4 Most of Islamic philosophy falls in pretty much in the same tradition as Western Philosophy - both of them are continuations of Greek thought. In K. El-Rouayheb, Islamic intellectual history in the seventeenth century (pp. Rosnani, H. Menghidupkan Semula Pedagogi Inkuiri Falsafah di Kalangan Pendidik dan Pelajar Islam. Eastern and western cultures are dramatically different in a variety of ways. Then ask you self in truth with Allah as your witness, WHO is more honorable then the humble servant of Allah among the people, Who strive with might and power for Allahs Cause with the small provision Allah have provided for him but with the great blessings of Faith, Righteousness, and a pure Heart. Sharia is the ideal form of divine guidance that Muslims follow to live a righteous life. Al-Sharaf (2013) and Altunya (2014) are both of the opinion that Islamic pedagogical outlook is based in engineering critical thinkers. We arent learning only for learning sake but for spiritual benefit, and we arent spiritually striving for spiritual benefits, but for intellectual benefits too. His book focuses heavily in issues and questions regarding learning and education at a more advanced level. Philosophy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for those interested in the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. 2002. However, he believes, Memorization inhibits the intellect. If Makdisi is correct regarding the origins of western scholasticism, why do we see a split between the secular from religious? Gunther, S. (2006). How to add double quotes around string and number pattern? Which according to Bloom is the use of abstractions in particular and concrete situations (Bloom, 1956). In this article, the differences and similarities between the islamic and contemporary Western religious philosophies are analyzed in detail. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning , 7(3): 175-179. Looking forward to reading it more carefully in sha Allah. Hayes (2015) explains that a critical thinking based pedagogy teaches a student to reject everything until further investigation. Critical thinking is clearly a skill which is developed after a student has obtained some fundamental level of information. This comparative history of political thought examines what the Western and Islamic approaches to politics had in common and where they diverged. studying some Islamic subjects, perhaps fiqh, aqidah, etc can be likened to how it was at school you can get an A grade in chemistry by memorising the whole textbook but actually understanding very little. Critical Thinking: An Islamic Perspective. The Social Science, 7(4), 625-629. 2002. 2015. It provides us deeper understanding of Him. Smith, G. F. Thinking Skills: The Question of Generality, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 34(2) 659-678. Al-Ghifari (869) states in his introduction, Everything that one reads will be either a statement or a propositional claim. Otherwise, you commit intellectual treachery and the secrets of Islam are closed off to you. The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. When we struggle, and do mujahada, in thinking about our deens wisdom and the Quran there is a reward for that, if we have the correct niyyah. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Both the Western Critical thinking based pedagogy and an Islamic pedagogy have religious roots. There was therefore the prospect of duality of authorities in Christian West Makdisi points out. endobj The Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are penned by Hebrew authors from an Hebrew culture. Islamic theology ( kalm) and philosophy ( falsafah) are two traditions of learning developed by Muslim thinkers who were engaged, on the one hand, in the rational clarification and defense of the principles of the Islamic religion ( mutakallimn) and, on the other, in the pursuit of the ancient (Greek and Hellenistic, or . 1985. Swartz, R., & Parks, S. Infusing Critical and Creative Thinking into Content Instruction, California Critical Thinking Press. Jurnal Ushuluddin, 23(2), 118-126. 97-128). But, in fact, it is abhorrent to the real Judeo-Christian tradition too. The way these concepts are interconnected and how despite the different timelines and the labels with which they were described, the basic concepts remain the same. Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said, contemplate everything, but do not contemplate over the nature of God. The charity involved is that you establish that I deserve to be listened to before I can prove that what I am saying makes sense. There are many aspects to that. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Key To Raising Children With The Book Of Allah? With the wide scale implementation of the internet, online education has become widespread and significantly popular enough that many universities and colleges that have been operating for hundreds of years now have broken their old shackles and traditions and started offering online programs for those who are interested. According to Gunther (2006) there are multiple examples of the Islamic religiously based educational system emphasizing critical thought in students. The devil can state . The present-day world is ruled by the media. Even Muslim dietary laws require that the permitted meat is prepared in a manner that emphasizes cleanliness and a humane treatment of animals. It appears that this source which predates al-Qanuji (1889) understands the importance of meaning-receiving before critical analysis. 