b. substantial performance. b. a creditor who has a signed credit application from the consumer debtor Dana Riley purchased a home in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. Cindy had a contract with Bob, a minor who is 16 years of age, to repay Cindy $1,000 plus interest on January 1, 2016. c. 90 days b. voidable. As a result, Anker said it was unable to deliver the necessary coal. Example: The cost to complete unfinished work on time may pale in comparison to the loss of operating revenue an owner might claim as a result of late completion. The home had been raided by DEA agents, and there had been a shoot-out before the couple was taken into custody. Ericson conferred a benefit on Petro Industries by building the oil derrick. d. All of the above are violations. She told the shop that the computer seemed to have a virus and asked them to remove any viruses they found and to install new virus protection software. Which of the following is not covered by the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act? D. The buyer may have the right to recover incidental and consequential damages. c. has no remedies for consumers with only credit card debt. Paddock Pools constructed a swimming pool and deck for the Jensens' home. What recourse does the retailer have under the circumstances? The hot water heater they sent has a 45-gallon capacity, but Perry had ordered a 60-gallon capacity. When damages are uncertain or difficult to prove, contracting parties can agree in advance on the amount of damages, known as liquidated damages, that will be paid in the event of a default or breach of contract. Andy indicates properties. b. is liable for the bill as a necessity. 10.00%10.50%11.00%11.50%12.00%12.50%13.00%13.50%20$9.669.9910.3310.6711.0211.3711.7212.0825$9.099.459.8110.1710.5410.9111.2811.6630$8.789.159.539.9110.2910.6811.0711.46. After All-Right had removed the roof, but before a covering was placed over the exposed half of the home, All-Right's foreman said the job would cost an additional $12,500. b. Van would recover from Amy: c. Failure of conditions The buyer's incidental damages resulting from the seller's breach include: a. expenses reasonably incurred in inspection of goods rightfully rejected. She experienced many late-night visitors and often noticed cars parked outside near the street curb with the drivers and passengers studying the home. b. July 10, 2012. When questioned by the realtor, he admitted that he did know about the re-zoning but it would probably be years before the project started so he was not obligated to tell them about it. b. contacting the debtor at his/her place of employment c. Akon can have the contract rescinded on the grounds of misrepresentation. b. liquidated damages. "We will file suit if payment is not made within 30 days." Which of the following contracts would be void? B: What are reliance damages here? A buyer's commercially reasonable charges for the care and custody of goods that a buyer has rightfully rejected are known as: a. The boat is badly scratched when it arrives. Use the stepwise method. d. All of the above. Such an agreement: c. "There is no merger pending for the company. a. Example. c. notify the creditor of the error within 30 days of receiving the bill. "You are going to love this house as we have." Paddock's best defense is: When existing goods are identified to the contract of sale, the buyer acquires a special property interest in the goods. Which of the following would not be a basis for misrepresentation? $45,608 -$64,733 = ($19,125). Which of the following statements is true? d. it could not rule on the defense of the plaintiff being a minor. Undue influence requires the presence of: Consequential damages can be awarded based on a variety of consequences, which can lead to significant amounts of money awarded to a plaintiff. Under what circumstances may the buyer seek the remedy of replevin? Is the sellers statement a misrepresentation? c. modification They must be foreseeable in that they were communicated or known. d. It can "cover" by procuring goods elsewhere and then sue for any difference between the cost of cover and the contract price, plus incidental and consequential damages less expenses saved by the breach. Which of the following statements is true? The amount of liquidated damages included in a contract that would be upheld by a court: Best Buy's position is correct. The Jericho National Bank is willing to loan Max Glenn $80,000 at 12.50% for 20 years on the purchase of a home. A real estate developer is interested in researching the correlation between various factors and the square footage (in homes) that a client will purchase. \text { Size } Punitive damages are legal recompense that is levied as punishment for a wrong or offense committed by the payor. It can recover punitive damages. RaeAnn and Rick: As a part of her new-hire package, she was asked to sign several documents, one of which stated that the water park would not be held responsible for any injuries that happened to her during the course of her work. Example: The cost of hiring an attorney to litigate a breach of contract claim. An attorney can estimate how much your claim may be worth based on your damages. He has ordered 10 Subzero refrigerators for his store at a cost of $2,500 each from Plains Manufacturing. Specific performance is an equitable remedy which seeks to compel the party in breach to perform the contract according to its terms. Which of the following is correct with respect to consequential damages under the Code? The contract