In small space gardens, radishes are the perfect edible crop to squeeze in just about anywhere. Tyler Ziton is a Certified Permaculture Designer from Orlando, Florida with over 20 years of gardening experience. With some trial and error, I learned that the best way to make sure food was fresh was to grow it myself. Companion planting is an easy way to incorporate more biodiversity into your garden while growing more robust strawberry plants. Strawberries can act as ground covers, preventing weeds from taking hold. But nothing can quite compare to the fragrant, juicy sweetness of a vibrant red berry picked straight from the garden. After a decade of health issues, I found the only thing I needed was to eat fresh food. Non-Dairy Pints. Did you know that coriander is just cilantro that has started to flower and go to seed? These plants help protect each other, especially when theyre allowed to grow wild over a broad expanse of land. The delightful fragrance of basil is surprisingly unattractive to certain insects. How to Plant It: Chives are great for sowing around the perimeter of perennial strawberry rows. Benefits: Repel pests and maximize yields. They also add color to the garden with their bright red fruits. In this article, organic gardening expert Logan Hailey examines the best companion plants for your tomatoes this season! Generally, basil prefers a mild climate and well-draining soil. Even though strawberry flowers can pollinate themselves with the help of wind, new research has shown that bee-pollinated berries have higher yields and better fruit quality. Depending on the species and placement, companion plants can act in many different ways to protect crops from harm and/or enhance their growth. In this article, organic gardening expert Logan Hailey guides you in your planting journey, with the steps you'll need to take in order to successfully plant, grow, and care for blueberries in your garden. Yarrow is another companion plant classic that compliments lots of garden crops. They both love well-drained soils and full sun. With cover crops such as clover, you can evengrow them in-between the blueberry plants and run livestock through the alleys. are edible flowers that come in yellow, orange, red, and cream colors. Higher yields, sweeter fruits, and fully filled-out berries. And like tomatoes and other companion plants, okra can offer shade, shelter and increased humidity for pepper plants between and below them. How to Plant It: Plant rows of scallions between your strawberry plants or tuck them into any open space. They also have a typical strawberry smell. The pungent smell of alliums like garlic is enough to keep a wide range of insect pests at bay. Avoid planting blueberry plants with tomatoes and acid-sensitive annuals. 13 companion plants for blueberries (and what not to plant nearby) 1. Blueberries have shallow roots, which means they wont compete with the deeper roots of your rosemary plant. The pungent onion-like smell of chives keeps bad bugs away while the beautiful (and edible!) In fact, before 1900, blueberries werent cultivated at all. In this article, organic gardening expert Logan Hailey examines her favorite plants to plant with strawberries! It is great to hear you found this post helpful. Apple Trees : Planting chamomile near apple trees can help attract beneficial insects that control pests like aphids, which can damage apple 11 Best Plants to Grow With Blueberry 1. Also known as starflower, borage is an annual herb native to the Mediterranean. If you want to use your strawberry plants like ground cover around or near your blueberry shrubs, they will get leggy and they might not produce as much fruit as a highly managed strawberry patch. Looking for a few companion plants for your tomato garden? Benefits: Loosen soil and provide light shade during hot summer days. consume more strawberry pests than any other insect predators. For pollination, the lovely little white blossoms of sweet alyssum are frequented by honeybees, native bees, and butterflies. Mint has been used for millennia is a stomach-soothing tea or a pungent bug spray. Clover is a member of the legume family, which means it makes nitrogen more available to your plants through a symbiotic relationship with soil bacteria. French Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) Im also putting in a new vegetable garden in the backyard and I would love to be able to look up the needs of different crops. Companion planting aims to mimic nature by creating symbiotic relationships between plants that mutually aid each other. Lets take a look at some of our favorite veggies to grow with strawberries. Basil provides blueberry plants with increased pollinators (when it flowers) and ground cover. 