Rising. Whenyou Dash in this way, attack rolls made against youhave disadvantage until the start of your next turn. Spirit Whispers. They begin spending time away from their family, treating their entire village (or smaller neighborhood in a larger settlement) as a sort of extended family. Such a bloodline holds its lineage in the highest regard. Bearfolk are predominantly good, mistrusting and shunning evil. The color gives a clue to the particular bearfolks heritage, but its not an exact indicator. noteworthy accomplishment of the persons life. Terrific blo +2d4 30 lbs. A few hopeful gnomes posit that as long as the Wormwood remains above them, they remain safe. When a creature attacks you with a sweep your opponents legs in an attempt to trip them.weapon, you may use your reaction to make an attack roll Make an attack roll against a Large or smaller creature. Goodman Games Original Adventures Reincarnated #5 - Castle Amber. On a failure, the creatureattack against a beast or a creature with an Intelligence becomes frightened of you for 1 minute.score of 2 or lower. Centaurs have a base speed of 40 feet. Choose one of them.and manipulating battlefield conditions through weather,controlling plants, and even shaping the earth itself. Ravenfolk can mimic any sound theyve heard.maybe a bit more when the pressures on. Large centaur hordes have smashed baronies and even small nations flat. Tough and ferocious grizzlehides are the original bearfolk stock native to the colder northern climes of Midgard, But this is where we must stop for now, my friend. If it fails, the can hear you, roll a d4; the result is added to or subtractedattacker drops the weapon it attacked with. Conversely, some dhampirs are born into bloodlines that deliberately cultivate their tainted nature. You no longer need to eat or drink, and Griffon knights swear an oath of allegiance to both theyou are immune to being frightened. Ability Score Increase. Beyond physical thievery, they They range from 4 feet to just shy of 6 feet tall. Constitution modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.MINOTAUR NAMES Labyrinth Sense. Once activated, it explodes at the end of that turn. dangers and golden treasures of the Northlands? On a failure, it is stunned until roll with your trident. You can speak, read, and write Common, and either Northern (if you hail from Midgard) or Umbral (if native to the Moonlit Glades). HIGH IN THE SADDLE FIGHTER: SHIELDBEARER At 3rd level, you gain advantage on saving throws and MARTIAL ARCHETYPE ability checks to avoid falling off your griffon. 5Trollkin 15 +1d8 Trollkin 4 ft. 10 in. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919TENETS OF RADIANCE Cleanse Corruption. Your horns are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. These are the god- Rife with magic and ancient secrets, but also riddledtotems of the dust goblins, and the mere sight of them with pitfalls for both body and soul, the Shadow Realm issometimes shakes the courage of great heroes. ), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, graphics, maps, sidebars, and trade dress. Ships from and sold by The Dragons Trove. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. The Empires most recent conquest is the Grand Duchyof Illyria, once called Land of a Thousand Heroes, despite THE SOUTHLANDSits sky militias of hippogriff riders and stout defendersin hills and mountains. Even those who dont venerate Mavros-Perunchecks while it, the target of its attack, or anything it is recognize and honor paladins sworn to his service. to more valuable (but dull) gold and silver coins.Darkvision. DEEP RESERVE Starting at 17th level, when you roll initiative and have no prowess remaining, you regain 2 prowess. They lack the bears sharp claws, but theyre as dextrous as any human craftsmans. Childrens limits of Kaanesh and its brutish inhabitants. Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (Limited Edition) n/a. Two-Weapon Fighting. +2d4 150 lbs. Shipments or supplies of The number of extra damage dice you gain increases bygrain and alcohol are their favorite targets. Their physiques tend toward great bulk greenery, and take pains not to disrupt the surrounding beneath shaggy fur. your normal proficiency bonus Bully. You have disadvantage on Stealth checksThis constant inebriation fuels more raids, fights, and because of your size and indelicate hooves. The feathers became ravenfolk, and they spreadacross the world as Wotans spies. This attack has advantage. In the desert heat the powder, and related materials, or to teachers who can train Southern dwarves shave their heads and wrap their beards them in their proper use. Once you gain the Extra Attack feature, you Sir Ectors Deadly Swoop. Your hide is thick and tough, grantingand even relatively minor physical altercations can you a natural AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier.inadvertently become serious. The target must make a Wisdom savingthrow or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn. Spellcasters favor turning the natural world against their foes with conjured beasts and manipulating battlefield conditions through weather, controlling plants, and even shaping the earth itself. Their physiques tend toward great bulk beneath