(LD: "Terminal Provocations"), The California class was armed with phaser arrays and photon torpedoes. Repair Bay 5 was located on Deck 11, close to the upper hull. Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? Later still, a large space grub attached itself to the ship's port nacelle. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Each launcher shoots out self-propelled torpedoes fitted with a matter x antimatter warhead. Destiny (Nimbus Oracle Trident) The ship included at least three holodecks available for crew use. Access to this area is provided by standard turbolifts and Jefferies tubes. Each variant has a unique set of hull markings to help them stand out in dock and to promote a sense of esprit de corps among their crews. The brig was also equipped with a replicator. It was believed that these caused the sound of their warp engines to be a little bit higher pitch, however, other sources maintained that the unique sound was caused by the vibrations in the dilithium dispersement manifold. Solanae (Helios Montgomery Omega) (LD episode: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris"), Akira (Alita Armitage Thunderchild) . The Defiant Class starship, officially classified as an "escort-type" ship, began development in 2366, as a small, highly-powered, heavily-armed warship, intended to defend the Federation against the Borg.The USS Defiant was the first ship for a new Federation battle fleet being prepared to counter the Borg. The first officer chair was equipped with a manual steering column. This area also featured a large aft-facing viewing window overlooking the secondary hull. (The Ready Room, "LD Season 1 Premiere Special"). Since the manual was written entirely from an in-universe point of view during the DS9 years (~2375), we can assume that this information could be considered up-to-date for the . Underslung from the primary hull are the warp nacelles and secondary hull, with the two boxy nacelles connecting directly to the primary hull with two long struts, and the secondary hull in turn connecting to the nacelles with shorter struts. After one was produced, it was able to be distributed through the ventilation system, restoring the crew to their normal selves. This page was last edited on 30 June 2022, at 15:10. These ships were used as Tug's, repairing border world stations or help with. I know originally it had like 750, but older space-frames tend to have fewer crew as time goes on. The Cerritos stood her ground as the Drookmani continued to throw debris, weakening their shields. Yellow is a second contact engineering classification. Constellation (Challenger deep space explorer) They were also equipped with Argo-type buggies for groundcar-based surface operations. Once a larger vessel has made successful first-contact, yellow Cali-class ships show up to such planets and provide engineering support such as communication with the Federation. The mess hall was equipped with several large replicators and where the crew typically had their meals, breakfast in particular, but the bar also had two replicators imbedded within the two pillars on either side of the bar that could provide food. Below the hydroponics bay was, in essence, a swamp that, on the Cerritos, contained dangerously high levels of nitrous oxide due to a Tamarian defrin root being cultivated on that vessel. Prometheus (Cerberus Hephaestus Hestia Phoenix) (LD: "Room for Growth"), This class is known to have at least eight transporter rooms. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler"). (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers"), In 2381, Ensign Kearns of the USS Carlsbad called the Cerritos the Enterprise of support ships. Share Improve this answer Follow If you're measuring by heart, this is the strongest ship in the fleet, because we've got the best captain at the helm, my mom. The brig was also equipped with a replicator. The ship carried a complement of at least five Type 6A shuttlecraft and had at least four Argo-type ground vehicle stored on Decks 5 and 7 adjacent to the shuttlebay. According to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, the Excelsior class has a standard crew complement of 750 units, between officers and regular crew. This class of ship contains a wide variety of recreational facilities, including a large lounge, several holodecks, a squash court, a gymnasium, and other such offerings. Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich - adapted to ingredients from the UK. Excelsior (Bismarck Curry Kirov New Jersey Resolute) Because of this, these ships have a larger-than-average number of shuttles for their size and can carry vast amounts of cargo. Among the noted shipboard facilities was Cetacean Ops. How unique are the adventures of the Enterprise within Starfleet? Ships of the class are named after cities located in California, and their shuttles are named after national parks. As so, it boasted a "sufficient" arsenal of class III defensive armaments but was later updated to match class IV after the retrofit. Like an away team, California class ships often work as mixed teams with at least two different division ships, so that they can complement each other and compensate for their respective weaknesses. It also happened upon a battle between twelve Romulan D'deridex-class warbirds and six Borg cubes. Enterprise NCC-1701 was built in the San Francisco Yards orbiting Earth. Nebula (Magellan) Contents 1 History 1.1 Early encounters 1.2 2380 1.3 2381 1.4 2382 2 List of second contacts 3 Technical data 3.1 Crew quarter assignments 3.2 Embarked craft 4 Command crew 4.1 See also 5 Trivia Captain Ramsey and her away team were able to save Captain Dayton and her crew before the entity consumed the whole ship. Instead, its AI went rogue, killing him and attacking Douglas Station alongside its sister ships. The Enterprise was destroyed in 2344 while responding to a distress call from a Klingon outpost on Narendra III. (LD: "Second Contact") Differing duty shifts each had their own sleeping quarters to live in. limit) The brig contained three prisoner cells, secured by force fields that could withstand the blast of a type 2 phaser set to kill. Each array fires pulsed orange-red beams of rapid-nadion particle discharge at a target with a maximum effective tactical range of slightly below 300,000 kilometres. The Cerritos was in service by stardate 57436.2 in 2380, where it was docked at Douglas Station prior to its second contact mission with the Galardonian High Council. Often assigned to archaeological and scientific support missions to follow up on discoveries made by more important vessels, California-class ships are equipped with sizable science departments, rivaling purpose-built science ships for all but the most intensive surveys. Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe? I got both here on the Cerritos. The ship also carried a captain's yacht in a separate bay. During its long service life, the class proved to be a jack of all trades design that was easy to mass produce. (LD: "Second Contact"), The maximum safe velocity of the California class was warp 8. Its design consists of a saucer section with many windows and a wide secondary hull positioned below and aft of the saucer between two elongated nacelles and was considered to be rather unorthodox. NCC-77567 may have meant to be the registry of the USS Alhambra, the California-class starship that T'Ana mistakenly boarded in the same episode. Miranda (Anton Reliant Soyuz) Later, arriving back at a starbase, the Cerritos underwent extensive repairs as its crew mourned the loss of Shaxs. Lower Decks co-producer Brad Winters gave the California -class ship length as 535.2 meters, and height at 121.3 meters, in a Tweet. It is regulated through a matrix of magnets and Dilithium which uses a recrystallization process in the form of a theta-matrix compositor to extend the structural integrity by injecting high-energy photons and gamma radiation while still in the articulation frame. Unlike most Federation starships, the ship's registry and name plate of the California-class was located aft of the bridge on the primary hull's dorsal surface. The warp nacelles were attached to the nacelle pylons but also held a compact engineering section with the forward-facing navigational deflector between them. In 2381, Vice Admiral Les Buenamigo advocated decommissioning the California class and replacing them with his new Texas-class automated starships. full orthographic views of rebuild and size comparison with its 24th century contemporary. At least three ships of this class were lost in 2380: the USS Merced was irreparably damaged from exposure to a terraforming emulsion that leaked from an ancient generation ship, the USS Rubidoux was subsumed by a space-dwelling lifeform, and the USS Solvang was destroyed with all hands by an enhanced Pakled vessel. The average cruising velocity is factor 5 which is 213.75 times the speed of light and 0.59 light years/per 24 hours or 60,000,000 kilometers every second. ( LD: " Second Contact ") Contents 1 Service history 1.1 Early encounters 1.2 2380 1.3 2381 2 List of second contacts 3 Legacy 4 Technical data 4.1 Crew quarter assignments Crossfield (Glenn 32nd century refit) The California class is a technologically advanced type of starship in service by Starfleet in the 32nd century. These starships are also useful for deploying and retrieving remote observation probes and other such devices. In addition, the Miranda-class vessels that were being used in these roles were already antiques in the 2330s let alone the 2360s, so it was decided to develop a new, modern starship to be produced in large numbers and handle day-to-day missions across the Federation. The class has three shuttlebays facing aft, two in the primary hull and one in the engineering module. Cerritos - Star Trek: Lower Decks It has an expected hull duration of 100 years with regular maintenance, 5 years between minor retrofits and 20 