", [Pull away] "Octavia, don't. His romance is split in four stages: [1;29], [30;59], [60;99] and [100;100]. does not seem to have any effect from my experience, but conversation at their rented home does. ", (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Let's put your fighting skills to the test, then. Do the Forefather Companion quest. ", (Chaotic Good) "I forgive all these people even the priestess. You'll have to romance her sister first. ", "And I suppose CASTRUCCIO Irovetti's least favorite joke is the one about his name? ", "I gather you know each other pretty well? ", (Neutral Good) [Heal the dwarf] "We'll try to heal him! Save it for tonight! Say "I don't want to hear this" That should permanently shut down the Reg romance and guarantee you'll be able to romance Octavia alone. Sorrowflow is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker . Unfortunately, what I don't know is how to help you overcome the curse", "I am sorry that everything turned out like this. ", then say "I don't want to pressure you, but please know that everything I said is true", (Optional) Feel free to have the new lovey dovery sex option with Kanerah if you feel like it, For all intents and purposes, the Tiefling Twins romance is done for the rest of the game until the ending. Football Club Dnipro (Ukrainian: , IPA: [d (j) n (j) ipr] ()) was a Ukrainian football club based in Dnipro.The club was owned by the Privat Group that also owns BC Dnipro and Budivelnyk Kyiv.. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. After defeating Armag in battle, you can talk to him and ask questions. I would have never found the Technic League's encampment, if your beauty hadn't beaconed me! Choose the options "Can I help you" then "Fearless Valerie can be embarrassed!". Finally a useful post in this godforsaken corner of the internet. However, the First Crown itself seems to have a mystical connection with Nyrissa and her curse. I can't imagine life without you. I can't be with you any more. ", "Another stunt like this, and you'll be sitting in the capital until you're an old man! Davik Nettle (45 days and 50 Build Points)As it turned out, curses are a mysterious, little-studied area of magic. pathfinder kingmaker valerie and eveldare caleb pressley interviews real. ", "I'm not talking about taking your freedom but this stupid idea is going to endanger the lives of the entire party. 9. ", (Chaotic Good) "You're right, Tristian. Both curses worked, but it was not the well that gave them the strength. ", "If they come crashing down on our heads, at least the world will be saved from your sense of humor. ", "I'm sick and tired of your empty talk. ", "I won't let anyone harm those who are dear to me. ", "I won't leave you. ", "Are you out of your mind? 8. When talking to Reg, choose the "What is your relationship with Octavia option" and pick all the options. After the King retires to destroy our kingdom, it will be possible to discuss the situation with Nyrissa. Credit for this guide goes to FreeSergey, as well as to prototype00 (translation), both of which have generously provided it with permission. 2.2. ", [Pull away] "Since you brought it up It's true I've already endured this for too long. ", (Chaotic Neutral) [Remove the shackles] "No one has the right to put you in chains. And now you shall pay the trade tax two thirds of all you've made from trade on MY lands. Say "I think I scared you during the conversation in my chambers. ", "Stop this right now, both of you! ", [Attack] "You've picked the wrong tone to speak with the {baron/baroness/king/queen}. Deal? They probably wanted to discourage shippers for a Nenio romance route ("In order to win her heart you . All that matters is you're alive. ", [Take Tristian by the hand] "And yet the answers you seek cannot be found on the pages of a book. ", (Chaotic Good) "I'll let you go this one time. ", "Our romance was a mistake. You'll get a tavern scene with her. However, it's most important for romances as too low of an approval will cut off access from important scenes necessary to continue the romance. You certainly wouldn't be the strangest thing in my lands. During Troll Trouble, I did the Chaotic Good option of freeing the troll (Note that here is what made Octavia want to bang me). ", (Neutral Good) "You can't use a living creature as a target even an enemy. Now that we have put our hope in Nyrissa, the Lantern King will have a surprise waiting for us in front of our throne room. Everything Regongar does, he's doing it for you with all his heart. Die, monster! ", "Dugath is right, you're teasing me on purpose. Its longitude from north to south is 130 km, from east to west - 300 km. The important dialogues are only the ones directly related to companion him/herself. I want us to get to know each other better. Take it, it's yours. For this you need to be: 2.1. ", Talk to Kanerah after talking to Kalikke. Rest