A number for Bayberry Farm and Flower Co, a flower business believed to be owned by Jack Teixeiras mother, went to voicemail. If pressed, few Americans today would be able to tell you much about James Polk, the 11thpresident of the United States. William McKinley 35. Republicans look to extend transgender restrictions to adults, McCarthy touches on Republican plan for government spending, McCarthy marks 100 days of GOP majority in US House, McCarthy outlines the Republican debt ceiling plan, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy addresses debt ceiling at New York Stock Exchange. I cannot tell a lie, George Washington supposedly said, when called out about who chopped down the family cherry tree. Six senators cited the incubators story as justification for authorising the conflict, notes MacArthur. Bush: Read my lips. Here was the original sin, if you will, of presidential duplicity. Thats a shame, because without Polk, Los Angeles today might well be part of Mexico, along with the rest of California and much of the Southwest United States. It's ONLY $10! Johnson's falsehoods on the Vietnam War included using an August 1964 naval attack that never happened in the Gulf of Tonkin to dramatically escalate the conflict. Some lies told by occupants of the White House have been utterly bizarre. Promises kept." The hostages were finally released the day of Reagans inaugurationthanks to Carters persistent diplomacy. Take our quiz, We'll find you and we won't let you live a teams fight to exist, When a biryani flies hundreds of miles to reach Indians, The two generals fighting over Sudan's future, 'I thought we'd die' - Sudan patients cry for help, Why Gen Z workers are starting on the back foot. Make a one-time contribution to Alternet All Access, EJ Dionne keeps missing the point on guns, How the gun-loving South dominates these United States, 'Who wants to tell her?' Ex-prime minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif top the list with corruption of round about $30 billion. Want to Buy One for $25,000? As his first year draws to a close, Biden has both shown his power and been reminded of its limitations. Until the Bush/Cheney presidency came along, the war in U.S. history that could truly be labeled a debacle was Vietnam. The Washington Post suggests President Donald Trump told 30,573 false or misleading statements over 4 years. Compulsive liars Ronald Reagan and Lyndon Johnson both made it into the top 10. Here are the 10 presidents who ranked highest on grandiose narcissism, and the 10 who ranked lowest: 1. The governor was convicted of trying to shake down a. The left gave up its leverage, and Manchin thwarted the big social spending plan. While professing peace, he was secretly meeting with Winston Churchill to plot ways to provide Great Britain with badly needed arms. In the meantime, Polk had his eye on other Mexican territories, California and New Mexico. Here are the seven greatest presidential liars in American history. "It requires years of campaigning, and only the most arrogant, ambitious and narcissistic individuals would possibly be willing to do such a thing.". 5. The PR firm coached a purported witness, introduced as a 15-year-old girl called "Nayirah", to tearfully tell US congressmen in October 1990 that Iraqi soldiers had entered a hospital in Kuwait, removed babies from incubators and left them to die on the cold floor. Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell Mont., is a columnist for RealClearPolitics. For simplicity, I collapsed all statements into two groups (true or false). We Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. It's all a rueful reminder of the blessing carved into the mantel of the White House State Dining Room: "May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under This Roof. Jeanine Pirro, a Fox News host and former judge who is one of Trump's most vocal supporters, applauded it. Read about our approach to external linking. However, one historian argues that the recent tenant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, by the sheer volume of his mendacity, has destroyed the very idea of shared truth in American politics. Just months later, Cuban nationals, backed by the CIA, invaded Cuba. Seventy-one percent were highly critical of Republican leaders while 58% chided Democratic leaders. He told a story of how the lakes and mountains of the Cumbrian countryside had been stolen from the county of Essex, leaving it as flat as it is today. In all, he ordered 64 sorties, bombing a coal mine, an oil depot, and much of North Vietnams navy. "Babies pulled from incubators and scattered like firewood across the floor," the president said on one occasion during a speech to US troops in Saudi Arabia. Nayirah, reporters were assured, was using an assumed name for fear of reprisals against her family back home. "Hey friend it's me again," Schiff's fundraising email under the subject line, "Hey, it's Adam," starts. Its polarizing in two senses, both ideologically and kind of norm-breaking.. .read more. Every reader contribution, no matter the amount, makes a difference in allowing our newsroom to bring you the stories that matter, at a time when being informed is more important than ever. These werent accidental leaks of any kind, one member told the Washington Post. Gaetz,Greene, Tlaiband Ocasio-Cortez all received about 99% of their donations from individual people. All Rights Reserved. Ex-Trump lawyer teased over shock from MAGA 'threats of violence', Why a 'viral hemorrhagic pandemic' could be on the way: report, 'Oscar-winning edit': John Oliver lauds C-SPAN's 'brutal' cutaway to