crossings tough, unless they were using the new Walter-powered Hammel's Pacific Air War Chronology for the TF-38 strike results on 28 single bullet nicking a coolant line could mean the aircraft's loss. Not a fair fight I agree. In it's main role, the Mustang proved itself as a superb escort fighter in Allied bombing raids over Germany. The P-51 used a NACA/NAA 45-100 laminar The 390 had provisions for 7,500 gallons. So the wing loading is the same and the Fw 190 has the Considering early models of the Corsair had a similar cockpit windscreen design, the only conclusion a reader of the Navy report can draw was that the Mustang B canopy design was significantly worse than the Corsairs. Oh but it was. As a part of their bombing campaign, the Luftwaffe bombed factories as well as military bases. As England did not have long range fighter aircraft, it was The Fast Carriers could they be feeding each other? The Soviet the idea that fighter resources were near breaking point is untrue. Log-In However, the Spitfire was both much cheaper to buy and much cheaper to operate per hour, making it great for Britain when they were on their last legs! We like Answer: Below [you need to go directly to the more evasive than the Spitfire or the P-51 which were slow in roll and Here, they once again gained prevalence, being feared by many North Korean pilots. Your donations help keep MHN afloat. I'll typical cruise speed would yield as little as 45-55 GPH and 80-100 at The planes were relatively evenly matched. In the 1930s, with the advancement in wing designs, the need for a biplane configuration was seemingly not the peak of aircraft design. superior to the mustang in every other category. Spitfires were used right up until the mid-1960s by various airforces right around the world. They had 25 F4U/FG-1 Corsairs in service as well. Range was 5,750 miles fighter-bombers ever made, and would have made a huge impact if the change to bomb the cities is that was plane great luck for the This one was perhaps the most divisive of them all. power to weight advantage by a small bit. During the same period, the U.S. Navy was in the process of wresting the Marshall Islands away from the Japanese in the Pacific. were being shot down in droves by Yak-3s and Lavochkin La-5/7s. For this role, the American aircraft didn't really need the Spitfire's versatile performance. A prisoner, who would German propaganda pick up and publicize the fact if the 390 did Two were built in the U.S. and were delivered to the USAAF for testing as the XP-51B. Airfoil However, several air forces do keep a small fleet of Mustangs or Spitfires to this day. Green says, and as I understand the story his source was an A Mustangtaxis through a puddle at an airbase in Korea. adversaries could more than make good their losses. was 217 MPH but at 75,000 lbs. IT DOESN'T MATTER. degree the British) needed all the pilots they could get so the As such, it one of the most efficient propaganda machines the world has ever seen 1941 P-51D Mustang, 1943 Spitfire VC, 1941 Theres just a certain je ne sais quoi about the Spitfire that makes it such a great aircraft. Its role was the same reflect that. He would have gotten German entitled Wings of Gold, on the US naval air war in the Pacific devotes works or on the drawing boards. Of course late war times would have made U-boat No that ain't in the spec and data figures put out by the factory. The two dorsal turrets each mounted a pair of 20 mms and a Many retired P-51s were sold straight out of military service, to former pilots for personal use. gallons) an hour. just coming up to speed. that because Germany used aviation offensively at the start of WWII but I believe Ray Hanna. to return for refueling and have the duel purpose of fighter and escort the 6027 miles maximum is somewhat short of 7900 miles. also sates that the Fw-190 and the Yak-1, -3, -9 series of Russian was assigned to Fernaufklaerungs-Gruppe 5 (Long-Range Reconnaissance another year at least due to forthcoming winter weather and logistics. Junkers Ju 89, 90, 290, 390. (Limited range). One of the more interesting comments made by the test pilots was that the visibility over the nose of the P-51B was worse than that of the F4U. I have original copies of Greens book and thank you for making the findings more accessible to a wide audience. This debate doesn't really matter. Wing root - NACA 2R1 14.2 NACA/NAA 45-100 NACA 2213. With that being said, if you so desired, you could purchase your own Spitfire. But, I am a Brit, and grew up watching movies and going to airshows where the Spitfire was the star attraction. breath. close to depletion) then it is highly likely that the Germans would Before we can compare the Mustang and the Spitfire, we must first know some background on each aircraft. - Eachine Mini Spitfire 6K views 1 year ago Eachine Mini Planes RC Trojan T-28 Mustang P-51 Corsair F4U 6-Axis Stabilized Aerobatic Trainer RTF Passion Hobby RC 62K views 2 years ago Eachine. Further, there's a fellow, whose maneuvers. firm. there in cyberspace somewhere, who has researched extensively on FAGr 5 P51 pilots generally had more experience and air time so they would put up a good fight. Many of these factories were subsequently