Omissions? The south was in ruins as Allied troops advanced. There were differences in Lampredi's account and that of Audisio. [24][25] In all, over fifty fascist leaders and their families were found in the convoy and arrested by the partisans. Born: July 29, 1883 in Predappio, Italy. However, since the end of the war, the circumstances of Mussolini's death, and the identity of his executioner, have been subjects of continuing dispute and controversy in Italy. But Mussolini intended to intimidate the government into submission. However, fewer accounts exist of Operation Flashpoint, Ninth US Armys assault crossing of the Rhine, which began on March 24. The next day, their captors brought the pair to the small town of Giulino de Mezzegra on the shores of Lake Como and executed them in a hail of machine gun fire. The Allied victory against the Axis was a long journeyone that actually took much longer than the war itself. Some of these same folk had probably chanted Duce! [67] Ian Kershaw notes that while it is uncertain whether Hitler was told the details of Mussolini's death: if he did learn of the full gory tale, it could have done no more than confirm his anxiety to take his own life before it was too late, and to prevent his body from being seized by his enemies. Facing pressure on the home front due to increasingly stressful wartime conditions and rebelliousness from within his own ranks, Benito Mussolini was removed from office by the king and the Grand Council in July of 1943. [35][36] On arrival in Dongo, they met Pier Luigi Bellini delle Stelle, who was the local partisan commander, to arrange for Mussolini to be handed over to them. [71] This remained the position until May 1957, when the newly appointed Prime Minister, Adone Zoli, agreed to Mussolini's re-interment at his place of birth in Predappio, in Romagna. WebThe death of Benito Mussolini on April 28, 1945 was one of those latter occasions. The Italians convinced the West that their former pact with the Nazis was water under the bridge. Ia menjabat sebagai Perdana Menteri Italia pada periode 1922-1943 dan bersahabat dengan Adolf Hitler selama Perang Dunia II untuk menopang kepemimpinannya. He called himself the Duce, from the old Latin word dux (chief or boss). This article is part of an ongoing series commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II made possible byBank of America. He declared war on France and Britain in June 1940. Then, they took to beating and kicking it. In his initial overtures into politics, Mussolinis beliefs took after his fathers: he spent time organizing with trade unions and writing for socialist publications in both Switzerland and Italy. It was very barbarous. [42][43], Differences also exist with the account given by others involved, including Lazzaro and Bellini delle Stelle. Thus Mussolini could only watch, align himself with Hitler fully, and declare war against Germanys enemies. However, to reflect this lack of governmental or judicial authority, sources on the subject have used the term with quotation marks. Wikimedia CommonsThe farmhouse in northern Italy where Benito Mussolini would be last seen alive. She also said that she herself had heard the shots and that she "looked at the clock, it was almost 11". Benito Mussolini was born to a poor family in Predappio, a town in northeastern Italy. When Benito Mussolini, the tyrannical ruler of Fascist Italy before and during World War II, was executed on April 28, 1945, it was only the beginning. [29] According to Leo Valiani, the Action Party representative on the CLNAI, the decision to execute Mussolini was taken on the night of 27/28 April by a group acting on behalf of the CLNAI comprising himself, Sandro Pertini, and the communists Emilio Sereni and Luigi Longo. It was the same square where, a year earlier, Mussolinis men had gunned down 15 anti-Fascists in a brutal execution. [20][75] At least 12 different individuals have been identified at various times as being responsible for carrying out the shooting. [50][51] The choice of location was deliberate. WebMussolini - Key takeaways. After the defeat of the Italian Army in Russia, Mussolini was removed as head of state and imprisoned. Some historians believe that what happened to Mussolini was a factor in Hitler's decision to take his own life and have his body burned. It worked, and Mussolini was appointed prime minister that same year. Updates? His new location would put him in closer proximity to the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Schuster, whom he hoped to use as an intermediary to negotiate with the Allies and the partisans. Mussolinis mouth was agape. In April 1945, with the Allies breaking through the last German defences in northern Italy and a general uprising of the partisans taking hold in the cities, Mussolini's situation became untenable. The Italian masses greeted Mussolini's death without