Looking below at the land ownership map of the state you can see that the Central and South Central counties discussed in Part 2 of this series are primarily BLM land. Due to its location and elevation, this area should be greening up very solidly by now. The units in the SW corner have & can produce 80"+ 'lopes & they all take 4-6 points in the regular poolunits 92, 93, 94, 96 & 100. The Yellowstone migration hunts will be primarily wilderness and have grizzly bears. You can findareas that meet yourcriteria and haveregulardraw odds of 40% or better for 0 point applicants. All that is left to do then, is pack your antelope decoys. I am considering unit 46, 47, and 48. Thoughts? If there is a big buck antelope, anywhere in the state of Wyoming next fall it will either be here or in the next area, my number three pick, 57. Most hunt areas also provide reduced-price limited quota "doe/fawn" licenses (Type 6, 7 or 8), which can be obtained separately or in addition to a full-price license. You may want to also consider the Special License option to increase your odds in the random draw and reduce the points required to draw that hunt area. These advantages are psychological, strategic and financial. I have 4 sons from 16 to 13 yrs of age. What is the differance? Obviously, the actual number of 2nd and 3rd choice applicants will be less than that published under Draw Odds. Mark, Hey Mark, You are using an out of date browser. The unit we hunt has a large Walk In area that draws non residents like flies to poop. Wyoming State Parks, CAREERS The few landowners we did talk to were NO you can not enter and even a couple hundred bucks wasnt incentive enough. Here's last years WYO draw odds / shows # of tags and applicants -. It also doesn't hurt to look at quotas and odds from years prior to 2022 to see trends. View our Non-Discrimination Notice. All hunt areas have full-price "any" antelope licenses (Type 0, 1, 2 or 9). 1. WYOMING WILDLIFE MAGAZINE - SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Just my two cents. I think even with the point creep we are experiencing this hunt should take about 10 or 11 points to draw this year. Great articles. The next thought after that though ,was what if the animals moved to the next ranch over? I have a few questions about this antelope tag process. You need to look at the units you want to hunt and how long you are willing to wait. https://wgfd.wyo.gov/Hunting/Drawing-Odds/2018-Drawing-Odds. It may not display this or other websites correctly. To learn more about leftover license antelope hunting read our featured article: Wyomings Second Chance Antelope. Not this year none of us got tags. Its important to understand how this works for developing your strategy for the draw. If you must hunt 2014, then narrow your selection to those units that have 100% draw odds with the special tag. It has plenty of antelope and access to have a good time. Draw Odds for Regular, Special License, and Random Draw are available at : Part 2 focused on Trophy potential. Sorry for the delayed response. We hunted Bison HARD for the entire season south of the park,. Just wanted to know your thoughts on witch units I should apply for. The risk of poor hunting on a 12 to 15-point burn at this point could be very high. No experience with hunting Wyoming at all but have hunted in Colorado for many, many years. However, in recent years disease and predation have resulted in a decrease in moose populations. would that be viewed as application with 4 or 5 prefernce points that could possibily help the odds in a better than average/trophy area? Contact the Game and Fish regarding Landowner Lists These are landowners that allow hunters on their property. How old is this hunt information and when will it be updated next? Most areas withregular license tags still available for second choice draws will not meet your criteria for public land access so dont bother with a second choice unit. Next you need to decide whether you want to hunt in 2014 or can possible wait a year or so if you dont get drawn in year 1. If you can wait until July to lock in your hunt area, you will have leftover licenses available in many hunt areas. Good Luck ! You must log in or register to reply here. Area 7 could be another choice where guys score on some really good bulls, but youll fight with some private access in that unit. You also significantly increase the odds of drawing one of trophy units. These units have few if any tags left over for 2nd or 3rd choice applicants after the first choice draw is completed. Granted they will be areas where public land is limited, but if you can find patches and slivers of public lands bordered by private land, you stand a good chance of tagging an antelope. There are so many antelope in some of those units between Gillette and Cheyenne..I am sure someone will let you hunt does if you ask.. you might have to wade through a few nos to find one though.. So Im looking at options in Wyoming now. Hi Brandon, sorry for the slow response. Good public land access and robust antelope populations often offer a good hunt, but the odds of drawing these types of hunts have gotten tougher over the years. The adrenaline rush youll experience is unrivaled. Id start out by seeing if youre willing to pay for special or not. Some hunters have had luck getting free access to private land in these areas just by