Simply use the CLEO Heavy Sniper to kill the screamer, and you'll unlock: You killed a screamer with a CLEO heavy sniper rifle. so i'm not unlocking anything anymore, most games i can't get past wave 5 because team mates are using up all the ammo and whatever, but even getting the unlock for wave 3, i only get 50 prestige points, because teh unlocking stuff works by tiers, theres only so much stuff you can unlock at wave 3 that does not appear in the other waves, theres specific things you can only unlock at wave 5, and at wave 7 theres a few things you can unlock only there, so if you play enough times to wave 5, you can unlock all the rewards of wave 3 and 5, but never the wave 7 ones, once you do all you will get is extra prestige from the end of waves. Once you have unlocked everything there is to unlock you can continue to play Daybreak for prestige points to spend in the story for various things from the prestige trader. Sticky Grenade (Daybreak) You keep what you unlock for daybreak as a selection of starting equipment. You must defeat all 7 waves in one go while keeping the Technician alive in order to win. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. If purchased the game on Steam or Epic Games store I cant guarantee this guide will work. A reward screen will pop up showing all that you & your team has accomplished during the night as well as showing you what you have unlocked. And with that, you're FINALLY DONE! CLEO Machine Pistol (Daybreak)31.) CLEO Tumbler (State of Decay) The game will let you know when you have reached a reward. Now its up to you to gather survivors, scavenge for resources, and build a community in a post-apocalyptic world a world where you define what it means to survive the ultimate zombie apocalypse simulation. Do this 12 times to unlock the achievement (it doesn't have to be the same match, it goes across matches). Shotguns are much less effective than Blast Rifles, but if your teammates hopefully will still have special ammo and you should be ok. Feel free to use up all of your explosives on this round as well, as Wave 7 is much easier than this round. Deployable Pyro Minefield (State of Decay) You will be rewarded with prestige based on the number of zombies the entire team put to rest along with all 3 unlocks achievable for a single play through. To play Daybreak, select it on the main menu and then work with your team to survive the seven waves of zombies trying to attack your technician. Nevertheless, thanks for the confirmation, Aesyle! Hey guys, can anyone tell me if this still works? To what they were when you first began the game. It has been tested on PC and will work for XBOX if the Host has it installed. Should a feral get to your technician, the back position person is in charge of climbing over the wall, into the base and killing it (though this problem happens extremely infrequently once your minefields go up). But how do you know which one is which before a match? Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. You will be doing this a lot, especially early in the game, so you'll unlock this very early in your Daybreak career. Explosive Fuel Trap (Campaign)28.) There are 3 tiers of items that can be unlocked. So rest assured that if you die in Daybreak you fortunately didn't in fact get your community member(s) killed. Is there a way to do this w/o dealing with discord? I havent played SoD2 in a few months so Im not really keeping track of the community editor anymore, but I saw another comment walking Redditors through how to make these same changes in the game files directly. 343 waves is a LOT of waves, and you will probably be done with everything else after roughly 200 waves, so you have a LONG way to go to finish this DLC. Select Deployable [Pyro] Mines as your Explosive choice. My suggestion this round is to use blast rifle ammo liberally, and shoot for the legs of regular and helmeted zombies wherever you can (legless zombies can be insta-killed, move much slower, and cannot grapple you). Nothing in this round should cause you any pain (ferals are insta-killed by your minefield, bloaters can be shot at a distance). Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Follow me for a second here - for achievement hunting in Daybreak, we really have two long-term goals: first, play 343 waves of Daybreak (easy enough to grind) and second, to unlock all the loot available in this mode (tied to several achievements). Again, your only real worry is to run out of special ammo, but if you've been collecting ammo between rounds you should be ok. Select State of Decay 2 and then select Uninstall. And by this time, you should be an expert at taking juggernauts down! CLEO Greathammer (Daybreak)20.) Explosive Fuel Trap (Daybreak)13.) Doing this, you will unlock: You achieved victory in a session of Daybreak after collecting 25 CLEO drops. So, remember all that work you did putting together a solid team? 4. Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? Unlockable items include a number of unique Daybreak weapons, Red Talon facility prefabs for story mode such as a workshop 3 that allows your stored weapons to be passively (slowly) repaired over time, a new watchtower, and new explosive devices including quick deploy minefields, grenades & more. CLEO Accelerator (State of Decay) State of Decay 2 offers crossplay functionality. It was released on December 9th, 2018. This challenge runs from June 21 to July 11. Wave 5: Two blood juggs and MASSIVE amounts of helmeted zombies. Most of the available items wont even show up in the shop menu until you have unlocked them by playing Daybreak. It will be in the same box where you view your influence. Wave 2: More Normal Zombies, More Bloaters, More Ferals, Armoured Zombies. From here on in, it's repeating the same strategies as listed above, but to spice things up a bit, we can also work on a few other achievements during your long Daybreak slog. With co-op multiplayer support, you can visit your friends' communities and help them through a tough spot, bringing back rewards for your own communities later. CLEO Heavy Sniper (State of Decay) If playing in a team of two, simply follow the guide below as written, but with one player on each "side" rather than two. Both weapons use CLEO Ammo. As well, fix any walls that are starting to break and heal your technician to full if you can, as the next round is a doozy. Points are accrued in a variety of ways, such as completing daily challenges, purchasing items from the Microsoft store, and of course, playing games. Same as Wave 1, but with more normal and special zombies, with some armoured zombies peppered in. This may make it slightly easier to get, depending on your bots (see Notes on Bots below). State of Decay 2 Daybreak Rewards List The unlocks for Daybreak mode work in a pretty straight forward way; every time you reach Wave 3, 5 and 7 you unlock something. Click on the File icon on the top right of your screen, save, and exit. Since youre likely own only one copy of the game youll likely only see one profile to select. When playing the game solo or with two people, you're going to have bots on your team. It is vital to retrieve and loot these resupply containers after every wave. State of Decay 2 Community Skills Below are skills that directly affect the ability to create certain facilities or items, or perform certain actions within your home base. For a limited time, you can do exactly that, thanks to our partnership with the Rewards team, in celebration of the new update! Any player including yourself can loot this drop bag and it will stay on the ground until it is fully looted. CLEO Sharpshooter Rifle (Daybreak) Maybe your friend has played and unlocked stuff before the update? Or on to Heartland! Wanted to show all the unlocks with their descriptions for people to read and decid. Travel with us through the zombie apocalypse. 5. Daybreak Pack introduces a brand-new game mode of co-op siege defense to State of Decay 2. 3. If there is, its not nearly as easy. As for where you should generally fight, I found it best to split into two teams, one for the right three walls and one for the left three walls. CLEO Heavy Sniper (Daybreak) 6. 2023 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. This "unlocked" equipment can be selected from a pre-match weapon selection screen just before the game begins after selecting "Play Again? State of Decay 2 offers crossplay functionality. 13. Your bots will stay within the base, but you need to be outside as much as possible until the walls start coming down. CLEO Shotgun (Daybreak)14.) You can get more prestige reward in Daybreak Mode. 8. This guide requires that you own Daybreak. And 1 hour after I've completed it I heard about the Community Editor. anoying as hell when you ever only get triggerhappy idiots with the strategic layer sense of a coffee machine and never can finish wave 5, leading in 100 extra prestige reward for wave 3 each time. You will need BOTH of your bots to have rifles instead of shotguns (if any start with shotguns, reset the game, see Notes on Bots below as to why). Remember the counts, and don't miss any. community members have thanked the author. CLEO Longblade (State of Decay) You'll need 23,878 prestige in total to buy all Daybreak loot, but only need 5000 prestige to unlock all the cumulative prestige achievements. Next up, is to complete Wave 7 without a single wall breaking down. Long. Game details. 25. Within here, you can do three things, "Call the Trader" (free), Recruit Red Talon Operative (2250 prestige points) and Recruit Red Talon Soldier (2250 points). In summary, the rifle bot can shoot further, shoot more often, and do more damage per shot than a shotgun bot, all while keeping hoards away from the walls. Finally, once you unlock the very last item in Daybreak, call the Prestige Trader one last time and buy the CLEO Core (a whopping 4000 prestige!). All Rights Reserved. You can subsequently save and quit or continue playing on PC. Its easier and faster than grinding through only getting 1,2, or possibly no rewards, but if you are able to do this you should. Following the strategy listed above, this round should be very easy. Wave 4: Everything from before, plus a Blood Juggernaut. State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition is an improved version of the popular zombie survival game that's been redesigned as a new experience for first-time players, yet with new content for veteran survivors. Achievement51.) Wave 3: Everything from before, plus a Juggernaut at the end. If you've picked up explosives from the CLEO drops up to this point, use these liberally too on both the juggernauts and the armoured zombies - the faster you take out a juggernaut, the more time you have to knock out the swarm of helmeted zombies. Turn on your flashlight (press in ) and head over to the bots. CLEO Shotgun (State of Decay) Doing this will unlock: You reached the fifth wave in a session of Daybreak without any player using explosives. State of Decay 2. close. I played a game of this last night and it bugged out and unlocked all the daybreak weapons when I was about a third of the way through. Ive put in enough time to get to the final ten unlocks legitimately and I simply couldnt play anymore. Use the following link to the SoD2 Modding Community Discord: and go the #editor-download channel to, well, download the editor. In the save editor search for Progress, Progress 1, Progress 2 these are the daybreak unlocks. 2. If you have a solid team, you may get this faster, as completing later waves rewards a lot more prestige than failing out at Wave 4 or 5. 14. Prestige currently caps at 99,999 points. The second person on the team will be positioned on the street behind the forward person (and possibly off to the side a bit). After that, CLEO will drop air support containers to aid you in your survival. There are a lot of cumulative achievements that will come naturally during gameplay, assuming you're doing a bit of everything during matches. State of Decay: CLEO (Computerized Logistics for Executive Operations) is a secretive military or paramilitary artificial intelligence which appears in State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition, and State of Decay 2. BONUS: Complete both of the above (earn any one achievement and rent any movie) for an additional 500 points. Alternatively, you can take the Heavy Sniper, which makes extremely short work of Juggernauts and helmeted zombies - the negative though is that its not good for horde clear and needs to be aimed better to be effective. Now head out into the map and look for a screamer. Prefab: Red Talon Bunkroom (State of Decay), 1. Red Talon Basic Training. CLEO Core (State of Decay). Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. CLEO Shotgun (Daybreak) Given though that these prefabs are pretty awesome (see the Building Tips section of the guide for details), you'll want to invest in many of these Prefabs during each of your playthroughs anyway. CLEO SMG (State of Decay) Explosive Fuel Trap (Daybreak) You should get this around 50 completed waves of Daybreak, give or take a few (and assuming you fail a lot of your initial matches). If you thought that it gets boring and tedious after about 5 games yea, you will have about 70-90 more to go. This mod is by Heilos, it makes daybreak finish instantly with unlocks. Best strategy for the juggernaut is to shoot it in the head repeatedly until it kneels, then do an instant takedown on it ( + ). The juggernauts tend to come from one side more frequently than the other, so feel free to move you, back-positioned people, both over to the overwhelmed side. Movie night! Of the two, the rifle bot is far superior, and if you're going for the 'I Was All By Myself' achievement or doing any of the other higher Wave achievements, you'll want rifle bots over shotgun bots. They can intercept zombies early, kill them earlier, and spot and kill bloaters earlier. If you're in a complete hurry, you can also blast their head while they're down for a faster takedown (though this uses up ammo). You'll see Helios' PayPal link on the channel too. Therein, you have to get to each and every container after every round, changing the light from green to amber by opening it. For the next achievement, you'll have to purchase four different items from the Prestige Trader. And for wave 7 rewards, you need to have unlocked wave 3 and wave 5 rewards. Games. At this point, you should have energy pills, so this shouldn't be a problem. If you don't, it's a shotgun. I didn't know this about wave specific rewards, it sounds extremely grindy.. Not exactly cheat - mod "Instant Daybreak". The bots will get you through Wave 1 and Wave 2 just fine, but will fail on Wave 3. Notice that I used the word "your" and not the article "the", as the count will begin when you personally join the game. Even if you join in Daybreak using your radio command during story. CLEO Battle Axe (Daybreak) NOTE: Alternative in our "optimum setup" described below27.) If you havent downloaded the game onto a PC you should do so now. You will have approximately 2 mins. Use explosives and ammo very liberally in wave 5 as you don't need them for wave 6 and 7. CLEO Blast Rifle (Campaign)42.) Upon defeating all 7 waves and successfully surviving until daybreak completes the mission. According to what I found those are all tier 3 rewards. Wave 5 is by far the hardest wave in the match, bar none. Here is the order of items you will unlock by completing the below rounds. So, if you join in on round six of a Daybreak match, you can only do two rounds of play, and thus cannot unlock any loot. You don't start unlocking anything from the Wave 5 column until you've unlocked every item from the Wave 3 column. i chnaged the number to 25, saved then reloaded and changed to 17, etc for 9 but only get the first few unlocks. Remote Grenade (Daybreak) I hate how new era of gamers are just ruining everything we were taught from. Wave 1: Normal Zombies, Bloaters, Ferals. 