9. The corn provides a trellis for the beans to climb, the squash provides a ground cover, and the beans fix nitrogen in the soil. The 10 BEST Blueberry Companion Plants. Are raised beds even good for growing strawberries? They will surely outlast your strawberries, so make sure you plant asparagus crowns in a place where they can proliferate. Keep in mind that while comfrey doesnt have any foes, itcangrow and spread aggressively. Basil 8. Fortunately, they dont tend to spread. The Melt Report: 7 Fascinating Facts About Melting Ice Cream. Are you thinking of adding some strawberries to your garden, but aren't sure how long they are going to take to grow? Because of this, comfrey is a great plant to use for growing in and improving poor soils, making it a pioneer plant in ecological succession. So if your blueberry plants commonly get aphids, plant lots of dill! Rootwell Products, Inc.'s direct-to-root system has been engineered to permanently enhance a trees natural ability to absorb oxygen, water, and nutrients. Borage. One of the most well-known companion qualities of dill is its ability to attract pollinators and beneficial insects such as ladybugs (which feed on spider mites and aphids). Borage (Borago officinalis) This herb is a virtual magic bullet when it comes to companion planting. Strawberries are no different. You can plant a mini fruit orchard in your backyard with blueberries and blackberry brambles nearby each other. How to Plant It: To start yielding from your strawberry beds before they fruit, plant a row or 2 of spinach alongside strawberries in the early spring. Creeping thyme is a must for any companion planting gardener. It is low-growing and eager to cooperate with strawberry plants. In the 6th year of its life is when a blueberry bush is really ready to give out its fruit. fuschia blossoms lure in all the best pollinators. Lettuce doesnt technically improve or hinder the growth of strawberries. A famous example is The Three Sistersplanting corn, beans, and squash together. What makes them ideal companion plants? Keep in mind that blueberry plants prefer a soil pH of 4.5-5.5, which is more acidic than what most plants can tolerate. For this reason, blueberry plants can be interplanted with pine trees, as long as the blueberry plants receive enough sunlight and arent smothered by pine needles. Tulsi has a range of herbal benefits for humans and strawberries alike. How to Plant It: Lupines are fairly tall, so I often place them in ornamental beds surrounding my strawberries. It is one of the most reliable and fun ways to improve strawberry growth in your organic garden. How to Plant It: Broccoli needs plenty of space (at least 18-24) and grows fairly large leaves that may shade out strawberries. Last updated: July 7, 2022 | Any of the above wildflowers will work great as a companion plant for just about any fruit, vegetable, or herb plant. I often go for a four-corners planting or sprinkle random plants throughout the row. If youre craving strawberry-basil lemonade, mojitos, or a summer balsamic salad, you must plant basil in your strawberry patch! This lowkey variety of thyme will vine along the soil surface and act like a weed-suppressing pillow for your berries to lay on. Benefits: Repel root knot nematodes, whiteflies, and rabbits. For attracting beneficial insects, it can be sown in bordering floral or herbal beds. Further south, you can wait until fall. By Logan Hailey You can grow it at the row-ends or corners of strawberry beds. Bush beans provide an extra edible crop harvest while simultaneously making nitrogen more available to your strawberries. are a very common companion flower for a variety of crops, including strawberries. Try our 7-Select Banana Cream Pie Pint, or our classic, 7-Select Butter Pecan Pie flavor. We all scream for ice cream! But broccoli may break that mold thanks to its disease-suppressing properties. Due to shared pests, overbearing growth habits, or a tendency to shade out low-growing plants, some crops are best kept away from your strawberries. What is the great thing about blueberry bushes? 7,753 talking about this. Keep in mind that some herbs, especially mint, should be planted in containers as the plants are aggressive and can easily take over a strawberry patch. Its ice cream was well-known for its creaminess, authentic flavors, and unique gold can packaging. When it flowers, the perennial herb also attracts many native bees to aid in berry pollination. The USDA partnered with Universities to create these free agriculture extension services. Add peat moss to your soil before planting blueberries to make the soil more acidic. When it bolts and flowers, its beautiful (and edible) blossoms attract pollinators and other beneficials to the garden. The most common reason why blueberry plants have foes is due to them requiring a more acidic soil pH. Keep them about 12 away from strawberry plants. Different species aid strawberries in unique ways, but they all require a little planning to account for spacing, size, shade, and potential competition. And these voracious (yet beautiful) pest-eaters happen to love hanging out amongst white alyssum flowers. The anise-flavored seeds are also widely used in baking and as a digestive herb. Wild strawberries have a lookalike, but its easy to spot the difference. Phacelia could be considered a queen insectary plant. All blueberry bushes need acidic soil a pH between 4 and 5. Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum spp.) Pint Slices. Why? The strong minty smell is very unattractive to pesky lygus bugs, aphids, and mites. Borage. We dont recommend outright planting purslane in your garden. How to Plant It: Mat forming thyme (sometimes called mother-of-thyme) only grows 2-3 inches tall and comfortably snuggles beneath strawberry plants. Raspberry bushes are a perennial summer staple that can produce fruit for up to 20 years with routine care and regular pruning. Fern 4. Strawberries What happens if you dont prune raspberries? It will take some time to allow the plant to grow and establish itself. In this article, we will discuss the best companion plants for blueberry bushes, and how they can benefit your crop. Borage The deep blue flowers of borage attract pollinators such as butterflies and many species of bees, as well as predatory bees and parasitic wasps. Both strawberries and blueberries are easy to grow garden fruits that you can plant once and reap from for many years. Sage is most useful for keeping slugs away from your prized red fruits. Blueberries grow in low bushes and are often found near oak trees, in sunny clearings, or in deeper woods. Dill leaves are delicious seasonings in the kitchen, but they really start to work their ecological magic when you let the plants flower. They found that bee-pollinated berries had a longer shelf life and a more flavorful sugar-to-acid ratio than the strawberries that were self-pollinated or pollinated by wind. I like to keep things orderly with a row of basil between two rows of strawberries, but you can also scatter the plants about. Youve got a spoon, weve got an ice cream flavor to dunk it in. Creeping Phlox ( Phlox stolonifera) Photo: Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, it's a tiny ad: Explore the possibilities: where you can work from home, on the road and on the farm As an added bonus, yarrow makes a lovely cut flower table center display and can be used in herbal remedies. Dogwood trees & shrubs. Cores Pints. This lets it go a little more wild and makes it easy to rake the crop residue onto the strawberry beds as mulch once fall frosts arrive. They come back every year but spread fairly slowly. They will feast on its nectar all summer long and then bounce over to your strawberry flowers to help with pollination. Blueberry shrubs are actually related to rhododendrons and azaleas. WebWhile not technically a companion plant, strawberries can be grown alongside rhubarb for mutual benefit. Herbs Dill, fennel, coriander, mint, sage and many others are excellent companions for strawberries, helping to repel slugs and other pests. When paired with strawberries, they offer a quick added harvest that makes use of unused space. Blueberries will take more patience. Strawberries provide blueberry plants with benefits such as increased pollination from their flowers, along with providing a ground cover for the blueberries. For those of you who didnt know how these plants grow, or who need to brush up on it. Its best to keep it on the perimeter of strawberry beds. This plant can be mildly toxic to animals. You wont be sorry you invested the time and effort into a few of these beauties. WebBest Companion Plants For Blueberries 1. Rhododendrons And Azalea 7. Ideally, this is no more than 50 feet away as it maximizes the chances pollinators will visit both the wildflowers as well as your strawberry plants flowers. The best companion plants for blueberries are strawberries, clover, legumes, oak, pine, and wildflowers. Garlic also repels onion flies, ermine moths, and Japanese beetles. This means that they can pollinate themselves. They are not poisonous but are not delightful either. WebI had some strawberries escape and move in under the blueberries but they weren't very vigorous. This lesser-known herb is a member of the parsley family, which means it produces lovely white umbel flowers that are very attractive to beneficial insects. Strawberry Basics. It may even be useful in repelling rodents and deer! Did you know that? White clovers fragrant flowers are very popular amongst pollinators and predatory insects, which can help improve the yields and pest-resistance of your strawberries. The umbel-shaped flowers attract hoverflies, parasitoid wasps, ladybugs, and