for the additional $12,500 is valid and binding. d. none of the above. a. The events manager approached Ralph and indicated the Canasta would like to have an ongoing supply contract but that its needs would require Ralph to expand his business, both with additional space and 3 new employees. Acquisition agreements often contain provisions that restrict or prohibit the payment of "consequential," "special," or "incidental" damages for breach. ", Duress requires proof of: Since the purpose of remedies under the Code is compensation, punitive damages are generally available. A contract with a person declared mentally incompetent. d. none of the above. - not from special circumstances. a. collection agencies. Reformation is an equitable remedy in the law of contract used when the parties have imperfectly expressed their agreement in writing. "Look," the agent told them, "you can get the house sold and keep your values up or let it sit there and have the old druggies come by and destroy it." b. the agency need only include a copy of the request in its report. Consequential damages are damages that proximately result from a breach of a contract. e. All of the above could be a basis for misrepresentation. Cover, incidental and consequential damages. c. recover incidental damages. Perry is building his house and orders a hot water heater from Jones Co. to be installed by them. b. may be liable to Ralph under a theory of a lack of good faith. c. a hospital using its collection department to collect fees from patients c. Sekelow cannot collect the debt without registering as a credit repair organization. to take the return on the computer and credit Andy's account, but that it has no further liability. c. Fraud According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 5,000 people were killed and an estimated 159,000 people were injured in crashes involving large trucks in 2019. d. Perry can cancel the whole contract, but he is then limited in his recovery of damages. b. may be liable to Ralph under a theory of a lack of good faith. The events manager approached Ralph and indicated the Canasta would like to have an ongoing supply contract but that its needs would require Ralph to expand his business, both with additional space and 3 new employees. Compute the variable overhead spending variance and the variable overhead efficiency variance and classify each as favorable or unfavorable. b. a. privacy and no disclosure without permission What are the elements of unjust enrichment? d. none of the above, What rights does a debtor have if he/she discovers inaccuracies in the credit report? J's Marina, however, accepts the shipment and notifies the seller of the defect. . Specific performance is generally not available for contracts of personal service or employment contracts (why?). This refers to the actions that should be taken after the incident. d. none of the above. An award for lost wages is the most common example of special damages. c. Recovery of incidental damages. a. recover 73 suits plus incidental damages. b. incidental damages only. Where the goods have been shipped under reservation of a security interest in the seller and that interest has been satisfied. c. Plains can use the defense of impossibility. If the goods had been as warranted, their value would have been $2,600. Consequential damages (also referred to as special damages) are damages suffered by a party due to another's wrongdoing that are reasonably foreseeable or within the contemplation of the parties. a. must be reasonable in light of the inconveniences or lack of feasibility of obtaining an adequate remedy. Rescission - Contract is set aside, parties are restored to pre-contract positions, Knowing and intentional disclosure/failure to disclose, in circumstances where you have a duty to disclose. a. A seller's incidental damages for a buyer's breach would include all but which one of the following? An aggrieved seller may: \end{array} b. only valid in employment contracts. d. liquidated. d. CRO provisions. Ralph could not use the additional space and the three employees had to be laid off. d. This contract is governed by common law principles of damages. c. the seller is insolvent. d. none of the above. Which of the following statements is true? b. liquidated damages. How much is compensatory damages? Incidental: compensate for further losses (placing a new add for a car that wasn't bought). Incidental costs occur when a promiser breaches his part of the contract, and the other party ends up having to pay extra charges to cover what was lost or missing because of the breach. Family12345678910SquareFeet2,2402,3803,6403,3603,0802,9404,4802,5204,2002,800Income(000s)60.868.4104.589.372.2114125.483.613395FamilySize2234436353SeniorParent0101010000Education46702106826. d. All of the above are void. These expenses may be awarded in a civil lawsuit in addition to the award of compensatory damages. b. a collection agency with one exclusive client b. he cannot buy replacement goods. Ralph could not use the additional space and the three employees had to be laid off. The buyer has the right to stop delivery of the goods. Costco, Inc. had a contract to purchase 300,000 electric mini-Mercedes from HUMBENZ Toy Co. d. None of the above. Sign in Menu Why Levelset We are the people against slow payment Levelset story PR/Newsroom John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, Karl E. Byleen, Michael R. Ziegler, Michae Ziegler, Raymond A. Barnett, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Multiple Choice: Michigan Rules and Regulatio. Many large trucks are commercial trucks, including delivery trucks, big rigs, 18-wheelers, and tanker trucks. 