Fear, anger, anxiety, or feeling low are all the results of imbalanced hormones. Sudarshan Kriya must be done right under the guidance of a yoga teacher. The normal rate of respiration in adults is 12 to 20 breaths per minute. And, the next time life gets you down, try asking So what? and if that doesn't work, explore So Hum and let us know how you feel. It was found that they had a significant decrease in cholesterol and cortisol release whereas prolactin was significantly increased. So, surrender to the flow of each breath and observe each moment as a beautiful gift as you engage in this powerful breathing technique. While performing the breathing pattern, chant the SOHUM in your mind, with SO inhale and HUM in exhale. Feel the powerful calming effects of this practice on your body and mind as you prepare for the final phase of Sudarshan Kriya. Inhale and exhale with eyes closed. Teacher then asked all of us to sit comfortably and follow the instruction from the tape. 1st cycle Inhale and exhale in a slow rhythm. Looking at the above benefits, it is safe to say that Sudarshan kriya has been amply proven to increase and support ones mental health. This is called Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA). The vibration this sound creates has significance to the mind and body. As a whole, Sudarshan Kriya means proper vision by purifying action. Sudarshan Kriya Yoga is a unique breathing practice that involves cyclical breathing patterns that range from slow and calming to rapid and stimulating. Sudarshan kriya yoga: Breathing for health. What is the difference between kriya yoga and kundalini yoga. Due to our unhealthy lifestyle and stress, some people suffer from depression from an early age.