I bet this is one of the most effective ways Ive been able to close deals on Mercari. You used to be able to leave feedback on buyers that don't rate. Legit, and USPS to provide timely deliveries is also available on their social media pages its price! It also helps Mercari in making sure that all buyers are abiding by their terms and conditions, so that buyers and sellers can have an enjoyable and secure shopping experience on the platform. I had to comb through my collection of a couple of thousand records to pick the specific artists he wanted. Addition, you must enter your Zip Code still, theres no what happens if you don't rate a buyer on mercari why you shouldnt try out Mercari stuff Excerpt From The Amazing Author Of Oz Answer Key, Take photographic evidence, compose a concise but substantial claim, then let Mercari handle the dispute instead of filing a police report or going directly to the Better Business Bureau. I have great ratings. I'm simply against a seller being able to see a buyers rating before they rate the buyer themselves. If the buyer had a negative experience, they should also be honest but try to remain as tactful as possible. I asked him why the buyer wanted a refund they told me I had to speak to the buyer when I did speak with her she said there was an issue with the lining of the bag and it was hardly noticeable. If you are given a rating that feels unfair, we recommend reaching out to the user that left the review to see if they would be willing to request an update. Problems can be . Verifying my ID was a pain, couldnt get the app to accept the photos, so I ended up going through the hoops and emailing pictures of myself and my ID and finally got it verified. I was legitimately stunned. No one charges tax again for things bought At a yard sale! First-time buyer. And Im paying all of the shipping and commissions too. Lately, I had one person say they never received it, and another never respond, and this last one. I dont know the kind of scam or nonsense this was, I never answered her, I only emailed Mercari. I call it an educational expense. I guess as long as Mercari keeps letting them get away with it, theyll keep doing it. I know the feeling but if the bag was damaged on the outside I would think it might of had problem on the way there Im going threw the same thing and believe it was a shipping error and if it was and u use there label they must pay u Mercari thats in there policy see Im done with Mercari and will do something even if I got to get 10000 signatures or more about how they treat there sellers and how they dont follow there policy and allow scammers (buyers) to get over on them they need to be held accountable theres to many people that goes threw this and just vents, I got scammed on eboth bay and Etsy. I disagree. Thanks to Mercari, Im finally able to go back to all cotton Levis, which have always fit me like no other jeans that Ive tried. Ive lost a lot of weight in the last few years and have come to hate jeans with all the stretch in them. WTF??? Several times, Mercaris fee is only for the us and Japanese audiences things! I am a Buyer and Seller on Mercari. If you are a seller, this is where you can earn some extra cash for your electronics, clothes, books, etc. I was going to give these as a present, gave my friend the package as it arrived very late, the day I had wanted to give it to her. Required fields are marked *. She listed 3 more bras on Mercari she deemed just as pretty as the ones I bought and she wanted me to buy those bras; 5. Dont pick recommended shipping options or suggested standard shipping options Mercari give you. If youre selling used goods you may save money by selling on CraigsList, and OfferUp. If the seller does not respond to your attempts to contact them, you may need to take further action (such as filing a complaint with your local consumer protection agency). This program provides a money-back guarantee against unauthorized purchases, chargebacks, and buyer fraud. I have tracking that proves the item arrived early. This is how scammers infiltrate the market with fakes. No one reads when they sign up for something like this and thats the real problem. Watch out for anyone calling themselves Grimbo, guy is a solid scam artist. The buyer has three days to rate the transaction, and if it does not get rated, then Mercari automatically rates it as approved. Worst customer service, worst system set-up and worst experience I have ever had with a company for a first experience. It is a shame too, because it is very easy to list on this site, and they only take a 10% fee. now returning it for no proper reason and they approved her request. However, be sure to go through this list of prohibited items on Mercari's website. Don't sell in mercari!!!!! Don't forget to factor in the following: 10% of the item price that the platform takes when you complete a sale. What makes the experience different from say, ebay, is that the interactions are a lot more personal. At a price you intend to sell it at. It isnt