7. All Rights Reserved. It's also fairly effective on helmeted zombies. 10. The only real difficult part is the Juggernaut at the end of Wave 3, though you should be able to take him (her? 17. Jpbott25 August 23, 2022 22:24; keep reward list coming at unlock one . CLEO Battle Axe (State of Decay) Deployable Pyro Minefield (Campaign)45.) 3. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Valve Corporation. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Bring a car, as they're all extremely heavy. Use this gun for the first three rounds (thus conserving special ammo). You dont want to risk an interfering internet connection from the Xbox disrupt the sync when youre making changes using the PC version of the game, Damn, I'm game sharing with my brother so I don't own the actual game :(. First, take turns being the host with your team (or start a game yourself and allow randoms to join you) to unlock: You played Daybreak as host with another human being. It does high damage, especially close up, and can be used to take Juggernauts out quickly. CLEO Assault Shotgun (Campaign)47.) 18. Depending on your survivability, you will earn a vast array of unlockable items. Sticky Grenade (Daybreak)8.) Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). You can only get as far as red talon bunk room in the first tier (wave 3). Drop both sets of mines in their usual spots to the front-right and front-left of the technician. While there is no achievement for unlocking every item, unfortunately, a lot of achievements are tied to items later in the list, including item 51 of 51. You don't want to use any special ammo in the first three rounds. You survived 343 total zombie waves in Daybreak. Welcome to the make or break round of the game! Its that easy! To do this simply do not deploy a minefield or throw any grenades at all until this wave. The first 2 waves must be done with what you have on hand and what's in the boxes in the back. keep reward list coming at unlock one. For close encounters, you can carry a machete, baseball bat, or even a massive sledgehammer. These Red Talon soldiers are considered completely different and separate people from your community in a completely different area. When you first load in, there will be a heavily damaged wall that will need to be repaired with a repair kit that every player starts with in their inventory. It has been tested on PC and will work for XBOX if the Host has it installed. CLEO Machine Pistol (Daybreak) Explosive Fuel Trap (State of Decay) Items tied to achievement are emboldened. 21. You'll get this after about 4-6 hours of play. Makes daybreak finish instantly with unlocks. 12. Immerse yourself in the story-driven narrative of Heartland, or defend yourself against a time-critical zombie siege in pulse-pounding Daybreak! CLEO Tumbler (Campaign)23.) Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This counts double as earlier Daybreak rounds go faster than later Daybreak rounds. Deployable Pyro Minefield (Daybreak) NOTE: Used in our "optimum setup" described below29.) CLEO Accelerator (Campaign)39.) Send him a donation for being so helpful. Here is the order of items you will unlock by completing the below rounds. Seasonal weapon packs cycle monthly, so you can always find something new for your arsenal. To do this go to the back of the technician while they are preparing the device and use the button prompt. CLEO SMG (Campaign)37.) State of Decay 2 video (SoD2), we take a look at an easy guide on how to solo Daybreak in State Of Decay 2 with strategies and tips on how to win!.Subscribe . It's a giant parade of juggernauts, but much, much less of other zombie types. ALL REWARDS UNLOCKED | DAYBREAK DLC | STATE OF DECAY 2 16,230 views Jan 13, 2019 178 Dislike Share Save Studio H 15.1K subscribers After owning the DLC for months, I have finally unlocked. Work's on multiplayer! To start, you'll need to recruit either Red Talon Operatives or Red Talon Soldiers a total of four times (this does not have to be in the same campaign, as you're allowed to span across multiple campaigns). Thank you for making this guide! State of Decay 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details Rivet Head Mar 26, 2020 @ 6:34pm daybreak rewards so i'm not unlocking anything anymore, most games i can't get past wave 5 because team mates are using up all the ammo and whatever, but even getting the unlock for wave 3, i only get 50 prestige points it their a reason why it's doing this Bonus Content for State of Decay 2: Daybreak Pack Xbox Game Studios Action & adventure MATURE 17+ Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Intense Violence Users Interact This content requires a game (sold separately). Instead, grab a team of two or four, start a match, then just hang out in the back of the base. videogame_asset My games. Sticky Grenade (State of Decay) If you survived this far in your first match, I'm sure you will have unlocked this achievement at the end of the match: You earned a total of 500 Prestige playing Daybreak. You unlock everything in the Wave 3 column first, then everything in the Wave 5 column followed by everything in the Wave 7 column. So if you play and die wave 6 you get 2 unlocks in order down the list. You do not have to purchase all four of these Prefab items all in the same campaign - you can spread purchase out among several campaigns. Many more armoured zombies this round, so be prepared to handle them. 24. 