regret. Audisio presented Mussolini as acting in a cowardly manner immediately prior to his death whereas Lampredi did not. His claims extended to all lands inhabited by Italians, for example in the French districts of Nice, Savoy and Corsica, or the South Tyrol in Austria. After the war the family of Claretta Petacci began civil and criminal court cases against Walter Audisio for her unlawful killing. By the spring of 1945, the war in Europe was over and Italy was broken. Despite Italy becoming the first ally of the Fhrer, this fact was downplayed when they surrendered to the Allies at the end of 1943. At least this way, Mussolini believed, he could live out his days in exile. Zoli, who also came from Predappio and knew Mussolini's widow, Rachele, was reliant on the far right to support him in Parliament. [75], Audisio was first named in a series of articles in the newspaper Il Tempo in March 1947 and the Communist Party subsequently confirmed Audisio's involvement. [6] Although each of these accounts vary in detail, they are consistent on the main facts. Word of Benito Mussolinis death spread quickly. WebBenito Mussolini , , Politiker, Italien, 1925-1943/45 Diktator Italiens, Die Leichen Mussolinis und seiner letzten, Begleiter auf dem Piazzale Loreto View of the cenotaph of Arnaldo and Sandro Mussolini, in which it is believed the coffin with the remains of Allegedly, it was part of a "cover up" to retrieve "secret agreements" and compromising correspondence between the two men, which Mussolini was carrying when he was captured by partisans. Five years after the Ethiopian invasion, Benito Mussolini watched from the sidelines as Hitler invaded France. Throughout the 1920s, Mussolini remade Italy in his image. The economy was based on a system he called corporatism: Italian economic life was organized into 22 corporations, representing all industries in a major area of production, like agriculture or metallurgy, from raw materials through production to distribution. He was a bully at school and moody at home. His tomb has become a place of pilgrimage for neo-fascists and the anniversary of his death is marked by neo-fascist rallies. [29], He also claimed that he had given the order as deputy prime minister of the government in Rome and as leader of the Communist Party. ]]>*/ In fact, there has never been a determination by any governmental or judicial authority of a particular version of events. What were Benito Mussolinis political beliefs? The bodies of Mussolini and Petacci were taken to Milan and left in a suburban square, the Piazzale Loreto, for a large angry crowd to insult and physically abuse. The former led to Mussolinis overthrow and imprisonment; the latter to the surrender of Italy, even though German troops soon occupied the entire country and carried on the fight against the Allies from Italian soil. However, the reason given by those involved in hanging Mussolini and the others in this way was to protect the bodies from the mob. [13] It also issued a decree establishing popular courts, which included in its provisions what, in practice, would constitute a death sentence for Mussolini:[14]. [82], They took them out of the house and, at the corner of a nearby lane they were stood against a fence and shot. They made the Germans hand over all the Italians in exchange for allowing the Germans to proceed. Los Angeles Times Urbano Lazzaro, 81; Resistance Fighter Captured Mussolini. At the time, Mussolini is said to have remarked "for the blood of Piazzale Loreto, we shall pay dearly". [2], Shortly after the Armistice, Mussolini was rescued from prison in the Gran Sasso raid by German special forces, and Hitler installed him as leader of the Italian Social Republic, a German puppet state set up in northern Italy and based at the town of Sal near Lake Garda. When 30,000 Fascist troops did indeed enter the capital calling for revolution, it wasnt long before Italys reigning leaders had no choice but to cede power to the Fascists. At the same time, however, he was gaining a reputation as a young man of strange magnetism and remarkable rhetorical talents. Togliatti said he had done so by a radio message on 26 April 1945 with the words: Only one thing is needed to decide that they [Mussolini and the other fascist leaders] must pay with their lives: the question of their identity. Indeed, worry about Mussolini was one of the principal stumbling blocks that kept the British and French from taking a harder line against Hitler in the 1930s. The illusions of the new Roman Empire and Mussolinis ambition of creating a state that would encircle the Mediterranean, calling it Mare Nostrum, were shattered when poorly equipped and led Italian army started suffering defeat after defeat Keystone/Getty ImagesBenito Mussolini lies dead in Milans Piazza Loroto with his mistress, Clara Petacci. Modern mechanized armies need a robust logistics chain to provide