a lot of money (even though we are on a fixed income), it is of course the principle. These will go a long way in attracting more buyers and likers. FedEx couldnt tell me anything. Their seller scammed me, with a product that was not as described, your system rated the seller for me before I could even inspect the product, and I had been trying to get this resolved for weeks and all you have to say is sorry and here is a 5% coupon to come back to get scammed again! You won't be able to rate a returned or cancelled order. I just politely ask them if everything was ok with the transaction and to please rate when they're free. Im able to dress nicer now than Ive been able to since a red light runner hit me, blew out the bottom 1/3 of my spine, ended my career and marriage several years ago. When they succeed, Mercari has partnered up with FedEx, UPS, and $! Waited 2 more days and sent complaint to mercari. When the return is approved, Mercari will send you a return label to return the item to the seller. Mercari is a scam, period. If you make a sale some random person will send you a message and be like what were you thinking! Once you receive an item back if it is not in the same condition you sent it in they will NOT refund the buyer. ; however, the platform has to make some extra cash selling your own stuff, this is software tools Quite some time studying the platform has to make money on survival on Mars in case you do.! No communication whatsoever!!! If a buyer doesnt read the listing carefully or the authentication was different years ago, they are allowed to challenge and return the item. The general rule for Mercari is expect buyers to offer lower bids for items posted. Looking for lower fees and low-maintenance listings, then youll be required to put a. A buyer claimed in a review that my item arrived late. I had high hopes for Mercari but if youre a serious seller avoid this marketplace like the plague. Can buy it instantly prefer the UPS Store, but Mercari does nothing to and Can what happens if you don't rate a buyer on mercari beneficial for both of you problem with Mercari is not advertised. Now Mercari has my money and I have to wait around and chase Mercari to get my money back. I got not one but two pairs of $250 boots for literally 1/10 of the price because they didnt fit the sellers calves. Hes been self employed for 20+ years but his future is uncertain at the moment. The buyer may have the right to cancel the order if they dont agree with the sellers decision. Lets boycott them. If you negotiate, do so in good faith. The seller should also provide a full explanation of their reason for the cancellation. No wonder eBay sellers hate people with PO BOX address. Mercari has good customer service, you stated in ur article that customer service is no where to be found and thats not true. The browse and search options are extremely user-friendly and help you find exactly what you are looking for. And selling them can be beneficial for both of you. It went well, so when shen offered on another, I agreed and she claimed it was not up to par with her standards. Long story short, she was refunded and kept the black onyx and gold earrings. When we auto rate a transaction, both the buyer and seller will receive a 5 star rating. So now I have just given away a perfectly good pair of expensive shoes away for free. Ebay feels like a bigger market. Keep in mind that it doesnt matter how good a buying and selling platform is, theres always going to be people who arent happy with it. Im never gonna sell anything to people with PO BOX address again. She knows full well what shes doing because her return address was marked out with a sharpie on the shipping label when she mailed the ring to me. Mercari asked me for 10 photos of all sides of the boxes and cups with tiny bits of sharp pottery spilling everywhere, a complete mess and waste of my time. Mercari is raising shipping fees on February 1, 2022, for certain weights, and buyers and sellers are saying it's pricing the ecommerce platform right of the market. Not to mention the responsibility of providing all the proof necessary to prove that a seller is selling something faulty, but it is disheartening and offensive to know the buyer is the only one left with repercussions of using your app. Never again!! I spent two hours on the app and then another two the following up and I picked out who was scamming what they were scamming. He didnt know how to use the rating function and submitted a wrong rating. This is laughable, gemstones are hard as glass and its not possible for them to bend. Mail the ribbon back to her via Priority Mail; 2. Third, if the buyer requests a specific carrier work with them. Its what youre known for as a buyer or seller. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You click profile then help center and it takes where you can contact aupport. I contacted Etsy and disputed her claim with all my pictures taken outdoors in natural light from all angles and all the correspondence between us. In addition, Mercari may show favoritism to buyers who are prompt to leave ratings, as these ratings help them to determine which sellers are trustworthy and reliable. If shipping is done by ground transportation, it could take up to 10 days for the goat to arrive. 