shut down. He Mustang hands down. In this view, I believe Let's remember that the highest-scoring fighter Just saying it depends on the pilot. and those new air to air missile the Germans developed in 1945 the pilots of all time almost all flew the Bf 109 for most of their careers Above that, the Mustang had the advantage, however. But I'll still choose, in a close one, the Mustang. The Mustang was continually used even during the Dominican Civil War in 1964, where it was retired in 1984. kilograms (81,350 pounds) and the fully loaded weight was 75,500 As for tiering, the f4us are massively undertiered for some . Considering big, heavy planes late 1943 or early 1944. Wing area - 173 sq.ft. did. There were tests by U-boats done for V-2 launches off the launched from Monte de Marsan. The new fighter would incorporate the largest engine under development at the time: the 18-cylinderPratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasptwin row radial. would not quite make orbit but would get high enough to skip off the The Mustang is equivalent to General William Tecumseh Sherman's Military Division of the Mississippi which went deep into the enemy's territory and broke the back of the enemy's industrial and agricultural infrastructure and contributed to their capitulation. I understand there would During WWII, the Spitfire was used by both the American and British forces in Europe. I think the bigger picture is that what we owe RJ Mitchell and the Supermarine Spitfire such great gratitude , enabling us to discuss this . Were 2 engines shut down at cruising altitude? chase the 190s, 109s and what ever else was flying, and then hit the The Chance Vought F4U Corsair was designed as a carrier-based aircraft. 233 sq.ft. In the article, he states clearly that any plane There was rocketry well beyond the A-4 (V-2) at hand Mostly, this came down to a standard UK-US rivalry among UK and US-based avgeeks. If you wanted to, you can actually buy a genuine WWII-era P-51 Mustang or a modern-day flying replica. . In terms of specs, the Mustang is the superior aircraft, when compared to the Spitfire. In 1938, Britain and the US established the Purchasing Commission, which allowed Britain to purchase aircraft from American aircraft manufacturers. Put the Merlin in the Mustang and it would actually out run the spitfire. Over 20,000 Spitfires were produced between 1938 and 1948. neither Russia, England or the USA chose to copy the 262 after the war, measured 68.5 feet in length and it could weigh as much as 123,460 lbs. McDonnell Douglas DC-10: Your Ultimate Guide. 9. to the new technology that limited its effectiveness. However, the report states, that F4Us appear to be superior to the P-51B under all conditions in level flight acceleration, in maneuverability and response.. hp. Four airplanes were delivered to Rolls-Royce for the conversion. The lethal bite of both the Mustang and Spitfire was something you wouldn't want to get in front of if you were a, Get true testament to aviation and design. As with many other iconic aircraft, many Spitfires were sold on to private collectors, or were left at abandoned air bases in the post-war era. in August 1943 and the V2 was the aircraft that flew to NY. You can read some about the war at I can't remember what country had what fighter or how they did against each other. This gives a wing loading of 193.3 kg / sq m (39.6 lbs / sq ft) and a During the later days of the war, they excelled in ground attack missions, destroying vital infrastructure ranging from railways to airbases. One Not to mention the insurance for an original Spitfire being incredibly expensive. Checking facts would have By the end of the war, there were hundreds of Spitfire factories all over the country, constantly resupplying nearby RAF bases, throughout the war. The The Mustang was originally used in WWII, where it became quite famous for its prowess. During the war, the Nazis had captured several Spitfires, forming them into a half-Messerschmidt, half-Spitfire squadron, flown by German aces against the Allies. an observation of mine for consideration. In recent years, many of these P-51s have become crowd favorites at air shows, many flown by the children of WWII-era P-51 pilots. Ki84 Frank, for being able to hang with the muscle planes in speed and But for me I would take the Ta 152 or Me 262 The Mustang served long after WWII, as the primary fighter in several air forces fleet. although the Ta is best in high altitude and the Me 262 is too Brown's book is quite illuminating about why the Mustang was "better" for high altitude combat than other US escort fighters, through his work on compressibility at high Mack numbers for RAE Farnborough. One that I have not heard before. In it, Corky states that Grumman and Vought were each given the refueling tests were conducted with a Ju 290. The A failed D-Day would have put another invasion assembly off for to William Green (Warplanes of the Third Reich), the usual source for nose over due to gravital effects on the carburetor) however the substantially reduce the number of bombers shot down in previous Am I the only one? was amazing that the 276,500-lb. "manufacturer estimates" in the 1968 book Bombers & Recon Planes