tank. This has to start 1 week after the initial treatment begins. What temperature do discus fish like? That is why so many of them have such bright colors. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Discus fish are one of the most beautiful freshwater fish in the hobby, known for their spectacular colors and large, circular shape. The Amazon and its tributaries contain water described as either white, clear or black. Top 10 Fish That Are Perfect for Planted Aquariums. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It has been around since the beginning of tropical fish keeping, it's all natural and proven to work. You must log in or register to reply here. Obviously, youre not going to swallow an oxydoxycycline to cure a headache, so we want to give you the right information and medications so that you get it done properly and everything works right the first time. There are many ways of treating with metronidazole, some will say do a treatment every eight hours for 3 days because the shelf life for metronidazole in water is exactly eight hours. I don't know how to help other than asking what are the water parimeters for. In the summer when the weather gets hotter than normal, an air stone can help decrease the risk of having low oxygen levels. Treatment: Perform large water changes read more, Let's put this intestinal worm business in perspective. Check out the Monthly So I want a salt water fish tank preferably a 3 -4 foot tank for a snowflake eel and was wondering if I really need all the fancy stuff like protein skimmers and RO/DI water for certain water parameters kinda just hopping I can get some simple help and suggestion to keep it not to over the top or realise having . The first one were going to talk about are internal parasites. Its not going to go straight through your skin and hit your liver. However, he suspects it may act as an irritant at higher doses: "It could promote mucus production, causing the excess to slough off. They're just as colorful as any saltwater fish, and some of . And I proper air flow 3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as water changes are kept up with. Salt does not hurt discus in the least. In the meantime,visit our boutiqueand build your dream tank today. Follow this schedule when treating flukes with Prazi: Discus originate in the mixed tropical waters of the Brazilian Amazon River of South America. Recovery Once the blockage has been removed, resume feeding your fish in small amounts. Water changes when it needs it Softening pillows, and other freshwater softening media, are efficient in lowering . There is no need to look for anything beyond your kitchen table. Wild discus do live in soft acid water but if they are captive bred then they will be more tolerant of higher pH and hardness. Works great as a bath when they're sick. If you see the fin rot coming on and the fish starts to look like a sunflower because its starting to lose its fins, it means that theres a buildup of anaerobic bacteria in your gravel or somewhere thats now coming out of the gravel and attaching itself to your fish. While using salt bath treatments, change water 25% every week. Once it is dissolved fully, add the solution gradually to the aquarium. Is the one that is having problem a locally bred or imported captive bred specimen? I have 5 large Disus in 60 gallon and med. The same thing applies with water hardness; discus are usually fine with soft to medium hardness. Most Apistos, on the other hand, are able to endure high . To my horror tonight showed himself with his rib cage showing and a lot of his tail missing Tank mates must meet two criteria: they should be able to liveinhigh temperatures and they cannot outcompete the discus for food. Add some water and store in a cool, dark place. We will also be looking at some of the symptoms and side effects of each ailment so that you can better identify and determine what it has, and how to treat it. During winters, you may need to use a water heater attached to the tub or tank to bring the water up to the desired temperature. Dosage can range from one tablespoon for every gallon, to one tablespoon per 10 gallons. Prevention is key with internal parasites. You can use rock/ice cream salt on discus. Luckily, the eye has a protective layer that will take the burden so the entire eye is not lost. Is that ok please. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); GET DISCOUNTS AND SPECIALS | JOIN JACK WATTLEY, Copyright 2023 Wattley Discus | Maintained by, How To Make Quality Beefheart Discus Food. So don't dump salt, measure out what you need based on your tank size. A lot of beginner discus owners spend too much time worrying that theyll accidentally harm their discus, instead of relaxing and appreciating their majestic beauty. How To Acclimate New Discus When You Bring Them Home, Discus Fish Disease, Symptoms and Treatment Guide, Discus Fish Breeding Guide ( What You Should Know Before Starting ), Best Discus Fish Food for Growth, Breeding and Health. Cause: read more, When you are dealing with medications, you need to be aware that certain factors may reduce the effectiveness of read more, In this section, we list some of the more common stress-inducing conditions. Dont use table salt. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you.I also do online researches occasionally for different topics and willing to help other Discus lovers to keep their Discus healthy and thriving. To sterilize equipments (i.e. If you're new to the hobby or even been in it for read more. Put aquarium salt for both the main and the hospital aquarium, this will aid the treatment and kill and harmful bacteria.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'discusrescue_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-leader-1-0'); Treat the hospital tank with the malachite green by following the instructions in its box. I realized that we only go into general detail here, and thats because we dont want to make these articles too long. You can buy discus from local breeders, fish stores, or even online, but if youve never kept discus before, our best advice is to stay away from the price extremes. At, you will find some of the rarest and most sought-after strains of vintage and original discus bloodlines available in the hobby. Here are read more, What is it like to buy fish through internet sources? Epsom salts do not go away once added to the tank and will stay in the water until you change it, so you don't need to replace it unless you do a water change. The right salt for every aquarium. Sign Up or Log In. this video may help you. It's not as effective as a full-strength antibiotic if you use this level of salt for a small cut. You may wish to reevaluate the diet and make changes based on the natural feeding habits of your fish in the wild. Epsom salt does, in fact, have a laxative effect. Required fields are marked *. It helps in healing injuries, promotes slime coat formation, boosts the function of gills and reduces nitrate uptake. is there any effect for fishs organ during10 days treatment? Click For Best Price Buy On Amazon. BTW, Epsom Salt is a salt, Carol. In most cases, a little bit of salt and a tiny stress coat from API that has Aloe Vera in it will help get this resolved and youll start to see it heal and the white circle will start to disappear. So, I do not recommend using Epson salt for your However, avoid getting too many tank mates, or else the discus may lose out on nutrition. Furthermore, if your tanks Ph balance all the sudden crashes, this will also cloud the eyes. Test ammonia using ammonia special test kit. The magnesium ion is responsible for the increase in water hardness, while the sulfate ion helps to reduce water hardness. When acclimating or medicating your discus in a quarantine tank, try placing a tablespoon of Aquarium Salt near or around your discus in a little pile. Very rarely do Discus fish get tape worms or capillaria, which are other forms of internal parasites. We hinted at this previously, but tank conditions must be pristine for breeding and raising fry. Salt as a medicine should only be used when absolutely necessary and then should be used as a short bath only and not added to your tank. I will use a neutralizer to bring the ph up to 7.0. Epson salt treatment should continue until the fish relieves itself. Stress treatment In this case, measure 1 tsp salt for every gallon of water that is there inside the tank. Use a slightly rounded teaspoon per 20 gallons. Most people in the fish keeping hobby start out with a betta fish from PetSmart. The rot of the fin begins at the edge of the fin; it moves up from there, damaging any tissues in the fin in succession until it gets to the base of the fin, which might be deadly and unsalvageable. Copyright 2022 Always Remember Thank You Sheila Demorrow. Do I need extra filtration? To start the salt dip method you need to make a solution of Epsom salt in a different pot. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. We recommend a full quarantine protocol once you have received them. Now on a positive note; I did observe that when Discus parents had a Discus fish tank, and only when parents have fry feeding on them. 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