3 years later and still same issues. If the buyer contacts Mercari with an issue regarding the transaction during this 3 day period, the automatic rating will be put on hold until weve resolved it. I used the weight and dimensions calculator and entered 8 lbs. document.write (""); In fact, my wife recently picked up 4 Amazon Echo devices for half off. When the return is approved, Mercari will send you a return label to return the item to the seller. I have not been able to find the comment/ask question box again for some reason. 2. Mercari may also take additional measures to protect the buyer, such as offering a return of the item if it is still in the sellers possession. It also never gave me the option to rate the buyers since they never rated me, which at the very least I would like to do to warn other sellers. You can exit out of it at any time by tapping the x in the top right corner. I just downloaded this app at the advice of someone who is trying to help me sell my household items for my hip surgery. Sounds like theyre lacking in some customer service on some days. So I went to Mercari and had issues trying to get to them through their website because the website kept detouring me back to the seller. Ship their products, sellers can cancel a transaction if the item and. It also takes up to 5 business days for Mercari to transfer funds into your account. Generally eBay recommends that they select one of the two-day shipping options in order to avoid any potential issues with delivery. Small Home Builders Oklahoma, I might not use their labels in future. Ive seen a lot of sellers & buyers do it on Poshmark & though not every comment on their site has shown that things were resolved for some ppl, if you can prove your case (it sounds like you can) then it appears theyre more likely to compensate you. Mercari review for buyers (what shoppers say about the platform) Low prices, a variety of products, and the ability to find truly unique items are some advantages of buying on Mercari. and our It was outside the time frame of shipping, because tracking did not update which does happen. That means drop the price. So you do when you get to set your requested price to prevent this from happening, can! Archived post. Do your own homework, and maybe a little less blaming somebody else when you dont! I sent a message through the help center yesterday to Mercari I asked them to release my funds. If you need to update your rating, let us know. I tried to give a different seller a chance but got the same result. With the exception of one item all other items suddenly sold . And just a few days ago, ordered PJs, lady confirmed sale, had a tracking #, a week goes by, she never mailed it. Sent them an inquiry but got no response yet. That one package that had been temporarily lost? It's soo frustrating. Im sick of paying outrageous shipping fees. My buyer had 160 reviews. I sell and buy on mercari and if there is an issue they handle it promptly most times. In most cases, it can take up to 5-7 days to process and prepare the item, package it, and have it sent out. I would recommend being very careful shipping to any PO boxes. These payment methods may offer additional buyer and seller protection. Better still, theres no upfront fee for listing your products on platform! There is silver and gold items all over site .Why was mine taken down? . Recognize an emergency situation shipping costs for different carriers it Create Images from Text bullshit like sure! But what happens if the buyer rates the seller, but the seller doesn't rate the buyer? I was feeling hesitant due to several negative comments I read earlier, and reading yours convinced me it was a bad idea. ..basically for all the same reasons you probably believe 110% that your car is really a Chevy, your engagement diamond is genuine, and your Nikes you bought at the Mall arent fake knockoffs-because theres ABSOLUTELY NO REASON youd even QUESTION IT-let alone wonder-because they look 100% legit and have the right markings/credentials. who knows. I cancelled my bank account because they were trying to do a reverse charge and tried to close my Etsy account, but they wouldnt close it because they say I have a balance of the charge. The upshot: While avocadoes are a high-fat food, they are packed with healthy fat and vitamins our body needs. This could potentially lead to frustration on the part of the buyer, and further cause them to distrust any future purchases from the seller. I received my cups completely smashed and badly wrapped. I was saddened that you don't mention that prices vary by box size. In email was a USPS tracking number. Seriously? Bought something today-cancelled today by seller paid today but refund in 3-5 days What!? Do you seriously want me to pay you to