years before major retrofits, and is able to go 5 years without major resupply - a statistic usually seen from Explorers. With a total of 42 decks, the Enterprise -D was twice the length and had eight times the interior space of the Constitution -class ships of over a century earlier. Wells (Eternal Ouroboros Verne), AA class Aakenn Achilles Advance Aegian Aeolus Aerie Akula destroyer / escort Ambassador Hardin Andes Andor Andromeda (24th century) Angelou Antares Apache Aquarius Archer Archimedes Ark Royal Ariel Ascendant Atrox Avenger (scout) Babcock Bader Baker Baton Rouge Berena Bode Bolarus Bonaventure Bradbury Brenton California Canada Canopus Capella Castor Centaur Centaurus Ceres Cestus Challenger Chandley Chariot Chimer Chimera fast frigate Christopher Clarke (25th century) Cle Dan Cochrane transport Columbia Condor (raider) Continent Contortrix Copernicus Courage Daedalus Dauntless Decker Defender Delta D'Kyr Deneva Derf Drexler Durrett Eagle Eclipse Edward Einstein Eisenberg El Dorado future Enterprise Epoch Epsilon Erewon Eternal Federation Fenlon Fermi Fiji Freedom Friendship Frontier Gagarin (24th century) Galen Gallant Ganges Geneva Genser Graceful Grayson Griffon Guardian Gemini Hale Hermes fast cruiser Heston Hogan Hokule'a Horizon cruiser Icarus Ilthirin Indomitable Intrepid (light cruiser) Iowa Istanbul Iwo Jima Class J Jupiter Karekh Keith Kethkin Kiev K'Kmarak Kolm-An Korolev Larson Lauro Laweya Legacy Lenthal Lexington Liberty Loki Loknar London Madison Makin Mann Marklin Mars Marshall M'Benga Mediterranean Merced Mercury (courier) Mercury (escort) Mercury (scout) Merian Merian (dreadnought) Messier Meteor Midway Mission Missouri Mobulai MoKal Moscow Mulciber Narcine Nautilus Nelson Niagara Noble laboratory vessel Nomad escort Northampton Oberon Odin Odysseus Okinawa Oppenheimer Orion Osaka Overfield Paladin battlecruiser Paladin destroyer Parliament Paladin (24th century) Perseus Pioneer Phalanx Phantom Philadelphia Pinnacle Piper Pollux Portsmith Pralim Premonition Protostar Proxima Pyotr Velikiy Pyrenees Rakota Ranger battlecruiser Ranger explorer Ranger scout Renaissance Rickenbacker Rigel Rochester Royal Sovereign Sagittarius Samson Saturn Sawyer Scorpio Scryer Scylla Sequoia Sevaijen ShiKahr Sierra Solar Springfield Sulek Surak Sydney Tangent Theophrastus Thomas Paine Thucydides Thufir Tiberius Ticonderoga Universe Theseus Tripper Tritium Typhon Typhoon Ukora Ulysses Ural Utah Venture scout Vigilant scout Voyager Wallenberg Wambundu Wei-Fa Wellington Wilkerson Wizard Yamato Yorkshire Yorktown Zodiac unnamed, Defiant pathfinder Raging Queen Sun Tzu Valley Forge Federation assault ship Federation cargo ship Federation colony ship Federation construction ship Federation cruiser deep galaxy ship Federation freighter Federation frigate Federation galaxy ship Federation holoship Federation heavy cruiser (2380s heavy cruiser) Federation light cruiser (Constitution-variant light cruiser Intrepid-variant light cruiser) Federation medium cruiser (Excelsior-variant medium cruiser) Federation mining freighter Federation repair ship Starfleet tanker, A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! Can dialogue be put in the same paragraph as action text? The captain's chair at the center, flanked by chairs for the first officer to the right, and an additional officer to the left. When personal logs from Boimler proved shaky at best, Mariner decided the best thing to do was to hijack the Cerritos in search of the Klingons who were working with the Pakleds. Constructed twice as large and with heavier multi-molecular weapons than its predecessor, the 32nd-century Cali was structured as a fully mobile repair station and emergency dry dock with its saucer section built as a hollow disk to accommodate smaller injured ships throughout Starfleet. The bridge was located on Deck 2. The warp core was located in the secondary hull. Memory Delta Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. I think i like both your version & the Okudas' equally, so i'll use your stats for the Utility-class Heavy Tug/Transport, a successor design to the Ptolemy-class Transport/Tug. Concorde (Geneva battlecruiser Presidio) (TNG - Star Trek: Explorer short story: "The Expert"), Ships of this class were typically named for locations and other namesakes associated with the Human state of California on the planet Earth. These bays each house five to six shuttles, and provide for extensive small craft operations. [1], McMahan also said that the Cerritos' registry number (NCC-75567) is based on his mother's telephone number. This twelve-deck saucer contains the majority of the ships systems, as well as crew quarters and cargo facilities. These improvements included adding "warp grills" to the nacelles, upgrading the three shuttlebay's, additional escape pods had been installed on both dorsal and ventral sides, unspecified upgrades to the impulse engines, the bridge viewscreen has been reinforced with blast shields in the event of an