11.50\% & 10.67 & 10.17 & 9.91 \\ c. recover no suits since it had been more than 10 days since delivery. a. Plains will need to pay the damages that Tristan experienced as a result of its failure to deliver - $500 X 10. c. the IRS. If the seller has failed to comply with Code requirements in making a resale of goods that were wrongfully rejected, a good faith purchaser at the resale takes the goods subject to rights of the original buyer. c. consequential damages. Krieg is running low on patience and cash. Best Buy did not disclose to him that the computer was a What is the monthly payment? A debt collector calls the mother of a debtor and says, "I am calling to find out when we can expect your son to pay the $2,312 he owes on his bar tab at my client, The Swamp Cooler. a. may be goods oriented, money oriented, or obligation oriented. a. b. a. void as against public policy. It falls within the bankruptcy meaning - but not the Code's definition - of insolvency. b. have a remedy of damages or rescission if this information was withheld from them. Akon had an idea for a website called "Fantrace," a site that would help celebrities connect with their fans. c. The contract is voidable at the option of Rose because she is a minor. "This farm's well is adequate for household, ranch, and crop needs. d. it could not rule on the defense of the plaintiff being a minor. d. banks. Bob, age 17, has entered into a contract to buy a car. 12.50\% & 11.37 & 10.91 & 10.68\\ MONTHLYPAYMENTFORA$1000LOAN, AnnualInterestRateLengthofLoan(Years)\begin{array}{ c r r r} Bethany Tolson had a contract to supply ice to Jake's Creamery. d. an attorney collecting on a contingent fee basis "Damages" refers to monetary compensation for harm suffered by the claimant, due to the negligent, reckless, or intentional action of the liable party. The couple's youngest child was killed in the house during the shoot-out. She just wants out of the house. d. none of the above. a. The following, however, are examples of losses classified as special damages: Lost wages. As the result of a seller's breach, a buyer may ask for incidental damages. b. a. Under the UCC, the aggrieved party must choose one remedy to ask for and forfeit the others. What was the holding in Hadley v. Baxendale ? A contract with a person declared mentally incompetent. The result was that the Kellman's had a half-closet there instead of a full-length closet that was open to the Pandora could: The Jensens refuse to pay anything for the pool. These expenses are: Tristan ordered the refrigerators in anticipation of an order he was going to receive from a custom-home builder. Subtract larger money amounts from smaller money amounts. a. is a means by which international transactions can get sellers of goods paid. d. the Fair Credit Billing Act. c. a condition precedent. Reformation allows a court to rewrite this existing valid contract to reflect the parties' true intentions. What are economic damages and the three types? 3 & 3,640 & 104.5 & 3 & 0 & 7 \\ d. Both (b) and (c) are correct. a. cover. d. All of the above are a basis for misrepresentation. Which of the following cannot be disclosed on a credit report being issued on a job applicant for a $37,000/year job in 2017? Best Buy indicates that it is happy b. Parol evidence 3) Incidental Damages. a. the costs of finding substitute buyers or goods. b. take delivery. The account has been turned over to a collection agency who has been trying to contact Bentley to collect the money owed. The stipulated amount must be a reasonable forecast of the damages. Does Marcia have to pay for the car? \text{Income from discontinued operations} & 160,000\\ Ralph provides ice sculptures for private weddings, parties, and receptions. c. Andy is entitled to recover the price difference so that he can replace the computer. a. Dana has no grounds for rescinding her agreement. Example. \hline In the Bigelow-Sanford, Inc. v. Gunny Corp. case, the court found: the needs to be an age to enter a contract- can be voidable. c. punitive. b. c. are, under the UCC, the same as a buyer's remedies for the seller's breach. The Code's remedies are cumulative unless under the facts of an individual case one remedy bars another. b. Compensatory damages are awarded in civil court cases where loss has occurred as a result of the negligence or unlawful conduct of another party. Whether a pledge to make a gift is supported by consideration. The person who found it days later used it, and charged $x worth of merchandise on the card, where x >$200. Suppose Bill steals Amy's trade secrets and forms his own software company. After moving in, the Telfords learned that the home had been owned formerly by a couple that was indicted for drug trafficking. b. the same levels of disclosure for other types of credit are not required a. is void as against public policy. Incidental damages Include expenses the buyer incurs in receiving, inspecting, transporting, and storing goods shipped by the seller that do not conform to those called for in the contract Statute of limitations The Code provides that a lawsuit for breach of a sales contract must be filed within four years after the breach occurs. She did not, however, have the Kia. Stop delivery of the goods by the carrier. It uses postcards to contact consumer debtors it is attempting to collect from for its clients. a. Amy agrees to buy goods from Van for a contract price of $2,000 payable on delivery. b. Macy's collecting a debt through its own collection subsidiary It is now August 1, 2017 and Cindy has not received any payment. Vandehal Company's total liabilities are $520,000 and its total assets are $460,000. A portion of the data is shown in the following table.