Thanks so much for taking the time to share, Susan, thats great! Ammonia works to kill aphids, and its toxic to a range of insects. Since it gets rid of the slugs, your hostas can also be healthier as a whole, and youll see this as the season goes on. Reading Maries comment on the tannins in oak leaves makes me wonder it tea would work. Diatomaceous earth tears up the inside of a slug almost immediately, causing them to die; corn bran similarly kills snails. I'm sticking with beer, and so far, it's working quite well. Im using them on my pathways and have avoided having any slugs on them. It's caustic stuff, so just a small spray is needed. The trap did indeed catch many slugs. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. I had a talk with him about it trying to explain about ecosystems, etc., but all he could do was irately blame the chemical company for what he called over spraying! Some people, unfortunately, want to keep their blinders on! Since slug larvae appear in early spring and summer, its important you get out and catch them early. Thanks for sharing. 1 ammonia to 9 parts water. What do these extra ingredients do to plants and slugs? You cant say it doesnt work if you are not dedicated. Slugs are attracted to beer. There are several foods commonly listed for how to get rid of slugs and snails. The percentage of caffeine required in a spray (1 - 2%) is greater than what is found in a cup of coffee (.05 - 07%), so homemade sprays are not as effective. If there are young seedlings or snail eggs, youll likely destroy these while youre hoeing, too. However, snails also dont like crawling over pine needles, due to their acidic content. The pH of household ammonia is between 11 and 12, depending on concentration. The ammonia spray needs to hit the slugs. Make sure you dont get this on your hosta leaves because it can burn them. Ammonia will break down the eggs surface when it comes into contact with it, and this prevents the eggs from hatching. After about 2 or 3 nights of spraying (killing several hundred slugs in each of those first nights), the slug population has drastically decreased. Other than the first one in this list, they have to be refreshed regularly. It's pretty simple as you only need to mix 1 part of ammonia with ten parts of water. Copper 15. Diluted ammonia will turn your soil more alkaline when you first apply it. The kids ran around with shakers at night looking for as many as possible, so that cut down on them a lot. Do not keep fish in the pond, as these may eat the tadpoles. Will ammonia kill your plants? Household ammonia is reported to be great for controlling slugs. This is probably one of the most comprehensive and sailient articles for controlling slugs & snails that I have ever come across. While researching what I needed to use ammonia to kill slugs, I found that a solution of 1 part water to 1 part ammonia is preferred. Many of the slug baits that are advertised as safe do contain toxins that hurt or kill a variety of invertebrates including earthworms. Spinosad has been certified for use in organic agriculture since 2003 by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) and is OMRI listed. Ammonium will also cause your lawn to grow quickly, but it can also easily burn and turn brown. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. lots of great tips. Petroleum jelly works best when its set up along the edge of a flower pot, container, or plant stalk. To make a slug beer trap, use a takeout or storage container that is about 6 inches deep. Note: You need to REALLY dilute ammonia when using it on and around your plantssomething like 1/8 cup to a gallon of water. This means that youd add one part ammonia for 4, 9, 10, 16, 18, or 20 parts water. What Kind of Ammonia to Use in the Garden? Mix with 4 parts water (1/4 cup of ammonia per cup of water) or according to Linda in the comments below, 20 parts water is fine (slightly less than 1 Tbsp per cup of water). This powder-like substance or DE is the remains of microscopic creatures and is deadly to other small insects and creatures who come in contact with it. To kill slugs with ammonia when theyre larvae, youll want to drench yoursoil around your hostas. The ammonia can be diluted 1 part ammonia to 20 parts water and will work fine. Spray your diluted ammonia solution onto a single leaf on your plant and monitor it. Earth Angel Hosta: Beauty in a Giant Package, Explore the World of Giant Hostas: Growing Tips and Tricks, Growing the Beautiful Stiletto Hosta Plant in Your Garden, Cheatin Heart Hosta: A Miniature Beauty with Radiant Foliage. Take strands of hair from a brush and spread them out over the soil. Eventually I was elected to the board and was in charge of the landscaping committee. You can easily smell this for yourself but be careful; too much ammonia can burn your nose. Think hell need a bit of luck there.I found that going out with a torch after a thunderstorm in the spring on jihad against them led to such a dent in the population that I didnt come across many for the next year. Snails love citrus, which means fruits like grapefruit and oranges are a weakness to them. Pour the solution onto the soil. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. The Beer Dish Trap This year I just included pine needles to my arsenal. Use them to form a barricade around your plants or planting beds. I know that works with bigger animals, but hadnt heard of that for slugs. Now, about a week or so later, we still go out every night but see no more than about a dozen slugs a night now. I do wish youd mention it. Try a google search for: slugs 9v battery. Of course thats hard to do in a vegetable garden because they seem to like a lot of things, although a herb garden can work well with slugs. Im trying out EM this year for the first time, and will let you know how it all goes, at the end of the season.You asked for other ideas on controlling slug damage: I came across this a good few years ago: a keeper of a large collection of hostas (part of the UKs National Hosta Collection) used oak leaves as a thick mulch around all the hostas, which are so prone to slug attacks. Take the same care using this chemical outside as you would in your home. That is the best thing I can think of that will be a sure thing. Do not apply the treatment near edible plants. Unsurprisingly for my regular readers, my favorite strategies for how to get rid of slugs and snails in the garden center around fixing the root cause of the problem instead of using ingredients that annoy or kill the offenders: Slugs and snails love organic matter, so: The following are products that need to be purchased, but they all generally provide other benefits too: There are many things you can put on the soil. But, as for MY choices, for MY hosta, I choose to prevent them from being ravaged by slugs yearly by using this method in as smart of a manner possible. You might recognize the name ammonium as one of the forms of nitrogen plants use. Eggshells Control Slugs Do They Really Work? Youll really see this happen if you splash non-diluted ammonia onto the hosta leaves or around the base. Yes. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Once you spot the slugs chewing away at your plants, sprinkle some salt on them, and theyll die almost immediately. To get rid of slugs on your hostas, drench the soil around each bush with a 10% ammonia solution. Its always best to start with a more diluted measure and work your way up to avoid accidental damage. He tried salt by prying their beaks open, but thought that was probably to hard on the ducks. Others spray plants so slugs stop eating them. Seaweed helps you in two ways; first, it helps vegetation grow in the garden. Yes, sugar is a good one John. The other property that is important for this discussion is the stability of the product. Death is instantaneous. Epsom Salts 17. It can easily burn the leaves. Always remember, natural slug control will ensure your good home stays chemical-free; not only will you create an inexpensive recipe, but youll also protect your garden and surrounding wildlife with our homemade snail killer advice. Ammonia. I pour the mixture over my plants and shrubs with a slotted spoon so it kind of broadcasts the liquid over the whole plant. Ammonia is a contact poison for slugs, you must spray any slugs with the ammonia to kill them. They wont be all that interested in crossing that, but you may want to also include some of the strategies in this article, and of course you still need to get rid of the existing slugs and snails and their eggs from inside the perimeter. Try planting kale, spring cabbage, or sprouting broccoli. Ducks are born slug predators, specifically the Indian runners and khaki Campbells. Ammonia works on snails and adult slugs. Rather than letting them take over your beloved garden, take action to eliminate the slugs that are ruining your plants. My Dad got a bunch of ducks to combat the slugs and had nothing but problems with the ducks. You could give the slugs & snails something that they consider to be more tasty than your vegetables. When Im smart I wear a surgeons glove to do it. This remedy may also be effective as a natural bug spray for garden pests. The copper foil idea sure did not, "Setting the cornmeal trap and the beer were both helpful. Some people spray the slugs directly and apparently it kills them. Since weve had ducks, slugs are not a problem.They also eat mosquito larvae on standing pools of water. Plants will quickly absorb ammonium, but they absorb nitrates at a slower rate. Be sure to spray the leaves, stems, and the ground around the plant, as slugs can crawl up from the soil. Many people use small eggshells to repel snails, but you can also use things like sand and wood pellets, too. Living in the UK, its always wet- ho humso keeping dry is never possible. Since ammonia doubles as a fertilizer, you can get a light bonus dose of fertilizer. Honestly, people who want to control slugs without wasting money on ineffective home remedies or worse, harming their plants or their soil with high-pH concoctions, should use a product containing spinosad. The truth about baits: If youre trying to keep the snails away from your flowers, wrap copper strips or copper tape around the bottom of the pots. Just hope nobody in the future ever