emergency, higher efficiency bussard collectors, reinforced pylon connections, and major tactical enhancements such as an additional phaser strip deployment and two dorsal hull torpedo launchers as well as a 30% increase in torpedo complement from the original retrofit design plans. These starships are also useful for deploying and retrieving remote observation probes and other such devices. Taking design cues from the Galaxy-class and Miranda-class, the California-class was designed relatively quickly, going from order to design to prototyping between 2363 and 2367. They were support ships designed for second contact missions. What could a smart phone still do or not do and what would the screen display be if it was sent back in time 30 years to 1993? A small secondary hull, bearing the navigational deflector dish, was mounted between the nacelles via a second pair of pylons. The warp drive worked by generating subspace fields to form a bubble of selective space-time displacement that enveloped the exterior of the starship, distorting the local spacetime continuum and allowing it to "ride" on said distortion at velocities that could greatly exceed the speed of light as determined by the theory of relativity. It could exceed this speed for short bursts, but at the risk of severe structural damage. These vessels have blue paint. [4]. Besides providing assistance in terms of manpower, Captain Freeman was also instrumental in helping Mixtus inhabitants to reach mutually acceptable solutions that allowed the implosion to go forward. Why Star Trek vessels are so big, when their crew is so small? Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines", "Trusted Sources"), By the 2380s, the California class had been in service for a long time, such as that some examples of the class were beginning to "fall apart". The Constitution-class starship was previously captained by Robert April and Christopher Pike, before coming under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. (LD: "Second Contact"), There were several conference rooms, including a senior conference room, executive conference room, and Conference Room 5. Other classes of starships are optimized for either research, transport, combat, or some other purpose. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. These ships can provide first aid for damaged spaceships or intervene in planetary emergencies. memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/USS_Lakota_(NCC-42768), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Latest Blog Post: Favorite Question and Answers from First Quarter 2023. The Drookmani started picking a fight with the Cerritos by throwing debris at the ship with their tractor beam. A small secondary hull, bearing the navigational deflector dish, was mounted between the nacelles via a second pair of pylons. Star Fleet abandoned the project, however, when the Borg threat became less urgent . Does Chain Lightning deal damage to its original target first? The warp core ejection system required simultaneous authorization from two officers who each used a keycard to unlock it. rev2023.4.17.43393. In lieu of a hard answer, I'd either: a) leave it the same - while some ops functions would be automated or deprecated, engineering crews would need to be a bit larger to keep the old girl running, or b) You seem sure that older frames end up with smaller crews - if you have evidence of this, maybe look up an example and apply that same ratio. By 2381, all active vessels were being recalled to bases for extensive retrofits. Though all of the members of this class are generally capable of performing all low-intensity utility missions, the California-class is produced in several variants tailored to specific mission profiles. (LD: "No Small Parts"), By 2381, the Cerritos had been held in drydock while Captain Freeman had been arrested, accused of conspiring with Klingon extremists in destroying Pakled Planet. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. This is specifically accomplished via the annihilation of equal parts matter and antimatter using a combination of deuterium (a hydrogen atom containing a proton and a neutron in its nucleus) and anti-deuterium (essentially a deuterium atom, whose atomic properties are exactly reversed from those of a normal deuterium atom). But at the ship 's port nacelle navigational deflector dish, was mounted between the nacelles via a pair. Abandoned the project, however, when the Borg threat became less urgent favourite, provide. Borg threat became less urgent second Contact missions Drookmani started picking a fight with the Cerritos stood ground... These starships are optimized for either research, transport, combat, some!, repairing border world stations or help with Borg cubes `` LD Season 1 Premiere ''... Ships were used as Tug 's, repairing border world stations or with! Same paragraph as action text and six Borg cubes interchange the armour Ephesians! 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