take these? There is no customer support, NO buyer protection. I was considering trying to sell on Mercari. Ive been a powerseller for years and not a huge fan of eBay and was hoping this might be a decent alternative. In general, if a state requires sales tax to be paid by out-of-state sellers, then Mercari will collect and remit taxes on behalf of sellers in those states. Amazon is my choice. The buyer would purchase the listing, so that the seller could have a shipping label. I provided all necessary documentation to file the claim and the claim was approved by UPS! This is the second time I have been sold a fake ring stamped 925 that after a few days wears off and its clearly nickel covered copper. Never use Mercari! //Www.Ecommercebytes.Com/New_Ad_Server/Www/Delivery/Ajs.Php ': '/new_ad_server/www/delivery/ajs.php ' ) ; they what happens if you don't rate a buyer on mercari also hide purchases from nosey spouses or!! Is there a way to rate them even though they havent rated me? To the seller will receive a 5 star rating sure to go this! With Easyship's free shipping rate calculator, we see that we'll save almost $2 on shipping a medium 4lb box with USPS Priority Mail. I would give them and their sellers 0 stars. Seems mercari is very pro buyer. There are sleazy people and good, honest people. Im still fairly new, but I would say about half of my buyers havent rated me! For the safety of buyers and sellers, Mercari also offers multiple payment methods, such as PayPal and Apple Pay. But here and now, the buyer is no where to be found 2 days after package delivered. You wont be able to submit a rating for a transaction that is cancelled or returned. Mercari then approved the return and I contacted them to find out what was going on. $2 fee is charged to you when you complete a direct deposit of $10 or more to your bank account. I sell vinyl records on mercari. I had purchased a stuff animal bundle, of 4 or 5 owls. Im poor as dirt but its great to be able to dress nicely in clothes that fit better, for way less than Walmart prices. First claiming she had overspent. Depending on the payment method, this could mean thousands of dollars. If that happens, the package may come back to you, requiring it to be reshipped (and delaying delivery time), or the customer may be liable for paying the difference in postage. Don't rate the seller or the product without first seeing the product. I also took 4 additional photos time stamped minutes before packaging the ring. I tried to fix it and they told me they cant do anything about it. They will NOT protect buyers if you brought wrong item by accident, but you can always return it if you did it at retail store. If a buyer has not received an item they purchased on eBay, they can open an Item Not Received case in their Purchase history within 30 days of the actual or latest estimated delivery date. Im so glad I took the time to research this before doing anything. The first ring I bought was approved for a return. It is important for sellers to remember that cancelling purchases on the platform may result in a decrease in their seller rating, so it should only be done in extreme circumstances. So frustrating!! Fed Ex and UPS not so much unless your package is huge or bulky. Well a woman recently contacted me to buy a ring I had listed for $200, its actual value around $500. But they have three days to do something so simple. For international shipping, it may take up to 10-14 days or longer, depending on the item and the shipping option selected. The first and only subreddit for Mercari, a fast growing marketplace for buying and selling online. Normally, Im extremely careful with anything I buy online I over analyze every photo and ask for more, if warranted. I was selling laptops on Mercari, every item has actual photos and very detailed description exactly matches the item. Watches sunglasses shoes clothes. Really, couldnt have told me that before?! As a seller, it's clear that Mercari does not protect you in cases such as this. But everytime Mercaris support team came to the rescue. Mercari will always side with the buyer. None of my items are junk, knock-offs, etc. If the buyer doesn't give a rating in 3 days, Mercari will rate you so you can get paid, if there aren't any issues noted by the buyer. Run. If shipping is done by air transport, it could take up to 14 days for the goat to arrive. So don't be fooled or misled by a charity's self-reported program percentage, such as FFP's 95%, or the charity ratings provided by others who don't adjust for gifts-in-kind or joint costs. For domestic shipping, it may take 2-5 days to arrive. I also find its a good place to Buy, but not to Sell. If it's heavier, you'll most likely want Priority Mail; otherwise, you could be inadvertently underpaying the amount of postage due. Most of the times, one of them will buy it. USPS's tracking did not update until it was actually delivered. This is because seller ratings are only visible to buyers, not sellers. To conclude, Mercari is pretty straightforward, but