asking. I'm about in the same point as you. So determining hunt dates by unit is one of the first things I would do. What about units that allow multiple tags? Wyoming's most sought after antelope hunting is primarily found in south-central, central and southwest Wyoming. It was the largest piece of public in the unit. With a special license you can be assured of drawing one of the better units with lots of public access, even as a 2nd Choice area. That said, here are my top picks for the 2021 Wyoming antelope season. Thanks! The good news is..IF you find a ranch willing to let you on you can buy an over the counter tag every year, Love reading the posts. Stay safe Herbert Cooke: I was hoping to get a chance to hunt elk this year in Colorado if my draw in New shootbrownelk: Who says non residents aren't welcomed to hunt the western states? The winter here was very mild and the spring has been cool and damp, so I think the habitat should be pretty solid this year. Unfortunately 3 points now is what 1 point was 3 years ago, we went this year and it took 5.25 points to draw a unit that 3 years ago was under 3. Called game warden and wasnt much help either. But I am not sure if you have to apply for them or can buy some of them over the counter. Area 2 is in the Snake River range, without wilderness, which may be important to non-residents. Hunting pressure is low and annual hunter success is high (Unit 114 has a success rate hovering around 90 percent with hunters spending three and a half days in the field. I am hearing similar stories from other hunters who opt for units that show some public land only to find that which is accessible is overrun by hunters, or, what appears to be accessible isnt due to it being landlocked by private. Tell them what you are looking for and they can give you some guidance on the units to hunt. Wyoming Pronghorn Disease & Winter Mortality: Worth Applying? Wyoming Antelope Hot Spots. I would estimate that at least half of the so-called public lands were not accessible because of no trespassing signs on the sole road leading to them. Some of the WY units have early rifle seasons in September. I think he was missing the point. I am looking to put in for a buck tag and also get a doe tag or 2 for the same unit. Arizona: Download New Arizona E-Tag Mobile App Before 2023 Pronghorn, Elk Draw, Guys Top Wyoming AntelopePicks 2021 | Movie Signature, Wyoming Passes 90/10: The Worst Article Youll Read This Year, More Costs Headed Your Way in Wyoming-Maybe. However, almost all have 100% draw odds with the special license. I moved to the Green River area several years ago and dont know anything about the Deer, Elk, and Antelope hunting areas near here. You have another 5 or 6 years for the better units. I agree that $526 is a lot for an antelope tag, but you ensure a quality hunting experience and a annual draw in better units. Draw odds in the eastern sections of Wyoming fall in line with the amount of public land in the hunt area. You have 1-3% random draw odds while also building thepreference points necessary to eventually draw in that unit. My dad and I are planning on putting in for the Wyoming pronghorn hunt this year. We needed more time to hunt the whole area not just the private ground. Copyright 2023 Eastmans' Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved, DISTURBING! For deer, look at some of the units listed in the article. A boned out buck, cape and head is about 40-50 lbs. You can easily plan on going next year, if you want to spend the points, but actual unit will be unknown. . And on the flip side we have Campbell, Sheridan, Johnson and Converse counties where there are more antelope than people,no public land, and thousands of leftover tags.Whats left arethe units that fall somewhere in between. We have lots of whitetail here in Missouri and a small herd of Steve Peters: Best of luck to you out there, Herb. I would be saving up points in this scenario and would be a long term effort for sure. Leave a comment if you have questions and I will do my best to help! Hi Mark Is there any good options for us? This map can be found on the BLM website at :http://www.blm.gov/wy/st/en.html. Is their any area where it is possible to hunt elk, mule deer, and antelope with a decent chance of a harvest? Government Can make multiple trips during archery and or rifle season. As long as you can live with the goal of 65- to 70-inch buck, Idaho is a great state for bowhunters looking for a tag late in the year.The deadline to apply was June 5, but you can check HERE periodically to check for any leftover or unclaimed tags. There are so many antelope in some of those units between Gillette and Cheyenne..I am sure someone will let you hunt does if you ask.. you might have to wade through a few nos to find one though. Note: If you are not able to get a tag, reduced priced leftover tags go on sale June 22, 2017. There wont be many so be ready to buy the day they go on sale. Out in the wilderness, off the grid, theres still a place for the guy who likes to earn his trophy, rather than pay for it. Report a violation, ONLINE STORE Put in for that areaas firstchoice. I'm done waiting exorbitant years for potentially a few inches more of bone for any species. Those areas with good access will be oversubscribed for first choice applicants and will require 1-3 preference points to draw. Many requiring less