inside a map with Kalikke in your party. In the dream, we finally find out what happened to Nyrissa (although we could already see some scraps of this history during the Season of Bloom). then "Did you understand" then "Are you upset", then "What can we do now. ", [Diplomacy 18] "Maegar, we should get rid of the centaurs and the cultists too. After using the disc Kalikke option of "It was a joke, but I'll be glad if you hugged me someday" has the same effect as the hug option romance-wise. ", When Kanerah asks you to keep the romance a secret, agree to keep it a secret with "Fine. First time playing, don't care about spoilers. Cookie Notice To find the Eye, she dispatches the Numerian Barbarians led by her little wolf Armag and her Faceless Sisters. Talk to Kalikke afterwards. ", (Neutral) "I'll let him continue his experiments, but only because you insist. The options you choose don't matter. ", (Lawful Neutral) "Well-played. The horns and the tail. ", "I will leave you alone with your thoughts. Since you choose the CG option, him dying really doesn't matter. ", "Reg, I appreciate your help, but would you please stop robbing people while I'm trying to talk to them? Another stunt like this, and I'll start thinking about whether or not that's true. If you just want to romance one twin, choose CG for Kalikke or LE for Kanerah during the Forefather quest (though this will give a bad ending for the other twin). ", (Lawful Good) "Now you're trying to bribe me? Let's hear her squeal. and our You can begin her romance either during dialogue when entering, "Will you tell me about your life in slavery? ", (Chaotic Neutral) "Why not? ", [Requires Lawful] "It's easy to do good when someone else is paying for it! And no, Kalikke won't bang you until after the end of the game. For those who want to do it themselves and are looking only for a general direction - I will give a brief description without details in the first section of this guide. Your choice Video for the romance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzFYB8rmdSo 283 70 comments Add a Comment ", (Neutral Evil) "You heard him, Dalton. I don't know how, but in ten minutes you'll be ready to go. You're as beautiful as you are dangerous. It was for puns like that! It's over. The money you've collected will serve better in the treasury. Backstory special abilities Call Forth Kanerah Kalikke spends a standard action to disappear into the sisters' demiplane, and Kanerah takes her place. Basically, choosing the Chaotic Good (CG) option breaks up with Kanerah and gets her bad ending, and choosing the Lawful Evil (LE) option breaks up with Kalikke and gets her bad ending. ", "You always try to find something in words that can't be described. Probably, the Everblooming Flower was not the result of a curse, but a tool for fulfilling its conditions. ", "It breaks my heart to see what this curse turned you into, in the end", (Lawful Evil) "You messed with an enemy more powerful than yourself. Let things remain as they are. Show more Pathfinder: Kingmaker. ", [Buy a sword for Valerie] "I want you to always smile like you are now. That means you can't afford to solve conflicts without a second thought, or rush into fights without first weighing the odds. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As usual, the actual magic in the curse was amplified quite a bit. ", (Chaotic Good) [Heal the barbarian] "It's not yet your time. That will help get the Tieflings earlier and with completing the Sweet Teeth tasks later. OTHERWISE, YOU'LL LOSE THE SWEET TEETH QUESTS, To complete the Sweet Teeth quests, you'll have to send them to different locations. ", then "Linzi thinks your concerned about your scar", then "Let yourself grieve for what you lost." ", "Well, now everything is clear. ", "Yes. Octavia and I are very close." ", [Intimidate 22] "Get out, before I bury you all here! I'm not going to stalk you like your admirers. During it, you can further improve the attitude of Nyrissa. In the next scene, if you have a good alignment, you will then have access to an option that will allow you to penetrate to a deeper level of Nyrissas dream. For instance, making a lot of choices Octavia likes in the early game means you can straight up already have sex with her around right after Troll Trouble as opposed to much later. ", "It's naive to believe that a ruler of such savage lands could be a pacifist. "Octavia, what are you doing? Thank you! ", (Neutral Good) [Intimidate 23] "This isn't the first time you've tried to speak reasonably with me, Akiros. 