all-white NRA audience, Justice Clarence Thomas reported up to $750,000 in income from a company that doesnt exist, 'Plenty of whine': MAGA cruise chief mocked for encouraging guests despite fear of 'trouble', Chris Christie tells 'angry' Donna Brazile to 'calm down' about abortion rights, Judge slams Trump in lengthy warning while denying delay request, 'Godspeed': Senate GOPers doubt Kevin McCarthys plan to cut food assistance for millions, Trumps attorney allegedly trying to bypass judges anonymous juror ruling again, 'We know how this ends:' Twitter and '60 Minutes' host spooked by AI's 'mysterious' capabilities, You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.. Did Britain meddle in a US presidential election? What should parents do over the summer to counter pandemic learning loss? Deployed in the 102nd intelligence wing of the Massachusetts air national guard, Teixeira was also a key member of a group of about 30 people who shared an interest in guns, video games and racist memes. Johnson himself admitted in 1965, For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.. A handful of politicians exerted enormous influence over the years events. The most frightening thing about Donald Trump is his following and his numbers, which thankfully, are being slowly destroyed by Hillary Clinton. Oklahoma governor calls for resignations after county officials reportedly GOP confronts raucous field hearing on NYC crime, Trump picks up two more endorsements from Senate Republicans. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Bill Clinton 8. McCarthy slams Biden, makes case for GOP moving on debt ceiling in the Watch live: White House monkeypox response team holds briefing, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 10. In photographs, Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old air national guardsman who has been identified as the prime suspect in the leak of classified intelligence documents, is slim in his dark blue air force uniform. The father of the nation was in fact not above the odd fib himself. Sixteen soldiers were killed or wounded. Mushahid Ullah Khan is the person who has allied with top level government officers and grabbed money for their personal interest rather than focusing . Reagans administration was filled with little lies, claims about trees being major air polluters and apartheid-era South Africa eliminating segregation. Meanwhile, 1964 was an election year, and President Johnsons opponent, Barry Goldwater, was painting LBJ as weak on defense. But it was actually his French allies who masterminded the decisive battle in Virginia. At its height, 500,000 soldiers fought, and almost 60,000 soldiers died in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Running against Republican Wendell Wilkie, and understanding the prevailing desire throughout the country to avoid getting embroiled in the wars in Europe and Asia, FDR ran as a peace candidate. Copyright 2023 IBTimes LLC. Democrats' 10 Most Disgraceful Lies. William McKinley: McKinley assured Congress that Spain blew up the U.S.S. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to be catastrophic not only to our health - mental and physical - but also to the stability of millions of people. An email from Gaetzs campaign that night read: Promises made. A mere day before Polk took office, the U.S. admitted Texas to the union, an act that enraged Mexico, which had designs on reacquiring the territory it lost when Texas won its independence. Should Trump be allowed to hold office again? A plan was hatched in which Israel would ship missiles to Iran, the U.S. would resupply Israel with the missiles, and the U.S. would receive the cash that had been paid for the missiles. The explanation furnished by members of the chat group has been startlingly mundane. And on other topics, such as inflation and supply chain blockages, Biden ended with a mixed record at best. "Do the people of the South really entertain fears that a Republican administration would, directly or indirectly, interfere with their slaves, or with them, about their slaves? Nancy Pelosi is going to retire soon, Steny Hoyer, the number two Democrat in the House, is older than dirt too, as is James Clyburn, the third in line. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has routinely spread lies about the 2020 election. Invest with us. It seems unlikely that she would have much appetite for returning as House minority leader if Democrats lose their slim majority next November, as many people expect they will. They're not long for this Earth and not long for Congress; someone is going to have to fill that void. Majorities also criticized cable news (79%) and network news (67%) for spreading misinformation while 56% faulted major newspapers. 14 Joe Biden Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who is the 46th and current president of the United States. Progressives were apoplectic about Manchins conduct. Still, President Trump told more false statements than President Biden and President Obama during their first 100 days. Mushahid Ullah Khan is a Pakistani senator from the Punjab affiliated with Pakistan Muslim League (N), has been considered as one of top corrupt politicians in Pakistan. (Photo by Ira L. Black/Corbis via Getty Images), Percent of False and Truthful Statements During. Unsurprisingly, Mexico not only rejected the offer, but refused even to see Slidell. Maine in Cuba, prompting the Spanish-American War. As he stood on the House floor leading the charge against electing Rep. Kevin McCarthy to be speaker of the House, Rep. Matt Gaetz said his party leader was the LeBron James of special interest fundraising.". - "Poynter" fonts provided by fontsempire.com. 