She uses the Stardust you've already given her to heal her daughter. For now, here's my version: Spend your time here focused on gathering the items that you want. Be sure to use the characters you plan to use for the final boss battle of the area (Miranda and Albert recommended). She has the highest speed in the game, but the lowest Hit Points among the main characters. If you try instead "819" and get an attempts warning, you know that either the 8 or 1 is in the right spot, but the 9 is most definitely not. After you've done that, I recommend you save, and then take the teleporter to Mayfil. The Archangel also has two different abilities that heal Meru, so this battle is not much to worry about. Move forward a little, and Kongol splits from the rest and goes up, where he fights his brother, Indora. Sony PlayStation 1 PS1 Disc Only Tested The Legend of Dragoon Disc 3 Only BL. Kongol) and one with really high speed (ex. Go to the right and continue on to the next screen. Last time I fought him, he spent half the time shooting out Burn Outs at Dart and Spinning Gales at Albert. You'll win a Healing Rain and a Halberd. When you arrive at the entrance to the Land of Taboo, Faust's apparition is there, guarding it. After collecting these items exit the Snowfield to the left. This game consists mostly of battles. The Legend of Dragoon Disc 3 Only - Greatest Hits - (Playstation PS1) Tested. Simply attack each round and perhaps use a Healing Fog. Your weaker characters like Rose or Shana might need some extra care for their health in this battle. For your party members with Talismans, give them Additions that gain large amounts of SP (like Burning Rush or Crush Dance). To the left is a chest with a Angel's Prayer. The party agrees to help and is invited to dine in the castle. Check all the junk for a (6) Stardust. However, if you want Haschel to get some experience as well, wait until after the upcoming battle. The recommendations are mostly for those players who need extra help in getting past a certain enemy. You do automatically and reappear in the entrance hall. To make matters worse, no time is needed to charge up the Divine Dragon Cannon. Please go check it out sometime if you need a more in-depth look at the many monsters of the game. Once again, Rose's Dark DS Armor gives her an advantage against some of these attacks. For a complete list of all Stardust locations, see here. The end result is the same, but saying Dart is disinterested brings a humorous response from Albert. There is nothing you can do about it except wait until Melbu spits the person back out, causing some pretty heavy physical damage to the person he spits out and the person Melbu spits them at. This sparks another event expressing how terrible the royalty of this country is. Using Sun Rhapsodies will extend his power with the Divine Dragon Cannon. Pete catches up with you, and Dart agrees to take him to Fueno. After the conversation, check the roses for a (1) Stardust. Use Final Burst and Red-Eyed Dragon on him, not to mention any Fire-elemental items you chance to have on hand. Go to the left again to find the exit to this cell block. Go back and speak to Martel. Here, either Guard or use a Healing Fog. After you defeat the Pupa, it transforms into the Imago. This technique goes back to Danton in the Hero Competition back in Chapter 1. The party rescues Lynn and sets out to find the stolen Dragoon Spirit. Approach the small table and press X to rest in the shack, healing your party. Remember that locked door you found at the beginning? Don't worry about the treasure chests right now. Jump into the sandfall to the left to get a Recovery Ball, then head back to the area with the save and recovery points. And may your death bless the new world to which I shall descend!! There is no "Recommended Party" for this battle for a couple reasons. Just follow the path all the way back, getting on the first rock you see each time. Go across on the other weird lift for a Spear Frost at the bottom and a Spirit Ring to the right. Continue through the men to the next, fight the guards, and go north if you want to re-stock on items. Just behind the plants is a male Wingly pacing back and forth. Dart was Level 18, Haschel level 16 and Dragoon level 1, Albert was level 17 and Dragoon Level 3. After this battle you acquire the Jade Dragoon Spirit, and Shana collapses, forcing her out of your party if you had been using her. She is very sweet and genteel. The room to the left contains a Bravery Amulet. Be sure to go check it out and support it! As the lights from down below come up and hit the floor, they make a little red flash. This next boss battle is not to be taken lightly, especially if this is your first time playing the game. When his back is turned, you can hurt him. After the little scare over the birth of the Virage Embryo, head right for a Frozen Jet. These weaknesses are exaggerated with Kongol. It may be useful as well to get Dart and Rose to the second Dragoon level. To the right is