2010. Comparative Education Review, 367-388. Critical thinking is also important in how we see patterns in the creation or Sunnatullah and how we can gain yaqin in our deen. 41, No. Al-Ghifari (1868) seems to agree that critical thinking comes after having initially attempted meaning- receiving. And a note on the nomenclature: there exist philosophies that aren't "Western" but are in the West - e.g. Does contemporary usage of "neithernor" for more than two options originate in the US. International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development 2(1) 41-54. Badri, M. B. Contemplation: An Islamic Psycho-spiritual Study, Shelbourne Enterprise Sdn. It is an effort to find sense in what the other person is saying. But,the real Judeo-Christian ethics has little difference from the Islamic ethics. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. sciences, and other areas where freedom of thought would first have to licensed and regulated i.e. This is an interesting article but does not convey quite properly the critical pedagogy embedded at the educational self-understanding in Islam. But as for those who believe and do righteous deeds and endure patiently with their trust in Allah, They shall have the greatest of rewards and have an eternal abode of peace in the pretense of their Lord. What has all this to do with ethics? Nickerson, R. S., Perkins, D. N., & Smith, E. E. The Teaching of Thinking. ., Ahmed Badi, J. <> Critical Pedagogy, Islamisation of Knowledge and Muslim EDucation. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(3), 13-17. Why is a "TeX point" slightly larger than an "American point"? Harvard University . About half the . 3 (2021): SPECIAL ISSUE: DECEMBER, https://researchbank.acu.edu.au/theses/423/, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242202737_MENDIDIK_GENERASI_BERAKHLAK_MULIA_FOKUS_PERANAN_GURU_PENDIDIKAN_ISLAM. the exclusive autonomous right to issue opinions having the value of orthodox (Makdisi, 1989). 3, 342-356. For Muslims, tolerance is an article of faith. And while the Western pedagogy has for the most part divorced religion, the Islamic pedagogy has remained deeply spiritual and religion orientated. Democracy and human rights are often held to be Western values, while authoritarianism and oppression are considered the characteristics of a decadent East. Thus avoiding conflict between areas where freedom of thought ideally should be allowed unchecked i.e. This sometimes becomes excessive or at any rate misconstrued as excessive. The differences listed below are heavily stereotyped, generalized, and polarized. This is since Islam upholds the validity of all the prophetic paths. Abjad al-uloom. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Also what our beloved (p.b.u.h) said about verses and lost or untied camels, one way or the other, could also be mentioned. Othman, N. A comparative study between Western and Islamic perspectives on human development and life-friendly environment. The traditionally transmitted sciences included Quran, Hadith (the traditions attributed to the Prophet Muhammad), Law, and principles of jurisprudence. Which according to Al-Jahiz displays the value of school teachers. Arts & Humanities in Higher Education , 14(4) 318328. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught the same morals, within the same framework of Semitic tradition. Zaman (1999) describes the breakdown of knowledges in two broader categories. Ryle, G. The Concept of Mind, Penguin: London, 1963. Retrieved Sept 10, 2021. https://sunnah.com/bukhari:52, Sahih Muslim 2564c, Book 45, Hadith 42. Risalah fi Adab al-Mutalah. Within a year after his shahadah, Imam Mikaeel enrolled at the Dar ul-Uloom al-Madania in Buffalo, NY, where he learned to read Arabic and memorized the Quran. Al-Jahiz places school teachers as the champions of society and the best of all educators. (1999). Sidiq ibn Hasan al-Qanuji (1889), wrote an encyclopedic work on learning and teaching, which he titled Abjad al-ulum (the simple truths of knowledge) in the eighteenth century. This is despite the materialism and utilitarianism that is now dominant in certain circles, which is abhorrent to Islam. sorry i am going over board but if the mass migration to the Holy land was taken up, but may i suggest that if with in the muslim convoys that mobiles be switched off so that we can shun shaytan as much as possible. In fact, Halstead (2004) said regarding an Islamic pedagogical system, religion must be at the heart of all education, acting as the glue which holds together the entire curriculum into an integrated whole. Gunther (2006) explains that the Islamic ideal of piety underlies the concept of education. He explains that this ideal is due to the emphasis placed on Learning by God in the Quran and by the Prophet Muhammad in the collections of his sayings, such as, Seek knowledge from the day of your birth to the day of your death or seek knowledge even if it be in China, all demonstrate the importance of learning and education in shaping the ideal Muslim society (Al-Sharaf, 2013). Comparison between Western, Eastern and Islamic Philosophy [closed], New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. that which was sought to aid the primary sciences. Summary. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Crusades were directed at the liberation of sacred land considered rightfully Christian, whereas Jihad was about rescuing souls.. 