For more information on Bamboo Silica follow this link to a highly comprehensive and well-researched article about the benefits of bamboo extract for hair and health. Biotin likewise helps in the utilization of folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamin B. What he discovered was that silica was not present in the drinking water in the West, where coronary heart disease rates were twice as high, and was present in the drinking water found the East, where the heart disease rates were much lower. No results in the hair, so I wonder if it helped my bones? The biggest difference between biotin and silica is that one is a vitamin while the other is a mineral. Unfortunately, as collagen production slows down with age, silica levels are also impacted. Then stick around until the end, youre going to like this. Dear Vivian, I wld be interested to know what u think of the newfangled theory I read abt that Strontium is better than Calcium for bones, esp in older people? My thought is: did this practice have anything to do with ingestion of silica. Milk thistle can support the liver and revitalize hair. Silica plays a significant role to build bone and maintain its integrity and strength. And, since silica works with collagen, and collagen is required for healthy gums, silica also helps to prevent bleeding gums, and gum recession. Biotin itself is tremendously effective in stimulating hair growth (less hair loss and thickens your hair), speeding nail growth and strengthens and an added bonus, speeding up your metabolism. Advertisement The benefits of silica for skin include improved strength and elasticity because the mineral can help with the formation of collagen , a crucial ingredient for . Besides, mineral deficiency can also cause problems on nails. Vitamin A and silica deficiency are also contributing factors for ridges on nails. Its present in nearly all body tissue, including bone. Silica prevents aluminum absorption in the brain and neutralizes its results in the body overall, making silica of particular significance for the senior. Take three silica tissue salt granules or tablets, three times a day for one month. Silica is a natural compound made of silicon and oxygen. Horsetail is mostly consumed. feeling cold even on a warm summer season day. Silica and a bioavailable form of silicon known as orthosilicic acid (or OSA) are also common ingredients in supplements for nails, . Healthy hair, skin, nails and flexible arteries would be impossible without silica . "However, hair loss and brittle nails may have multiple causes and taking biotin supplements may actually . Your reply will be greatly appreciated. Whole grains (oats, wheat, barley, rye, etc.) Now that western diets consist mostly of refined grains like those in white flour and bread, we put ourselves at risk for a silica deficiency. When you start taking a silica supplement you will need to take it for a few months in order to see the benefits. It also helps maintain a healthy digestive tract lining which is essential for proper digestion and absorption of the food we eat. Silicon helps keep our skin tissue healthy. Bamboo extract is the richest known source of silica: it contains over 70% organic silica, and is 10 times more potent than horsetail silica. Silica is found in large amounts in bones, cartilage, tendons, and teeth. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I have so many new babyhairs, I look fuzzy at the hairline. Like hair and skin, our nails are also dependent on a healthy supply of collagen, and fragile nails that break easily, can be a sign of silica deficiency. Related: Collagen for Anti-Aging & Beauty: Get Youthful Skin, a Glowing Face, Thick Hair, and Strong Nails Deficiency Symptoms: Depression; Slow growth It actually has an abundance of sulfur-oxygen bonds in its natural state. Silicon and silica are typically used interchangeably, but there is a difference: silica is the oxide type of silicon, suggesting silica has an oxygen particle connected by means of covalent bonding. An inadequate amount of iron stores . Collagen is our main skin protein, and is the glue that holds us together. When you add all that up, silica qualifies as a dramatic anti-aging element, one that everyone needs. Benefits of Silica on overall Health. Hi Vivian, I am on 70% 300mg Bamboo Silica capsules, 1x day. As you can see, this key mineral is not to be regarded as some inconsequential optional addition to the diet. A vitamin B7/biotin deficiency is rare in nations where people generally consume enough calories and food in general. Silicon bond aluminum can also prevent Alzheimers disease, so a lack of silicon can lead to mental retardation. A red, scaly rash, usually around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Katherine, I hope youre feeling better after the accident. But before we explore this minerals best sources, it is important to know why we must include it in our diets. But silica also has a host of other functions in the body, including keeping bones strong, and maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. The various B vitamins are mainly responsible for cellular growth in the body. 3 It really has an abundance of sulfur-oxygen bonds in its natural state. Silica has three main crystalline varieties: quartz, tridymite, and cristobalite, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. However, a silica deficiency is uncommon because it is found in foods such as bananas, whole-grain bread, bran cereal, raisins, carrots, green beans and brown rice, according to Vital Health Zone. 4th Printing Edition. Dart Hill. That's because it may help regulate your body's inflammatory response, per an October 2014 review in Biology. Ive done extensive research on the supplements that are necessary for bone health, and based on your list, youre missing quite a few. What You Need To Know about Silica Silica deficiency is the causal factor in many degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and is the missing element in . Even less so after the age of 40, at which point our internal stores slowly start to fall. Look for your skin to start glowing . Maybe I should put some in smoothies now! Indeed, it is interesting but stick to the supplements . However, silicon is not found alone. It reminded me that many years ago mountain women used to eat clay and actually one can still buy packaged clay for eating. It has been shown to be highly anti-inflammatory in studies like this one: Use code ELISSA15, for 15% off and free shipping on orders over $35! Charnot and Prs (72), suggested that silica controls the metabolism of calcium and magnesium. Therefore, it would be wise to take silica supplements at a different time of the day from calcium and/or magnesium supplements, for ideal absorption. For me, including DE (foodgrade Diatomaceous Earth) every day or two in a morning or midday drink or shake has benefited me a few ways. Similarly, collagen can help improve the strength and integrity of your joints and connective tissue, according to the Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia review. Fingernails: Possible problems. The addition of silica will help your body build and maintain healthy collagen levelsand effectively manage calcium usage and storage as you detox. The value alone makes it worth ordering. 2. It's the second-most abundant element on earth after oxygen. As we get older, our levels of silica decline, and low estrogen levels reduce the bodys capability to soak up silica. 7. An inadequate amount of iron stores . Silica increases bone calcium absorption, even in those with osteoporosis due to aging. It most commonly occurs combined with oxygen as silicon dioxide (silica) mostly as the mineral quartz which makes up most beach sand. Further, sufficient stomach acid is needed to convert dietary silica into its active form, so food may not be the best bioavailable source, and, in my mind, supplementation is non-negotiable. Hence, it becomes important to add silica to your daily routine by any of the means. However, due to the reasons I mentioned above, it is not enough to prevent a deficiency of this mineral. Boca Raton, FL 33433 These are followed by fresh produce such as lettuce, asparagus, onion, cucumber, strawberry, leek, cabbage, sunflower seeds, Swiss chard, celery, cauliflower and rhubarb. A new supplement extracted from olives that increases bone density. [3] Prevents Atherosclerosis Silicon supplements help to decrease the formation of plaque. This helps the body to ward off any undesirable compound from entering the body. For instance, a daily silica supplement may help reinforce hair strength and prevent breakage, according to the Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia review. Various silica supplements ranging in price from $8 to $49 have . More often than not, though, this is also due to a deficiency in B1 or thiamine. The silica in your body also keeps everything flexible and adaptive. While some hair loss is due to hair falling out, and is very difficult to reverse, another cause of hair loss is hair breaking off, due to a lack of silica, and this is easy to reverse, simply by supplementing with silica. But, in the case of teeth, silica also helps to generate new enamel, working to prevent cavities and preserve the teeth. Per a May 2013 review in the International Journal of Endocrinology, silica otherwise known as silicon dioxide naturally occurs in foods like: It can also be manufactured for use in food products and supplements, which contain forms of silica that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has deemed as safe to use as food additives and anti-clumping agents. Silicon prevents the impacts of aluminium. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Your hands reveal a lot about your health, especially your nails. Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid is silica. The Medical Establishment takes a silver bullet approach to health, isolating a particular biological process and aiming at it with a synthetic chemical. Ive been taking silica gel for years on and off. Nettle leaf tea or tincture and lemon balm tea or tincture can help restore hair. If you have sore joints, or a known silicon deficiency, can highly recommend this easy to take liquid. One thing that silica is well known for is its incredible effect on the health of hair and nails, helping to increase the strength and shine of both. Simply cut the tops off the plants take no more then 20% of the stand), take them home and dry them. But like silica and calcium, it is not the mineral that builds bone. Magnesium could similarly reduce the bioavailability of silica by forming insoluble silicates, since magnesium orthosilicate is considered the predominant form of silica in urine and possibly in plasma (71). If you are a beer drinker, your eyes may be glazing over, but remember that alcohol is not good for you. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. How to keep your brain healthy: 7 practical tip, Arthrosis in young people: why more and more cases and how, Trace elements: what they are and why they are important. Quartz is insoluble in water so if you eat sand it will pass straight through and not provide dietary silicon. The mineral Silica, in supplement form, is most often sold as a beauty aid because it improves skin elasticity, and hair and nail growth. But that's not the only perk the mineral may provide there are other silica benefits to be aware of, too. Last year after my yearly physical her nurse called me and said that the doctor didnt want me to take any more calcium which I had been told to take 1800 MG a day for years. I would be very grateful for any help Customer Support can give me. Silicon plays a very significant role in the maintenance of nail health. Improves Joint Health Bonolive is a supplement composed of oleuropein, a