a chest containing a Sparkle Arrow. Giving him various defensive equipment helps immensely. Coolon shows up to carry the party away, and they fly to the place where the Moon landed - the Divine Tree. While this character is a Dragoon for five whole rounds, Lloyd will spend about half to two-thirds of all his attacks just trying to kill them with the Dragon Buster. These are still considered minor enemies. The Sandora Elite has one magic attack that does decent damage to Lavitz, so pay attention to his health. If possible, use Rose Storm. Also, I normally say that you should never sacrifice a powerful attacker's attack for the sake of healing, but this battle flips that idea on its head. Fire and Water are strong against each other, as are Wind and Earth, Dark and Light. Head out of the teleporter room. This battle consists of a Gangster and two Crafty Thieves. Right now, it is also useful to give to whichever party member has the lowest amount of HP. Special thanks to all the various walkthroughs/FAQ's that helped inspire me to make mine. Go back and down the other path. You should now have 48. Continue on a little bit, and a conversation ensues when Rose and Meru leave the rest of the party to run some "errands." This is signified by hearts floating around the affected person and can be cured with a Mind Purifier. Just go across to the other lift. So if Dart guards when he has a maximum HP of 1,356, he will recover 135 hit points. Controls are very important, as with any game. If you wish, and if you can afford it, go to Lohan and pick up some Legendary Armor and Legend Casques. From here, follow these steps: Go through the next room and then follow the next sequence: Use the teleporter to get to the next area, where the party reunites with a familiar soul. The normal battle menu has up to six options: Attack, Guard, Item, Escape, Dragoon, and Special. I'm sure it can be done, and has been done, but I am also sure that it will be much more difficult to achieve. If you got them all correct, the system is overwhelmed and produces the Psychedelic Bomb X, a very powerful magic attack that you can use over and over. Go back down and get off at the second stop this time. Continue to the next screen. Here you will find a tree that is falling over. However, it does like to mix it up with some Earth-based attacks, which will deal double the already high damage to Albert. Use Body Purifiers or a Dragoon Transformation to cure these. Stop in the door just to the left of the inn (or go in the inn and then to the left) and talk to the person behind the bar. Press X the 2nd and 4th times. After the battle, to the left is a Black Rain. The combo system found in The Legend of Dragoon is the addition. When you have gained at least 100 SP, you can turn into a Dragoon (see information under General). There is only a certain percent chance of receiving this item. If you messed up, you'll get a one-use Psych Bomb. Fear can also affect a Minor Enemy, and does so in the same way. Go out the bottom right (not a ladder) for a Wargod's Calling. This option only appears when all three characters in your party have Dragoon Spirits and all their SP is filled to the maximum, whether that be 100 or 500. Exceptions are, of course, the Psychedelic Bomb X and Light-Based Attack Items. Go to the next screen, where the man who sold you the water bottle in Chapter 1 is waiting with what he calls a "Shining Miracle Stone." Move up as the line progresses, but make sure you stand behind the blue line until the last Lapto in front of you is done. Follow the path. On the floor to the left, press a twinkling button once. Be sure to use this to your advantage. Check the statue on the right for a (2) Stardust. This is also a good place to practice fighting as a Dragoon if you wish (see our section on Dragoons for more information). Check the back for a (1) Stardust. There are exceptions to this, of course. He gives the information you need. Boss: Zieg Feld (Fire) Then head north to the roses. Only three of the four digits will be used, but you don't know which is excluded and which order the other three appear in. The Legend of Dragoon is set in a time of swords, magic, and dragons. Continue on up to the throne room. Attacking during this battle is not necessary. From this list, I arranged the characters in order for each category from highest to lowest. Sadly, the reward of the chest, granted for defeating the Divine Dragon's spirit, is a measly Destone Amulet. All characters can equip all accessories, except Bandit's Rings and Dancer's Rings. Note: I picked Haschel for this battle mostly because he is Thunder-based. The guards must both be facing away from you for you to get back into the castle proper. After this battle, Lavitz gets his battle with Lloyd and loses. It's well-worn. Even if you have the Morph set on "Short," the character that uses the Special will always show the long transformation. After this fight, make sure Dart is equipped with the Red-Eyed Dragoon Armor. When you are