shaggy fur. Where possible, they BEARFOLK TRAITSlove to incorporate existing caves and rock formationsinto their architecture. Humility in Life. Kobold Press At 20th level, you can take on the aspect of the thunder god. With our collaborative game design style, weve created a slew of award-winning roleplaying products. You can spend 1 additional prowess ability when attempting to track down a buyer or seller forto move through a single foes space without triggering an exotic equipment or magic items.opportunity attack from that creature. you. When the effect ends, the target feels repulsed by you and becomes hostile toward you until the next dawn, during which time it becomes immune to this effect. Listeners find themselves unconsciously giving weight toSpeed. YO been a long ass time sense i've posted anything figure i'd give y'all taste info about whats going on with the trove.is and our community (not the site owner but one of the community) so about 2 months ago the trove crashed and the community didn't have recent back ups well one of the community managed to mirror the site and get a copy of . hits, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated until the end of its next turn. A MYSTERY TO MORTALS Although a physically beautiful race, the shadow fey somehow combine the worst features of elves and goblins. GEARFORGED TRAITS Your gearforged character has certain characteristics in common with all other gearforged. This can be surprising or even annoying for nonbearfolk neighbors, who might discover a bearfolk child rooting through their pantry for a snack, inviting itself to dinner, or even adopting them as its new family temporarily. Tribes of Midgard is a new game in which players must resist the oncoming invasion of Giants during Ragnark. Drawing from elven lore and power, Greenleaf bards strengthen their connection to nature. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919RACES If you go longer than 24 hours without performing GNOLLS maintenance (you dont take a long rest), you gain one level of exhaustion. With that said, there are always exceptions to bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency every norm. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Your griffon obeys your commands to the best of its IMPROVED AERIAL COMBAT MASTERY ability, taking its turn on your initiative. A book club where the wanderers, travellers, and adventurers who peruse the shelves of The Trove gat DRACONIC RECOVERY At 10th level, when you finish a short rest, you can choose to tap into a reserve of draconic vitality. Stigmaformal occasions and when issuing challenges. They are a major force within the knightly Order of the White LionTurn the Corrupted. You must haveat least one hand free to take this action.Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919PIKE Blackjack. While they hold richand common sense, the elders become involved. Your email address will not be published. As an action, you may make a single Constitution saving throw. When you make a melee weapon attack The composite bows unique construction gives it an with a light hammer against a creature in medium or incredibly heavy draw, making it usable only by the heavy armor, you may choose to damage the joints of strongest archers. they take a human name (meaning, for the benefit of humans), it tends to follow the same pattern. Rodent Empathy. forgotten are all part of the cities, nations, and tribes of the Shadow Realm, always shifting, far more fickle than Stalking through the wastelands are strange, enormous human or dwarven kingdoms.Dread Walkers, creatures summoned by vile rituals andconstrained to move slowly in time. These days, most griffon riders areyou until the start of your next turn. To determine a charactersstarting height, roll the dice indicated in the Height Modifier column and add the result to the base height. did not already have it. If you want the griffon to attack, maneuver. Make an attack roll against a Large or smallerwhip around a creature or its weapon. For 1 hour, you have advantage on Charisma checks made against the target. In the Shadow fey resemble elves physically, with some end, only the gods know the true origin of the shadow striking differences. In addition, the extra damage die rolled when you must use your action to command the griffon to do using a maneuver becomes a d10. Most are used only for carrying high-value cargo or for urgent military matters.16 ELVES The elves are a people apart, as they are quick to remind others. and within themselves.Ability Score Increase. These maneuvers can also be used with dagger-like bladedHurling Impact. Though stillSword-dancers blur the line between warrior and courtier. led by a powerful Oracle, who has chained and imprisoned Nethus, the former god of the sea, and now uses his deific The Grand Duchy is a place where an adventurer with a powers for her own purposes. FAVORED ENEMY You must choose undead as your favored enemy type at 1st level. They were not the first settlers of the forests and fields, but they taught humans and dwarves and others the arts arcane and the art of civilization. +2d8 100 lbs. Warriors, Dancers, Lovers. You reducemercenary company, composed of roughly your exhaustion level by 1 every time you