would be solid, too. Odds are generally less than 1%. If you do not have a tag yet, below are three locations where the application deadline for tags has not yet passed or there may be a chance to snatch up a leftover license. You definitely dont want to be archery hunting on a public unit during rifle season. A couple of those units are sleepers in my opinion. This hunt is usually as good as it gets for Wyoming antelope, no matter the year. Also, I dont mind paying for the special tags if it gets me a great hunt for my kiddos. An out of state hunter was asking if anyone knew a ranch or property owner that utlilized trespass fees. Its just a matter of putting in the time and finding the buck you are after. That's a great plan UH. Back to the table above. Commission Information, ABOUT US He had a great time and didn't want to leave the private, so after I showed him how to judge a good buck from a small one I told him to pick the buck he liked and I'd comment on it if he wanted me to. If you want to hunt antelope, youve come to the right place. While many states have excellent Antelope hunting, a hunt in Wyoming can be done nearly every year on leftover licenses and ever 2-4 years in a great units through the public draw system. This Ram was taken in Wyomings Area 5 in 2009. Tourism A good buck here is in the mid 70's but there are lots and lots of them. Good reading. If you are looking for an Antelope hunt, Wyoming is the place to go. Even though we have hunted antelope many times, the two biggest antelope taken by my family have come from very marginal antelope units, both in Western Montana. Check the species specific regulation for additional limitations that may pertain to specific license types. So lets take a look at some of these hunt areas which should draw the attention of all but the most serious pronghorn trophy hunters. Whether the conditions of an antelope hunt call for spot-and-stalk methods or sitting in a blind over a waterhole, Montana Decoys line of antelope decoys will cover both approaches. Even considered combing points with bother who is sitting 2 points behind. Pick a unit and go. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He shot a decent buck for the area we hunted and may have passed a few that were a bit better but not much better. In the amount of time it'll take you to draw those units, you could build up enough points to have gone on 2 great hunts in units that are not considered top-tier but have plenty of access and trophy potential to get your money's worth. I do mid tier stuff to assure I get a decent hunt and that's it. So use 2-4 days to find that access and then 2-3 days to kill a goat. Also, be sure to ask about trespass fees. Looking recommendation for a units, prefer No grizzly bears. And is it a good assumption that we would be able to get left over doe licences in those area(s) in July? That wouldn't discourage me (hasn't for several years for WY antelope), but it is a reality to consider. Hi Mark, The draw odds have changed dramatically in WY in last three years. Unfortunately, as you state above, its isnt always obvious. While we did find bands of animals to chase around each day, there were times when the antelope moved onto ranch property not open to us where it would have been nice to pay and hunt. These maps are available at any Wyoming BLM office for a fee of $4.00 each. I also noticed way more people on the limited public land. In the corridor that starts in thenorth atSheridan and Gillette, runs south through Casper, and ends north ofCheyenne there are many hunt areas with more antelope licenses than hunters. Any good unit suggestions for a beginner pronghorn hunter? Of course like everybody, we would like to hunt a unit with easy public assess and a lot of pronghorn. I'd be glad to help out. The daunting part of the whole operation is trying to figure out what unit to draw for. Units on the eastern side of Wyoming have harder public access, but that means the tags are easier to draw.. Id suggest getting OnX maps and locating units that you think would give you enough access as well as comparing last years draw odds to find a unit that can be drawn with 0 points. To learn more about leftover license antelope hunting read our featured article: Wyoming's Second Chance Antelope. Again, consider the Special License as an option to improve your odds for your first choice unit and provide good units with 100% draw oddsas your second choice selection. Thanks again! Nevada, Clark County142 desert sheep in B&C records. 5. Rock Springs, Kemmerer, Farson USFS Designated Wilderness Areas . In the table of tentative antelope hunting season information for this coming year, some license types are denoted with an asterisk (*) as having difficult public access. If the buck sees the decoy he should react quickly and start moving toward your position. Looking for a hunt this fall 2015 for four people. Didnt' see anything over 80 though. 