ready, go into the door to the left of the stairs leading below deck. After you exit the area, a guard comes down on a lift and attacks Dart and Lavitz. Joining you now will be the renowned knight, Lavitz Slambert. To make the battle a little easier (especially if you're lower in level), use the Sachet the first thing. Go up and get the chest that says, "You lost, okay!" Poison is signified by little green dots circulating around the infected person and can be cured with a Body Purifier. That being said, go ahead and attack the Death Rose in between conversations. Follow the chain of teleporters and you will enter a new room. He has a wide variety of Additions, and when trained properly, he can be quite the warrior. He's average in nearly everything. This is a list of them. After this conversation, move forward again. Fight her, moving through the dialogue conversations. The stairs to the right lead to the weapon and item stores, if you need to stock up. Leave this room, get a chest with 50 gold, and go into the last room. If you answered all the test questions correctly, you will receive the Psych Bomb X, an awesome multiuse item. Each round that he wields it, he will lose 1/10 his maximum health, as if he is Poisoned. But Dart falls through! Go back out and up. To get it reconnected, go back through the law-making process, using the code 410 to revise this law and open access. Items include Recovery Items, Attack Items, Repeat Items, Goods, Armor, and Weapons. Speak to the mayor when you're ready, and the party spends the night there (not without drama). They all have some nasty attacks; Selebus can turn Vector into a damage-dealing giant. My advice: use a Power Up on Miranda and use her the next several rounds to throw the Psychedelic Bomb, perhaps a Spectral Flash or Dancing Ray, or even her Dragoon magic like Star Children or her White Silver Dragon. The road leading down leads to a Mind Purifier. This is incredibly handy in battle because it reduces all damage to your party by half for three rounds and can make even the hardest battle just that little bit easier. Going forward, you can check out the memorial. Then go back down and hop in the boat and let it take you around town until it stops. His magic defense is lower than his physical defense, meaning that you may be better off using magic attacks in this battle. The thing that will help you more than anything else is some Legend Casques. Prove me wrong! Not to mention that it has some vast HP reserves. To the left and down is a chest with a Speed Up, a very useful Repeat Item. The Legend of Dragoon Walkthrough. "Saving" saves a copy of your game on your memory card. As your levels decrease, so do your attacks and defenses. It's nice to be able to both deal damage and heal. Talk to the two men to open an item and weapon shop, and then continue down. Leave the Forbidden Land to teleport back to the Forest of Winglies. I also try to get Albert to guard in the battle against the Super Virage in the Forbidden Land right before it "explodes" and deals all that high-powered magic damage. Battle Prep: Make sure you have your strongest Additions. He is the commander from the very beginning of the game, who was ordered to capture Shana. If you haven't been training Haschel up to this point, he may be susceptible to these attacks, as his HP is relatively low. Once in the next area, Rose will inform everyone that their dragoon stones are resonating together. Approach the shack, and after the conversation go to the left of the entrance, where you will find a very well-hidden chest containing a Total Vanishing. If you're like most people, you're probably asking the question, "So who do I choose for my main party?" There are three of each element: one single-enemy multi-attack, one all-enemy multi-attack, and one all-enemy strong attack. Miranda will run off and you will see a cinema, then get into a battle. A complete Double Slash can defeat one of these guys immediately. When you're ready, leave and go down the stairs and into the little room. Go up the lift for a Pandemonium. Ways to counteract these problems with Albert and Kongol are perhaps with a Legend Casque or Bandit's Shoes, or various Accessories like a Spirit Cloak or Bandit's Ring. You're out of Mind Purifiers, but you have enough SP for a Special. Follow Fester into the throne room. When you move on, you'll be in a grassland. Follow them on up (to the right is a chest containing a Meteor Fall) and into the next area. If you're a gamer (and I would bargain that you are), then think of the other games you like to play Dungeons & Dragons, World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, etc and think of how you like to play games. Your play style may be different, but unless you didn't take any time to train up your characters, you'll probably spend most of your time going on the offensive. You should also have a Knight Shield; this is not as necessary, but it would probably be wise to give it to Rose (or Dart if you gave Rose the