10. Choose "Why did you choose to remain in my lands" then "You can rely on me. ", "If you keep acting like this maybe I will. ", "What if I'm ready to sacrifice the kingdom for you? ", "Now I'm sorry I haven't gotten anything for you. ", (Neutral Evil) "And you've been hiding these potions from me all this time?! ", (Neutral Evil) "I see you're a little dumb. Set him free. ", "You know, you should find someone else for these high-flown conversations. But I can't stop taking care of you. ", "Our romance was a mistake. Also ends romance with, Advance Romance to Stage 3 and set CounterValue to 65. The best part in fact: her Love. In order to get the BEST ending where you date both sisters, you must choose the NEUTRAL option to fight the Soul Eater. In Sorrowflow, choose to free the water elementals by having Kalikke blast the flames with Water Blast, When Kanerah comes out, eventually choose "I'm a baron of many talents", When talking to Kanerah about the disk, what option you choose doesn't really matter that much (I choose to LE let the water elementals get killed for me and it was kinda funny), Let Kanerah take the disk. Most importantly and forever. I wouldn't have anyone else beside me! Find and open player.json file with any text file viewer. To be honest, I have no interest in continuing our relationship at all. But keep watch for me! Ideally, this should give you enough points to get the tavern scene or the 3 rest conversations if you didn't get them before. Could you do a Octavia guide without Regongar? Nita and Dorsey themselves somehow led them into action, although none of them was a magician or priest. The Lost Prince will agree to help just like that. This stage is crucial for obtaining the relationship necessary for The True Ending and mistakes at this stage can make it impossible to achieve it. ", (Chaotic Neutral) [Attack] "The King of Pitax will pit you against his neighbors probably, against me as well. ", (Chaotic Good) "Trolls are sentient beings, not cattle to be bought and sold. We'll find a way to deal with that devil. Those who once saw you as a leader, not some miserable jester? ", "Steamy nights, of course. ", If you don't get this scene after the merchant flirt, keep having sex with Kanerah by choosing "Alone Time" with her. I hope you feel the same about me. You will have to plan this process because it will take up almost the entire game. ", "Valerie, I'm sorry. ", [Diplomacy 28] "Cultists, liars, rebels You can't believe anyone in this rotten village. Say "Of course. When you meet him again, choose the CG option to spare him, Bring Octavia with you to the hunter's lodge when the monster hunting quest starts. Our research suggests that willingness may be the key to this mystery. If so, then it must be an incredibly ancient family curse - so ancient that time erased any traces of magic. You'll gain a new chance at life and a reliable ally. I can't take it any more. When talking to Tristian, show mercy and emphasize the importance of the fight against evil and good in the world. How about I let you build your kingdom inside my barony, as my vassal. Will I ever see you again? 13. Basically, choosing the CG breaks up with Kanerah and gets her bad end, and choosing the LE option breaks up with Kalikke and gets her bad end. Choose to with side with the Kobolds or, if any Neutral, don't interfere. Bartholomew, do as she says. It's better if we put an end to this. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. You'll have to romance her sister first. Right now! I'm sorry, but we have to kill them. I love you. Jenna Tannersen (45 days and 125 Build Points)This case finally confirms that there is a powerful power hidden in the words: even a person who is completely incapable of magic can curse and not even realizing what she is doing. ", (Neutral Good) "Leave now. You are a true friend, who I can trust with my life. Further narration takes place in the book episode. In the capital, when you are invited to Nyrissas Verdant Chambers for a reward5. ", "The only thing that seems to have left you is your mind! Or was every single sound a lie, and that dreamy nymph I struggled to help a mere mask? ", (Chaotic Neutral) "Leave these lands immediately. I'll smash you against the walls! Their impact on the life of the victim can be incredibly destructive, but the source of the power that feeds this effect is still not known to scientists. Although there is always a cheat option to edit save game files or use Bag of Tricks mod. The image Nyrissa projects is that of the Keeper of Flowers: a image of who she was before she was cursed. ", "No. Since then Nyrissa has been trying to find and return it to herself, but to no avail. Talk to Kanerah and Kalikke about the Forefather. ", then "You know I'm always here to support you.". Well versed in curses. This will close the path to the True Ending. The {barony/kingdom} has been lacking manpower recently. If you fail the check, you will have to re-load this moment again. This may be an allusion to the nature of her own curse. For the rest, below you'll find a detailed description of all steps. ", "Too strange. ", [Attack] "I will not forgive your betrayal! You can romance him together with Octavia. In the village where you get Nok Nok, I recruited Nok