lacewings. They are known to suppress nematodes below-ground while repelling insect pests above-ground. Whichever color or type you choose, be sure to plant it near the margin of your strawberry bed rather than within it. Thinking of planting some strawberries in pots or containers this gardening season? This flower also releases compounds into the soil that suppress nematodes. It is perfect for creating small beds or acting as a ground cover at the base of a large tree. This article was last updated on 09/21/22 Read more about Cranberries < Cilantro does well with plenty of water, due to its shallow roots, so it should not be planted near herbs that like a well-drained, drier soil culture. While oaks can take a while to grow, theyre an amazing choice to use as an overstory companion plant. Elderberries Elderberries are twice as lovely because they have edible flowers AND edible berries. In contrast to strawberries shallow root zone, asparagus roots go deep into the ground. These trees (and their needles) are commonly thought to prevent many other plants from growing based on their acidity, but in my research, I found this to be mostly false. Hi Carolyn, Both strawberries and blueberries are easy to grow garden fruits that you can plant once and reap from for many years. At the same time, you get the bonus of more food from a smaller space. This will ensure that water goes straight into the soil and the thyme can protect the soil from drying out. A thoughtful companion planting with blueberry can help it thrive and it is also important to be aware of plants not growing near it. Post author: Post published: April 11, 2023 Post category: homemade huckleberry liqueur recipe Post comments: ernie adams' dwarf cars for sale ernie adams' dwarf cars for sale WebSo, they can provide your blueberries with all the necessary support it needs to grow while they benefit from it as well. Basil. But this quick-spreading herb needs to be contained so it doesnt compete with your strawberries. Jenny Wright. Benefits: Attract beneficial insects and repels pests. Then plant the strawberry crowns 4-6 deep in the same rows. How to Plant It: Asparagus is a long-lived perennial that can grow for 20 or 30 years. Not only do they provide partial shade for blueberry plants (and their soil), but their fallen leaves make a valuablemulchand their rootshold plenty of groundwater. The Long Answer. At the same time, white clover is competitive enough to suppress weeds as a living mulch or groundcover plant. Companion planting is the act of planting beneficial plants in the garden together. Strawberries are very salt-sensitive plants but research shows that the halophytic (salt-loving) companion purslane can improve strawberry yields and fruit quality! Thyme. Start shopping with Instacart now to get products, on-demand. Strawberries come in many varieties and can be grown across many hardiness zones. Borage also pairs well with strawberries, enhancing their flavor and vigor. Wildflowers aredefinedasany flower that has not been genetically manipulated (source). This is edible but can be wiped off. You can always ask us here at Couch to Homestead, but you should know the other resources available to you! Just like dill, cilantro is a versatile herb in the garden. Best of all, creeping thyme is not going to outcompete or try to overgrow your strawberries. To see which pH meter I use and recommend, check out my recommended tools page. Borage can help defend strawberries from worm attacks while also attracting important predator insects like parasitic wasps. Check out, The Top 10 Benefits of Companion Planting, The Top 10 Companion Flowers for Gardens, Vegetables, & More, Are Coffee Grounds Good for Blueberry Plants? Blueberry bushes work wonderfully well as companions to strawberries while strawberry patches can make nice evergreen ground cover even when its not It is adorned with small yellow flowers in early summer, which look like honeysuckle flowers. These beautiful pollinators will gladly fly over to your strawberry patch to aid in spreading pollen around their flowers as well. Attracting beneficial predators to eat pests. The jury is out as to whether nasturtiums actually repel these pests or act like a trap crop to lure them away from your crops. Though theyre most commonly paired in pies, strawberries and rhubarb make great pals in the garden as well. Borage pairs well with tomatoes, attracting pollinating bees. Root knot nematodes are a particularly destructive pest of strawberries that can completely stunt and eat the plant roots. Holly 6. What Not To Plant With Blueberries Most annuals (vegetables and flowers) do not do well with blueberry shrubs. Tulsi may accidentally attract aphids, so it is helpful to create a symbiotic protective trio such as strawberries, tulsi, and chives. In my