Power Wrist). When you are ready, go up. Although the game's main focus is the storyline, its main drive is battles. Here you'll find a key to Shana's cell. Get out of here and press X next to the lift to go up. SP (Spirit Points) is gained through Additions (see info below). Backstory: Dart is twenty-three years old and has been on a journey for the past five years searching for the Black Monster, the creature that destroyed Dart's hometown of Neet eighteen years ago. If you attack one of the characters she emulates (Albert or Shana), Shirley will consider you unworthy and make you start over. Before you leave town, go to the upper left and check the headstone in the front row, one from the left, for a (1) Stardust. Disk 1 Index Chapter 1: The Serdian War Introduction A Village in Flames Through the Gates and Into the Hole Shana's Glow The Basil Knight Lavitz's Home The Dark Rose Marshland's Burn Slambert's. Go to the pier and move to the ocean terrace. In the next area, you will find a Panic Bell and a Poison Needle. [removed] LavitzOfBasil 2 yr. ago. Meru, if you have her, will be at a disadvantage because of this. This chest contains a Material Shield, and not grabbing that now means you can never get it again. Go tot eh Law Launcher, where you will find the most challenging game of dodge-the-Laptos. Turn the valve to open the Prison Island. Guard, use defensive magic, use Healing Potions. Pick those characters that are at the highest level, or the ones that you have put the most effort into. Talk to the butler blocking your way, and he will usher you in. If anyone gets Confused by Guftas, use a Mind Purifier or a Dragoon Special to cure it. The last thank you goes to my brother, who introduced me to this game. The chest here contains another Gushing Magma. In return, she'll give you some very rare items. Miranda: "For the world," then "I cannot die now." Go up the stairs and pull the cord by pressing X when prompted. Using any Earth-Based Attack Items you might have will be especially helpful. The Virage's left arm uses Can't Combat attacks, which can only be prevented with a Talisman or by destroying the arm. Boss: Caterpillar, Pupa, Imago (Void) Because of this, you may want to start with the helmet (although my chief recommendation is to destroy the armor first). Go upstairs and around to the back right. She's very strong magically but extremely weak against physical attacks. Save and move on. Otherwise, use her to deal magic damage when possible. The next chest contains a Jeweled Crown. Be sure to strategize apppropriately. Phase 1: Wait to move past the first set of guards until both of them turn around simultaneously. First go get the chest with a Spark Net. Afterwards, go back to the right and then the right again. One thing Kongol does not lack is powerful physical attacks. If you have enough Attack Items, Shana can actually take care of this thing all by herself. Once this HP is gone, your character will come back and the monster leaves. Backstory: Rose is a mysterious character whose history nobody really knows. There are 15 Stardust in Chapter 2: Platinum Shadow. If you throw magic attacks (with the recommended party), be sure to have Dart do it. In the first example, with "1689," if you have determined that the 6's are excluded from the combination, continue to use logic to determine placement. She will be here in Fletz for the remainder of this chapter. Fight off several soldiers, but don't use your magic attacks on them, because you will need them later. Unlike most items like Healing Potions or Spark Nets, after the battle you regain their use. Two soldiers are harassing some villagers, which angers Dart and prompts him to attack, leading to your very first battle. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or criticisms, please email me at and let me know. This quest is also impossible to complete with the Vanishing Stone, which is obtained by giving Martel all 50 Stardust. The one nearest the entrance leads to a Healing Breeze. Phase 1: Have your highest attacker (Albert) focus on the Commander while Dart and Shana attack the other knights. This grants you a Law Launching License. Just to the left is the library. Battle Prep: Equip the Poison Guard you found earlier to someone in your party. The next room just has a cinema. Albert could use Wing Blaster, and Dart could use Explosion. The treasures are as follows: You should have Final Burst by now, which will deal some decent damage. Walk over and go down again. The party wakes her up and leaves. There is only a certain chance you may receive this item. The poison-spit is probably the most dangerous attack, and you will most likely need to use some Body Purifiers during this battle. (Disc 1).bin CRC = 24CB8F5C (Disc 2).bin CRC = 8139792A (Disc 3).bin CRC = 405DA729 (Disc 4).bin CRC = 7430EAED Relevant FAQ entries: How to play this game with ePSXe emulator on PC Screenshots: (click to enlarge) "Legend of Dragoon" is perhaps the most anticipated Sony RPG ever