2017. Krathwohl, D. R. (2002). Langgulung, H. A Psycho-pedagogical approach to Islamization of Knowledge. The tolerance of Islam is also worth emphasizing, though the popular view is different. However, in the Christian West there was already another authority in place i.e. In fact, these laws are in line with the same trends that have made organic foods so popular. As a Christian, (A Mormon one at that) what you say seems right. Since the countries in the West were generally those that colonized outside of Europe, the term Western became associated with European colonialism. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. This shift focused on the methods of verification and critique rather than the ethical aspect of learning. Comparative Education, Vol. Rational thinking Style (Q. Religious Education and the Rhetoric of Reform. Critical thinking requires moral traits which Islam inculcates: intellectual patience, intellectual courage, intellectual honesty, intellectual empathy, and intellectual clarity. forgive me again and peace and blessings of the One the Only Allah the GREATEST, GREATER than any puny satanic minion, whether king queen president or prime minister. Hope my answer is satisfactory. Are there any Western philosophies that present views similar to the No-self view of Buddhism? Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while youre thinking in order to make your thinking better. What sort of contractor retrofits kitchen exhaust ducts in the US? What is the impact of Islamic philosophy on European philosophy and science, Sci-fi episode where children were actually adults. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month. (2021). In the end, it all comes back to what God did. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". 2017. To me its interesting that we stay stuck on the first rung i.e Ashraf, S. A. None of the material should be covered by any copyright; if copyrighted material exceeds approximately 100 words from a journal article or approximately 500 words from a book, the authorshould obtain prior written permission from the orginal author or the publisher for its use. Not all Chinese (or Westerners) think this way, but these are observed tendencies.. thought. He served as the Islamic & Quran Coordinator and Islamic Studies Teacher for the Tarbiyah Academy. Indeed, Islam is not opposed to the democratic spirit. A curriculum development manual was written as early as ninth-century, by Muhammad ibn Sahnun, titled Rules of Conduct for Teachers (Adab al-Muallimun) (Gunther, 2006). By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. & Sharifah, S.S.H. Those in the West may be more successful in this. If we adopt a more inclusive Abrahamic view, Islam can no more be considered the other. 2, pp. P%u*:O!^~WL.{zROA)<6LrVy(`M}=xNN,.TnTU2_C_&kOP(nA(E\Z#SU`r|hTXHei2P<2y,'F*RY`56&4qZW@/:!e*A`tP T*7?8S"{VUIZ7 $~S'?4.FgqUWMj LfecHzs^_|t+Z 5 2-}s~m= G0~' %$?R; ]xc"ej1ht*Ci19FBHuz=NpMt*F 3{sSi]6&upZw5RX|,T*c}:`9 Hayes (2015) explains that ordinary students normally begin without comprehension of a text or work of art. This is skepticism at its highest level. Gunther (2006) also presents another medieval Islamic scholar who wrote about pedagogical issues, Al-Jahiz. (1889). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In the upcoming age of technology and loss of traditional work it will be the ability to think critically and creativity that will come to be valued, they will be the things that will be most difficult to replicate. The unification of religious knowledge and secular knowledge is fundamental for one attempting to understand the similarities and differences between western pedagogies and Islamic pedagogies. Retrieved Oct 16, 2017. http://eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED272882.pdf. Thank you, and please keep in touch. & Tajdin, M. Creative Thinking An Islamic Perspective, 2nd Ed. Allah knows the best. By submitting the manuscript to the Journal, the author agrees to any necessary originality checks that the manuscript may have to undergo during the evaluation or the production process. But while they look alike, they have some important differences. 2012. (Ji, 869). Subhan Allah. Australian, Catholic University. Kuala Lumpur. The last of the objectives according to Bloom (1956) is the evaluation objective which is defined as making judgements about the whole. Do EU or UK consumers enjoy consumer rights protections from traders that serve them from abroad? This treatise deals with issues that an elementary school teacher might face when teaching. Only Islam religion evolved over the centuries. The revised Taxonomy maintained its six categories however the names of the categories were changed and rearranged: (1) Remember, (2) Understand, (3) Apply, (4) Analyze, (5) Evaluate, (6) Create (Krathwohl, 2002). Thank you, and please keep in touch. you have to reach out to me with charity, to make an effort to construe me as sense-making rather than nonsensical. Hope my answer is satisfactory. Others have pointed out that the centrality of education to the Islamic tradition should be traced back to the beginning of the Prophetic mission of Muhammad. New York: Cambridge University Press. The Rise of Deep Reading. Langgulung, H. Integrated personality and integrated education: A psycho-socio-spiritual approach. The question that naturally should be asked after looking at the sacred nature of knowledge and the presumption that reverence is needed for learning true knowledge is, Is there any room for critical thought in Islamic pedagogical systems? Halstead (2004) claims, that in Islamic educational systems knowledge must be approached reverently and in humility, for there cannot be any true knowledge that is in conflict with religion and divine revelation, only ignorance (Halstead, 2004). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate. Critical thinking for Islamic pedagogy is the ability to see MORE in Islam, not less the ability of Islam to expand for our needs and aims. TelAviv : Universiat Tel-Aviv, ha-ug li-efat e-sifrut Ivrit, 1980. Halstead, J. 2014. Islamic civilization is an enlightenment of the heart, rooted from faith. Can empiricism be found in any Eastern Philosophy/philosopher? After we are given our axioms, we then proceed to learn how important it is to be critical thinkers about the material world that surrounds us. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. excuse my madness..look back and researchseek n find..education is the key. Science and other fields where never controlled by the religious scholarship. 1969. Western conceptualizations of positive functioning cannot be generalized to the Muslim populations before indigenous investigations are undertaken. According to Makdisi the term doctorate was called licentia docendi in medieval Latin. Meaning-receiving is the act of trying to find meaning in what I am saying. 40, No.4, pp. Any breach of copyright laws will result in retraction of the published manuscriptas well as reporting to relevant authorities in the authors institution. 2021. If you are using the internet, yet working within the basic thought guidelines on any subject, its a powerful useful too. The main goal of education should not be to produce critical thinkers but person with high morals, ethics and values based on the divine revelations. There are hadith that speak also of wisdom being in the hands of angels and being given to us when we are humble and taken away when arrogant. Critical Thinking: Its Nature, Management and Improvement, National Institute of Education. Hayes (2015) explains, By critical thinking we mean thinking for ones self as opposed to just accepting what authorities of various kinds tell us to think. This approach may give insight into the deeper workings of the Islamic memorization based pedagogy. Comparative Analysis Between Blooms and Malik Badris Taxonomies of Thinking Process in Religion and Philosophical Text: Re-reading, Understanding and Comprehending them in the 21st Century, Sultanbeyli Belediyesi: Turkey. Islam advocates the right to voice your view, seek knowledge, and pursue a profession. Moderators should delete this blatant advert for worshiping the devil and dabbling in magic. Ibn Abbas sayings and wisdom are a good example of this, for example how he determines Laylatul Qadr is 27th of Ramadhan via his tafsir of Surah al-Qadr. Today the West also stands for capitalism and economic liberalism. A View of Education: An Islamic Perspective. Al-Ghifaris work is significant because of the profound influence he had on seventeenth century Ottoman scholarly culture. Can an Islamic pedagogical system offer insight into the goals of education in general and perhaps bring to question the idea that critical thinking is the final objective of education? Vol. Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam. For years psychologists have studied the differences between western and eastern lifestyles and found sharp contrasts between the two cultures. A map of the divine subtle faculty: the concept fo Qalb (Heart) in, classical and contemporary Islamic scholarship. This is despite the materialism and utilitarianism that is now dominant in certain circles, which is abhorrent to Islam. endobj Conceptual Thinking from the Western and Islamic Perspectives. (Gunther, 2006). the church. This books primary focus as explained by the author is the explanation and guide for students and researchers (Ghaffari, 869). The Hikmah (Wisdom) Programme: A Philosophical Inquiry for the Teaching of Islamic Education in Malaysia. Sidek, B. Fikir dan Zikir, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka: Kuala Lumpur. sorry I am just an original nutterI know I am not aloneneither is Syria too..with that said, satan will pay for the latter too..and who ever owes their relative anything better start paying up before it gets too late too..(Arrogance and power are addictive arent they?? There is the political aspect, the sociological aspect, the . As explained by Fahim and Masouleh, To Critical Thinking, the critical person is something like a critical consumer of information; he or she is driven to seek reasons and evidence. (Fahim & Masouleh, 2012) The Prophetic tradition mentioned above clearly encourages analysis of everything, while however placing a limit to what can be contemplated i.e. Equality and fraternity are expressed effectively in the mosques of Islam, where you can simply see the black and white, poor and rich, weak and strong etc., standing side-by-side and shoulder to shoulder in their prayers to the One and Only God. We are not skeptical about God the way most people are not skeptical about 1+1, but that in no way means Muslims arent taught to think in a critically. 2009. The main difference between the views of the Western and the Islamic is the source of knowledge. Meanwhile, thinking from an Islamic perspective involves not only the body and mind but also the spiritual aspect of qalb, aql, and nafs. Abu Sulayman, A.A. everything! Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 2013. https://www.academia.edu/25528161/Islams_Heritage_of_Critical_Education_The_Missing_Catalyst_in_Addressing_the_Crisis_Informing_Modern_Muslim_Presence. But is it plausible to assume that a civilization which placed so much emphasis on education, did not construct a critical thinking pedagogy? also, just to re-instate and re-iterate..Allah the GREATESTGREATER than the above mentioned..GREATER than me and you..GREATER than the one they claim they worship.i.e..the man Jesus son of MaryAlso GREATER than..Muhammed /Moses/ Abraham tooand may Allahs peace and blessings be upon them..straight to the pointALLAH GREATER than all HE createdi.e. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This ethical effort is undermined from the critical thinking orientation, which assumes that belief is easy and challenging is hard. There really is no difference between the religious and the secular. The book considers how various ancient and medieval thought-patterns did or did not lead to modern developments; and how sacred monarchy, the legitimacy of the state, and the role of the people were looked upon in each culture. 5 No. Then o you who have believed, Do fear Allah so you might be successfully, and fear only him so you do succeed. This is something I have seen time and time again with my own eyes. Before discussing the question you pose, we need to have a clear idea of some concepts involved. Firstly, Arab culture and Greco-Hellenistic heritage were both adapted and incorporated into Islamic educational theory. Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? 2000. The first possessed jurisdictional authority, while the second possessed, the competence that belongs to a master in a given field of knowledge. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The differences between Eastern and Western thought can be clearly seen in modern society, despite globalization and unifying influences. Hayes (2015) also explains how developing comprehension takes time and is dependent on conversation. (2013). In the name of your lord.(Quran). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The first movement, appropriately called scholasticism, is that of the school guilds in the middle ages; the second is that of humanism in the Italian Renaissance. Imam Ghazzalis `Ihy Ulm al-Dn (Book 1), Kitab Bhavan: New Delhi, 1982. Our final outcome lies with Allah. Due to the fact that science is seen in the Quran as the method to recognize and identify the divine, Islamic educational pedagogies were never historically restricted to religious knowledge but was broadened to incorporate secular disciplines (Al-Sharaf, 2013). Native American philosophy. Another point worth mentioning is that Islam is egalitarian. Theory and practice, unalloyed doctrine and tainted practice are. The Truth i Eternal, so is Allahs promise of his severe punishment or the excellent reward of paradise. Al-Jahiz suggest a reasonable balance, he feels that a student that doesnt exercise the rational reflection than ideas wont come quickly to him, and if he doesnt exercise his memorization and retention skills his ideas wont stay. Questioning, critical thinking & reasoning are a basic requirement of being Muslim towards Allah Most High, as He says about His verses & signs and stories of the Quran, that it is guidance for those who ponder & contemplate/reflect over it and use reason (23:68, 2:242, 8:22, 30:28). So spirituality and intellectuality are connected symbiotically in Islam; our spirituality and intellectuality feed off each other. remembering (memorization), often not moving beyond that. The superiority of the West is understood as evident in their affluence and in their technical and military prowess. His methodology is a deep dark secret however unless one gets into scientific study of what we see. 2011. 2 0 obj This paper examines the concept of thinking from the worldviews of the Western and Islam by highlighting the ideological differences. Thinking from a Western viewpoint involves just the body and mind which is described as the ability to analyse arguments, draw conclusions through reasoning, make judgments and assessments, evaluate circumstances, and find a solution to a problem. Richard W. Paul. Rosnani, H., Suhaila, H., & Juhasni, A. J. Add to this, the beauty of Islamic mysticism, which is very close to the heart of the West. Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals . We generally try to give "secularism" the idea of. And to be frank, the Salafists of that strain are not just found in great numbers in Nigeria. I am currently studying Islamic pedagogy via ITEP the Islamic teacher education program: a well organized course with lots to reflect upon. 1994, eker, M. Y. (2004). cosmos entirely affect all philosophical thought. The madrasah concept of Islamic pedagogy. According to Al-Jahiz (869) a good memory is needed and valuable for the learning process. The first verses revealed upon Muhammad through the angel Gabriel were, Read! Comparitive Studies in Society and History, Vol. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Was it for a certain course or assignment? 2005. He writes in his Treaties on the Method of Studying, And be careful that you do not restrict yourself to a general reading without following up that reading with close analyzation and deeper investigation.

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