opinion, strawberries and tomatoes are the two things most worthy of all the work they require. As a result, more of the blueberrys flowers can be successfully fertilized (leading to more fruit) and the plants soil has reduced evaporation from the cover. Some evidence even shows that it can be as effective as synthetic DEET for repelling mosquitoes and other pesky flying insects. Keep it contained within a raised bed or pot for best results. Companion planting is selecting specific plants to place together to achieve benefits, such as increasing pollination or repelling pests. Like just about all of the flowers on this list, thymes flowers and scent are incredibly useful at attracting pollinators, specifically honey bees. They can both be useful and beautiful landscape plants! Spinach is a simple leafy green to interplant with strawberries in the spring for delicious salads or green smoothies. Radishes are among the easiest vegetables for beginner gardeners. Aphids cant stand garlic! But it becomes most beneficial for strawberries once it bolts. Like thyme, dill is another drought-tolerant herb, native to the Mediterranean, and is part of the parsley and celery family. How to Plant It: Fill openings in your strawberry beds with garlic or plant a widely-spaced double row of garlic with strawberries down the middle. Botanical Name: Origanum majorana. This final root crop can complement your strawberries by aerating the soil and adding yet another diverse harvest to your garden beds. They both can act as beautiful landscape plants and they can be grown together. They both can act as beautiful landscape plants and they can be grown together. Companion plants can help your blueberries and strawberries grow better, healthier, and more. This layer of thyme leaves suppresses weeds and keeps strawberry fruits off the soil so they dont rot or get eaten by slugs. Its also a great drought-tolerant plant. If you havent tried tulsi basil, you are missing out! honeyberry companion plants. However, be careful if you have a problem with tarnished plant bug (TPB) in your strawberry patch, as mint can actually attract them to the area and provide a breeding ground. Their leguminous nature means they make nitrogen available to strawberries, potentially improving their vigor and growth so you dont have to fertilize (remember that too much nitrogen fertilizer can harm your strawberry yields anyhow). No, they are not. Create your dream homestead with my course,The 30-Day Permaculture Design. I have planted sweet alyssum on every organic farm and every garden Ive ever grown. Some sources suggest that brassicas are not good companions for strawberries due to their heavy-feeding, space-hogging tendencies. Category: Categories Blueberries, 50 Companion Plants for Strawberries: Benefits, Tips, & Plants to Avoid, 10 Best Companion Plants for Raspberries (& Some Foes). Strawberries are the first fruits to ripen in the spring. Benefits: Fix nitrogen and maximize yields. The concept draws on the ecological processes we find in wild natural areas. By the time strawberries are fully grown, the lettuce will be ready to harvest. In my experience growing basil, Ive found it to be a fairly sensitive plant, needing warm (but not hot) weather and regular (but not soaking wet) soil moisture. Strawberries If you have room for both of them, we highly recommend planting strawberry bushes with your blackberry bushes. Now we have pest and disease resistant berry bushes you can grow in almost any climate, for many sizes of fruit, seasons, and flavors in your backyard which will produce for 20 years. It also does great as an ornamental flower along the margins of your garden. With more cream, every bite is smooth, and dreamy. To see more companion herbs, check out my other post: The 10 Best Companion Herbs. Another thing to take into consideration is that strawberry plants need 8 hours of full sun each day and they prefer slightly acidic soil (pH between 5.5 and 6.8). May accidentally attract aphids, plant lots of dill of a vibrant red berry picked straight from the garden seed!, healthier, and wildflowers wont be sorry you invested the time strawberries are very amongst! Provide an extra edible crop harvest while simultaneously making nitrogen more available to you throughout the row this lowkey of... Get aphids, so I often go for a four-corners planting or sprinkle random plants throughout the.! The work they require flower for a variety of crops, including.... Leafy green to interplant with strawberries in a place where they can be grown alongside rhubarb for benefit. What not to plant it: plant rows of scallions between your strawberry plants compete! The time strawberries are the perfect edible crop harvest while simultaneously making nitrogen more available to!... 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