6 points will get you onto some solid units. they arent very busy then and I have had great luck talking to them. Youll probably have to look towards the NE part of the state (areas around Gillette) to find a unit that you can draw without any points but you can easily combine that with a fun deer hunt in the bighorns or Black Hills. GAME & FISH COMMISSION I expect lower population numbers, fewer license, and an increase in apps and point spending. Thanks for the great write up. Also, gaining landowner permission to hunt the coveted private trophy grounds is easier when you are a bowhunter. The Access Yes program is divided into three different sections, two of which are for public access hunting on private land - Hunter Management Areas (HMA) and Walk-In Hunting Areas (WIHA). Wyoming antelope units JEck Oct 16, 2022 1 2 Next Oct 16, 2022 #1 JEck Lil-Rokslider Joined Sep 28, 2022 Messages 119 So I'm looking to go to Wyoming next year on an antelope hunt. I just got back from 13 days in CO where I burned my 10 pts. Shed Hunting: Wheres the beef and whats the best way to manage it? So if you had 4 people with one point each, your total of 4 pts is divided by 4 hunters = 1 preference point. I had a good hunt south of Pinedale w/ around that many points a couple years ago. I was in southern Idaho and eastern OR in February and the deer were congregating along the roads trying to find food. We'll see what next year brings for the adventures. Using the terrain to stalk within 200 or 300 yards. Mark this was good reading. Click the link below to get started. When you look on Wyomings Game and Fish web page they mention Archery Season dates for antelope but I cannot find where that is posted. For this reason, I just dont think you can overlook this area on any year, good or bad when it comes to the potential for a big antelope buck. Colorado Wolves: Killing Pets & A Safe-Space. 8 points Mule deer 180+ He said it has a good amount of public land. I have done some reading on Unit 18 but I dont see it in your list of public land ease of access.Thanks! The full tag fee is now paid up front which may change the application dynamic going forward. Did parts of the state have a large amount of winter kill this year? My only real problem is the income they are realizing from fees vs the (false?) Also in general are ATVs allowed on these BLM land in Wyoming? Game Area 9 in Niobarra County had 592 Regular Licenses allocated in 2012, 444 went to the Preference Point draw and 148 went to the Random Draw. The writing is on the wall that 2nd choice sure-thing tags will be a thing of the past just like leftovers for halfway decent units now are. Because of stories like yours, my position on WY is to build at least 4 or 5 preference points and guarantee a decent unit with a lot of public access. Another caveat: As in the Regular license draw, the Special License draw also allocates 25% of the tags toa Random Draw. Report a violation, ONLINE STORE With thousands of antelope tags removed from the quotas, good tags could be as hard to draw as ever. Then go through the units and eliminate wjat uou cant draw, then eliminate units with with no or little public. Good luck ! The areas with little public landwill be undersubscribed, requiring zero points to draw. We are looking at doing a group hunt for 2014 and have taken your advice on the special tag buy in looking at our first choice, second and so on. Area 9 had 180 Tags allocated for the Special License draw and 59 tags for the Special License Random Draw. Any advice helps! I'm simply looking for recomendations on what units/areas I will have the best odds of drawing a tag. You may obtain any BLM detailed surface management maps for your hunt area. Thanks again for all the information that youve provided so far. Call a bio in WYGFD. Both units offer thousands of acres of Hunter Management Areas and Walk In Hunting Areas. Regarding winter kill, western WY and Southeastern ID had record snowfalls in much of that area. 7 points antelope, 5 points deer, and 1 point elk. If you dont get drawnfor the area of yourfirst choice, be ready to buy a leftover tag in July when they go on sale if there areany available for units that meet your requirements for public access. The fact the Continental Divide runs right through this unit sometimes protects it from the droughts a bit but it can be susceptible to poor wintering conditions. After 20 years of that, I've found most of those to be not worth it. He and the other gentlemen coming with us would be just as happy to shoot a doe. Using preference points, you will need from 4 to 7 to be drawn in these hunt areas in 2013. Have studied every article and map for hours. Your best bet will probably be unit 39 for a quality hunt with other areas to consider being units 25, 16 and 42. % of Public Land: 65% Access to Public Land: Good Access Notes - There is good access to public land throughout most of this hunt area. Citizen So there are a lot of things to consider before answering your question. Looking at these numbers, you may be wondering how a unit can have a 100% random draw odds but only 90% first choice draw odds. Wyoming I don't know anything about 50, but 45 is good. OP lists unit 1 as the concern and it looks to have a bunch of BLM and WY State land. While you probably wont be passing up 180 rams hoping for a larger one. This leads to some very uncomfortable situations. Here in Montana, I have found access to such blocks of land that many hunters call landlocked by private. Hi, I loved the article very informative! But have your credit card ready and apply now for 2017 tags!!!! Theres no question antelope numbers will be down this year in Wyoming however I would venture to say that there should still be a few good bucks in some of the very best areas. In these cases, hunters should consider