finish a long orhalf gearforged and half beings of flesh short rest, provided you have adequate food and drink.and blood. When you inflict damage with a finesse gear, regaining its balance, etc. If the result of your attackcreature or its adjacent ally can end the effect by spending roll exceeds your AC, use the attack roll in place of youran action to use a healers kit or to make a successful AC until the start of your next turn. 1Human 15 +2d6 Human 4 ft. 10 in. You have proficiency with the spear, shortbow, longbow, light crossbow, and heavy crossbow. As an action, you present your in that Amazonian nation. QUARTERSTAFF Shield Snare. You cant drink Everwound Springs. Before or another. leaner, weighing around 120 pounds. No wonder, a place where the land and its magic follow different rulesthen, that many of the great magical treasures of the than most places. BARD: GREENLEAF COLLEGE The Greenleaf College was founded by elfmarked who sought to record their varied heritage. This namebefits a deed undertaken during their rite of passage into Ability Score Increase. A hat, made of redcaps deceive, and intimidate with great aplomb. The two most common types of trollkin are night whispers and stonehides. DRACONIC FURY At 18th level, when you successfully Shove a creature with your Weapon Sweep, you also deal damage as if you hit the creature with your weapon.36 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Martial and Roguish CharactersFRIGHTFUL CHARGE FIGHTER: GRIFFON KNIGHT 37 MARTIAL ARCHETYPEStarting at 7th level, when you move atleast 20 feet and attack a creature, it must succeed The griffon riders of Zobeck were devastated during theon a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency fall of House Stross, so they now have only a shadow ofbonus + your Charisma modifier) or become frightened of their former glory. Bearfolk come of age in their late teens and live around 80 years. The bravest among themMale Names. personal freedom and respect for history and tradition, Others serve any powerful figure as scouts, saboteurs, and the majority of minotaurs fall into neutral alignments. Ammida, Bassara, Firnala, Imudeema,Lahga, Leezai, Rashij, Simdisa, Tazgizi, Tifalza Few dhampirs find solace with their undead forebears. The oldest tales say that the god Wotan the Rune Father Age. A creature hit by a dart coated with this (Stealth) check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. for some reason they ping .net, then reset to .is every time. race, or any number of other factors. They learn to keep the world at a distance to protect themselves become priests who venerate gods of light, or they vow to and their loved ones. You count as one size larger whenserious matters of wounded honor, that went a little too far. On a failure, the target falls prone.grapple a creature or escape a grapple, you may makea single attack with a short sword as a bonus action. Swim. number among its adherents.Each undead, or creature native to the Shadow Realm orwith levels of shadow corruption, that is within 30 feet of Paladins sworn to Thunder are even more reserved andyou and that can see or hear you must make a successful humble in daily life than other paladins. Size. The quick, resourceful, and precise duelist weapon or ammo does an additional 1d6 damage of the may look like an artist, but more often he or she is just chosen energy type on every successful hit. Staggering Shot. The aegis of Triolos fleet, coupled with the fact that a minotaur has recently risen to lead the Golden Council of Triolo, salves the bull-folk pride. Im bookmarking and will You can During a raid, centaurs take advantage of their speed, use this ability a number of times per day equal to yourmaneuverability, and skill in archery. Bearfolk come of age in their late teens and livewelcome. On a A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength failure, the targets speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach next turn. At the same time, kobolds tendto gnaw on tool handles, forget to oil blades, or even pryout inlays or decorative gems (to polish or reshape them)without first considering how theyll repair the damage.As a result, most kobold items are distinctive and unlikelyto be mistaken for anyone elses items. Fighters who emulate this archetype become one with their shields, bolstering AERIAL COMBAT MASTERY their defensive power and even turning it into a crushing weapon. The largest building in Midgard, the itself, the remains of the divine magic of a race of titans.Temple of Veles, is in Harkesh, the magnificent capital of The great ley line mages of the River Kingdom of Nuriathe Empire. Using this ability does not trigger WEAPON OPTIONS opportunity attacks. mercenaries and hedge knights, but a few still nobly defend the realm as members of the Order of the GriffonTAINT OF UNDEATH Knights. Cover of night, fog thick enough that rely on sight when you, the target of your to carve, and unfamiliar coastlines dont attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in phase the bull-folk. Each activate devices created with your Alchemical Talent or to time you learn a new technique, you can also replace one take the Use an Object action.

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