decides to remove the gravel and plant lawn. Hi PhilId been eagerly waiting for this topic to come up, as I garden in London, England, which we also name locally as the slug capital of the world. Spraying works, if I go out every couple of hours, which, is exhausting. The traps were poisoning squirrels and baby opossums as well as keeping the rat population down. Especially in potted plants! This article is not about metaldehyde and was not mentioned until YOU interjected it into the conversation. A shake of spinosad granules is effective for weeks. Additionally, ammonia is a helpful fertilizer as it adds nitrogen . This deterrent may also repel unwanted insects. Chickens can destroy a garden very quickly, so I put row covers on the plants and turn the chickens in the garden for an hour . So, I just use a 10% solution for everything. Oak leaf mulch or tobacco stem meal, spread as a barrier around plants. You could also compress the ammonia gas to form a colorless, clear liquid under pressure. Wormwood tea, made from steeping artemisia cuttings in warm water for 24 hours. This makes nitrates safer to use. If the slugs are not dying or staying away, increase the number of eggshells you are dispersing over the soil. Householdammoniais your safest pick because it is a diluted solution that has 5% to 10% ammonia, with the rest being water. Would using limestone as mulch detere slugs. I fought with the snails all spring and was losing the battle, but then I remembered that salt kills snails. Hosta varieties with blue leaves are more resistant. Ive been using this method for a few years now. Because of the wheat, it can be attractive to rodents, deer as well as cats and dogs in which it can be deadly. Use human hair to repel slugs. Ammonia is a very irritating and colorless gas that has a very sharp odor. Water plants in the early to mid morning, so the soil dries before nightfall. This is a very alkaline solution. Interesting about the nettles and the method from Sepp Holzer. But ammonia can actually be sprayed on your plants (although it generally will evaporate off and won't continue to deter slugs) and will provide a source of nitrogen to your plants when sprayed in the soil. And snails too? These work, but you need to be more careful with them: Did I miss any strategies for how to get rid of slugs and snails? Using baits in the garden, like pesticides, herbicides etc with the informations weve got now about their very damaging impact goes against common sense, and certainly against my gardening ethics. Water Plants in the Morning 11. When they do, they go directly to the leaves and kill your plants defense mechanisms. I have no idea. Mix 1 part ammonia with 5 parts water in a watering can. If so, how do you apply it without causing damage to your plants? Most bags of food-grade DE come with a convenient spreader to disperse the powder. Bury a tall cup with steep sides into the soil. It kills the introduced pest cane toad on contact, so I keep some (undiluted) in a spray bottle. Metaldehyde works best on warm, dry days, but cannot be used in sunlight. If youd like to keep them away entirely, sprinkle more baking soda around your plants. There is some controversy about whether iron phosphate pellets actually contain an ingredient that makes a toxic combination when applied. Then, as you might have guessed by now, the rats and the opossums eat the snails, and viola`! Thanks for sharing Carol. But Ive decided to take a season or two off of growing my veg because of them and figure out what it is about our wee ecosystem that keeps them so proliferate. I get coffee grounds from Starbucks. Avoid using salt in situations where it can come into the contact with water (like when rainy weather is likely or a sprinkler is running). Pour out the ammonia, and rinse the tank with clean water several times. One source suggested that the soil should be drenched in early spring. Sprinkle the pellets in the soil where the snails roam. Boil the water and mix with the coffee grounds until its fully dissolved. Leave the rim inch (1.25 cm) above the soil, to prevent the trap killing beetles that hunt slugs. Slug bait works best and is relatively safe. (Wear rubber gloves to do this, you will not . Not only that, it honestly appraises many touted controls that are actually not all that effective. But, just as using your perfume in the wrong way (drinking it, spraying it on bugs, slugs, etc) would kill, so will ammonia, dishwashing detergent, beer, and even water, if used wrong or in excess. We had a terrible problem with them digging directly underneath our chickens feeders. If you dont have any ingredients or traps lying around the house, and you want to get rid of the snails as soon as possible, head to the soil with a flashlight and pick the little pests out yourself. To control slugs and set up a trap, place a couple of grapefruit rinds upside down on the ground. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Certain plants, we did test. It has no residual affect on the slugs and once the ammonia is dry it will have no adverse affect at all. Spraying soil is also a common method of controlling slugs and snails. Before you get into ways to kill slugs with ammonia, you want to know exactly what it is. I dont think spinosad harms slugs and snails. Kills them in seconds and does no harm to my grass or plants. Spray your garden and plants with a mixture of sugar and water(about a pound of sugar to 5 gallons of water. On the unharmed newest plants, going to dig them up, rinse them off, as traumatic as this will be, replant them in old nursery tree pots I have from getting new trees this year. This is a rainy area so theres no chance of drying the garden out and we cant have ducks in this townhouse community. This allows the beetles to hide from predators, making your garden an attractive home. My recommendation is Bears Breaches (Acanthe), they love it and it is strong enough to handle being grazed by the slugs & snails. Many hosta growers prefer 9 or 10 parts water for the initial dose, and even lighter doses in the summer. I had that many snails I decided to race them I made a 6 lane track with copper sides so they would not climb over as they do not like copper. I tried a quick test. The problem with this technique is that ammonia evaporates quickly. I assume they are crawling up the sides. Use Ammonia to Kill Slugs Household ammonia not only kills slugs but, at the dilution ratio discussed below, actually provides a source of nitrogen that plants absorb through their leaves. Within two days, the slugs should die. Yes, ducks are great helpers in the garden. Once night comes, the sun will have dried up the water, causing slugs to find a home somewhere else. It has an immediate effect, but the amount of insects and pests will gradually taper off year after year with continued use. It is a suggested way to control slugs in gardens including vegetable gardens according to the agricultural extension. Thanks for the article. Slugs can be a nasty pest in your garden or yard, especially if you have hostas. Not all snails and slugs are pests, so if theyre not eating your plants, you dont need to get rid of them in your organic garden. Apply twice a year. The plants will benefit from the nitrogen, and the slugs will tangle themselves up in the strands of hair and die. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Mix the ingredients and spray the soil with it. Within a few hours, youll start to see the slugs die. In approximately three to five days, the slugs will die from their predators actively seeking them. As soon as you spread household ammonia on a plant, the ammonia starts to evaporate, which explains why it smells so strong. Sign up for wikiHow's weekly email newsletter. When hit with the spray, they died within minutes. We didnt find the solution to harm any plants that we grew. Stop Slugs on Hostas: Heres How to End the Menace! Directly on a snail or slug just like magic Im in Florida and have a lot of potted plants with trays underneath for retaining water. Note that all of these methods work just as well for snails. The slugs hate the ammonia and the plants love the nitrogen. And it is approved for organic use! Which one is best depends on who you talk to. If youre looking for a non-toxic method to get rid of your garden slug problem, try using an electric shock fence. You can spray this solution right onto the flowers and plants and it doesn't hurt them. Cheers. 11. They were everywhere in this complex! This article has been viewed 2,025,048 times. I mix sudsy ammonia with water, half and half (they really won't crawl away from this mixture! So he made up a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol and water (about 1/3 alcohol to 2/3 water) and went out at night with a headlamp and sprayed them wherever he saw them. Its best to let them get rid of your slug problem in the early spring before you start planting. The Iron phosphate ones are now known not to be so safe as told when they arrived on the shelves : theyre toxic to dogs ( so I suppose most mammals ) and kiil earthworms. When in doubt, go the natural route and use your hands. Ammonia also doubles as a fertilizer that can help yourhostas grow bigfor long-term results. wish my cat would eat snails Thanks again for sharing from your seeming inexhaustible fount of knowledge! Several studies show that metaldehyde finishes in drinking water and its impossible to clean the water from it. Ammonia is a strong cleaning agent and it surprises me that spraying it on plants will not harm them, but maybe the dilution used is low enough to prevent damage. I just put about a cup of ammonia, couple tablespoons of the soap in a spray bottle and fill the rest of the way to the top with water. Bait and Trap A good point to remember is that to bait gastropods is to attract them - so keep bait and traps a safe distance from any plants you want to protect. We'll take a closer look at all the ways to stop slugs from eating your hostas. How about pinecones as mulch? I have a wild raspberry bush which I cut the stems off and place around my plants to keeps slugs away.They do not like the thorns on them.Also the stems off rose bushes works just as well.I hope this helps. For example, if youplanted hostas with roses, the roses could be more sensitive to any ammonia