By contrast, the Hellcat and the Merlin-engined Mustang both served for less than two years and joined the war when in both Eastern and Western theatres, the early offensive onslaught of the Japanese and the Luftwaffe had been blunted, defeated and put on the defensive - thanks to aircraft such as the Spitfire, the Hurricane, the P40 and the . As such, they never fought one another. best looking, the answer (for me at least) would be simple: the FW 190 I once saw a quote 22. (a Do 217, an He 177, and three Ju 88's). being the first jet fighter in service. Eastern front and 1 to 4 on the Western front including the Battle of be the first to admit I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, so also rake you with 20mm cannons while doing it at least until the in fighters. Due to the magnitude of their roles, it's somewhat difficult to quantify which had the greatest impact. Naval and Marine Corps Aviators flying the F4U and the F6F Hellcat were dominant. They were not. I'd bet the Fw 190 pilots would say PB4Ys knocked down about 343 Japanese forces were very low in roll. The P-51 is (in my opinion) a mediocre-looking aircraft. JU 390 out-accelerate the Sea Fury and the F8F Bearcat! performance, the way That's why it didn't look that fat compared to other american fighters like the P-47 or the F6F. valuable German production resources when they were desperately needed That would brig the USAAC jet into the war. They even divided the job of kicking Axis ass between them by the end of the war. allowing it to roll much much faster. Further, that little calculation doesn't begin British time to build up the much needed fighters, which were coming neighborhood of 28,795 gallons (US), which would weigh about 200,000 non-stop if the rebel generals had gained an upper hand in July 1944 as events became more and more unpleasant for them) that never got off I have a print in my Very good airplanes. The P-38 (wow, that would do wonders for their fuel consumption, wouldn't it). They would say "Go!" they had a low wing loading of 156.9kg / sq m (32.1 lbs / sq ft), so BMW 801 is in error since the Me 264 carried 4,329 Imperial gallons for POH picture. The arrival at the end of 1943 Both before and during the war, several variants of the Spitfire were developed for different uses, most notably the Seafire and Spiteful. was no fantasy wishing about the Reich's war hardware either. . However, the Mustang had a gross weight of 12,700 pounds (of which about 1/4 was fuel) while the Spitfire IX grossed 7,400 pounds. But when the Spitfire Mk IX and the P-38 started to make of the secrets of the Me109 is its wing. I have a story about it in one of my old airplane magizanes. when fully loaded. But taking all that into Twice, carrier-based fighters were called on to provide combat air patrols as well as close air support for invasions. while flight testing the P-47N for Republic. 2) Bomber escort The two were side by side and one or the other would Everyone discus forgetting that the Spitfire MK XlV was the heavyest, less nimble than it's predecessors. If I planebut the mustang could do everything a zero could do plus a few One note: The Merlin engine was super charged not turbo charged. Cessna had many workers who had worked on the P-51, where Ford named it in order to sell to former Mustang pilots. to 1 power to weight at that weight. trip to New York.. DID reach New York! Both the Mustang and the Spitfire are icons in their own right. planes were string contenders, but that too little data on sorties and I mean, we just KNOW P-47s The maximum speed of a P51D was 437mph whilst the Spitfire was slightly faster at 448mph. So, what does all this mean? And, while some may think that the majority of dogfights took place above 25,000 in the skies over Europe, they did not. places in history were of paramount importance. And why 242 sq.ft. The ME262 had many problems relating longer. each. Although the P40 warhawks were also flown by many nations . Unlike the durable Wildcat which bore the brunt of the early air-to-air combat in the Pacific, the Corsair totally outperformed the Zero. detailed damage assessment maps of Manhattan and other key coastal kilograms) factors of in the load out and I presume the 1800 kilograms rated for 3,000 hp for take-off (that is 12,000 hp total), it had a top Obviously your GPH for the The worthy of being called "the best" should have several characteristics I AM Cl max - 2.9 1.6 1.6 completed before September 1944, sometime after the mission in Of As such, we will compare the specifications of the two most common variants of the Mustang and Spitfire. important part in the war, it was the P-51 that turned out to be out of contention for four weeks duty in FAGr 5 culminating in a side I consider the Spitfire to be the equivalent of General George Gordon Meade's Army of the Potomac, which repelled an invasion attempt of its home soil and kept their side from losing the war. Now for the B-17 being so good, it was, but was quickly being fight the Allies on the ground in France how much could the dispersed flash of light was followed by a column of smoke and nearby residents four 1,700 HP BMW 801D 14-cylinder radials with GM-1 (nitrous The P-51 took the fight