2023 Microsoft Corporation. This way, you can fight zombies well before they get close to the defensive wall. If youre doing this to update an Xbox copy of the game youll should start by shutting off your console by holding the power button and downloading the game on PC. You healed the technician 12 times in Daybreak. Learn more about what youll face, and how to take them down! Same strategy as before, though you'll encounter your first Juggernaut at the end of this round. The reason for this is the MASSIVE amount of helmeted zombies that will storm to your base, where you can easily get overwhelmed by them and your walls can fall in an instant (usually while you're distracted by a Blood Jugg). (NOTE: 0b1111 is 15 in binary. CLEO Core (Campaign) NOTE: Used in the Cargo Cult Achievement. Really, the big danger here is running out of special ammo - if that happens, grab a shotgun and shotgun ammo from the street and use this instead. Their job is to catch any zombies that make it past the forward position. On start of a Daybreak match, you'll be able to select a melee weapon, a ranged weapon and an explosive. CLEO Greathammer (Daybreak) 22. More Daybreak Prestige Reward at State of Decay 2 - Nexus mods and community All games State of Decay 2 Mods Gameplay More Daybreak Prestige Reward More Daybreak Prestige Reward Endorsements 78 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 11 February 2022 4:53AM Original upload 11 February 2022 4:53AM Every game of Daybreak can get you new unlockable items for your Campaign community or to start within Daybreak. I've played Daybreak so. Included with Juggernaut Edition are two standalone DLC game modes that offer unique experiences. Well, for this you will have to do back in one of your campaign games. 5. Help us fix it by posting in its. Blood Juggernauts have a slam attack that causes a massive rise in your blood plague meter (in this game type, if your meter hits 100% you die instantly. Mod published 'Better Daybreak Rewards' 28 Dec 2021, 12:44AM | Action by: HerrHuml. Once the round is over (and in all subsequent times between rounds), head out and collect all the useful items from the CLEO drops, especially special ammo and explosives. A short cinematic will play of your loss and you will have to start from wave 1 again with your starting equipment if you wish to try again. Do not hit Continue after the first match Press Left and then Enter after the score screen to exit. This will definitely be the last achievement you unlock in this game. There are two exceptions to this rule: first, repair kits should be dropped right in front of or behind each wall section, so someone can grab a kit and repair it quickly if needed. CLEO Pistol (Daybreak) Prefab: Officer Quarters (State of Decay) The first few weks in Red Talon is hell, but you come out the other end ready for anything. Your teammates can subsequently loot the drop once you've opened it). There is no more will to challenge, learn or conquer, just handing them everything on a silver platter. Online multiplayer on console requires Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or Xbox Live Gold (subscription sold separately). CLEO SMG (Daybreak)19.) You can use a medkit to clear blood plague but as medkits are rare, use them judiciously). If they have anything, you will not be able to purchase any of it until you have earned prestige points by playing Daybreak. After the community editor is running youll see buttons for which community you want to edit. Its not just the zombies you need to worry about! Prestige is needed for all of the daybreak related content. Prefab: Red Talon Workshop (Campaign) NOTE: Used in the Insourcing Achievement (3/4), 43.) Machine Guns are best for people in the "forward" position to quickly take out bloaters, and Shotgun are best for people in the "back position" to quickly clear overwhelmed walls. The following guide is written for a team of four players (aka the max number of players possible). 2023 Microsoft Corporation. Steam: C:\Users\'name'\AppData\Local\StateOfDecay2\Saved\Steam\'numbers'\'numbers'\Release\v2, for windows store should something like this not sure: C:\Users\'name'\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Dayton\SystemAppData\wgs, to edit the save use an online save editor, I use "saveeditonline". This is because bot accuracy is good, and since the rifle can shoot further and hit consistently, you get more damage output from the rifle than the shotgun. First and easiest is to get your technician killed during the first round. Take rifle bots. And last for prestige just search Prestige and change the value to what you want. This will reset the Microsoft Store cache and will not alter any existing games or apps installed.

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