$, PropertyAppraiser1Appraiser21235000239000219500019000010575000583000\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} A: What is the value of C? b. Where the buyer has been unable to obtain cover. a. Incidental damages Consequential damages Liquidated damages Reliance damages Statutory damages Treble damages Equitable remedies Specific performance Account of profits Constructive trust Injunction Restitution Rescission Rectification Declaratory relief Related issues Adequate remedy Election of remedies Provisional remedy Tracing Court costs v t A. c. both a and b Persons deemed not mentally capable, contracts are void. a. the contract price of $2,000. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The Code's remedies are cumulative, therefore, a seller may both withhold delivery of the goods and identify goods to the contract., A company may be considered insolvent under the Code only if it is unable to pay its debts as they are due., If the buyer is insolvent and has not paid for goods it has received, the seller may . Use the table to find the monthly payment. d. $200 plus incidental and consequential damages. This car is a real honey. c. Akon can have the contract rescinded on the grounds of misrepresentation. d. none of the above. Allegheny Energy Supply Co. and Monogahela Power Co., a subsidiary, filed suit against Anker West Virginia Mining Co., later acquired by International Coal Group, for breach of contract. Whether a pledge to make a gift is supported by consideration. This company is just taking advantage of people." c. right to correction There was no indication of any price difference between the computer Andy bought and the unopened \small\textbf{MONTHLY PAYMENT FOR A \$1000 LOAN}\\ \hline SalesCostofgoodssoldOperatingexpensesRestructuringTotalincometaxesexpenseforperiodIncomefromdiscontinuedoperationsGainondisposalofdiscontinuedoperationsExtraordinarygainNetincomeEarningspershare$1,110,000(550,000)(225,000)(110,000)(179,100)160,000140,00072,000$417,900$2.09. b. are subject to the doctrine of election of remedies. b. perceiving the question Incidental damages resulting from the seller's breach include expenses reasonably incurred in inspection, receipt, transportation, and care and custody of goods rightfully rejected, any commercially reasonable charges, expenses, or commissions in connection with effecting cover, and any other reasonable expense incident to the delay or other The type of clause would not be enforced by the courts. On February 21, Cara wrote to Pandora Mfg. By Andrew Richards, Chair, Construction Law Practice Group and Co-Managing Partner of the Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck Long Island Office. c. the cost of replacement seed. A. 5] Damages for Deterioration caused by Delay. Ralph provides ice sculptures for private weddings, parties, and receptions. b. is required to qualify for a consumer credit purchase. a. Whether there can be a pledge across country borders. Because Hadley failed to disclose his special circumstances to Baxendale, the court found that he was barred from the award of lost profits. D. The buyer may have the right to recover incidental and consequential damages. b. is liable for the bill as a necessity. Which of the following is correct with respect to consequential damages under the Code? b. Jones cannot provide a 60-gallon heater for two months, so Perry cancels the contract and gets a heater from another company. d. all of the above, Which of the following sections of the federal bankruptcy laws deals with consumer debt adjustment plans? The contract of sale excludes liability for consequential damages. b. novation Akon entered into an agreement with Broomfield for his help in building the site and Khalilian to help with marketing. B: Rather than seek compensation from Bill, she can seek restitution, meaning Amy seeks to recover from Bill any profit that Bill has made by means of his wrongful act (i.e., theft of trade secrets). "This toothpaste is the best tasting around." b. making calls to obtain replacement goods. . b. is a liquidated damages clause. a. are attachments of funds for executing a judgment. Consequential Damage and Incidental Loss. Startup Company's incidental damages are arguably the $10,000 in personnel costs incurred in finding and vetting comparable alternative software. What should compensatory damages be in this contract suit against Gary? . a. are attachments of funds for executing a judgment. Buyer's Incidental and Consequential Damages (1) Incidental damages resulting from the seller's breach include expenses reasonably incurred in inspection, receipt, transportation and care and custody of goods rightfully rejected, any commercially reasonable charges, expenses or commissions in connection with effecting cover and any other Thus, using a expectation measure for compensatory damages, the total damage award is equal to: \text { Parent } The boat as delivered has a value of $800. b. Chapter 7 60 days \text{Restructuring} & (110,000)\\ Can Ericson sue under a theory of unjust enrichment? What is incidental damages quizlet? One of the most negotiated issues in construction contracts are liquidated and consequential damages. Principals and their counsel may intend that these provisions prevent liability arising from unknown and unforeseeable future events; however, because these terms are poorly understood in the context of acquisition . . 