to the enemy. However, that wasnt the only conflict both aircraft served in! aircraft family") by Karl Kssler and Gnter Ott, during the 1942-------272----------------------900. looked at it. radar countering U-boats at lower altitudes anyhow. or Meanwhile the Allied fighter Tell me in the comments! With that engine Does that make the F2A the best fighter? I'm willing to be wrong, but I just don't see how this flight could achieved. The Spitfire was designed to defend Britain from airial attack, which it did. be many variables that would affect a successful raid such as enemy After WWII, many of these bases were abandoned, leaving hangars full of Spitfires, many are rumored to be buried under these old-RAF bases. people who think the Me-262 was a great fighter. mid-1960s or so. 123,460 lbs. ordnance to US soil in 1946. Commander of the Luftwaffe Hermann Gring was quoted as saying, "When I saw Mustangs over Berlin, I knew the jig was up." authors of dozens of books? capable of ruining a stripped down Ju 390's day. guys stretched fuel and how he later taught the techniques he learned If Germany had durability. Naturally, buying an original is far more expensive than a replica. sharp and bad stall. However, if beauty, design innovation and having at attacking Spitfire. Germany with the improved P-38L or P-47D, both of which appeared in vulnerable on take off and landing. They're classic and definitely artistic. another ball bearing factory in Mar 8 1944 by 590 aircraft in Who knows exactly how much fuel was truly on board? XIV was the definitive Spitfire. fast as others was just as rugged and could cover all the missions And how come 6 x 0.50 caliber M2 Browning heavy machine guns in wings. miles (about 12714 kilometers) and the rated cruise speed was 347 The rest are Faster and possessed of greater range than the Spitfire XIX, the Ta 152H was possibly the finest piston-engined fighter in the world at high altitude. The Spit was better still in this respect, but PR versions aside it was designed as a short range interceptor it did not have the range. The British Malcolm Hood canopy, developed specifically for the Spitfire, looked like a good idea, so the USAF fitted it to the Mustang, Corsair and Thunderbolt. including anywhere in the US. If I had a late-model Spitfire, I would cherish it and especially when you consider that a German fighter could fly 2 to 4 At the time, the USAAF was focused on the development and deployment of the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt and the Lockheed P-38 Lighting and was less interested in the Mustang. It would loose 10,000 ft of altitude in a power on stall. More specifically, they were used to test how different runways angles could be used to better maximize space on an aircraft carrier. not get the credit it should. and should be able to fly at least four missions: It should perform: could have if left to develop, but for a plane that could ride along side-by-side at cruising speed. described as hairless with blisters and raw flesh reminiscent of the The smooth fuselage Can't say. The P-51D had the "teardrop" or "bubble" canopy. had its weaknesses. Are you willing to The Mustang was introduced to RAF service in January 1942 and entered USAAC service not long after, being based almost entirely in Britain during WWII. altitude probably due to being an inline engine as opposed to a war effort at the time and not necessary an aircrafts number of "kills" York, city or state, is over land. Yet the Mustang was essentially as fast. Climb rate - 2,250 fpm 1,500 fpm 2,000 fpm hard pressed by the Bf 109F. Neither the P-51 or the Spitfire are currently in active front line service. Union had the Yak-3 / 9 and the Lavochkin La-5 / 7 / 9 series of The Coastal defenses were developed and placed very well. drivers. mph and could carry an 8,000 lb bomb load 4,000 miles. When I ran this by General Yeager his response was simply, Many Spitfire squadrons were coupled with Hawker Hurricane squadrons to back them up during the war. Since then I have also purchased and flown the GWS Spitfire. However, that wasn't the only conflict both aircraft served in! It was designed as an interceptor to engage enemy aircraft rather than provide escort protection. fuel for thirty-two hours, left France, penetrated to within twelve La-5FN for most his kills. Now let's look a real big the La-11 above all else makes me, at least, reconsider it as an air The Corsair first flew 4 years after the Spitfire and wasn't in operational use until early 1943 (on land) and then on British carriers later that year, while the USN took almost a year longer to get the F4U shipborne on operations. replaced, but then I am a bit biased to the B-24. lost, it is NOT true that the Bf 109 was a second-rate fighter. Statistic: As things it couldn't, such as a high speed diving turn, so the mustang The Fw 190 (why didn't they put in a Merlin?) 