fuel, ammunition, and other sinews of war to sustain combat operations. She added, it was as if he had turned to stone. [52][53] Allied forces began arriving in the city during the course of the morning and an American eyewitness described the crowd as "sinister, depraved, out of control"., Jewish Virtual Library - Biography of Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Biography of Benito Mussolini, The National WWII Museum - Death of the Duce, Benito Mussolini, History Learning Site - Biography of Benito Mussolini, Benito Mussolini - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Benito Mussolini - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). A third son, Bruno, was killed in an air accident while flying a Piaggio One man grabbed Mussolinis body by the armpits so the crowd could see it. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Benito Mussolini was the creator of fascism. At the age of 19, a short, pale young man with a powerful jaw and enormous, dark, piercing eyes, he left Italy for Switzerland with a nickel medallion of Karl Marx in his otherwise empty pockets. In 1940, Mussolini took his country into World War II on the side of Nazi Germany but soon was met with military failure. Italy fared poorly from the outset, with ignominious defeats in North Africa, Greece, and the Soviet Union. Fifteen partisans had been shot there in August 1944 in retaliation for partisan attacks and Allied bombing raids, and their bodies had then been left on public display. [38][39] After they were picked up, they drove 20 kilometres south to the village of Giulino di Mezzegra. As that adventure ground to a halt, in October 1940, the Italian army invaded Greece from the Italian colony of Albania. In Predappio, a march takes place between the centre of town and the cemetery. In it, Lampredi confirmed the key facts of Audisio's story but without the embellishments. WebThe death of Benito Mussolini on April 28, 1945 was characterized A fitting end to a wretched life, by The New York Times. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). At one time, he had been one of the most celebrated statesmen in the world. He was later rescued by the Germans and placed as the man in charge of northern Italy. The Allies had re-taken northern Africa away from Italy and Sicily was now in Allied hands as they prepared to invade Italy itself. Known For: Mussolini was a fascist dictator who ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943. He rattled sabers against his neighbors constantly, but he also did more than talk, greatly expanding the army, building up a gigantic fleet (the Regia Marina), and equipping a powerful air force (the Regia Aeronautica), hugely expensive projects for a land like Italy, which was almost totally devoid of the necessary raw materials. Cursing. On 27 April 1945, Benito Mussolin i and his mistress Clara Petacci , together with other fascist leaders, were travelling in a German convoy near the village of Dongo on the north western shore of Lake Como. Even though Hitler was surrounded by Allied troops in Berlin, Italy didnt want to take any more chances with its own destiny. "John" took me outside and told me his orders were to eliminate them both, because Petacci knew many things. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. After Lampredi's account was published, most, but not all, commentators were convinced of its veracity. His political beliefs took a hairpin turn to the right midway through World War I, when he stopped decrying the war effort and began advocating for it. Ivanoe Bonomi, the prime minister, later denied that this was said with his government's authority or approval. By the spring of 1945, the war in Europe was over and Italy was broken. The corpse turned up four months later in a monastery near Milan. [60] However, Hugh Trevor-Roper believed that this was improbable as it was unlikely that the details would have been reported to Hitler and, in any event, he had already decided on his course of action. Benito Mussolini was the less dominant half of the Rome-Berlin axis, formalized by the 1939 Pact of Steel between Adolf Hitler and himself. Unlike traditional dictatorships, which demanded passive obedience, Mussolinis total state demanded constant involvement, even enthusiasm, for the regime. In fact, he first set out to be a teacher but soon decided that career wasnt for him. Fast Facts: Benito Mussolini. Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, Il Duce, Professor of Modern Italian History, Department of Italian, University College London, London, England. Higher! The Week How Did Italys Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini Die? and was expelled from the Socialist Party. Order was restored to Italian economic life, and old days of strikes and factory occupations were ended. Furthermore, he had had a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy; he was also known to have disliked Audisio personally. [17][18] That evening,[19] with the German army in northern Italy about to surrender and the CLNAI taking control of Milan, Mussolini decided to flee the city. Mussolinis booking file following his arrest by the police on 19 June 1903, Bern, Switzerland. The death of Benito Mussolini on April 28, 1945 was one of those latter occasions. In another eight months, the people of Milan would get their revenge on Mussolini in an act that was equally as savage. As an adult, Benito Mussolini would have two wives and many mistresses. Mussolini went to fight in the war. There were no objections to any of the proposed executions. WebDuring the Second World War, there was one man who was idolised and best friends with Adolf Hitler. Italy soon used its military might to invade Greece, but the campaign was unsuccessful and unpopular at home. In June 1940, with German armies running riot all over Europe, the Duce decided to strike. Though he tried to flee the country dressed as a German officer, Mussolini was killed, desecrated, and strung up at a gas station in Milan. Rachele Mussolini recalled that Il Duces excruciating silence hit her the hardest when the couple found out about Brunos accident. [8], Over the week following his arrival in Milan, and with the military situation deteriorating, Mussolini vacillated between a number of options including making a last stand in the Valtellina, a valley in the Italian Alps (the so-called Ridotto Alpino Repubblicano), fleeing to Switzerland, or attempting to negotiate a peaceful handover to the partisan leadership, the CLNAI,[note 2] or to the Allies. Inside Benito Mussolinis Death And His Panicked Final Hours. The Concordat was a popular move in Catholic Italy, and a plebiscite in May gave Mussolini 98% of the vote. And that brings us back to where we started: that ill-fated gas station in the Piazzale Loreto. People began hurling rotten vegetables at the dictators corpse. [68], After his death and the display of his corpse in Milan, Mussolini was buried in an unmarked grave in the Musocco cemetery, to the north of the city. [28] The CLNAI subsequently announced, on the day after his death, that Mussolini had been executed on its orders. Enter Rachele Mussolini or Donna Rachele, as she became known to the world. WebThe death of Benito Mussolini, the deposed Italian fascist dictator, occurred on 28 April 1945, in the final days of World War II in Europe, when he was summarily executed by an Italian partisan in the small village of Giulino di Mezzegra in northern Italy.The generally accepted version of events is that Mussolini was shot by Walter Audisio, a communist The night after Benito Mussolinis death, a cargo truck roared into Milans Square of the Fifteen Martyrs. Soon, however, he changed his mind about intervention. Lampredi said that Mussolini's last words were "aim at my heart". Now that steel has met steel, one single cry comes from our heartsViva lItalia! [44], In a book he wrote in the 1970s, Audisio argued that the decision to execute Mussolini taken at the meeting in Dongo of the partisan leaders on 28 April constituted a valid judgment of a tribunal under Article 15 of the CNLAI's ordinance on the Constitution of Courts of War. A fitting end to a wretched life, the New York Times declared, and there were few, either inside or outside of Italy, who disagreed. After writing in a wide variety of socialist papers, he founded a newspaper of his own, La Lotta di Classe (The Class Struggle). His neighbors, even Great Powers like France and Britain, took both Mussolinis new force and his constant warlike posturing very seriously, indeed. Initially, Mussolini was buried in an unmarked grave but, in 1946, his body was dug up and stolen by fascist supporters. This invigorated the crowd even more. He obtained a teaching diploma and for a time worked as a schoolmaster but soon realized that he was totally unsuited for such work. [35][37] In the afternoon, he, with other partisans, including Aldo Lampredi and Michele Moretti, drove to the De Maria family's farmhouse to collect Mussolini and Petacci. People got ropes, tied them to the feet of the corpses, and strung them upside-down from the iron girders of a gas station. A fitting end to a wretched life, the New York Times declared, and there were few, either inside or outside of Italy, who disagreed. And gain access to exclusive content the police on 19 June 1903, Bern, Switzerland the. A halt, in October 1940, with ignominious defeats in North Africa,,! Later how did benito mussolini die a brutal execution celebrated statesmen in the World a time as! The Ethiopian invasion, Benito Mussolini was removed as head of state and imprisoned best friends with Adolf.! In North Africa, Greece, but the campaign was unsuccessful and unpopular home! 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