you apply where it wont bother the hostas. Replace every few days. Remember that household ammonia is water and ammonia. Is Tea a Good Fertilizer for Houseplants? In just a few days, the slugs will be too dehydrated to live. This fence will not kill the slug; it will merely act as a slug deterrent. Heres the big list. Slugs are molluscs, not insects, so common insecticides will not work. When I noticed the chemical guy was lazy and would rather not keep after the traps, I quietly let it slide. I remember her saying that she had used this method successfully for many years, and that she tought the effect may be due to the high tannin content in the leaves. Allow time for the liquid to cool before pouring or spraying the slug-inhabited soil. This can be applied using a hand spray bottle early in the morning or during a warm rain. Sure makes for an easier pathway for small wheels to roll over too. You could see larger leaves on each plant that helps to fill in any blank spaces in your yard. Herbs: ginger, garlic, chives, mint, and chicory. Many thanks. Avoid organic mulches, such as straw or grass clippings. I guess companies are trying to make a better cleaning product that does not smell so badly. The slugs will dissolve over time, and the plants will increase their nitrogen intake from the ammonia. Thanks John. The reason for this is because seaweed is salty, and slugs do not like salt. A neighbor an I did have slugs on our gardens/yards, and nearly every evening, throughout the summer, we sprayed the yard with a solution of ammonia. What does not work is spraying the ground. Because slugs normally feed at night, limit treatments to an overcast evening that follows a late, afternoon rain shower. After reading about it, I wins impressed. If this method sounds too cruel, consider that pesticides cause a much slower death. Useful Tips To Make Your Everyday Life Just A Bit Better. BUT, with the price of sugar going up, perhaps it might be healthier for me to keep spraying my garden with it instead of Lime on its own probably wont do much. Carefully sprinkle this dust over flower beds or plants to get rid of slugs and pests in the garden. Approved. How to Get Rid of Slugs with Diatomaceous Earth, Slug Bait Metaldehyde vs Iron Phosphate. Second, seaweed acts as a natural snail repellent. Grind crushed eggshells into a fine powder and sprinkle around the affected areas. So, how to get rid of slugs in the garden? Painted numbers on the shells but could not get any speed out of them so the race took a long time. They dont change the pH much, but they can be a worthwhile mulch, especially in pathways. Diatomaceous Earth 14. . The next time you see a slug, put it in your driveway, spray it, as instructed in the article, observe the consequence and THEN come back and report on the effectiveness. WARNING: Household ammonia is considered hazardous by OSHA. We had a home brew batch not turn out and that worked great. If you have any doubt, test. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Im a fan of working with nature, so if you have a lot of slugs, plant things they wont decimate. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at You can use ammonia to kill pest eggs around your hostas in the soil. The main difference is that snails have a shell, while slugs dont. However, dont make the mistake of spraying straight ammonia on your hostas or youll end up with dead or dying plants. But, you can see some short-term results too. One other deterrent for snails and slugs is electricity. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. This is where the drenching the soil method comes in. One part ammonia mixed with 10 parts water in a spray bottle will do the trick. Keep in mind, if youre trying to attract natural predators, slug pellets will not help with this task, as they will deter them instead. Put into bowl covered with cheesecloth. But then ideally, we want the garden to be relatively moist for the health of the plants and the soil food web, so a strategy that can sometimes work for getting rid of snails and slugs is to make sure theres a very dry area around the perimeter of the garden. A 10% solution will do the job. . The coffee grounds were great help, especially for my roses, who love the earth nutrients and bloomed beautifully within two weeks of adding it to the soil. This kills both snails and slugs and dissolves them. Very informative and well written.Thank you for this! Thanks for sharing. If you're willing to add to your garden, plant some slug-deterring plants like ginger, garlic, kale, or spring cabbage. To our privacy policy im a fan of working with nature, ammonia spray for slugs just a few days, the will! Ammonia, you can see some short-term results too with water, half and half they! Cm ) above the soil their beaks open, but hadnt heard of that will too... Couple of hours, which means fruits like grapefruit and oranges are a weakness to them into! Light bonus dose of fertilizer Maries comment on the tannins in oak leaves makes me it! Snails all spring and summer, its important you get into ways to stop slugs on them a of! 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