7 AM calls at the debtor's place of employment. c. Withholding information about the former drug-dealer owner is not misrepresentation. HUMBENZ: b. a. Under the CISG, avoidance of a contract cancels any provision for settlement of disputes. Massey Fabrications sells some equipment to Keiser Co., warranting its suitability for Keiser's purpose. 1] Ordinary damages. Plains Manufacturing experienced a flood at its plant in Iowa City and lost all goods in production. b. the clicking on terms for agreement online do not become part of the contract. A: Under loss-based recovery, Amy can sue Bill for harm that her company has suffered, for instance, loss profits. ", b. Who is covered under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act? Pandora shipped the suits on April 2; they were received April 15. a. Plains will need to pay the damages that Tristan experiences as a result of its failure to deliver - $500 X 10. Cindy's contract with Bob is: The Morrisons are about to purchase their first home in a new town. Specific damages include losses in the following areas: Medical Expenses: This includes all medical expenses associated with your injuries, from when the injuries happened to the present, and any expected expenses in the future. c. Alice may rescind the agreement regardless of whether she has the car. b. calling the debtor at home at 8:30 AM to confirm the debt a. the agency must comply. A leaves for vacation for two weeks during the summer. c. $1,000. Cindy wishes to file suit to collect the $2,000. b. Andy has no damages since Best Buy took back the computer. The real estate agent is under no obligation to disclose the information. B mows A's lawn and subsequently requests payment from A for this service. Question: _____ damages for a seller include storage charges and sales commissions. Dana Riley purchased a home in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. ), Sales$1,110,000Costofgoodssold(550,000)Operatingexpenses(225,000)Restructuring(110,000)Totalincometaxesexpenseforperiod(179,100)Incomefromdiscontinuedoperations160,000Gainondisposalofdiscontinuedoperations140,000Extraordinarygain72,000Netincome$417,900Earningspershare$2.09\begin{array}{lr} b. Broomfield had no obligation to make any disclosures about his friend. Which of the following is not a remedy of the buyer? d. extraordinary damages. b. has a void contract with Costco because the subject matter is now illegal. So if a software developer has a contract to repair a broken website by a certain date and fails to do that, the indirect damages to the client would include, for example, the value of . The contract between the buyer and the seller cannot provide for any additional remedies other than those specified in the Code. It has been six months and he has not made a payment." c. has violated the FDCPA. She found one she thought was in good condition. c. is entitled to refocus its business and has not breached its contract. After she purchased the home, she learned that the home had been the residence of a long-time drug dealer. Consequential (or Indirect) Damages refers to legal damages that are indirectly associated with, or related to, the wrongful act (e.g., breach of contract). d. All of the above a. the buyer did not purchase substitute goods in good faith and without unreasonable delay. On the breach of a contract, the suffering party may incur some damages arising naturally, in the usual course of events. Diana and Charles Windsor are considering purchasing a swimming pool. a. can allow Paula to declare bankruptcy because she has debts. Which of the following is true? d. all of the above. NO. On Monday, Marcia agreed to buy Joey's car for $8,000 when she gets paid on Friday. Ralph Deuschle owned an ice sculpture company. c. can rescind the agreement. e. None of the above. a. only to consumer reporting agencies. Consequential damages include damages for lost profits from a contract to resell goods which the seller never delivers. d. Undue influence. c. "The school system here is very fine." d. none of the above. It could be also $5 or a hundred dollars or something like that. a. make a written objection. . "This house is built the way they used to build houses." \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} The Canasta then began to rethink its events focus and marketing and decided to cut back on ice sculptures. (4), (1) Wrongfully refusing to accept goods, (2) by wrongfully returning goods, (3) by failing to pay for goods when payment is due, (4) by indicating an unwillingness to go ahead with the contract, A seller can breach a contract by . After driving the vehicle for three months, Alice Thus, A = -$1,000. 4 & 3,360 & 89.3 & 4 & 1 & 0 \\ c. The buyer may have the right to obtain specific performance. (Round earnings per share figures to the nearest cent. A gift is supported by consideration big rigs, 18-wheelers, and crop needs was... Instance, loss profits 10.50 % 11.00 % 11.50 % 12.00 % 12.50 for! Replace the computer and credit Andy 's account, but that it has remedies... And forfeit the others 11.50\ % & 10.67 & 10.17 & 9.91 \\ c. recover no since. The above a. the buyer did not, however, have the contract is voidable at option. Contract used when the parties have imperfectly expressed their agreement in writing there is no merger pending the... 1 & 0 & 7 \\ d. Both ( b ) and c. 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Recent Murders In Amarillo Texas, Articles I