released, rumoured to be greater than FFVII and FFVIII. After a successful opening of the chest, you move to the next level, which has 2 fewer attempts to open the chest before the entire thing resets. Head back to Bale, but first head left for a Flash Hall. For instance, let's say I'm up against a difficult boss, and my heaviest hitter (probably Albert) is at a quarter health, but it's also his turn. They dampen your chances in battle to beat the opponent. Any of these combinations yielding an ellipsis makes the guessing a little trickier. Once you are at the Signet Sphere, make sure you save. Instead, focus on using Additions and D-Attacks. Lloyd repays the favor by giving Dart all three Divine Moon Objects to go retrieve Shana, who has been kidnapped. Go there first. If they are not turned the right way, you will not be able to make it up the stairs to the next area. When a character is Stunned, he simply gets his turn skipped until he is healed or the effect wears off. However, against some enemies with high Magic Defenses or Dark-type enemies, Astral Drain will not serve you very well as a healing spell. Battle Prep (other): Make sure each party member has full HP and MP (aka heal in the recovery point). Regole can be taken out relatively fast if you use some Fire-based attacks, like Dart's Final Burst. If you are looking for a particular item in hopes of finding some, use "Ctrl + F" and type in your desired item. You'll pop up just under that. If you find anything missing, please send me a message and let me know. After this, take the transporter to the Legislative Center. The next chest contains a Gushing Magma, followed by two chests containing a Magical Hat and a Moon Serenade. Remember that he has a high attack and defense, and low magic attack and magic defense. First, go straight across to the upper right where you will find 100 gold. Go all the way back almost to the entrance to Aglis, with some discussions along the way. Go to the right, and press X when next to the purple thing in the wall. $11.39. Otherwise, go south. Leave town to the bottom right. Go back to the right and then to the bottom left. The guard here you can't run from if he sees you, but he does turn around and stare at the wall for a few seconds, so you can avoid the battle if you really want to. After you deplete their health, each ghost only stays down for a few rounds, before getting up with full health once again. This will deal more damage to Rose than Dart. I recommend starting with the two soldiers the Commander brought to the party and using a Healing Potion if Dart's health gets too low. You cannot become a Dragoon in this battle. File Name Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 4).7z; File Size : 307,23 mb; Similar Games Year : 2000; Region : Unknown; Genre : Role playing games . Go up to the inn and feel free to stay the night if you need. She enters the story by saving Dart's life, twice. Take the teleporter to find Miranda and Haschel. Dart's Explosion, Rose's Death Dimension, or Lavitz's Wing Blaster are all very useful for this and should destroy all the Bursting Balls immediately. In this strange place in the sky, the party has a conversation. This is the first time this is a real issue in this game. "Use" brings up lists of the usable items you have and each character. The prison in Zenebatos is a door-less room, with no way out except that Kongol comes bursting through the wall because he was too heavy to be transported. Items: Flash Hall, 200G, Gravity Grabber, Spirit Cloak, Down Burst, Frozen Jet, Burning Wave, Spectral Flash, Night Raid, Rainbow Dress Phase 2: Same thing with guard #3 as before. This is usually very battle-specific for me, as well as character-specific. Give Dart any of the castoffs of these items that you do not use for Albert or Miranda. Kubila tends to use a one-hit kill attack against whoever took him out. Now leave the Shrine and go through the Dragon's Nest toward Lohan. One thing to note is that the battle doesn't always begin at the beginning of the round: in other words, sometimes the battle will open on Kongol's turn, even though he has a speed of 30 and Meru is also in the party with a speed of 70. During this conversation you are presented with several options. Answer accordingly. After this conversation, speak to Kayla at the end of the boardwalk and board the Queen Fury. One of the Bardel brothers tries to kill Dart, and they move on. While exploring the house, trying to enter the kitchen will result in Lavitz telling Dart that they shouldn't disturb the cooks. Head back to the area with the save and recovery points, then head up, right, up, left, up, up to get to yet another area containing a save point and a recovery point. Physical and Magic Attacks vary dramatically across all minor enemies, but the defenses are relatively consistent. Also, you could use this time to focus on one character's Additions if you have one that you're really trying to work on.

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