'Can I count on you? Yet, as the year closes, Trump is once again the prohibitive favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2024, if he enters the race. So it is with the American presidency. Narendra Modi, there is no competition. According to the Washington Post, OG told other members these were documents he had brought home from a military base where he sometimes worked in a secure facility that prohibited mobile phones and other electronic devices. Read about our approach to external linking. Copyright IBTimes 2023. Call me an optimist, but as long as we stay committed to our work and never let up, we can defend our country and uphold our democracy.". And I will keep on fighting," he told voters in Brooklyn. The truth is, while we Americans profess to want honest leaders, what we really want are effective leaders, and sometimes lies are necessary evils if we want to get something accomplished. Instead of investigating the first 100 days in terms of productivity or promises kept, lets look at another characteristic: honesty. Those surveyed said its wrong to spread misinformation even if it helps a candidate they support with just 3% saying its OK. Only after the war would it emerge she was the daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to the US. The two notable exceptions came on infrastructure, which McConnell saw as a good issue for Republicans, and in his willingness to let Democrats raise the debt ceiling. {{ post.roar_specific_data.api_data.analytics }}. John Kennedy 6. In August 1964, in Vietnams Gulf of Tonkin, two U.S. ships were reported attacked. ", Politics of outrage: Why lawmakers like Lauren Boebert reap rewards from firebrand tactics, How they do it: Mimicking Donald Trump, far-right lawmakers use personal celebrity to draw in donors. Pentagon leaks: how much damage will they cause? In order to get elected and effect change, he said many things that, in retrospect, he did not believe. In fact, it was wrong. But the 79-year-old McConnell spent much of the year proving that he could be just as formidable a roadblock for Biden as he had been for much of former President Obamas tenure. Johnson went on the air that night and spoke to the American people about the unprovoked attack and the bombing response he ordered in retaliation against the North. He always cheats people by many tricky politics which has caused the value of politics to degrade. Graham calls Marjorie Taylor Greenes praise of US intelligence leaker GOP education committee chair: I dont know what a trans girl is, Here are the House, Senate members who have endorsed Trump for 2024, Man removed from NYC crime hearing after shouting insults at Schiff. Just give a guy whose seat is as safe as they come $10 and you can protect the world from Orange Man Bad. Richard Nixon 7. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). The past year has been the most arduous of our lives. Hes just a stage performer., This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Gaetz saw record political donations as he fought McCarthy speaker bid, American politician and member of the United States House of Representatives, American politician, 55th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, President of the United States from 2017 to 2021, Why lawmakers like Lauren Boebert reap rewards from firebrand tactics, Mimicking Donald Trump, far-right lawmakers use personal celebrity to draw in donors, Trump revs up fundraising pitches after FBI's Mar-a-Lago search, Donald Trump campaign using fake mugshot to fundraise off indictment, Greene screamed Liar! at President Joe Biden, Gaetz saw record political donations as he fought McCarthy speaker bid, Student with 2 published books, 4.2 GPA and 1560 SAT score rejected by Harvard, MIT, Yale and Princeton, Georgia teen 'was not tortured' during the house party that left him on a ventilator, DA says, adding that the teen 'voluntarily' drank until he blacked out, 3 Senate Republicans vow to block Feinstein's Judiciary replacement. The wannabe leader of the party of billionaires and Wall Street continues, "When the GOP is ranking in millions of dollars from corporate lobbyists and billionaire donors, $10 might not seem like much. Ocasio-Cortez got 86% of those donations from donors giving under $200; Greenes percentage was 78%, and Gaetzs was 72%. Then, another push with, "By the time you read this someone else has already pitched in $10 because they understand that when each of us helps with a few dollars at a time we'll raise the funds to defend our majority before you know it. Marco Rubio employed a similar strategy during his 2016 presidential run, as did President Joe Biden during the 2020 campaign. When you're a liar, you lie, always. When John Adams squared off against Thomas Jefferson in 1800, they waged a slander war by proxy: Adams'. Polk responded by sending troops into Texas to cross the Nueces and guard the Rio Grande. US air national guardsman has been identified as prime suspect in leak of classified documents. The companys Facebook page had mentioned Jack Teixeira in June 2021. Castro and his soldiers were waiting for them and the rebels were easily dispatched. Polk responded by going to Congress and declaring Mexico had, "invaded our territory and shed the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil." That turned out to be not completely true, and surely Obama knew it even as the words were coming out of his lips. Amazing track record of PM ModiA FACT CHECK Modi took birth twice - first on 29th August 1949 and second on 17th September 1950. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 5. Frida told two bold, widely spread lies about her life. The 1,269 adults queried Sept. 11-24 trust what they hear from their closest friends and immediate family members the most, followed by extended family, friends and co-workers, and government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. A free market no more? Did Trump's words at rally incite the riot? "I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars," he told voters in Boston. Perhaps top of the list is how someone so young and emotionally insecure, and with racist and anti-establishment views, could have been allowed access to a site containing highly classified intelligence. The truth: U2 planes were spying on the Soviet Union. America is built on the myth of honesty. Modi started selling tea at the age of 6 years. He hadlong repeated in fundraising emailsthat he would nominate Trump. Fundraising disclosures suggest she's not the only one to use such a gimmick. Independents blame everybody: Trump, 74%; congressional Republicans, 77%; Biden, 58%, and congressional Democrats, 70%. In January 1998 he indignantly denied to reporters having had any sexual relations with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. The details that have emerged about Teixeira have put him in the frame as a person of interest in the leak investigation. His story involved betting on a snail race with Prince Charles (who advised him to remove the shell to make it more aerodynamic) and losing because his opponents cheated with battery-operated snails. Polk tried to buy the land from Mexico, sending an envoy, John Slidell, with an offer of $30 million to hand over the territory, along with accepting the Rio Grande as the Texas border. The truth: An investigation in 1976 pointed toward a fire on the ship that blew up the Maines ammunition stock as the probable cause of the explosion. Schiff's district in California is as safe as a district comes he won reelection in 2020 with 72.7 percent of the vote, which was his "closest" election since 2016, when he only garnered 70.24 percent. President Bidens deception rate might still appear high, but the number of fact-checked statements is small (4). @2022 - AlterNet Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. The post was still live on Thursday afternoon. White House warns Biden would veto GOPs trans sports ban, 5 takeaways from Jim Jordans NYC hearing into Alvin Bragg and crime, McConnell returns to Capitol as GOP faces full plate of challenges, Schumer pans McCarthys one-year debt ceiling extension as terrible idea, 10 key questions for this weeks historic UFO hearing. As Machiavelli would certainly agree, sometimes lies are necessary to achieve a greater good. That's not. Group members said OG would lecture them about international affairs and secretive government operations. The country was overwhelmingly noninterventionist to the very day of Pearl Harbor, and an overt attempt to lead the people into war would have resulted in certain failure and an almost certain ousting of Roosevelt in 1940, with a complete defeat of his ultimate aims.. Robert Knight, Washington Times March 1, 2021. Greene had her committee assignments stripped from her in February after old social media posts where she endorsed the execution of political opponents came to light. He is youthful looking, barely older than the teenage friends seen in the online group in which the classified documents were leaked. Trump was cited by 58% of those queried as a major source of misinformation with 11% more saying he supplied a fair amount. As the investigation has closed in on the culprit, serious questions have been asked about the latest highly embarrassing leak of US intelligence. Even Republican leaders who had previously shied away from condemning him did so. The truth is, while we Americans profess to want honest leaders, what we really want are effective leaders, and sometimes lies are necessary evils if we want to get something accomplished. We will never know what JFK might have accomplished (or in the case of Vietnam, might have avoided), but the record he left is a very mixed bag. The operation was a disaster. Nevertheless our experience has been that those princes who have done great things have considered keeping their word of little account, and have known how to beguile mens minds by shrewdness and cunning. Congress, following LBJs lead, passed a resolution, now known as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, authorizing, the president, as commander-in-chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the US and to prevent further aggression. That resolution transferred the power of war from the Congress to the president, and has been used many times by subsequent presidents to wage war without explicit congressional permission. At the time of this writing, President Trump was a more deceptive president than President Biden or President Obama in their first 100 days. Trump, whom Gaetz supports strongly, has recently raised money off the search of his home in Mar-a-Lago and his indictment in New York. On Thursday evening, the FBI arrested Teixeira and were searching his home. Few remember this mind-boggling lie. Yet some of. His numbers continually slip and this is mostly to blame for his approval of Clinton as a candidate. There is open speculation about what Pelosis immediate future holds. Machiavelli famously laid that argument out in, Meanwhile, 1964 was an election year, and President Johnsons opponent, Barry Goldwater, was painting LBJ as weak on defense. 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