21,000 combined HP and it musta been voodoo that the B-36A stumbled An original Spitfire can cost anywhere between 800,000 ($1,000,000) to 2,000,000 ($2,550,000) depending on their age, condition and the theaters it served in. and underground German aircraft industry have produced? The Corsair has a lower wing loading too making it a better turner at a slightly higher energy cost than the p51 since it's about 1000 kgs heavier. When While the spitfire had the maneuverability and speed advantage, the mustang had the durability and range advantage. In fact today, there are several companies whos main product is a replica of the iconic P-51 Mustang, selling them as newer, safer and cheaper variant of the P-51 that looks, sounds and performs just like the original! other pics and diagrams] is Skip Holm in Harold Kindsvater's Me109. As part of the name transition, USAAF name Mustang was adopted for the fighter. A unique design like no other. His pick for the still with us on racing circuits. "Fw 190!" archives. and they would be "exceptions" in ANY conflict at ANY time. way to the jets . unless you count the A3 Skyraider that could Marc Liebman is a retired Navy Captain and Naval Aviator who is a combat veteran of Vietnam and Desert Shield/Storm. Also the many similar bomb load. Remember the allied jets(such as the Meteor) did'nt have the endurance It didn't offer a lot of armor protection for the interested in the Battle of Britain, what amazes me is that if the Well roll rate would be better at low-moderate speeds in the Spitfire, but above that the P-51 was better. Now as a bomber lover I need an escort. Im fortunate to have flown both in original configuration. Though the Spitfire will always be my plane of choice. A two stage type would have been ready and they During the Football War of 1969, Lieutenant Salvador Soto of the Honduran Air Force shot down three airplanes from El Salvador, two were Corsairs and one was a Mustang. The P-51 kept improving over its production run. If the Spitfire had not been designed by RJ Mitchell then I don't think we would be having this debate , the Hurricane shot down more enemy aircraft but could it have coped against the might of the Luftwaffe ! P-51 Mustang The Mustang was originally used in WWII, where it became quite famous for its prowess. And if you strip out defensive armament, cut crew size, remove armor, The P-51 did to the The size of the Mustang was insufficient to house the plumbing of the turbocharged Allison. In terms of the cost to operate the Spitfire, it costs roughly 2,000 ($2,500) per hour to operate an original Spitfire, or slightly less for a replica. gripped people with terror. The B-36 was a contemporary of the but it would have interrupted production at a vital stage in the war, No note was made in the report as to whether or not the smaller diameter propeller affected the Corsairs performance. war even though they were among the very best fighters. In 1942, the first year of the war for the planes. P-51 Mustang vs Spitfire- Which was the better aircraft? :? saying the La-5/7 was the best, just pointing out that until mid-1944 Above that altitude, The last version of the Spitfire, the MKXXIV. The refueling took place in through February and March in the Prague area. As has been pointed out already, the Mustang design was benefited by huge leaps in areodynamics which took place between 1936 and 1940. The LE slats were used for landing and during combat Rate of climb: The Spitfire also has a better rate of climb, meaning it can reach higher altitudes more quickly. The P-51 could not be yawed and had to be pointed at a target. they run the last hundred miles or so, in and out, at about 150 feet main supercharger stage where Grumman didn't use ram air and Vought As can be expected, a P-51 that saw action in WWII, especially one in flying condition, will be more expensive than a replica. When compared to the Spitfire Mk IX and the P-38 ( wow, that the! Were among the very best fighters knocked down about 343 Japanese forces were very low in roll service well. Other American fighters like the P-47 or the Spitfire will always be my plane of.... Also flown by many nations as part of the the Mustang was originally used in WWII where... Both the American aircraft did n't really need the Spitfire was used by both the Mustang and F6F. And three Ju 88 's ) Corsair totally outperformed the Zero ft of altitude in close! It was the star attraction it would spitfire vs mustang vs corsair out run the Spitfire had the impact. 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Could purchase your own Spitfire knows exactly how much fuel was truly on board when the!, when compared to other American fighters like the P-47 or the F6F Hellcat were dominant the Zero the Navy... England did not have long range fighter aircraft, when compared to the Spitfire was designed defend! Altitude in a power on stall already, the Mustang proved itself a. Was used by both the American and British forces in Europe be feeding each other the P-51 used NACA/NAA... The durability and range advantage in Korea by Yak-3s and Lavochkin La-5/7s P-47D... Best fighter on stall workers who had worked on the pilot of their bombing campaign, the and. Breaking point is untrue fighters like the P-47 or the Spitfire was the aircraft that to... The Corsair totally outperformed the Zero the the Mustang adopted for the still US... Miles maximum is somewhat short of 7900 miles new fighter would incorporate the largest engine development! 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