polyphenol extracted from olive leaves. Here are some particularly good sources of this mineral. Deficient soils, over-processing, and over-cooking are partly to blame when it comes to a lack of silica in our diets, but getting the necessary range of all minerals via food is a problem that persists in the standard American dietwhich is high in refined grains and low in unrefined complex carbohydrates. Silica is a compound made up of silicon and oxygen and is believed to be responsible for horsetail's potential benefits for skin, nails, hair, and bones ( 3, 4 ). Clearly, your bones need more than just calcium to rejuvenate and grow strong, and the Osteoporosis Reversal Program has always recognized this. As long as the horsetail is in an area free of pesticides and weed killers (and it sounds like it is), then go for it. I havent found anyone offering a high quality food grade DE in capsule form, so Im stuck with putting the powder in water or juice for now. Increased silicon intake by diet or dietary supplementation can alleviate this condition, although very high doses of silicon may be recommended, as long as an overdose is possible. Young people have a good amount of silica in their bodies, and they have strong bones and teeth, flexible joints, and healthy, glowing hair and skin. Consists of 80% silica! the scalp was starting to show. hbspt.cta.load(7698284, 'c1f964a9-42a7-4c13-8004-20035b9aefdf', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Organic silica deficiency used to be rare. In other words, if the formula is not designed for good assimilation, its like not taking anything at all. The hair becomes brittle, loses its shine, and falls out. Silica takes place in fantastic abundance in the earths crust. Horizontal ridges in nails Deep horizontal ridges, called Beau's. As a result, it is impossible for the body to form bone without silica. Most of them are due to reduced collagen production: Despite the complications of getting it through diet, it is still important to consume foods with silica. Instead, it combines with oxygen and other materials to form silk, the largest component of Earths mineral resources and comprises 90% of the Earths crust. The capsules are WORKING! Silicon is required in collagen synthesis for the bones and connective tissues such as cartilage, tendons and joints. Include them in your daily life in herbal teas and they will help you to combat the lack of silicon in your body. I love taking living silica. I cant drink Aluminum cleared. To give you an example, a medium-sized banana contains about 6 mg of silica, and a carrot contains about 1.5 mg. Its important to remember that just because were highlighting the virtues of a particular mineral, it does not mean you should run out and ingest massive amounts of it by itself. It can also be used for preventing hair loss and dandruff. Most of the health and beauty benefits of silica are based on it being required by the body for collagen formation. Signs associated with brain damage can include blindness, incoordination, seizures, death, and others. Considered symptoms of aging, these concerns may well be symptoms of silicon deficiency. In other words would it cause those spurs to grow more rapidly and worsen the pressure on my spinal cord. Food grade Diatomaceous Earth ASAP!! My question is Is it safe for me to take it as I have moderate to severe stenosis in my spinal cord, with spurs pressing on my spinal cord.? If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek medical attention from a competent healthcare provider. Added to the fact that it is not well absorbed in the intestine and the fact that with ageing our internal levels decrease. Likewise, the quantity of silica found in food is extremely low given that it is typically found in the skin or outer layers of food, and is removed during processing. Its nearly always in the form of silica, and thats the form of this mineral were going to discuss today. The benefits of silica for skin include improved strength and elasticity because the mineral can help with the formation of collagen, a crucial ingredient for skin health. Brittle, split Nails: Nail dryness, nails in contact with irritating substances (detergents, chemicals, polish remover); silica deficiency Pale, brittle nails, spoon-shaped or with ridges down the length - can signify anemia; this lack of iron can be due to inadequate nutrition Strengthens the Immune System Moderate your consumption and choose the 0 versions. Silicon deficiency can be detected when skin, hair, and nail deterioration occurs. It strengthens the nails and maintains the firmness of the skin with the combination of elastin. Were happy to help you! This is mainly because of three reasons: . My skin has cleared up and . Unfortunately, most of the foods that we eat are deficient in silica, since many of our foods have lost minerals due to being over-processed, and have also been grown in soil that is demineralized, due to erosion of topsoil, and use of incomplete chemical fertilizers. In the natural healing field it is widely believed that aluminum buildup in the body is a risk factor for developing Alzheimers disease. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. We've done extensive research on silica supplements in order to help you choose the best 19 for your specific needs. Deficiency in silica has been linked to diseases like Alzheimer's, and in fact, it's been called the missing link in anti-aging plans. All articles have been carefully researched and details are cited to support the topic. In fact, even the medical profession has discovered that certain collagen disorders can be partially diagnosed in patients by observing negative changes in their finger nails. Good idea. This is because certain genes belonging to liver detoxification pathways that . Silicon is an element that does not occur alone in nature. But not just any supplement. I went on holiday at the end of September and all emails from Vivian seem to have stopped. Some of our popular cures are apple cider vinegar, blackstrap molasses, biotin, fish oil, and lemon juice. Vitamin B12 specifically supports nail growth, so when it becomes deficient, lines on nails may occur. Look for one that has >0.5% crystalline silica. GLUCOSAMINE & Collagen is dependent on silica, as well as adequate amino acids (found in protein) and vitamin C. By working to help produce collagen, and working with collagen to produce other connective tissue, silica improves hydration and skin elasticity, preventing, and even reversing, dry, rough, wrinkled skin, and generating a more youthful appearance. A lack of silica in the body produces obvious symptoms. Many thanks. It is all-natural, vegan, gluten-free, and highly bioavailable. Silica has the unique ability to make the most of available calcium, almost amplifying its effects in building bone. But am I wrong? I also take liquid biotin, and chewable iron, with bamboo extract. Spirulina and barley grass juice powder support hair. 2 Price CT et al. Reduce The Effects of Aging With Diatomaceous Earth Over the years, especially after the age of 35-40, collagen deposits in the body decrease and the risk of collagen deficiency increases. Does anyone know? may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. The second type of silica, which is suitable for persons with autoimmune disorders, rebalances metabolism by making more collagen and encouraging well-being in joint difficulties. But, if one should fall and break a bone, then silica will speed up the healing of the fracture, more effectively than calcium, and will also reduce scarring at the location of the fracture. Side effects include: Vitamin deficiency - silica supplements contain an enzyme, thiaminese. Take 500 mg twice a day. Collagen is crucial for healthy skin, bones, hair, and nails. . They crack and splinter easily, and often turn an ugly yellow. By the way, a very interesting article on the difference between silicon and silica. Cell salts for stronger nails and hair. Other vegetable sources include vegetables (especially potatoes), greens (spinach, artichokes, chard, etc. Rather, it is intended to help you make informed decisions about your health and to cooperate with your healthcare provider in a joint quest for optimal wellness. And, in conclusion, this study went so far as to suggest that: Silicic acids effect on the depletion of aluminium stores and reduced GI absorption suggest its addition to municipal water supplies may be a low risk public health measure to reduce the aluminum burden in the general population. (Ann Clin Lab Sci. An increased requirement for silica is best met by increasing your usage of whole grains, because they are abundant sources of absorbable silica. It also plays a role in preserving impenetrable condition of the skin. Silica (Silicic acid) Exists in all connective tissue as well as in hair, skin and nails. Silica deficiency - soft or brittle nails, premature wrinkles, thinning or loss of hair, poor bone development and osteoporosis can all be indications of titanium toxicity . Silica, when ingested, can help deliver essential vitamins and nutrients to our nails to help them grow stronger and healthier. And, because silica is taken internally, unlike topical creams, skin improvement occurs over the entire body. Mineral water can also have a certain concentration, but much depends on its composition and the region it comes from. Because silica is such an important and often overlooked, part of our diets, I am now adding it to theDetox Tonicin my S.O.U.P. It is found mainly in connective tissue, where it functions as a cross-linking agent, that helps with the strengthening of arteries and veins. As far back as the 1950s, scientists found that hardened arterial walls showed higher than normal levels of calcium, and lower than normal levels of silica. Completely White or Blue Nail. Klaus Schwarz, M.D. It also prevents deterioration of connective tissue like collagen, which is vital for bones tensile strength. Taking silica supplements or eating silica-rich foods for hair growth may help improve the strength of your strands. It contributes together with magnesium, calcium and phosphorus to harden the bones. I have a three year history of the denosumab treatment coing to a close this JanuaryI just wrote out an email detailing the experience in case you are interested or in case other women may learn from my experience. Disorders of digestion and stomach cramps. Im giving this (Save our bones program) to my mom for Christmas. Carlisle (68), found the silica supplementation to be more effective when rats were fed a low calcium diet, and Nielsen (15), suggested that low dietary calcium enhances the uptake of silica. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. I take a gelatin supplement that contains silicon aminoate. People who are malnourished or suffering from anorexia may also develop a deficiency of silicon. A friend recommended DE to me. A lack of silica in the body produces obvious symptoms. Silicon is a naturally occurring mineral. Vitamin K2 is a very valuable micronutrient for bone health. It strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. which is a protein that makes up hair, skin and nails, among other biotin benefits. I totally believe in SILICA BAMBOO giving it all the credit. flaky nails that are inclined to break or split may occur in people with reduced blood levels of magnesium or vitamin C deficiency, and brittle nails can be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia. About 30% of our planets crust is made of materials, so it is not surprising that it is also found infood. Citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, bananas, cherries, grapes, avocado, etc. Occur alone in nature reminded me that many years ago mountain women to! 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