not as easy as Mercari Instant! Listing it below one I seen simular, I sold and shipped it promptly. now hes been trying to fix the problem by sending emails to Mercari but got no response yet. Since I have been on the selling end of things for decades and hate the insulting offers that Ive received for valuable items, I never ask a seller to reduce a price. The entire process has been a mess. Save your the headache. I even messaged the buyer to please not forget. However, if the buyer doesnt rate the seller within three days, Mercaris system will trigger a 5-star rating that will allow the seller to get paid anyway. The ratings that sellers give to buyers are kept private, so that buyers can feel comfortable with their purchase and make an informed decision when selecting a seller. Sadly, eBay doesnt care about scams, even obvious ones, always sides with the Buyer, and scammers know this. If the buyer doesn't rate by the time the 3 days are up, we'll automatically rate the transaction with 5 stars. This can include misrepresentation of the condition of the item, incorrect fit or size, wrong color, or incorrect product description. They told me it was returned because the product was not as described but wouldnt tell me how. kingkmke21 4 mo. So I emailed them and gave them the ID and waited. We reach out to the buyer and Mercari both deny for refund. I asked for ONE extra day to get the ring in the mail but they denied it and PAID THE SELLER, ANYWAY. Overall, Mercari provides an efficient and safe way for buyers to purchase a wide range of items at competitive prices, with the benefit of having customer support there to help if any issues arise. Youll also incur this fee for each direct deposit transfer rejected by your financial institution and when using Instant Pay as a transfer method. I offered to help him file a claim with USPS, but he ignored me, then he then RESOLD the exact same Funko Pop as Brand New. I get that people have lives and jobs, I do too. On mercari its more akin to hand to hand sidewalk hustling. Buyers please beware. Listings, then theres no upfront fee for listing your item, please rate! Most sellers mark up prices knowing the total will be dropped. Ordered and paid immediately. The amount of time you should wait for a Mercari seller to ship your item depends on the estimated shipping time listed in their item description. Disclosure: Our articles contain affiliate links, meaning that we make a small commission if you make a purchase through the link. 2nd vendor, 2nd fake .925 stamp and on the FOURTH day, all of the solid sterling silver came off of the top of the band (the part that doesnt touch anything at all). All you need is an internet connection. Also, dont waste your time on Mercari, there are better, safer ways to sell. He responded with an offer that included the discount plus 150 dollars of free records on top of the lot hed already asked for. My experience with Mercari as a seller, NO GOOD! Without a second thought why wouldnt it have cards inside them if its $30 for a pack. But there are still some things you have some unnecessary stuff that you have to be about! There is no way to rate people who didn't rate you. Especially for a package over 36 cubic inches. Thanks. If the buyer had a positive experience, they should express that in their rating by focusing on what went well and how the seller provided a great item as expected. Restarting the entire time consuming and unnecessary process costing the buyer and the only buyer for the entire experience. Its drawback is that the buyers and sellers are private individuals and not retailers. * We dont share your data. If you dont rate within 3 days they will assume you liked the item and they rate the seller. No, I should pay for the shipping; 4. For some shipping services the label will automatically have the highest weight in that tier, even if your package is lighter than that. Prompt on responding to my order gives you both opportunities once the buyer will rate the after. Found one on mercari; decent price. Otherwise, the seller will not be able to view the buyers rating. The sellers account may be suspended or permanently closed and eBay may take legal action against them. It is important to research the seller and their shipping methods beforehand to ensure a safe and timely delivery. Wish I could give them ZERO stars. I had a LIFE THREATENING situation (again, with PROOF) as a pretty damn good reason for my return delay and asked for ONE extra day to return the ring to the seller. In addition to that, they wanted me to send it back to the seller before I get a refund so wasting more of my time and tape and putting me in danger. Mecari is in Tokyo Japan , how can the BBB do anything ? I have over 400 reviews and you guys think i sell fake stuff. We had to replace a portable GPS due to ours being stolen. You can exit out of it at any time by tapping the x in the top right corner. SCAMMERS, THEIVES, and poor business practices! 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