securing access to private land well in advance. Fortunately, there are lots of other options for hunting antelope in WY. How's WY Antelope herd doing? The Surface/Mineral Management maps also show mineral ownership shading. Where should I be scouting/applying? Required fields are marked *, Dedicated to the Love of Extreme Backcountry Hunting. My dad and I are planning to apply for tags next year. OtoPro SoundGear Phantom and Impulse Review, Vortex Razor HD 4000 GB Rangefinder Review, Toric UHD 2.5-15x44mm FFP Hunt Series Riflescope Review, Hunting Big Mule Deer after Mid-October with Cliff Gray. Wyoming only has 2 hunt areas for mountain goats. Back to only a couple points but once I'm back to 4 I'll start applying again. All that adds up to harder to draw licenses and more difficult hunting. Meanwhile, I would like to be guaranteed a chance to hunt Wyoming this year. It appears that a hunter may be able to obtain more than one doe licenses as well. Unfortunately for DIY hunters, these areas also have limited public access. View our Privacy Policy, NON-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE Obviously, if you post an ad stating a willingness to pay a reasonable trespass fee your going to have more success ! Free access in these counties is becoming rare. Both have a lot of landlocked areas and was wondering your opinion on good places to hunt in these areas or advice. But there are some strategies a hunter can utilize to put the odds in his or her favor. (??) I also have a Utah lifetime Deer hunting license. Hi Dana, we try to update this every year, but havent yet for 2019. We would rather have a lot of access than see a ton of pronghorn if we have to settle for one or the other. Not opposed to putting in for the special draw. So yes..for those units buying a point this year would be a great idea. Most hunt areas in these parts of Wyoming have ample public access on lands managed by the BLM. Do you think that will make it easier to draw some of the harder to draw units? So heres the thing. Strategy: Review the Wyoming landownership maps, draw odds, and success rates and select your desired hunt area. It just gives you more options. Thanks for your help! Tipsy Tuesday: Elk Film, Gear, News, & More. Before we delve into these units statistics, I would like to talk for a moment aboutthebenefit of buyingthe special license. They may have just eliminated those units altogether as individual draw units. I used the list of landowners contact info to inquire about access and trespass fees. I have no points and do want to go hunting this fall. Thanks, Hi Tyrell, I emailed you back directly but for others benefit, IF you have 4 points and your Dad has 1 then your combined average is 2.5. My dad and I were on our first WY antelope hunt in October and we utilized public land and walk-in areas. Seeing an inferior buck with a potential mate will rile up the pronghorn as he approaches. I know we use them in 91 on Bureau of reclamation dirt roads. Thanks for the comment. "Any antelope" licenses still available after the draw are typically found in areas that are predominately private land, so hunters are encouraged to line up access before buying the license. I hunted unit 9 a few years back which lists public access at 15%. Out of state DIY hunter, not interested in hiring a guide for 6,500 dollars to gain access to the wilderness area. The openings fill up fast. We also develop and sell products such as apparel, hats and artwork. I spent significant time speaking with F&G reps as well as the warden service. They want to save their bucks but also want the herd thinned. Im tryig to understand the hunt area map Im looking for area 35 and 36 on there and i cant seem to find them does this mean that they fall under the hunt area 0f 34 and when i apply for the draw i should put down 34? on a solo MZL deer hunt. Your articles really helped clear up some confusion. Get a mile off the road in the prairie with a rifle, you should find them pretty easily. There are literally no good units available right now at these license levels that can be drawn with less than 3 or 4 points. After the 9 first choice applicants were drawn, there were still 19 remaining random draw tags. Communication through email would work great. Also, one boy is a hear transplant. We are currently awaiting our BLM maps but we are looking at unit 113 and noticed it appears to be land locked by private ranches. Burned 4 points for an under the radar unit. View our current jobs, PRIVACY POLICY looking for a unit or units we could hunt at least every other year, my dad is getting up there, preferably with doe/extra tags as well as a buck tag. Commission Information, ABOUT US Other features on the maps are roads, topographic, contour and elevation symbols, rivers, streams and lakes. Apply for a tag HERE and start scouting and researching best areas in the state now. Of things to consider if youre willing to wait, I dont see it in your area. 'S it inferior buck with a decent wyoming antelope units with good public access of a harvest look at the you. & amp ; C records Idaho and eastern or in February and deer! Central and southwest Wyoming years ago 180 tags allocated for the special license, and success rates select... And I were on our first WY antelope hunt, Wyoming is the income they are realizing fees. 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