Nok but choose to kill the rest of the goblins, I choose to save Kesten and went to the Womb. ", "I understand. Since I already killed one Stag Lord, what's to keep me from killing another? Make sure to spell buff properly and ensure none of them die. Do not have completed Romances with any other Parties (Octavia, Valerie, Tristian, Regongar). Valerie can be romanced by male characters only. (If you have Reg, he'll explain why Octavia is cucking you. I would have never". Kalikke will. When Kanerah talks to you, say "Tell me the truth, Kanerah", then choose "I just want you to know-I really like you", After Kanerah runs away, talk to Kalikke and say "I wanted to alk about a personal matter regarding your sister" then choose "Forgive me if my words offend you, but I like you and your sister", then "So what do you propose I do." His romance is split in 5 stages: [1;59], [60;60], [65;65], [70;100], [100;100], To advance to second stage you need to enter. The basics are she likes it when you are as Chaotic and Good as possible, it's pretty much required to bring her in your party for most of the game. ", (Lawful Good) [Break the whip] "This thing is detestable, unrighteous and disgusting. How would we survive if we didn't support each other? This is a precious gift. Note that this is the point where the Tiefling Twins can diverge drastically. Your response doesn't matter. Don't know why people downvote you , but here you go (obviously its not very spoiler free): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1587659146. In another camp scene where Valerie talks about her past, say "I'm sorry that happened to you", then "You haven't met any gallant gentlemen", then "By inquiring about the wishes of the gallant dame". We have nothing to talk about.". But first, tell me how does it feel to be the sole reason for the deaths of your family, your friends, and all of your kin? Important: YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL THE SWEET TEETH QUESTS BEFORE DOING THE FOREFATHER MISSION. This option requires verification. The main thing to understand is that in order to curse someone, you need to know his real, deep essence, what determines his being. ", "It's a relief that you mentioned it first. If you've decided to end things, then so be it. 20 Kalikke probably wont get you any romance. It seems that the only thing that has changed is his attitude - he realized that his condition can be both a source of evil and a source of good. I don't care about your feelings. Afterwards, pass the Kalikke bluff check to say "Give a hug to the baron", and then say "I'm perfectly comfortable. Choose the option " Tell me, what made you stay here after we found your relic", then choose "I won't let anyone hurt you", Talk to Kalikke. Just don't forget to pay your taxes. In the future, everything will proceed as usual, and sooner or later we will remove The Briar from the cooling corpse of Irovetti. ", "Was there a single word of truth in anything you told me earlier? Don't finish Troll Trouble immediately. ", "Octavia, what do you think you're doing?! When the twins talk to you about romance, THE NEUTRAL BEST END PATH MEANS YOU MUST CHOOSE TO DATE BOTH OF THEM. I'll make it up to you, I promise. ", When Kanerah asks you to keep the romance a secret, agree to keep it a secret with "Fine. ", Advance romance to Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 60, Advance romance to Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 60. Making choices a companion likes will make it easier to romance a companion and easier to get romance scenes sooner. If you are romancing Kanerah and just shared time with her, you will need to leave the house and reenter before you can speak with her. I can't abandon my {barony/kingdom} and all my friends! ", "Reg, these are our allies. Starting Equipment The Briar (120 days and 500 Build Points)All the information we have suggests that The Briar is closely connected with Nyrissa, and also with the emotions of love, affection and passion. ", (Neutral Evil) "So, the driving force of all your ambitions and goals was just pride? For once in your life, can you just keep your stupid jokes to yourself? When she gets mad, choose "Thank you for your honesty". The period of friendly relations with the nymph: from the first meeting at midnight during a restless night at Olegs Trading post to the betrayal in the Verdant Chambers. ", (Neutral Evil) [Attack] "You will bleed, dirty scum! ", "That's out of the question. Choose "I'd think you can find at least one" then "I definitely do not count modesty", then "I'd gladly accept the invitation. [ Attack ] `` get out, before I bury you all here I promise the. 'S to keep it a secret with `` Fine that dreamy nymph I struggled to help just like that Twins... Kanerah after talking to Tristian, Regongar ) and set CounterValue to 60, romance. 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